[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes - Mark's Bontrager

2013-02-15 Thread iamkeith
This is what I love about this group. The only thing hanging in my garage in larger numbers than Bridgestones and Rivendells are old Bontragers. >>" I want a Bontrager Privateer pretty bad. Those frames were really cool, and Bontrager seems to be kind of retro in his stylings before Trek perhaps

[RBW] Re: Speaking of merit badges...Association of Caffeinated Wheelmen

2013-02-15 Thread iamkeith
I think it's cool that you're letting "outsiders" buy a pin/patch. I'd be in. Some day down the road, this and a "just ride" patch will have deep meaning to a small fraternity of people. I love this story because it reminds me of a secret club that a bunch of guys who I grew up ski racing with be

[RBW] Re: Introduction

2013-02-26 Thread iamkeith
Patrick, I'm really kind of a "new" guy and only occasional participant here myself, but I wanted to say welcome AND thanks for the inspiration! My father, though quite a bit older than you, had a rare type of stroke a few years ago that has primarily messed with his balance and given him terrible

Re: [RBW] Re: ClemSamples on the BLUG

2015-03-13 Thread iamkeith
I don't know about the water-bottle-behind-the-seat-tube idea. I'm not particularly worried about this under normal circumstances (I know many people who will only use camelbacks when mountain biking, because of concerns about trail dirt and animal dung), but it seems like this is just asking

[RBW] Re: A Tough Bike To Love

2015-03-17 Thread iamkeith
I was wondering what this thread was about. I figured Bill had visited headquarters or something. I seem to have fallen off the list, too. Didn't get last month's either. What IS up with that?! Maybe we both accidentally hit "unsubscribe" links? On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 10:32:43 AM U

[RBW] hotmail users (& maybe others, too?), check your junk mail.

2015-03-17 Thread iamkeith
Through Bill's "tough bike to love" thread, I just realized that I'd missed this month's and last month's Rivendell *Monthly Update* emails. Seems a few others have had the same problem. I figured I'd accidentally clicked on an "unsubscribe" link at some point, but that appears not to be the

Re: [RBW] A Tough Bike To Love

2015-03-17 Thread iamkeith
t make a good mountain >> bike. Any reason to not do that? >> >> Thanks, >> Aaron Young >> The Dalles, OR >> >> On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, Bill Lindsay wrote: >> >>> That's a good idea, maybe I will try to make it out to HQ soon. I hea

[RBW] Re: Clem info for the Tall and Long

2015-03-18 Thread iamkeith
Thanks for the research, Garth. does anybody know how Rivendell usually cites their top tube measurements? Actual or effective? An actual 61cm top tube with a 6 degree slope and a 71 degree head tube would seem to be equivalent to about 62.86 cm (24 3/4") horizontal (effective) top tube. (

[RBW] Re: Clem info for the Tall and Long

2015-03-18 Thread iamkeith
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 11:37:21 AM UTC-6, Garth wrote: > > > I'm 'bout 6'2" with a PBH of 'bout 36.5" . Yes, I was under the impression > that the 59 would be longer than it was also I was kinda expecting > it to be really long and tall in the front also . The 59 Clem isn't long

[RBW] Re: Clem vs. Sam vs. Cheviot?

2015-03-21 Thread iamkeith
Don't forget about the forthcoming Appaloosa II, which soundls like it will be a Sam Hillbourne WITH long chainstays. If it ends up fitting a little wider tires than the normal Sam, it might be the perfect bike for those who can't decide. Another thought though: *If any one model fits you be

[RBW] Re: Family member thinking about a 52 Clementine

2015-03-21 Thread iamkeith
Well, if she typically rides a 54cm ROAD bike, then I think most bike shops would put her on a MOUNTAIN bike that's significantly *smaller *than a 52. I guess I think of the Clem as more of a mountain bike, and one which should be a bit bigger than someone is used to getting, because of the Ri

Re: [RBW] Re: Family member thinking about a 52 Clementine

2015-03-21 Thread iamkeith
tion of the 80s mountain bikes so often used for town bikes. On Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 3:03:44 PM UTC-6, Jim Bronson wrote: > > She is attracted to the aesthetics of the Clementine, so I don't think > the Clem is really an option. > > On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 2:28 PM, i

Re: [RBW] Re: Clem info for the Tall and Long

2015-03-21 Thread iamkeith
^^^ THIS has been my hesitation/concern all along, too!^^ As others have pointed out though, there seems to be some sort of disconnect between the geometry numbers that we know about, the clearances cited, the height recommendations given, and extrapolation from all other Rivendell models we kn

[RBW] Re: Ram as a light tourer-your experiences?

