Re: [RE-wrenches] grundfos SQFlex question

2021-06-15 Thread Kent
so be adjusted with a smart phone app. I believe that your distributor for Lorentz Pumps is GenPro Energy Solutions. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar On 6/15/2021 2:15 PM, jay wrote: Does anyone have or know where I can get the pump curves with voltages? I’m trying to limit flow by

[RE-wrenches] SMA TS4-R-F failures

2021-07-17 Thread Kent
Fellow wrenches, has anyone else had failures of the SMA TS4-R-F rapid shut down devices this summer? We did the factory recall replacement for 24 of these for a customer last summer, this summer several have failed. Not sure what to think of this. Maybe they are getting too hot ... Kent

Re: [RE-wrenches] Radian Generator Relay

2021-09-14 Thread Kent
g batteries with the generator, and the inverter has the ability to reduce its output if it is too hot. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar On 9/14/2021 5:56 PM, William Miller wrote: Friends: A couple of years ago we installed an all sealed Outback FX system.  All of the FX inverters were equi

Re: [RE-wrenches] Small diesel generator

2021-10-21 Thread Kent
Bill, I've had a couple customers have great success with generators from Wrico International in Eugene, OR. Their 7.5 kW generator uses a Perkins diesel engine. An ex-fisherman client claims that the Northern-lights generators are the most reliable. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar

Re: [RE-wrenches] Transmitting 15kW 3600ft Off Grid.

2022-01-10 Thread Kent
10% loss in the system. And while the transformer hysteresis losses may be a less than 1% of the transformer capacity, they are 24/7 independent of the load. The supply side costs to provide for the lost energy in the transformers needs to be considered too. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar

Re: [RE-wrenches] Radian Glitch

2022-01-14 Thread Kent
Outback forum in 2014 about this issue: <> Folks are still complaining about this bug today. Just search for &

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2v battery charger

2022-01-21 Thread Kent
This lacks the protections you would find in a traditional battery charger, but can work. 2.5 volt 60-amp power supply like the Meanwell RSP-320-2.5 These are available at Digikey. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar On 1/20/2022

Re: [RE-wrenches] corrigated roof mounting feet

2010-08-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
Jeff, I think this is exactly what you are describing: Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Jeff Yago wrote: Most of the past metal roof projects we have completed worked great with S-5! clamps. However, we have a

Re: [RE-wrenches] metering an outback system

2010-08-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
o the right is forward, left is backwards. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Gary Easton wrote: Hello, I am having trouble metering a system with an Outback 3648 serving a protected loads panel. I need a way to accurately measure the production. I have a dual stator 12s meter installed with th

Re: [RE-wrenches] generator surge on outback system

2010-08-12 Thread Kent Osterberg
Kirk, The problem may be related to the transfer delay.  The default time is way too long.  Try reducing it to 10 cycles or even less. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Kirk Herander, VSE wrote: Hello, I have an off-grid customer with dual Outback inverters and a Kohler

Re: [RE-wrenches] Padded equipment cases.

2010-08-12 Thread Kent Osterberg
Years ago, I used to get custom cases made by Silton Company.  They are now owned by Olympic Case Company but the facility in Fresno is still in use. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Peter Parrish wrote: I seem to remember reading about a source of "custom padded equipment cases&

Re: [RE-wrenches] DR2424 inverters charging poorly: three units in two days!

2010-08-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
is normally required for 15 and 20-amp outlets on portable generators.  But then a GFI wouldn't work without a neutral-ground bond anyway.  There is no sign of a UL listing, but mine has a sticker from the City of Los Angeles saying that it is "approved for use". Kent Osterberg Blue

Re: [RE-wrenches] DR2424 inverters charging poorly: three units in two days!

2010-08-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
to ground neon bulb would operate.  The GFI test button causes the neutral to ground (error in wiring) light to illuminate, so 6 mA through the test resistor energizes ground. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Brian Teitelbaum wrote: Kent,   Thanks for that info.   Have

Re: [RE-wrenches] DR2424 inverters charging poorly: three units in two days!

