Hello wrenches,
Is there a good method to charge 24V battery bank with single 60 cell
modules? Ideally, I'd like to charge a 24 V bank with a Kyocera 245GX-LFB.
However, at NOTC the Vmp is 26.8V. Any good way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Mac Lewis
"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sóc
No way to do this effectively. You need at least 72 cells to effectively charge
a 24V battery, especially during hot weather.
On Jun 4, 2013, at 8:04 AM, Mac Lewis wrote:
Hello wrenches,
Is there a good method to charge 24V battery bank with single 60 cell modules?
Ideally, I'd lik
Hi Mac,
A PWM charge controller, such as the C35, will work in this application,
because it will
act like a switch that connects the panel to the battery. While the bulk
voltage will likely be slightly
higher than Vmp, once the controller transitions to float, which is approx
27V for most batt
Please explain further, as what you wrote makes no sense to me.
Mac didn't indicate whether he wanted to charge a flooded battery
(~29.2V) or sealed (~28.4V). The C-series of PWM controllers has a
fixed two-hour absorption, which it only counts down once the
Hi Mac,
You can do it if you don't need much power. That module will float and
equalize the battery but as the voltage rises, the current will drop
significantly. I used one 230 watt module for a year to charge a 24 volt
battery with an 11 watt load on it and it worked fine. It is probably ch
I know this isn't Facebook, but if there were a 'like' button, I would
click it.
This is probably a more common question than we realize, and I agree with
the answer by Allan/Bob-O. I wonder if we could convince Solar Converters,
Inc. to make a cost effective and flexible DC converter to boost the
Hi Allan,
If I can jump in here: using a 60-cell module on a 24V battery is similar to
using two (in series) of the old 30-cell "self-regulating" modules that were
available way back in the 80's. While it was found that those modules were not
nearly as effective at charging 12V batteries as 36-
Mac, I'm not much of a poster, but there is another answer. Although I largely
agree with the answers you've gotten, as far as they go, but I use a boost M
PPT controller from
http://genasun.com to trickle charge my 36 V Elek track from a pair of Arco
modules. It's not adjustable but is marine g
I should have included that the two Arco modules wired in series are M 51
model, and they have 35 cells each. I had to wolf my lunch and go out and count
the cells, you'd think I could remember,
I've had these modules a long time, probably bought them from Dave. Lance
On Jun 4, 2013, at 11:59 AM
2 cents worth. Boost/buck boost configuration converters use to increase
the PV voltage are only about 80 to 85 % efficient.
Frank Lewon
BZ Products INC.
8801 Gravois Rd.
St. Louis MO 63123 USA
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Addres
I have a client eat has a 24 - Solarex SX 80 PV module system that was off
grid, Trace inverter, APT Power panel and an very aged L-16 battery bank.
The utility came in and he wants to go grid tie. It is or was only 960 watt
originally. I realize that an array rewire is in order and it may only
Hi gang. If you have any questions or concerns about this post, please contact
I am saddened to report a situation wherein one Wrench list member responded to
an equipment-wanted query from another, and the former has unable to collect on
the debt owed for the equipment.
Just for
OK any good data from outdoor tests showing energy produced by thin film
compared to crystalline in the same conditions would be most helpful.
Can anyone confirm that NERL tested Unisolar for long term degradation and
the results were not published. is this a myth?
Carl E.
HI Carl,
Maybe wire 3 in series to a single Enphase? It'll depend on what the
voltages are.
> Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 14:01:42 -0600
> From: "Dana"
> To: "'RE-wrenches'"
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] Old Modules for GIT system?
> Message-ID: <05f401ce615e$55773960$0065ac20$@com>
> Content-Type: text/p
I forgot to add to add we have 220' of 4 X 4/0 Thhn running to the house.
With today's prices I could pull that out and purchase a couple of the
Enphase inverters
Dana Orzel
Great Solar Works, Inc - NABCEP # 051112
OK, here's my last post on this thread, forwarding Eric's off list
reply. Nada mas, I promise, as the circle is complete.
Original Message
That is the concern. While it
hurt the controller to
There's copper in them thar hills!
You might even be able to buy 1kW of new PV with that.
But is your math wrong? 24 x 80W = 1920W not 960W.
Have you tested these modules? Solarex does not have a great track record. The
APT PowerCenter puts this back about 20 years, so they aren't exactly young
I found this summary from NERL, released 2011
Reported degradation rates in the literature appear to show a significant
improvement for thin-film technologies
during the past decade mirroring findings of our own study encompassing more
than 40 modules. A Shell Solar CIGS
1.12 kW system fiel
Hi Todd.
Thanks for this, but I think we need something more recent.
I have the Solar Shootout data from back in '98 when they gagged the
Carl E.
is the attached file what you are looking for? if not... i think i can dig
up that "solar shootout" article from way back.
Cell phone calculator on a 45° hill side = bad calc.
They are not tested [at 18+ in the air on a 45 deg hill they are just up
there [climbing harness access only], but have been supplying 2 Sunfrost ref
& freezer and a collection of DC water pumping with consistent power without
backup. We will b
Depending on the original work, I'd look at sealed batteries and leave
it alone. I've done a bunch of rewires, and you're really wasting the
customer's money to rewire 80 watt modules. ( module J boxes are so
1990s) Meanwhile those 80 watt modules have decent resell value for
small 12 v sy
Ray makes a great point. Just the labor that it would take to test the modules
will greatly reduce their real value to the owner.
If you do leave that array as-is, you should at least take a look to make sure
the wiring is OK. Bad wiring on a steep hillside could be a severe fire hazard,
with t
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