Re: Issues with partition distribution across nodes

2017-05-24 Thread Denis
ce this is somewhat a current topic on the > ML. > > On 24 May 2017, at 12:57, Denis Gudtsov wrote: > > > Hello > > > > We have 6-nodes cluster with ring size 128 configured. The problem is > that > > two partitions has replicas only on two nodes rather tha

Issues with partition distribution across nodes

2017-05-24 Thread Denis Gudtsov
Hello We have 6-nodes cluster with ring size 128 configured. The problem is that two partitions has replicas only on two nodes rather than three as required (n_val=3). We have tried several times to clean leveldb and ring directories and then rebuild cluster, but this issue is still present. How

Re: Search index partitioning in Riak-KV

2017-05-22 Thread Denis
Hello Fred Thank you very much for your explanation. I'm trying to understand how this scheme can work, but need some time... Let me come back to you after some time. Also you're referring to Ryan Zezeski slides, but i can't find it. Could you please share me link if you have it? Thank you. 2017

Search index partitioning in Riak-KV

2017-05-19 Thread Denis
Hello I'm trying to understand how Solr indexes are interact with Riak KV store. Let me explain a bit... The Riak uses sharding per vnode. Each physical node contains several vnodes and data stored there are indexed by Solr. As far as i understood, Solr is not clustered solution, i.e. Solr instanc

Re: Backup/restore progress/ETA?

2013-08-23 Thread Denis Zhdanov
. Backing up individual bitcask/ring directories and restoring with reip working like a charm, but require complete stop of testing cluster operations. With best regards, Denis. 2013/8/8 Guillermo > Having the same problem. Still running a restore of 2.7 gb. In my case is > 1M keys

Re: riak (1.3.1), increasing response times over time

2013-06-03 Thread Denis Zhdanov
Hi Stefan, Yes, we faced same issue after upgrade to 1.3.1. I made rolling restart today - and ... it's a magic - PUT time was dropped from 150 ms to 2 ms! - Thanks for pointing to right direction, I hope that will be fixed soon - it's not very comfortable

"Rebalancing" vnodes after changing replication factor

2013-05-29 Thread Denis Zhdanov
Hi All, As far as I know, before introducing Active Anti Enthropy (AAE) mechanism in Riak 1.3 changing of replication factor (number of replicas, N) was not recommended - it could cause "object not found" errors. Could I use setting notfound_ok = false to avoid these errors (and actually fix it us

Re: basho_bench's http raw client constantly crashes

2013-03-09 Thread Denis Zhdanov
2013/3/9 Steve Vinoski > Hi Denis, > > It looks like the raw HTTP driver currently lacks support for delete > operations. I've added it on this branch if you want to try it: > > > > --steve > Hi

basho_bench's http raw client constantly crashes

2013-03-05 Thread Denis Zhdanov
Hi All, Could someone answer is basho_bench's basho_bench_driver_http_raw driver working or not now? I'm trying to benchmark my Riak node using basho_bench, using basho_bench_driver_http_raw driver. But when i'm trying to run it all instances of basho_bench_driver_http_raw clients instantly crashe

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
RIAK does not make sense to compare with elevelDB, objective was to assess the cost of organizing the cluster. I was surprised by the difference in performance. I expected to order 20 000 put / sec. Perhaps, RIAK configured incorrect? With these results, you need at least 4 servers with RIAK to rep

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
I mean, this is equivalent to... :) Denis -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
},{delete, 1}] which means that out of every 9 operations, 'get' will be called four times, 'put' will called four times, and 'delete' will be called once, on average. % Run 80% gets, 20% puts {operations, [{get, 4}, {put, 1}]}. ======= De

Merge problems in multi-backend with bitcask...

2012-07-24 Thread Denis Barishev
xp_2month/176978713895539025251227460211737396911460581376/"]] in 1.768717 seconds. (riak@> 08:20:23.108 [info] Merged ["/var/lib/riak/kv_bitcask/exp_1day/1233142006497949337234359077604363797834693083136",[],["/var/lib/ri

Upgrade from 0.14 to 1.1 riak problems!

2012-05-29 Thread Denis Barishev
ontext shutdown PS. I tuned up all the limits and open ports values... Waiting for you help and thank you! Denis ___ riak-users mailing list

start_clean processes?

2011-12-26 Thread Denis Barishev
Hello! I've faced a problem recently. There are strange processes like ...start_clean which use 100% of CPU. My riak version is 0.14.2. Do you know what is it and what can be done with it? Thank you! ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.bas

Riak Search in python: how to extend into complex objects?

2011-09-13 Thread Denis Papathanasiou
I'm using the latest version of riak (0.14.2-1) with the riak-python-client (v. 1.3.0). I want to run the Riak Search example shown in the documentation (, but the json docs I've added to my bucket are more complex than the example. I.e., instead of

Riak Search in python: how to extend into complex objects?

2011-09-13 Thread Denis Papathanasiou
I'm using the latest version of riak (0.14.2-1) with the riak-python-client (v. 1.3.0). I want to run the Riak Search example shown in the documentation (, but the json docs I've added to my bucket are more complex than the example. I.e., instead of

Re: Joining running nodes should be in proper order?

2011-01-17 Thread Denis Titoruk
17.01.2011, в 16:49, Sean Cribbs написал(а): > It's best to use "riak-admin ringready" between joins to make sure all nodes > agree on the ring. It's possible that dev2 hadn't finished merging its ring > with dev1's yet. Even regardless of existing active handoff transfers? I mean should I wa