2010-08-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
power system such as portable generator with no neutral ground bond, a GFCI won't trip because there is too much impedance between neutral and ground. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Darryl Thayer wrote: Just a note, FYI The GFCI will work without a groun

[RE-wrenches] ground fault troubleshooting

2010-09-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
e the protection that is needed.  The existing ground fault protection in the inverters is inadequate and current plans for arc fault protection may not be a satisfactory either. These have been slow incremental improvements; much more is needed. -- Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar 541-568

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1.56 ISC Minimum OCP is STUPID! (Was: ground fault troubleshooting)

2010-09-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
lt protection for PV systems with fuses.  What's needed is a ground fault protector/arc fault protector that is located in the combiner box.  Until that exists, the feeder between the combiner and inverter needs to be considered an unfused conductor. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Matt La

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wiley Asset

2010-09-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
, the wire will probably block a little less light.  But a 50% reduction in the light on a few cells will probably reduce the entire module output by 50%.  A shadow every day for the hours you are talking about sounds like a pretty serious issue. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar benn kilburn

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wiley Asset

2010-09-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
  The effect on energy production depends on how large the shadow is, how long it lasts, and what hours it occurs. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Nick Soleil wrote: Hi Kent:     I am sure that aerial wires have very little impact on system outputs.  I just checked the Enphase Enlig

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1.56 ISC Minimum OCP is STUPID!

2010-09-14 Thread Kent Osterberg
or breakers can isolate the fault to one string.  If a GFP is installed, any arc may be terminated, or depending on the fault maybe not.  Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Matt Lafferty wrote: Kent, William, Nick, Dav   e, et al,   Wish I had time to respond sooner

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power line shading

2010-10-11 Thread Kent Osterberg
ximately 5 MB so it takes a while to upload or download.  Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Eric Thomas wrote: Hey there, We have a string inverter system installation coming up that has a power line suspended over the roof. The line is diagonal to the roof and about 20' above

Re: [RE-wrenches] insolation v. actual output

2010-10-12 Thread Kent Osterberg
Marco, This may be what you are looking for: Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Marco Mangelsdorf wrote: Could someone please provide me with that generally accepted equation when it comes to estimating AC

Re: [RE-wrenches] insolation v. actual output

2010-10-12 Thread Kent Osterberg
Marco, Just playing around with these factors a bit shows you can get 90%, if the modules have -0% tolerance and they are spotless clean.  Kent Kent Osterberg wrote: Marco, This may be what you are looking for:

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarWorld 245

2010-10-13 Thread Kent Osterberg
be largely uncertainty in the accuracy of the flash test equipment, procedures, and in how the flash test correlates to the real world.  In other words it is a CYA operation. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Marco Mangelsdorf wrote: SolarWorld is pushing hard its 245-watt

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator auto start

2010-10-15 Thread Kent Osterberg
triggers.  Unfortunately, there isn't a good way to turn the generator off - that function is also a simple voltage trigger and time delay. Kent Osterberg BLue Mountain Solar wrote: Can anyone point me in the direction of a good, autonomous generator auto start. We

Re: [RE-wrenches] paralleling FM-60's

2010-10-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
be inside. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar William Miller wrote: Jay: Bad idea.  The differences in tolerances within components will make one work harder than the other.  They will never balance.  Why not put the charge controllers at the other end of the feeder? William Miller

Re: [RE-wrenches] Charge Control in AC coupled system

2010-10-28 Thread Kent Osterberg
charge in the system you are considering, a voltage controlled switch, like the Morningstar relay driver, could simply shut down the SB3000. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Howie Michaelson wrote: Hi All, I have done several AC coupled off-grid systems using Sunny Islands and Sunny Boys

Re: [RE-wrenches] Charge Control in AC coupled system

2010-10-28 Thread Kent Osterberg
. When the batteries are (nearly) full, the Sunny boy must be shut down. A voltage controlled switch or the FX inverter's Aux output can open a relay to remove power from the Sunny Boy. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Doug Wells wrote: Wrenches, Howie, good to see you probing this is

[RE-wrenches] Trace Series TR2424 causing blinking lights

2010-11-05 Thread Kent Osterberg
Wrenches, I've got a customer that has a dual Xantrex TR2424 inverter system (not my installation) that complains of blinking lights in the house. Anyone have similar issues associated with these inverters? Any solutions? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain

