Morning, Afternoon, Evening - It was an action-packed weekend: several new projects popped up, Sean Cribbs posted his preso from Red Dirt Ruby, Bitcask got some new flash, and more.
Enjoy - Mark Mark Phillips Community Manager ----- Riak Recap for 5/7-5/9 1) @garrydanger spent some time hacking on socket based communication from to Riak from .net You can check it out here -- > I've also added a pointer to it It's also been added to the Community Projects page: 2) More goodness from the node.js world: @technoweenie released Ripple inspired HTTP lib for node.js. It WAS called "Rhodes" but turns out that name was already taken, so watch the blog post for new repo name and location. Blog post here -- > Once that gets straightened out, it'll be added to the Riak Wiki. 3) Bitcask got a huge enhancement over the weekend. There is now support for time-based expiration of data. Most obvious use case for this would be a session store, but there are many, many more. Check out the changes at Bitbucket - or GitHub - 4) Sean Cribbs gave a Riak Training Class at Red Dirt Ruby on Friday. You can get at his slides here: 5) Rusty Klophaus (@rklophaus) has been added to the impressive set of speakers at Berlin Buzzwords next month. You can get more info on his talks and the conference here: 5a) @old_sound and @roidrage made plans to meetup and see Bad Religion in Berlin during the Buzzwords conference. This is almost as important as Buzzwords itself. In fact, you should probably make this a priority. (via IRC) *** Anyone who gets a picture of themselves at this show holding a Basho/Riak logo will get a fresh Riak T. Anyone who gets a pic of a Bad Religion band member holding a Basho/Riak logo will get something so cool it can't even be mentioned here. 6) For anyone in NYC - On Thursday, May 20th, @justinsheehy will be taking part in a "Future of Databases" discussion. We worked with @lessin and the awesome team at to set this up, and it should be a great event. In addition to Justin, I'll be in the crowd, so let me know if you'll be there and we can chat. Get details and RSVP here - _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list