Re: [RE-wrenches] Copper vs. Aluminum Conductors

2010-08-23 Thread Richard L Ratico
Most Esteemed Wrenches, Peak Copper? Please read: There's a copper Superfund site 30 miles from my home here in VT. Let's use our resources wise

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV GEC to the same point as the utility service GEC?

2010-08-23 Thread Jason Szrom
Matt, Thanks for the reply. I should have clarified, but I am talking about a standard grid-tied, non-backup system. I'm still not quite sure I have any solid code sections to back up my assumption that it is OK to tie the inverter GEC to the nearest steel, rather than running all the way back

[RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Frye
_ From: Mark Frye [] Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:58 AM To: 'RE-wrenches' Subject: RE: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding Too lazy to look myself, but maybe one of you guys with an electronic version of the Code can search for it: a requirem

Re: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread Jason Szrom
My 2 cents on this issue which I have encountered on numerous occasions. Here in NYC the majority of service switch installs agree with the convention of BLACK, RED, BLUE. However, I have seen a few older service switches with the reverse, BLUE, RED, BLACK. The only documented place I have ever

Re: [RE-wrenches] Aluminum wire failure

2010-08-23 Thread wlbryce
All, In reality is is easy to find faults in underground feeder wire. A tone trace device is installed on the feeder and a triangulation "A Frame" is then used to find the fault. It is accurate within inches. Have photos of device (3M Dynatel 2250) and failed aluminum wire if interested. Extreaml

Re: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread Darryl Thayer
HI all it is referenced several times.  First 110.15 "Orange or other marking ect"     408.3E Panel boards     409.120 Industrial panel boards     430.80-84 (MCC) Motor Control Centers Part of this is from memory, I do not have my code book handy, and as always my memory is not so good --- On Mo

[RE-wrenches] Power Loss from Dust on PV Modules

2010-08-23 Thread Joel Davidson
Wrenches, A recent news story about "Self-cleaning technology from Mars can keep terrestrial solar panels dust free" at said "A dust layer of one-seventh of an ounce per square yar

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV GEC to the same point as the utilityservice GEC?

2010-08-23 Thread Matt Lafferty
Hi Jason, I'm a little confused about your intention. I think you might be making this harder than it needs to be. Everything you need is right there in 2008 NEC 690.47(C). Where are you tying into the building AC distribution system? Get your GEC the same place the existing AC distribution sys

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Loss from Dust on PV Modules

2010-08-23 Thread Peter Parrish
With most of our systems being sold in an urban setting, we have found that -- without a doubt -- proximity to a freeway, any freeway, is the single most important factor contributing to accumulation of dust/dirt. I can't tell you exactly where to draw the line, but 500 feet puts the system within

Re: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread Darryl Thayer
Hi all I screwed up again the code references are  Hi leg color 110.15    phase location  panel boards  408.3E (left to right ABC with B phase if there is a hi leg B phase)  industrial panel boards 409.102B  (same)  MCC motor controllers 430.97B    (same) Before the code change the Hi-l

[RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Kirpal Khalsa
Hi All.I can't find it in any of the manuals for grundfos.does anyone know if the wiring to the float switch carries current or not. The float switch has 3 #14AWG wires...I need to add about 700 feet of wire from the CU 200 controller to the storage tank.I want to use #18AWG..i

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV GEC to the same point as the utilityservice GEC?

2010-08-23 Thread R Ray Walters
I think the issue is that some installers are wanting the supplementary electrode for the array tied to the building grounding system in two places. I saw this in BIll Brooks seminar too, but then he said it wasn't necessary. Basically the EGC system already ties both electrodes together as requ

Re: [RE-wrenches] useful info on wire color coding

2010-08-23 Thread R Ray Walters
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but to summarize this issue: 1) code requires clockwise phase rotation in Panel boards, and AC disconnects, 2) even though it's not code required, it is good practice to tape those wires black, red, blue, again left to right or clockwise. (as long as you're in the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Roy Butler
Kirpal, If you use 18/2 shielded tray cable (with all the proper insulation ratings of course) you can run that for thousands of feet. 700' is about our average run on the majority of our pump systems and it works well for us. My wire is by Omni, part

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread solardude97
The Grundfos switch is voltage only. I'm not sure I would run it 700 ft or not, regardless. For that distance I would probably install a float switch in the discharge tank that shut off the inlet flow and backed water pressure down the pipe to a pressure switch located close to the pump. As the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Bob-O Schultze
Hiya Kirpal, They are just signal wires from the CU200. Cheers, Bob-O On Aug 23, 2010, at 1:54 PM, Kirpal Khalsa wrote: Hi All.I can't find it in any of the manuals for grundfos.does anyone know if the wiring to the float switch carries current or not. The float switch has 3 #14AWG wir

[RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Dickson
We just use the inexpensive 18/2 sprinkler wire found just about anywhere for runs up to 2000' -- over that, go with the shielded. Another way to go about super long runs might be to use a radio transmitted float switch. Have yet to try it, but they look nice and as I recall only a couple hundr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grundfos SQ Flex Float Switch

2010-08-23 Thread Kirpal Khalsa
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FAST QUICK RESPONSE.SOLVED MY AFTERNOON...!!! Cheers, Kirpal On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 9:04 PM, Mark Dickson wrote: > We just use the inexpensive 18/2 sprinkler wire found just about anywhere > for runs up to 2000’ -- over that, go with the shielded. > > Another way to g