Re: [RE-wrenches] Trace Series TR2424 causing blinking lights

2010-11-05 Thread Kent Osterberg
Dave, The flickering is subtle, but it occurs all of the time. Kent Osterberg Blur Mountain Solar Dave Palumbo wrote: Kent, Is this a "flickering" of the lights when the generator is running and charging the battery bank? Which I have seen. Or, something that is going on al

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos

2010-11-08 Thread Kent Osterberg
Gary, Any chance that the pumping system is off during the winter? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Gary Gordon at SYV Solar wrote: Wrenches,   More details on the Grundfos failures:   1st failure 11 SQF-2 w/ 204ft TDH    2nd failure 6 SQF-2 w/ 220ft. TDH    3rd failure

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos

2010-11-08 Thread Kent Osterberg
Gary, I've had trouble with the rubber sticking to the helical rotor in a couple Lorentz pumps.  Both were off for several months during the winter because the cattle are gone.   Seems like your Grundfos pump situation is different. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Gary Gordon a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Mounting L feet on corrugated metal roof.

2010-11-26 Thread Kent Osterberg
John. I've used AEE Solar's corrugated roof block with good success.  Since the corrugations rarely line up with structural members you'll need to install blocking for most attachment points. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote: Wrenches,

[RE-wrenches] Battery Venting

2010-12-14 Thread Kent Osterberg
study this issue. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings: List-Archive: h

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery based hydrogen incidents

2010-12-15 Thread Kent Osterberg
o be lucky than good.  That's why I recommend doing the calculations. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Dana wrote: Ken –   To meet the flow have run 2 and 3 fans to meet the flow. 2” output from the fan into a 4” header with a matching 2.5” inlet as far away on the lowe

Re: [RE-wrenches] cleaning modules

2010-12-30 Thread Kent Osterberg
Tom, Textured glass would complicate matters, but I'd try ceramic stove top cleaner.  The fine abrasive partials might be just the ticket.  Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Tom DeBates wrote: hello Wrenches,   I recently purchased some used mo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase and oversizing

2011-01-15 Thread Kent Osterberg
the inverter hard.  Would you hesitate to put 2400 watts of PV modules on a 2-kW inverter? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Marco Mangelsdorf wrote: To those of you installing Enphases.   Other than their 210 only working with Sanyo and SunPower modules, the vast ma

Re: [RE-wrenches] Matching modules into Xantrex GT

2011-01-16 Thread Kent Osterberg
order near Vmp, the power output of the SW175s will be about 1.5% off Pmax and the combined array will suffer from about 0.6% mismatch. In reality the maximum power point will occur at a point someplace in between the Vmp values and the mismatch loss will be a even less. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain

[RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
lose to 93% efficiency. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar. Inc. ClippingDataAnalysis.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings: http://lists.r

[RE-wrenches] PV array oversizing (not inverter oversizing)

2011-01-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
lose to 93% efficiency. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar. Inc. ClippingDataAnalysis.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings: http://lists.r

[RE-wrenches] Generator Operating Cost

2011-01-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
operate before overhaul or retirement? 40,000? Thanks. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
ned once  every week, not likely, but if it did the missed data would amount to 0.25 kWhr or about 5% as much as the total observed with the data clipped at 800 watts.  So you have to really stretch the brief edge of cloud argument to integrate enough energy to throw my graph off by very much. Kent Ost

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
show that irradiance observations above 1100 watts per square meter are fleeting and disappear in hourly averages.   Such occurrences are also masked to a small extent by 1-minute averages.   Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. David Brearley wrote: This reminds me of a scholarly

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
Eric, If the male end is energized when disconnected, it's a hazard! Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Eric Thomas wrote: I know its a funny title butwhy doesn't EnPhase make whips with male connectors? We are having trouble laying out a system with multiple sub

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
graphs appear to be mislabeled. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. David Brearley wrote: Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing Kent, The graphs aren’t mislabeled. The one-minute average data has more granularity, which shows up at the upper limits of the data. It reveals more

