Re: [RE-wrenches] Jacobs Wincharger Book, 1978?

2011-08-25 Thread mark
There are scads of them on Amazon, starting at $1.69 . . .   Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Jacobs Wincharger Book, 1978?From: Hugh Date: Thu, August 25, 2011 2:20 pmTo: RE-wrenches I've got a copy of the 'Ha

Re: [RE-wrenches] intermittent battery problem

2011-10-11 Thread mark
I would load test each battery individually using a common "toaster heating element" tester.I'm betting on a bum battery in the string. Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] intermittent battery problem From: Ron Young Date: Tue, October 11, 201

Re: [RE-wrenches] intermittent battery problem

2011-10-12 Thread mark
Basically the cheapest tester you can find, available from Sears/K-Mart/KMart/Harbor Freight etc.An example: do a load test of each battery, in add

Re: [RE-wrenches] Instruction manual / User interface rant

2011-10-17 Thread mark
I am in full agreement.The Outback remote darn near needs a college degree to operate.The sensitive parameters you mentioned should be in the password protected area.Mark Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] Instruction manual / User interface rant From: William Miller

Re: [RE-wrenches] Instruction manual / User interface rant

2011-10-18 Thread mark> Date: Tue, October 18, 2011 12:23 am To: RE-wrenches <> Mark: The XW SCP is no picnic either.  Are there any off-grid inverters with a decent user control panel? William At 08:25 PM 10/17/2011, you wrote: I am in full agreement. The Outback remo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Instruction manual / User interface rant

2011-10-18 Thread mark
Comment on manuals in general -If you need to read the manual, it's just not designed friendly enough. Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Instruction manual / User interface rant From: "Jason Szumlanski" Date: Tue, October 18, 2011 7:58 am To: "RE

Re: [RE-wrenches] Canadian Solar "blemish"

2011-11-09 Thread mark
lass before the cells were laminated to the glass.  Mark Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] Canadian Solar "blemish" From: Date: Wed, November 09, 2011 4:41 pm To: "RE-wrenches" <>

Re: [RE-wrenches] solar hot water nighttime recirc

2009-12-18 Thread mark
I was once told that the best collector used black chrome plated on bright nickel.  This combination absorbs heat well, with the advantage of not letting the heat back out.  Sort of a thermal "diode" of sorts. I have no data, but I believe "good" collectors radiate less than

Re: [RE-wrenches] Electric fence, metal buildings, lightning protection systems

2013-12-06 Thread mark
I once had a Xantrex DR inverter act goofy when the high voltage fence wire was a few inches from it.The inverter was hung on the inside of a barn wall and the wire ran across the back of it on the outside of the wall.If I remember right, the high voltage wire caused the DR to shut off.I think the

Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM discrepancy

2014-08-15 Thread mark
I would send them back.  If used, I would not install them along with batteries of differing age, or even from a different batch. Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] AGM discrepancy From: Drake Date: Fri, August 15, 2014 10:57 am To: RE

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum Energy sold to tax dodger

2014-09-07 Thread mark
You are absolutely correct on the root of the problem.  Punitive taxation on anyone who dares to make a profit results in lost jobs and relocation offshore.  The fools who as of late have been pushing for $15/hr for flipping burgers will be rewarded with their jobs being replaced with automated res

[RE-wrenches] Off grid system to move and install in southern Indiana

2015-11-22 Thread mark
(4) L-16 batteries and the balance of system items.If there is anyone willing and able to help them out, please contact me off-list.Thanks,Mark ___ List sponsored by Redwood Alliance List Address: Change listserver

Re: [RE-wrenches] Tis the season

2015-12-01 Thread mark
You might try Rain-X. Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] Tis the season From: "Chris Daum" Date: Tue, December 01, 2015 8:43 pm To: "'RE-wrenches'" Dear people:   SO, is there any slick (hah!) product that

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread mark
>>> Completely thaw them before attempting to charge them. << Date: Thu, December

