Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge Site Transfers to New Contractor

2024-10-31 Thread Jason Szumlanski via RE-wrenches
We have started to require site transfers before we do anything, but I have noticed some requests go missing, and others take days. Sometimes I get an email that says it was transferred, and sometimes not. I really don't understand why this is a manual process. I'll be honest - I charge a very high

Re: [RE-wrenches] APS rapid shutdown

2024-10-31 Thread Harry Mahon via RE-wrenches
Dave – w.r.t #3, I think this is mostly a requirement from the inverter manufacturer. For SMA, there is a minimum DC voltage required in shutdown (when there is also no AC voltage). This minimum can come from one string, that is, only the longest string needs to be over the minimum, the others

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge Site Transfers to New Contractor

2024-10-31 Thread Matt Partymiller via RE-wrenches
We’ve had similar issues. Support directs us to the admin transfer weblink. That takes 24 hours to process (generally happens overnight). Our inside service technician now transfers all sites once the service ticket is agreed in advance of rolling a truck. We’d really been doing that anyway

[RE-wrenches] SolarEdge Site Transfers to New Contractor

2024-10-31 Thread Jason Szumlanski via RE-wrenches
I don't understand how SolarEdge expects contractors to support their products effectively when it takes so long for a site transfer to go through. I have picked up so many service clients with SolarEdge issues due to companies dropping like flies in Florida. If you get on site and can't have the m

Re: [RE-wrenches] APS rapid shutdown

2024-10-31 Thread Brian Mehalic via RE-wrenches
Not sure about #2 or #3, but 100% yes on #1, which quite a few people (including the mfg?) “learned the hard way.”BrianOn Oct 31, 2024, at 6:57 AM, Dave Tedeyan via RE-wrenches wrote:Hi All, I am about to use the AP systems rapid shutdown units for the first time (pairing with SMA inverters). I w

Re: [RE-wrenches] APS rapid shutdown

2024-10-31 Thread Matt Partymiller via RE-wrenches
The APsmart units have a history of rapid failure due to crosstalk. You absolutely MUST keep the DC conductors separate. Don’t risk it. They fail by thermal event. Keeping the APsmart away from wires and other objects is a good idea to mitigate thermal event risk. Keep wires inside the modu