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
Eric, Why doesn't a female whip (the standard Enphase branch circuit kit component) work?  Seems like both subarrays should have a female whip going to a SolaDeck.  Then from both SolaDecks to a j-box in the attic. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar. Eric Thomas wrote: I know

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-21 Thread Kent Osterberg
go high enough for the inverter to max out. In the hot weather when the sun angle is optimum for a 20 degree roof, the module output will be down. How much solar is reasonable to put on the inverter depends on the circumstances. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Darryl Thayer wrote

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-21 Thread Kent Osterberg
Nick, Could you post a diagram showing when a male whip is useful?  I'm having a really hard time envisioning a need for one. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Nick Soleil wrote: William:     Your diagram is one way to do it, in fact, I always divide my circuits into

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-21 Thread Kent Osterberg
other options too. It does still make sense that Enphase doesn't endorse cutting the extension for that purpose.  Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Nick Soleil wrote: Sorry Kent:     I am just not that motivated by this conversation to create drawings.  I will try to explai

Re: [RE-wrenches] 10A Charge / load controller

2011-01-24 Thread Kent Osterberg
been observed are in systems that are pushing on these limits.  Fortunately, Morningstar stands behind their product. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc.   bob ellison wrote: From memory it seems that the max voltage listed in the manual for the Sun Saver MPPT is 35 volts but I don’t

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator for off grid

2011-01-24 Thread Kent Osterberg
I've got customers using the Onan 1800-rpm liquid-cooled 20-KW and 30-kW LP residential generators without any problems.  While Onan doesn't exclude off-grid use, the warranty is only 1-year 1000-hours for off-grid applications. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Randy Br

Re: [RE-wrenches] 10A Charge / load controller; Morningstar MPPT controller

2011-01-25 Thread Kent Osterberg
ystem. Pushing the limits, the way we do, gets us in trouble. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Starlight Solar, Larry Crutcher wrote: I believe the issue we had has to do with using the Sanyo high voltage PV module. As Kent points out, we were operating the controller at the d

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grid Tied AC Disconnect Question

2011-01-27 Thread Kent Osterberg
ilable for that purpose, but the breaker in the main panel may be sufficient. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Aaron Mandelkorn wrote: It seems as though almost every utility has a different requirement concerning Utility External Disconnects and the AC disconnects for the PV system in

Re: [RE-wrenches] Photosensor for 12VDC System with load controller

2011-02-01 Thread Kent Osterberg
The question is: should the load operate on days when the battery is charged but there isn't enough irradiance to activate the relay? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Jason Szumlanski wrote: Does anyone know if an automotive style 12V relay coil can handle the solar p

Re: [RE-wrenches] Photosensor for 12VDC System with load controller

2011-02-01 Thread Kent Osterberg
down to 2 volts or so. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Jason Szumlanski wrote: Kent,   Thanks for the great feedback. Your final question is key. I do want it to close at a fairly low voltage (low irradiance). I need the load to run pretty reliably from just after da

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV voltage at Isc

2011-02-05 Thread Kent Osterberg
would be no voltage or resistance external to the module - but it would still exist within the module. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Greg Egan wrote: Fellow Scientists, I got in a discussion with a wrench the other day.  He is under the impression that when a PV module is at

Re: [RE-wrenches] Problem with NABCEP ad

2011-02-06 Thread Kent Osterberg
Larry, You aren't the only one offended. It gives the impression that only NABCEP certified installers are competent, which isn't true. And that every NABCEP certified installer will do a competent job; also not a guaranteed outcome. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, I

Re: [RE-wrenches] outback mate question

2011-02-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
Jay, I've seen that happen. I concluded that it was associated with an AGS fault status. I also reset the Mate to factory defaults and reprogrammed all the AGS settings for the customer. No problem since then. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. jay peltz wrote: HI All, I'

Re: [RE-wrenches] Meter base minimum conductor size

2011-02-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
talog/2008/08Murray_pdfs/08Murray_03/03_04-05.pdf Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Carl Adams wrote: Wrenches, We often use a conventional 100A meter base and analog meter as an independent metering system for inverter output. These meters typically have a minimum conductor size of #6 AWG. For small