Re: [RE-wrenches] Unusual Module

2012-03-24 Thread mark
Carrizo had a grade of modules that did not see concentrator use, and they sold an assembly of 3 of these called "Super Gold Tri-Lams."  I sold a truckload of them, and they are still kicking butt today.The VOC is 20 or 21V.  They were rated at 105W but performed as well as the AstroPower 120W modu

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wood boiler ignition issue

2012-03-27 Thread mark
I used to do this with the Trace SW inverters so that they would run a certain brand of copiers.I'm not sure about the size of cap, but I'm thinking it was smaller, maybe 5 or 10 uF.A drawback is that the inverter wouldn't go the sleep since it always saw the cap as a load. Original Mess

Re: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof

2012-07-01 Thread mark
In my 20 year experience of lagging down L feet on shingle roofs in Indiana with a good dollop of silicone caulk under the foot, I've never had an issue.  No pre-drilling, just drive the lag home.  Drilling a hole first is not necessary, and reduces holding strength.  No reason to make a science pr

Re: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof

2012-07-02 Thread mark
d reduces holding strength. No reason to make > a science project out of it and increase cost and labor. > > Mark > > Original Message > Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof > From: Drake <drake.chamber...@redwoodallia

Re: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof

2012-07-03 Thread mark
shingle roofFrom: benn kilburn <>Date: Mon, July 02, 2012 9:19 pmTo: RE-wrenches <> Mark, You wrote, "If you put the lag anywhere near the middle of the rafter it won't split.  If it splits, it must be some cheap stuff f

Re: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof

2012-07-04 Thread mark
"Most solar contractors receive public funds"  I'll have to take issue with that one.  I know of no such contractors in my part of the US."The issue isn't whether your approach works, but whether it is defensible in the event that something leaks."Our "redneck" methods may not satisfy the big city

Re: [RE-wrenches] weak voltage

2012-10-15 Thread mark
  It blew a fuse for him but he got lucky and the inverter survived.   Mark Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] weak voltageFrom: Mick Abraham <>Date: Mon, October 15, 2012 9:24 amTo: RE-wrenches <>Hello, Wrenchies~M

Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers

2013-04-11 Thread mark
The float voltages are indeed adjustable, but with the MPPT500, they cannot be adjusted as high as the spec says they can.For a 12V unit, the upper limit is often 14.4V, where the spec says 15.5V.Mark Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers Fro

Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers

2013-04-11 Thread mark
I have used Frank's controllers for many years.  There have been a few bad batches, but I would not dismiss them summarily with a cheap unsupported statement.Mark Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers From: Jonny Hill Dat

Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers

2013-04-11 Thread mark
I see what you mean by no float/3rd stage.  Indeed the MPPT500 just tapers off the amps once it reaches the "float" voltage.The MPPT250 however does have an undocumented(?) mode where once it thinks the battery is thoroughly charged, it only puts a brief burst of charge into the battery when the vo

Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers

2013-04-11 Thread mark
nches] BZ Products Charge Controllers From: "Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar Power Systems" <> Date: Thu, April 11, 2013 2:32 pm To: RE-wrenches <> Hi Mark,I am a real stickler about terms and I hope to always further understand

Re: [RE-wrenches] BZ Products Charge Controllers

2013-04-11 Thread mark
The original post was unsupported.Yes, as I alluded, the controllers have had some rough periods.I had one entire batch of MPPT500s that didn't track at all, but he did make things right.Frank has had some very serious health issues off and on too.During what time-frame did you use the controllers?

