dragonflybsd install

2010-05-10 Thread kg9020
Hello everybody I am installing riak on dragonflybsd and i get the following error cd: can't cd to /nsprpub Error code 2 make -C c_src failed with error: 1 gmake: compile Error 1 any ideas thanks art ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@list

Re: Re: Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread wde
do you have reference values by using an "in memory" storage backend for example, in order to clarify that the performance limit is related to the disk backend ? wde >A couple of quick questions for you Karsten that should help us get an idea >of what kind of issues you might be having. > >Ho

Re: Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Ryan Tilder
By "not yet a clustered" installation do you mean that each of the 4 OpenSolaris nodes isn't communicating with the others? --Ryan On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Stephan Maka wrote: > Mårten Gustafson wrote: > > It'd be interesting to see what numbers you get if your script sets R > > & W = 1

Re: Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Stephan Maka
Mårten Gustafson wrote: > It'd be interesting to see what numbers you get if your script sets R > & W = 1 > See: > http://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/REST+API#RESTAPI-Storeaneworexistingobjectwithakey That's only for the HTTP interface. Passing W=1 & DW=0 to riak_client:put/3 has no effect. Thi

Re: Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Ryan Tilder
A couple of quick questions for you Karsten that should help us get an idea of what kind of issues you might be having. How many physical hosts are you running the four OpenSolaris virtuals on? If they're all running on the same host and you don't have a pretty substantial RAID array backing thei

Re: Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Mårten Gustafson
It'd be interesting to see what numbers you get if your script sets R & W = 1 See: http://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/REST+API#RESTAPI-Storeaneworexistingobjectwithakey /Mårten On 10 maj 2010, at 17.36, Karsten Thygesen wrote: Hi I'm doing a small proof-of-concept and the goal is to st

Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Stephan Maka
(Sorry for breaking the thread, I just subscribed.) I am experiencing very low performance as well. I'm attaching a small benchmark script. Writing 32 KB chunks yields a much higher rate first, then disk activity starts after about 4 seconds and throughput is trashed to about 30-50 put/s. This is

Riak Recap for 5/7-5/9

2010-05-10 Thread Mark Phillips
Morning, Afternoon, Evening - It was an action-packed weekend: several new projects popped up, Sean Cribbs posted his preso from Red Dirt Ruby, Bitcask got some new flash, and more. Enjoy - Mark Mark Phillips Community Manager wiki.basho.com twitter.com/pharkmillups - Riak Recap for 5/7-5

Re: error parsing Link headers in node.js when getting a bucket

2010-05-10 Thread Rick Olson
Ah thanks, I didn't know about the keys=false option. I eventually found the key streaming feature an built it into my rial wrapper. The weird problems with link headers went away. On Monday, May 10, 2010, Sean Cribbs wrote: > Rick, > > If you don't want to list the keys when retrieving the buc

Performance of write requests?

2010-05-10 Thread Karsten Thygesen
Hi I'm doing a small proof-of-concept and the goal is to store about 250.000.000 records in a Riak cluster. Today, we have the data in MySQL, but we strive for better performance and we might even expect up to 5 times as mush data during the next couple of years. The data is denormalized and "d

Re: Erlang Map Reduce Example and Multiple Objects

2010-05-10 Thread Sean Cribbs
Ted, What you've simulated in your sequence is the creation of sibling objects. The example assumes the object only has a single value (no siblings) - which means it will only extract the first one, which is why you got only [{bread,2}]. Sean Cribbs Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc.

Erlang Map Reduce Example and Multiple Objects

2010-05-10 Thread Ted Karmel
Hi, I am following the Erlang Map Reduce example found here: https://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/MapReduce#MapReduce-MapReduceviatheErlangAPI I completed the example successfully with the intended result. But, initially, I received an unintended result when creating a separate object for each va

Re: Backuping a node or a cluster does not want to start, finally resolved.

2010-05-10 Thread Sean Cribbs
NFS would be one of many ways to export the backup off of the node. You can also specify a filename on the command line when running `riak-admin backup` if you want to put it somewhere other than data/. Sean Cribbs Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. http://basho.com/ On May 10, 2010,

Re: error parsing Link headers in node.js when getting a bucket

2010-05-10 Thread Sean Cribbs
Rick, If you don't want to list the keys when retrieving the bucket properties, pass the keys=false query string. When you have lots of keys, it's best to use keys=stream to retrieve them, which will prevent Riak from building a huge JSON object in memory. Instead, each chunk in the stream wil

Backuping a node or a cluster does not want to start, finally resolved.

2010-05-10 Thread Germain Maurice
Hi everybody, I have a two nodes cluster and i'm trying to backup it before making some tests. The backup process does not want to start, here is the error i'm getting : r...@couch1:~# riak-admin backup r...@ riak /reiser/riak-backup node Backing up (node 'r...@') to '/reis

error parsing Link headers in node.js when getting a bucket

2010-05-10 Thread Rick Olson
Hey guys, I enjoyed going through the Riak Fast Track, so I wrote a node.js library for it: http://techno-weenie.net/2010/5/10/rhodes-riak-on-node-js I ran into one problem though: node.js choked on the Link headers when getting a bucket's properties. I realize this is a node.js bug, but I found