Re: [RE-wrenches] Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

2011-03-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
d - because they will probably want to return it after the solar maximum). Kent Osterberg Blue Moutain Solar, Inc Allan Sindelar wrote: For those of us less aware of solar flare issues and what we might expect that relates to PV, could someone provide a good link to educate us? Thanks,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Depth of discharge

2011-03-25 Thread Kent Osterberg
50% to 80% or 85%. Trouble is that routinely charging to only 85% SOC will lead to sulfation problems. That can shorten the battery life too. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Allan Sindelar wrote: William, I use 80%, as the intent is that this is maximum, not typical. It's dir

Re: [RE-wrenches] Depth of discharge

2011-03-26 Thread Kent Osterberg
Wrenches, I noticed an error in my reply below when Allan's second comments arrived. Correction: the battery is considered 100% discharged (not 80%) at 10.5 volts (1.75 vpc) under the conditions of use. Kent Kent Osterberg wrote: William, I'll try to add a little to A

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-26 Thread Kent Osterberg
or is off. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Mark Frye wrote: Eric,   I do not have direct experience with this but have been exploring the issue for a project I am currently doing.   My response will be to take the trouble to interconnect the Enphase inverters on the line si

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-27 Thread Kent Osterberg
tem to the utility side of the ATS, a service side tap wasn't required. 2) The service disconnect switch had double lugs (not on my sketch) so there weren't multiple conductor taps. While I only showed one, this system actually had two non-essential panels: one for the house and one for the b

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-27 Thread Kent Osterberg
rator startup were changed, my first thought would be to put the battery-based inverter on the generator side of the ATS. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote: Kent, Situations vary but this one line helps a lot, thanks. So,  "To PV System" would g

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and Enphase

2011-03-27 Thread Kent Osterberg
nsfer switch is closed, what would stop power from flowing backwards through the transfer switch? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote: This doesn't solve the reliability concern of a contactor but on a webinar I heard a rep from Schneider say the XW (with GEN and GR

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multiple inverter outputs

2011-03-29 Thread Kent Osterberg
the inverters would have to feed the opposite end of the bus bars. If no, the code is not clear on the requirement, but obviously the 80-amp breaker in the main panel limits the maximum current flowing through the sub-panel. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Al Frishman wrote: Hi

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combinemultipleinverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Kent Osterberg
ficient because 72 x 1.25 = 90 amps. Now the example doesn't resolve the limitation of backfeeding at the main. Opps! Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Jason Szumlanski wrote: Another key is to remember that this discussion also applies to the conductor between the main

Re: [RE-wrenches] sizing a sub-panel used to combine multiple inverter outputs

2011-03-30 Thread Kent Osterberg
. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Al Frishman wrote: Is a monitoring system installed in the Load Center to measure the cumulative kWh’s of the inverter’s considered a load?  The type of monitoring device I am talking about has CT’s that go around the conductors and the Voltage

Re: [RE-wrenches] Slow clocks

2011-04-04 Thread Kent Osterberg
should be disclosed in any contract to install an off-grid power system. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Kristopher Schmid wrote: I have an off-grid client who tells me that his clocks lose about 1 minute per hour while he is running his backup generator. Has anyone seen this before? Do

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex

2011-04-06 Thread Kent Osterberg
two-pole safety switches that may be used to select ac or dc power instead of the Grundfos switch. You might be pushing your luck operating the pressure switch at 213 VDC. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Kirpal Khalsa wrote: Hi allso I have a pumping project using a grundfos SQ Flex pump

Re: [RE-wrenches] galvanized barn roofing

2011-04-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
ed to install extra bracing underneath for almost every bracket. If working over an insulated attic, you won't be able to install very far down from the ridge. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote: Does anyone have experience mounting arrays on barns wit

Re: [RE-wrenches] Two Buildings, Two Services, One Roof

2011-04-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
ahead of time should make this work smoothly. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Mark Frye wrote: Thanks Nick,   250 talks about two seperate buildings with one service, and 230 talks about one building with two services.   I don't think this particular situation has

Re: [RE-wrenches] Two Buildings, Two Services, One Roof

2011-04-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Mark Frye wrote: Thanks Ken,   I still don't see any configuration of equipment that would not involve making an electrical connection between the two grounding systems of the two seperate dwellings   In order to provide the required GF

