Which client are you using?

On 6 Apr 2017, at 12:48, ジョハンガル <gall.jo...@linecorp.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a simple question regarding FetchValue.Response/getValue, 
> FetchValue.Response/getValues and conflict resolution.
> In the documentation 
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/kv/2.2.3/developing/usage/conflict-resolution/
> the described sequence is: "fetch -> getValue -> modify -> store"
> does: "fetch -> getValues -> ... pick one ... -> modify -> store", work?

The context you get from a fetch is the one you should send back with the 
resolved value, whatever strategy you use to converge the sibling values into a 
single value (even “pick one”!)

You should check the docs for the client library you use whether it handles 
passing the context around “behind” the scenes for you or not.

> Is the causal context from the implicitly resolved object obtained from 
> getValue, the same than the causal context in the siblings recovered with 
> getValues?

Is there a client that implicitly resolves siblings via a call to “getValue”? 
Even if there is, I would hope and expect that it uses the same causal context 
as it fetched, and should therefore be the same as the one returned by 
”getValues”. If you let use know which client you use I could probably give a 
more certain answer.


> Best regards,
> Johan Gall
> ps: riak 2.1.4, buckets with types so by default DVV enabled, 
> com.basho.riak/riak-client "2.1.1" 
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