2015-03-23 Thread iamkeith
I don't have a lot of insight to add to this discussion - mostly interested in reading other responses for my own benefit. Here are a couple notes though: 1. Here's Peter White's description and comparison of the Ram and Homer, from when they were both offered and he was a dealer, with specif

[RBW] Re: I test rode the Clem

2015-03-25 Thread iamkeith
You're on FIRE lately, Bill. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send emai

[RBW] Re: I test rode the Clem

2015-03-26 Thread iamkeith
I wonder if there will be enough "S" decals included in the name-it-yourself kit option, to immortalize this on the down tube. On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 8:08:31 AM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote: > > Och! Bill! Clearly you know this in all your glorious humility (grin), but > that is the clear

Re: [RBW] The aftermath of my recent car vs. bike hit and run.

2015-03-26 Thread iamkeith
Sorry to hear this, David. Best wishes with your recovery. Wish I could say or offer more. I'm glad to hear you still have fighting spirit and won't let this keep you off your horse - evidenced by the fact that you're already trying to figure out how to fix the bike. That's a great sign! O

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Quickbeam 60cm SS/FG Brooks Nitto Hammered Fenders

2015-04-11 Thread iamkeith
Wheelin' and dealin' . If anyone is looking at this, and it's the correct size, but is hesitating because they'd rather have a green one and/or would rather spend a bit less, here's a proposal: Maybe I could buy this one from Hobo and sell my not-as-nice-condition green one to you, for a f

[RBW] Seeking first-hand test-fit (& ride) impressions of the Clem, from other in-betweeners!

2015-04-12 Thread iamkeith
After seeing the formal sales flyer , I'm having renewed doubts about the Clem that I purchased fitting me. If the included diagram is accurate, the quoted stand-over heights are measured directly above or just in front o

[RBW] Re: Seeking first-hand test-fit (& ride) impressions of the Clem, from other in-betweeners!

2015-04-13 Thread iamkeith
have no idea how things would go. > When I got my Quickbeam I got it sized on the big side just the same, so I > have no comparison. > > With abandon, > Patrick > > On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 6:12:28 PM UTC-6, iamkeith wrote: >> >> After seeing the formal sales flyer

[RBW] Aeropress on NPR

2015-04-14 Thread iamkeith
How AeroPress Fans Are Hacking Their Way To A Better Cup Of Coffee http://n.pr/1CHwmiC Trying to post from my phone. Hopefully this link, to an NPR story about the popularity of the aeropress, works: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bun

[RBW] Re: Thank you lawyers

2015-04-22 Thread iamkeith
Didn't seem worth starting a new thread for this, but "whoa!" Just saw this on a news feed: 1,000,000 trek bikes recalled due to compatibility problems between quick releases, disc brakes (and carbon forks?), leading to rider paralyzation! http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trek-recalls-nearly

[RBW] Re: "Last run" of Sams?

2015-05-28 Thread iamkeith
On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 11:39:52 PM UTC-6, drew wrote: > > anyone in the bay area see the protovelo frame they have in back? i > visited for the first time last weekend, saw it, and they described it as > "like a sam, but with cantis and bigger clearances. it will probably be out > in a

[RBW] Re: AHH Brake Ideas

2015-06-05 Thread iamkeith
Coincidentally, the most recent Blug post features photos of Hilsens, with both Silvers and Racers, almost side-by-side (front view, anyway). Makes it easy to see how much more clearance the Racers have. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't just read this thread. On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 7:

[RBW] Tigged welds on Rosco Road

2017-03-25 Thread iamkeith
Assuming they'll look like my first-run clem, they are not smooth at all. There's a thickish bead, with visible and very evenly-spaced, overlapped "pools." The wet paint is thicker than powdercoat, so the texture is not "rough," though - it's just "relief." Is that what you're wondering?

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB - Riv Fork; 26" wheel canti

2017-04-13 Thread iamkeith
Here's one that only missed by a cm of steerer length: http://m.ebay.com/itm/26-inch-Bike-Fork-Gray-1-in-Threaded-for-Mountain-Comfort-Bike-V-Brake-Compatble-/232298936149?hash=item3616187755%3Ag%3AtfQAAOSwU8hY7AnU Im sure you're watching the bay already, but you should keep an eye for complet

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB - Riv Fork; 26" wheel canti

2017-04-13 Thread iamkeith
ng. Those switchblade > forks look like they are mostly disc forks... which would work but would > necessitate some wheel changes and different braking styles front to back > for sure! :) > > > > On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:06 AM iamkeith > wrote: > >> Here's o

Re: [RBW] FS: Green Clem Smith Jr H 59CM - stock build with SKS fenders - $800 plus shipping - moving sale

2017-04-17 Thread iamkeith
Funny - just got back from a nice visit to that area myself - or St. Pete, more accurately. Interestingly, the entire time i was there, i was desperately wishing i had my 59 clem. Would have loved to have cruised the Pinellas Parkway for a few hours, then tried out some of the abundant-but-not

[RBW] #%*#! Fenders!!!!