Re: [RE-wrenches] Warranty Claim Based On Enphase Monitoring Data

2011-06-10 Thread Kent Osterberg
last inverter and the average loss for the system will be less, but it shows that the ac wiring loss is a significant part of the discrepancy. Also, even the revenue grade meter is not perfect - typically ±0.25% when new. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Warranty Claim Based On Enphase Monitoring Data

2011-06-10 Thread Kent Osterberg
Matt, You're right, it is 4.5% different. I'm not sure which buttons on the calculator I used to get 1.1%. Kent Osterberg wrote: Kent, Can you help me understand the 1.1%? I had figured over 4% and allowed that 1-2% may be voltage drop (th

Re: [RE-wrenches] smart meters/bidirectional

2011-06-14 Thread Kent Osterberg
revents energy theft that could be accomplished by turning the older meters up-side-down. These will count any on-site energy production as energy use. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar August Goers wrote: Hi All - We run into smart meters before we install PV here in CA all the time. The

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-07-01 Thread Kent Osterberg
conductors, in fact all the conductors, may be energized in reference to ground. Use appropriate personal protective gear. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont ha

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator/SQFlex problem

2011-07-06 Thread Kent Osterberg
the power supply from pv to ac. The hard part may be locating suitable relays. With a 100K buffer tank, exactness on the timing of the switchover shouldn't be necessary. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Allan Sindelar wrote: Wrenches, A good client of ours is a rancher in the New M

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator/SQFlex problem

2011-07-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
handle the necessary current without a heat sink. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Allan Sindelar wrote: Phil and Wrenches, Thank you for the response; good food for thought. We looked at Aerovironment as a result of your suggestion, but it appears to be out of production and unavailable

Re: [RE-wrenches] Aluminum Module Frame To Galvanized Uni-Strut

2011-07-12 Thread Kent Osterberg
e end cuts of the Unistrut painted with galvanizing or stainless paint? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Gary Willett wrote: It was brought to my attention that I had an error in my original post. Here's the corrected text: Fellow Wrenches: I am involved in the commissioning

[RE-wrenches] 1987 NEC

2011-07-15 Thread Kent Osterberg
I'm looking for the text of 1987 NEC 690.5 to compare with 2011 version. If any of you geezers have kept copies that old, please contact me off list. Thanks. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Ad

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1987 NEC

2011-07-18 Thread Kent Osterberg
Gary, No one else has come up with a 1987 NEC. If you can get a copy of 1987 section 690.5 (I think it was 690-5 back then), I'd appreciate it. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Gary Willett wrote: Kent: I am a member of the International Association of Electrical Inspe

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1987 NEC

2011-07-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
echnical Editor SolarPro magazine NABCEP Certified PV Installer ™ Direct: 541.261.6545 On 7/19/11 2:19 PM, "Hans Frederickson" <> wrote: Kent, I'm not a geezer yet, but thanks to my dad I do have a

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1987 NEC

2011-07-19 Thread Kent Osterberg
dc loads. The fact that all dc loads may be energized to the potential of the PV array is troubling. Especially with the possibility now of a 600-volt PV array charging a battery system. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Hans Frederickson wrote: Kent, I'm not a geezer yet, bu

Re: [RE-wrenches] pole mounts

2011-07-27 Thread Kent Osterberg
) that may take many years to show up. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar wrote: Wrenches,   Fact or fiction: Adding concrete to the inside of a pole mount pipe makes it stronger.   Thanks,   Todd Sent from Finest Planet WebMail

Re: [RE-wrenches] AC Coupling

2011-09-02 Thread Kent Osterberg
he FX inverter, the manual says nothing about ac coupling so I guess we are still on our own on that. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Larry Brown wrote: Wrenches, After Hurricane Irene left a lot of people without power here in the Northeast, customers who have grid-tied systems are asking

Re: [RE-wrenches] AC Coupling

2011-09-03 Thread Kent Osterberg
Brian, Is this the drawing? Magnum ac coupled diagram from Google cache. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Allan Sindelar wrote: Brian, Good job of laying it out. Now here's the part I'm missing. If as you say the grid-tied inverter(s), either micro or string, are co

Re: [RE-wrenches] Sharp modules

2011-09-13 Thread Kent Osterberg
been concerned that water will enter between the glass and frame, freeze, and bow the frames. I think silicon sealant between the glass and frame makes a more water tight seal. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Kirpal Khalsa wrote: Happy i was installing some sharp 240w modules to

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding DPW MPM.

