on the supply side of service disconnects.
> So, I would suggest there is no need to use compression connectors - but
> you can certainly do so as an 'above-Code' measure.
> Corey Shalanski
> Cherry Street Energy
> Atlanta, GA
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at
Hi All,
What are you all using for an "irreversible" tap to an existing GEC? I
have been looking at compression CTAPs. Do they require a special crimper
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
All of my numbers route me to a voicemail. Does anyone have a number to a
real person?
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin Master Electri
Hi All,
This will likely be an easy answer for this group.
I have a radian 4048 installation and am unable to get the programming
correct. What i want it to do is sell to the grid when the batteries are
full, but draw from the batteries at night or during cloudy periods until
hitting a set SOC o
Looking to replace a damaged module. Anyone happen to have a Trina 195
black frame on the shelf circa 2017ish?
Please reply off the list.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation P
HI All,
Just wondering if anyone has any of the old style SnapNRack rail and/or the
old style rail splices on the shelf. Please respond off list if so.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV
e-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org> wrote:
> Is Aerocompact still around ? They had a nice simple ballasted ground
> mount
> Brad Bassett
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2024, 10:45 AM Kristopher Schmid via RE-wrenches <
> re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org> wro
Thanks for the info, Sam.
I guess that I should have mentioned that I am looking at an 8kw
residential application.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin Master
Looking for recommendations (or the opposite) on ballasted ground mount
options. Anyone have experiences to share?
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Hello brain trust,
Anyone have experience with SOK lithiums? Here's my issue. Client has a
tiny home and bought their system online (I know, run away...). Whenever
they start a larger load (power tool, hair dryer) it pulls too much current
and causes the BMS to shut down the battery output. No
You could try contacting the Wisconsin program called "solar for good".
They have a system for their timber framed car port.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin
On exposed fastener metal, I have had good results with a cord grip
connector through the roof to a 4 square metal junction box flat up against
the bottom of the metal roof panel in the attic.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
I won't disclose my markup, but I can tell you that I stopped showing
itemized prices on my bids years ago for exactly this reason. The customer
only sees the final bid amount. If they want to shop around and buy it on
their own, they will have to self install or find another installer. Just
Thanks William! Laughed out loud at the first picture!
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin Master Electrician
On Sun, Apr 16, 2023, 10:12 AM Kristopher S
I am considering buying a deep scanner for locating trusses. Any
recommendations or testimonials?
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin Master Electrician
Very timely post for me, Matt. Thanks.
I was just asked to bid a roof mount with SIP panels. My first thought is
to just say no. I am very hesitant to rely on the pull out strength of
screws in OSB.
I will be watching this thread.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Hi wrenches,
In speaking to local firefighters last year, I had a question that stumped
me. At night, will the light from the flames or the fire fighters' flood
lights energize the array to a dangerous potential?
Any light you can shed (pun intended) would be most welcome.
Shine On!
Kris Schmi
Kris, It was SqD QO403, and it was a 3-pole load center/disconnect, not
>>> 4-pole. You may recall that the dual-inverter Trace Power Panels of long
>>> ago used two of these, each one serving as an inverter bypass switch to one
>>> 120V AC leg.
>>> On
Hi All,
I have a stand alone system that was upgraded from an FX inverter to a
Radian WITHOUT the companion load center. I would like to add an inverter
bypass circuit to operate the house on generator power. There used to be a
4 slot breaker panel (SqD?) with the rocker switch preventing both
Greetings all,
I have seen an issue on two different systems that I am hoping someone can
shed some light on for me. One was a 48 volt pack of 12 volt Battle Bornes
and the other was a 24 volt pack of SOKs. What happens is when reaching
the end of the bulk charging stage, the battery voltage spi
, 8:18 PM Lloyd Hoffstatter <
ll...@sunstruckconsulting.com> wrote:
> For inverters use the NYPSC list or CE for other equipment
> Best,
> Lloyd
> Get Outlook for iOS <https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
> --
> *From:* RE-wrenches on behalf
idn't have anything on their website and didn;'t answer their phone.
> Do you still have the email response from George?
> Thanks,
> Howie
> *Howie Michaelson **Sun Catcher*
> *NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™ *
> *Solar Electric Systems Sales & Ser
Search the archives, Howie. I posted the same question this year and got a
good response. The documents should be available from the manufacturer.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Profess
ed the minisplit off this 240V panel and subfeed 120V to
> the AC IN on the inverter. In turn, the inverter can supply a load center
> with 120V ONLY circuits.
> -Matt
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 1:30 PM Kristopher Schmid via RE-wrenches <
> re-wrenches@l
Hi All,
I am hoping that someone on the list can help me think this one through.
I have a client that builds tiny portable homes. He is working on one
where his client supplied the solar modules, charge controller, batteries,
inverter, etc. They bought them through some dot com. The tiny home
Has anyone ever heard this from a tax advisor?
Am I missing something?
What our account said is, if we were audited, the dept. federal revenue
would ask for a certificate from the manufacturer of the solar equipment
showing that they qualify for the credit. He said not all manufacturers
Hi All,
Does anyone use an HT curve tracer? If so, I could use some help. The
manual leaves much to be desired. Contact me off list, please and thanks!
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation
Hi All,
Does anyone happen to have 2 SW325XL solarworld modules collecting dust?
Contact me off-list if so.
Shine On!
Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
137 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
Licensed Wisconsin Master Electri
We had a pretty serious weather event and one of my clients had hail broken
glass. I advised him to request a replacement of the whole array or, if
not, a module by module inspection for I-V curves and hot spots. I am
wondering if should reach out to other clients. I don't want to be a storm
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