Re: [RE-wrenches] [SPAM] Water softener question

2013-06-10 Thread mark
I've had one for over 25 years.  Only serviced a couple of times.  They were very expensive when I bought it, and the price has doubled.They are supposedly some of the most efficient on salt.In our case, with our extremely hard water, we use maybe 40lb/week.You do need to (or at least ought to) use

Re: [RE-wrenches] 48 VDC to 24 VDC converter

2008-08-26 Thread mark
nk did not pay me to say this. :-)  )   Mark HAP Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] 48 VDC to 24 VDC converterFrom: Todd Cory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Mon, August 25, 2008 10:47 pmTo: ""Wrenches,I am needing a 48 VDC to 24 VDC co

Re: [RE-wrenches] Reversed polarity on S530 battery

2008-11-09 Thread mark
harged backwards and the plate chemistry did not support this.  Mark   Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] Reversed polarity on S530 batteryFrom: "Chris @ the Oasis">Date: Sat, November 08, 2008 5:39 pmTo: "'RE-wrenches'" Dea

Re: [RE-wrenches] Shoes

2008-11-21 Thread mark
The Amish builders in our area swear by "Faded Glory" from Walmart.  Cheap in price and best for traction, especially on steel roofs.   Mark   Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] ShoesFrom: "Mark Frye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, November 20, 200

[RE-wrenches] Out of office

2008-11-25 Thread mark
Thank you for contacting us here at Oasis Montana. I will be out of the office until Wednesday, December 3rd. If your matter is urgent, please call Brad I([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Chris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 1-877-627-4768. Happy Thanksgiving! Mark Dickson Oasis Montana

Re: [RE-wrenches] Efficient water softener?

2009-02-26 Thread mark
These are powered by the water and are very efficient with the salt.'ve had ours since 1985 with no problems whatsoever.  Our water is so hard, no other softener could handle it.  We killed a Sears softener in under 3 years . . . -

Re: [RE-wrenches] DC direct pond aeration replacement

2020-07-23 Thread mark
I too need a source for 12V compressors to be used for pond aeration.I also would greatly appreciate any leads on a source.Thanks,Mark DowningHurshtown Alt. Power Original Message Subject: [RE-wrenches] DC direct pond aeration replacement From: "Dana Orzel" <d...@

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24VDC Fans

2021-04-20 Thread mark
I have a couple I bought from Schott Applied Power years ago, but they happen to be 12".These were intended for attic fans.Mark Original Message Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 24VDC Fans From: Bob Maynard Date: Tue, April 20, 2021 5:38 pm To: RE-wrenches


2010-07-26 Thread Mark Frye
Steve, Just to make sure I am not missing something, there is no way to directly set Outback equipment for a particular return amp rate. Rather one must observe the charge cycle and set the absorption timer accordingly. Do have that right? Thanks, Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems

[RE-wrenches] Derik of Hi Power Hydro: Missing in Action?

2010-08-09 Thread Mark Dickson
Try his other website: The last I spoke to him was a couple of months ago. . . Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. -Original Message- From: [mailto:re-wrenches-boun

Re: [RE-wrenches] The Genie Lens

2010-08-12 Thread Mark Dickson
em. Imagine how pissed a customer would be trying to peel that crap off after a few years getting baked in the sun. I am sure the module manus would love to disqualify any warranty claims that came back with this stuff on it. Also, they claim a 4-12.5% increase. Best regards, Mark Dickson, N

[RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Frye
_ From: Mark Frye [] Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:58 AM To: 'RE-wrenches' Subject: RE: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding Too lazy to look myself, but maybe one of you guys with an electronic version of the Code can search

[RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Dickson
ouple hundred bucks or so. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. _ From: [

Re: [RE-wrenches] The Demise of Reason, SunPower and WEEBs

2010-09-13 Thread Mark Westbrock
lable that will comply with their warranty.  We continue to nag SunPower about getting their modules relisted for use with a WEEB or equivalent, but it has not yet come to pass. SM does refer to UniRac SolarMount. Thanks, Mark Mark Westbrock NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer NM ER-1J

Re: [RE-wrenches] GEC for Enphase inverters

2010-09-14 Thread Mark Frye
bonding jumpers that are not required to be continuous. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wrenche

Re: [RE-wrenches] GEC for Enphase inverters

2010-09-14 Thread Mark Frye
enterance equipment and may be located anywhere on the premise. The remainder of the circuit is then provided by the EGC as it runs back to the service enterance and then the GEC to the GES. Correct? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (5