2011-09-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
Jesse, I use a Wiley WEEB 9.5 bonding washers between each module and rail, a WEEB 6.7 lug on each rail, and a WEEB 6.7 on the pole. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Jesse Dahl wrote: Hello,   I have been looking at ground mount methods lately, specifically the DPW Multi

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground

2011-09-29 Thread Kent Osterberg
) together. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. wrote: Does anyone know if it is ok to use the rebar in a pole mount foundation as a ufer ground? I need to ask the inspector too, but thought I'd ask here first.  

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground

2011-09-30 Thread Kent Osterberg
grounding electrode, the changes in 2011 should remove it. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Richard L Ratico wrote: As Dan points out, 250.52(A)(3) specifies several installation requirements in order for a concrete encased electode to qualify as a permitted Grounding Electrode. A pole mount

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground

2011-09-30 Thread Kent Osterberg
Ray, I believe that a pole-mounted or grounded-mounted PV array is considered a structure and requires a ground electrode per 250.32. Perhaps the exception would cover the possibility a installing very small system without a ground electrode. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. Ray

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module Load Rating

2011-10-07 Thread Kent Osterberg
appropriate safety factor needs to be applied. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Jamie Johnson wrote: Dave, thanks for the clarification on the difference between NRTL and IEC tests.   Wouldn't it make sense for the manufacturers to put the negative and positive test and cert

Re: [RE-wrenches] Push-in Wire Connectors

2011-10-20 Thread Kent Osterberg
Jason, The roof is a wet location so connectors rated for wet locations are required. The NEMA 4 rating of the junction box doesn't change matters. Kent Osteberg Blue Mountain Solar   Jason Szumlanski wrote: Anyone see a problem using Ideal In-Sure Push-In Wire Connecto

Re: [RE-wrenches] Push-in Wire Connectors

2011-10-21 Thread Kent Osterberg
follow from directly 300.9 but rather from 110.3 (B) that requires equipment to be installed in accordance with its listing. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar Glenn Burt wrote: Kent,   Can you direct me to a code citation that says that splices made inside a NEMA 4 rated enclos

Re: [RE-wrenches] Canadian Solar "blemish"

2011-11-09 Thread Kent Osterberg
pieces of the cell isolated. -- Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. On 11/9/2011 3:02 PM, Allan Sindelar wrote: Daryl, Before offering my opinion, I'll note that it's only that, and I'd hope to learn from others with more knowledge of PV cell structu

Re: [RE-wrenches] Diversion load for AC coupled system

2011-11-29 Thread Kent Osterberg
ng two may have some coordination issues. The Tristar 60 manual says to keep diversion loads below 45 amps (or somewhere close to that). I think its a reliability issue so with a secondary shut down method, you might be okay pushing it a bit. I'm not sure how you get two of them to work t

Re: [RE-wrenches] calculating low string voltage

2011-11-29 Thread Kent Osterberg
13V/°C. So Vmp is moving faster than Voc, but not a lot faster. That's generically true for c-Si or poly-Si. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar, Inc. t: 541-568-4882 On 11/29/2011 11:48 AM, Kirk Herander wrote: I am in debate with a PE over calculation of low voltage of a

[RE-wrenches] connector mismatch

2019-09-04 Thread Kent Osterberg
the mismatched connector is the actual cause of the problem. Anyone else ever notice find PV modules with mixed MC4 and H4 connectors? Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar ___ List sponsored by Redwood Alliance List Address:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old Outback Mate question

2019-09-06 Thread Kent Osterberg
Allan, I believe the original Mate is still available. At least my distributor still has them in stock. Kent Osterberg Blue Mountain Solar On 9/5/2019 8:01 PM, Sindelar Solar wrote: Wrenches, I have a customer with a 2005-era Outback VFX3648-based off grid residential system. Her

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