(Sorry for breaking the thread, I just subscribed.) I am experiencing very low performance as well. I'm attaching a small benchmark script. Writing 32 KB chunks yields a much higher rate first, then disk activity starts after about 4 seconds and throughput is trashed to about 30-50 put/s. This is on a standard 60 MB/s 12ms drive.
I've tested both innostore_riak and riak_kv_bitcask_backend. The latter shows /slightly/ improved performance. What's odd is that there's always a lot of data read, despite the script not reading data. Are there any special Linux knobs or secret backend parameters? Stephan
-module(riak_bench). -export([run/1]). -define(BUCKET, <<"benchmark">>). -record(state, {last_print = make_timestamp(), i = 0, pending = 0, threshold = 1, done = 0, last_done = 0, client, doc = gen_doc(32 * 1024)}). run(Threshold) -> {ok, Client} = riak:client_connect('r...@'), loop(#state{client = Client, threshold = Threshold}). gen_doc(Size) -> list_to_binary([<<(I rem 256)>> || I <- lists:seq(1, Size)]). loop(#state{i = I, pending = Pending, threshold = Threshold, client = Client, doc = Doc} = State) when Pending < Threshold -> J = I + 1, Caller = self(), spawn_link(fun() -> K = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("test-~B", [J])), RObj = riak_object:new(?BUCKET, K, Doc), ok = Client:put(RObj, 1, 1), Caller ! done end), loop(State#state{i = J, pending = Pending + 1}); loop(#state{pending = Pending, last_print = LastPrint, done = Done, last_done = LastDone} = State) -> receive done -> Now = make_timestamp(), NewDone = Done + 1, if Now >= LastPrint + 1.0 -> io:format("~B done, ~.1f put/s~n", [NewDone, (NewDone - LastDone) / (Now - LastPrint)]), loop(State#state{pending = Pending - 1, done = NewDone, last_print = Now, last_done = NewDone}); true -> loop(State#state{pending = Pending - 1, done = NewDone}) end end. make_timestamp() -> {MS, S, SS} = now(), MS * 1000000 + S + SS / 1000000.
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