
We have 6-nodes cluster with ring size 128 configured. The problem is that
two partitions has replicas only on two nodes rather than three as required
(n_val=3). We have tried several times to clean leveldb and ring directories
and then rebuild cluster, but this issue is still present. 
How can we diagnose where the issue is and fix it? Is there any way how we
can assign partition to node manually? 

Please find output of member-status below and screen from riak control ring
[root@riak01 ~]# riak-admin  member-status
================================= Membership
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      17.2%      --      'riak@riak01.
valid      17.2%      --      'riak@riak02.
valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak03.
valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak04.
valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak05.
valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak06.
Valid:6 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0


Thank you.

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