Hi folks:
We have a new Magnum MS4024 mounted on an E-Panel using a MidNite Classic 150
and Whiz-Bang JR with power coming from an array of Trina TSM365-De06X-05(II)
(three strings of three) with the ME-RC50 and a HUP SolarOne 6-85-14/24 battery.
When we attempt to use the PFC (Power Factored Ch
The easy answer is try another genset ! You have to be more specific,
did it ever work? Is it new? etc. Good Luck !
Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines don't"
e-mail offgridso...@sti.net
text 209 813 0060
On 2022-12-16 10:04 am, Chris D
I visited this site this morning and found AC and DC voltages at the
inverter terminals to be within expected range (432 Vdc and 246 Vac).
Since the error code on the inverter specified it being an AC problem I
removed the upper cover of the inverter and traced all the terminal and
soldered connect
You may have neutral and ground connected at more than 1 location, meaning
at the genset and in house panel, which means the ground is carrying
current back to the generator in parallel with the neutral.
I remember with some Honda portables we had to float the neutral at the
genset or the inverter
Undoing the N-G bond at the E panel may not do it either. Are you sure
neutral isn't also bonded in the main distribution panel? It usually is
bonded at the generator, so you definitely have to unbond there. I'd
say 60 to 70% of off grid systems are not bonded correctly that I've
seen. Just
My bet is on a neutral to ground bond inside the generator!
Roy Butler
Four Winds Renewable Energy, LLC
8902 Route 46, Arkport, NY 14807
Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you
“The less people know, the more s
I also found Kirk's response to capture what I would've checked first.
Ray is correct about multiple neutral-ground bonds, but there's a point
that I think has been missed. You didn't identify the generator, and I'm
going to assume that it's a portable gasoline unit. They have GFCIs on
7 matches
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