[RE-wrenches] SunPower Module Grounding

2010-09-14 Thread Mark Byington
Sharp also. Mark Byington Cobalt Power Systems, Inc. ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings: List

[RE-wrenches] Interconnection downstream of ATS

2010-09-26 Thread Mark Frye
throught this scenario? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & s

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery capacity testers

2010-10-04 Thread Mark Frye
do they cross over into a daily-cycle off-grid situation with moderate daily DOD? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: re-wrenches-boun...@li

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery chemistry

2010-10-04 Thread Mark Frye
Thanks Bill, I am learning more every second. :-) Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Supply side connection to a dedicated panel

2010-10-12 Thread Mark Frye
It doesn't sound like you have a "supply side connection". It sounds like you have a "load side connection" which is upstream of the transfer switch but still downstream of the service disconnect. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Supply side connection to a dedicated panel

2010-10-12 Thread Mark Frye
located right next to the transfer switch equipment. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wrenches-bo

[RE-wrenches] Battery polarity check

2010-10-19 Thread Mark Dickson
Happened to us once too with a Surette S-530. Now that "free" battery sits in my home's bank with some sharpie + and - symbols on it. Easy to see how the symmetrical cap could be placed on backwards. Seems a keyed notch on the cap would prevent that. . . Best regards,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Mounting Enphase when using S-5-PV Clamps

2010-10-20 Thread Mark Dickson
amazing how many blank stares I got from racking manus at SPI, when I asked them if they had any in the works. Most just kept pointing to their wire clips and pretended not to know about the NEC requirements. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc

Re: [RE-wrenches] Ground Mount Screening

2010-10-21 Thread Mark Frye
steel chain link fence. Hell we have a pool here at our condo and we need a 5 foot metal fence with self closing gate to keep kids out. The County would laugh at me if I went and asked if I could replace it with a wood lattice fence. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada

Re: [RE-wrenches] Ground Mount Screening

2010-10-21 Thread Mark Frye
over to a PV array and put my hand on a piece of double insulated PV wire with 10A of 30VDC running on it. I don't get it. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: re-wrenches

Re: [RE-wrenches] Ground Mount Screening

2010-10-21 Thread Mark Frye
industry when we are still talking about on one hand the detailed requirements of a UL1741 inverter and on the other the use of garden supply material as requirements for ensuring the safety of the system we build. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA

Re: [RE-wrenches] Ground Mount Screening

2010-10-22 Thread Mark Frye
ed in the context of "access by qualified personnel only"? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.

[RE-wrenches] Charge Control in AC coupled system

2010-10-28 Thread Mark Dickson
rs and ice melt systems. These dump loads work out great since the customers are only there in the summer and they rely on these heaters to keep their fancy home from freezing in the winter. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. -Original Me

[RE-wrenches] CSI - Warranty

2010-10-28 Thread Mark Frye
receiving "points" for not servicing the warranty? Any claw back of CSI funds on projects that don't meet projected yields due to unfulfilled warranty claims? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-80

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase warranties

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Frye
with back generator situation. Of course I push the question up past first tier support to the supervisor. I bet that if you ask them to put it in writing they will decline. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http://www.berk

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase warranties

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Frye
the project at all? All you folks who are putting Enphase on the load side of grid-tied, battery based inverters need to ask yourself the same question. It appears that Nick already has his answer. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase warranties

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Dickson
PV Powered. . . Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T _ From: [] On Behalf Of Drake Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 2:41 PM To: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE

Re: [RE-wrenches] Solar/Batt Well Pump Recommendation Request

2010-11-02 Thread Mark Dickson
A Lorentz PS200/HR04 pump can run directly from his 24V battery bank at ~1.2 gpm. Much more efficient than inverting and stepping up AC. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. 877-627-4768 toll-free 406-777-4309 (0830 fax) <h

[RE-wrenches] eternabond or epdm?

2010-11-15 Thread Mark Dickson
and on top of the hole. My main worry is the compression of the material over time, which may compromise the bond/seal. Has anyone successfully used the Eternabond-looks like it could be a good solution. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana

Re: [RE-wrenches] Positive-ground question re Sunpower

2010-11-20 Thread Mark Frye
c charge is replaced by a positive static charge which restores the module performance." Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: re-wrenches-boun..

Re: [RE-wrenches] Code switch heights

2010-11-26 Thread Mark Frye
Get three electricians in the room It 6'-7" "from the center of the grip of the operating handle...when in highest position." Happy Holidays. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Cable REvistied

2010-11-30 Thread Mark Frye
with grease etc.? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [] On

Re: [RE-wrenches] double insulated PV wire

2010-12-12 Thread Mark Frye
I am pretty sure you can get it from Multi-Contact USA. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Another PV fire

2010-12-14 Thread Mark Frye
Has any information become available about this fire? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Another PV fire

2010-12-14 Thread Mark Frye
Thanks William, I did see your update from the 14th, but it did not provide any conclusive details. I am wondering if anyone has gotten any info since then. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http://www.berkeleysolar.

Re: [RE-wrenches] Low grid voltage fix

2010-12-20 Thread Mark Frye
How do utilites go about adjusting the voltage at any given site? Adjustable taps on the transformers on the poles? Do they have to go back to the nearest sub-station? Re-arrange the distrubution of customers across differenat areas of the grid. I am in the dark here. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar

Re: [RE-wrenches] Xslent?

2011-01-10 Thread Mark Frye
doing to counteract the propogation of this mis-information within the marketplace. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: [mailto:re-wrenches

Re: [RE-wrenches] 690.14 (4) Max Number of Disconnects

2011-01-12 Thread Mark Frye
Al, Are the inverters located inside on the 8th floor with the MLP panel or are they located on the roof? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: re-wr

Re: [RE-wrenches] 690.14 (4) Max Number of Disconnects

2011-01-12 Thread Mark Frye
e switch in the basement. I assume that the fused disconnect is co-located in the basement with the service equipment? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ F

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2011 NEC and impact in the field

2011-01-13 Thread Mark Frye
Does anyone here have the 2011 Code available on CD in a searchable format? Know where to get it? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From:

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2011 NEC and impact in the field

2011-01-13 Thread Mark Frye
Thanks August, NFPA says there are giving away a softcover copy of 2011 to folks who take a years subscription to NECPLUS before February something. Seems like a good value. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024

[RE-wrenches] Inverter Recall

2011-01-19 Thread Mark Frye
viewed in PHOTON's archive using the following link: Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 www.berkeleysola

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grid Tied AC Disconnect Question

2011-01-27 Thread Mark Frye
Aaron, Can you give a bit more information? Is this a situation where the meter and the main disconnect are located on the outside of the building, with a feeder running to a load center in the garage? Does the utility at this location require a external lockable disconnect? Mark Frye

[RE-wrenches] Can I handle the voltage drop?

2011-02-14 Thread Mark Frye
their time faulting and resetting during daily peaks. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: RE-wrenches@lis

Re: [RE-wrenches] Can I handle the voltage drop?

2011-02-17 Thread Mark Frye
wings to address voltage faults if they occur. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wrenche

[RE-wrenches] Home Brew Frequency Switch

2011-03-01 Thread Mark Frye
nce such that a problem with current capacities would be a problem. It seems like the frequency would be more of a problem for some devices. Anyone have experience with deliberately adjusting generator frequency away from 60 hertz as described above? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud

[RE-wrenches] XW Temp sensor

2011-03-02 Thread Mark Dickson
Schneider-everyone says they have it but they don't. . . If so, shoot me a message off list and I will take it. Used is fine. . . Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. _ From: [mail

Re: [RE-wrenches] XW Temp sensor

2011-03-02 Thread Mark . Edmunds
Hi Mark, We have stock of them here... Part # 808-0232-01 call, 866-519-1470 to order. Cheers, Mark _ Mark Edmunds, P.Eng. | Schneider Electric | Renewable Energies Business | CANADA

Re: [RE-wrenches] grounding the Enphase inverter

2011-03-04 Thread Mark Frye
nergy disipators DC power supplies Standby generators ?? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: [] On B

Re: [RE-wrenches] grounding the Enphase inverter

2011-03-04 Thread Mark Frye
e that we don't need the complexity in wiring? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: []

Re: [RE-wrenches] grounding the Enphase inverter

2011-03-05 Thread Mark Frye
ately derived system and would not require it's own system ground. At that point, would the AC side of the inverter still be considered a separately derived system or would the need for system grounding go away? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959

Re: [RE-wrenches] Xantrex/Schneider recall

2011-03-08 Thread Mark Frye
) 519-1470 f: (604) 422-2756 Only have one of these puppies in the field, no problems yet. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 -Original Message- From: [mailto:re

[RE-wrenches] Top of POST mount

2011-03-22 Thread Mark Dickson
Unirac's 4002 series side of pole mounts can be lagged into the side of a 4x4 post. Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. _ From: [

Re: [RE-wrenches] Small, non-UL listed direct PV grid-tie inverters and UL 1741

2011-03-26 Thread Mark Frye
Can you send a link to one of these products? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-26 Thread Mark Frye
t. Ulitmately my customer agreed with me that this was an undesirable constraint on the operation of an otherwise reliable grid-tied system and it was not clear that this would satify the warranty issue. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 9595

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-27 Thread Mark Frye
e 400A ATS will see the same 480A of supply breakers as the conductors and busbar of the 400A load center. Here is where I am taking leap of faith that the AHJ will agree with me that the same 120% allowance given to the conductors and load center will be given to ATS itself. Mark Frye Berkeley Sola

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-27 Thread Mark Frye
Ken, In the situation you show in your drawing, what was the rating of the transfer switch? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: re-wrenche

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multiple inverteroutputs

2011-03-29 Thread Mark Frye
ircuit, and above it, premise wiring. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multiple inverter outputs

2011-03-29 Thread Mark Frye
I think Kent and I agree. For the case where the subpanel is not dedicated a PV sub-panel he is calculating for 2 - 50A breakers and I calculated for 3 - 50A breakers. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <h

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multipleinverter outputs

2011-03-29 Thread Mark Frye
Opps! My bad, I was thinking of a single phase system, not the three phase system shown in the article. For the three phase system Kent is correct in counting 180A of supply per bar. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <h

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used tocombinemultipleinverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Frye
not exceed the allowance for the feeder or the sub-panel. Still, if you do have loads in the subpanel, you have to up sizes the sub-panel, but not the feeder conductor. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http://www.berkeleysolar.

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multipleinverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Frye
over current condition in any of that equipment. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ From: [mailto:re-wrenche

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used tocombine multipleinverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Frye
fault from the utility side of the equation far far exceed the currents contributed by the power limited inverter side. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> _ F

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used tocombinemultipleinverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Frye
C side of these inverters we need more to concern ourselves with continuous overload conditions and not so much with short-circuit/ground fault conditions? Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http://www.berkeleysolar

Re: [RE-wrenches] Expansion joints

2011-03-31 Thread Mark Dickson
Are there any usage charts to tell you when or how to use expansion joints in EMT? The NEC has one for PVC, but what do you refer to for EMT? Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis Montana Inc. _ From:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-31 Thread Mark Frye
a problem, so better safe than sorry. So now I see, I have to do what I have to do if I want to be even half as good an electrican as my NABCEP certification says I am. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <http://www.berk

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery watering

2011-04-03 Thread Mark Frye
caps using the gravity feed. I don't have any idea what is going on with the distribution of the product from Europe. Mark Frye Berkeley Solar Electric Systems 303 Redbud Way Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 401-8024 <> www.berkel

Re: [RE-wrenches] galvanized barn roofing

2011-04-08 Thread Mark Dickson
This stuff is great! . Hint: stick it in the freezer and then trim it to size with shears. Also, make sure you got it in the right place before you stick it down! Best regards, Mark Dickson, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer T Oasis

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