2017-04-18 Thread iamkeith
Ideas from having installed numerous sks fenders: 1) As others mentioned and assuming there is a threaded boss on the underside of the Mark's rack, use that to suck the fender upward and stabilize. But do this LAST, after you have the rest as good as possible, because you have to drill a hole i

[RBW] Re: #%*#! Fenders!!!!

2017-04-19 Thread iamkeith
Good news. If/when you do decide to bolt to the mark's rack, a couple of easy ideas for thicker spacers that you might already have, are: 1) inner chainring spacer with a short piece of rubber tubing inside, to reduce diameter; and 2) knurled nuts from presta valves, stacked as needed. -- You

[RBW] Re: #%*#! Fenders!!!!

2017-04-19 Thread iamkeith
Also, Riv sells a nice spacer in their rack hardware section, made by bridgestone. I plan to get some of those next time i place an order, just to have on hand. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this grou

[RBW] Re: Bear Country Bike Camping

2017-04-26 Thread iamkeith
A picture is probably worth a thousand words here. This is what I carry on almost every ride:

[RBW] Re: Bear Country Bike Camping

2017-04-26 Thread iamkeith
Just realized, as others already did, that you were probably asking about "food" canisters, not "spray" canisters. I'd assume you can find some that fit in paniers, but i think I'd feel safer with hanging my food anyway. In order to be officially rated as bear-proof, anything i know of is quit

[RBW] Roscoe Ramblings

2017-04-28 Thread iamkeith
Looks really great! I thought this one had/has the nicest proportions of the lot. Can i ask what your saddle height is? How tall are you? (Always tough to get a feel for true size & fit from frame drwgs on paper alone.) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr

[RBW] Re: lydia got her green Rivendell custom back

2017-04-29 Thread iamkeith
That's really great news! Also nice to hear that the cops took the effort to put 2 and 2 together and call her. So often these days and in so many communities, you hear that they're just too busy with other, more pressing issues, to bother making bike theft a priority. On Saturday, April 29,

[RBW] Question: Quickbeam With Axle Nuts

2017-05-12 Thread iamkeith
I got these for the solid axles on my quickbeam recently, but haven't given them a good test to see if they'll slip. I figured it was worth a try, because i don't stop and swap at all when i have to bother with a wrench: http://stage.velo-orange.com/index.php/vo-stainless-wingnuts-mkii.html --

[RBW] FS - Rivendell Rambouillet Bicycle 58 cm - Mint condition

2017-05-17 Thread iamkeith
Wow! I didn't see the size mentioned. 56 or 58, perhaps? That shouldn't last long. Sorry you have to let it go. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an em

Re: [RBW] Re: The BLAHG, eRivs?

2017-05-18 Thread iamkeith
I haven't even read the blahg yet but will say that, as a reformed motorhead and perpetual mechanical tinkerer/hobbyist who found cycling as a redemption from more destructive pastimes, I'll admit to being both very intrigued by e-bikes and disgusted at the thought of seeing them on trails and

Re: [RBW] Re: The BLAHG, eRivs?

2017-05-18 Thread iamkeith
I meant "moot." -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owner

Re: [RBW] Re: Jones and Hunq

2017-05-19 Thread iamkeith
Ed, forgive me for interjecting and for not directly answering your question, but I wanted to say that if Jeff and you think that the 23" spaceframe will fit, you are extremely lucky and should consider it. I have the regular spaceframe in the equivalent of the next size up, and could not im

[RBW] Fenders - worth the safety risks? Rethinking my fender use.

2017-05-26 Thread iamkeith
Not addressing your question directly, but did you see the blog entry a while back that showed a scrunched sks/esge fender, from where a stick or something jammed and the quick release stay "didn't?" It was pretty impressive and put me at ease a bit. Im probably a bit unique - and definitely

[RBW] Re: The BLAHG, eRivs?

2017-05-31 Thread iamkeith
So... sorry to change the subject, but I finally got around to reading the pertinent Blahg entry, and what caught my eye was something else entirely. And unlike an e-riv, it sounds like it's at least a remote possibility. Is anyone else as excited as me by the possibility of a Hunqapill

[RBW] Re: The BLAHG, eRivs?

2017-06-01 Thread iamkeith
On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:40:58 AM UTC-6, Philip Kim wrote: > > yep. at that point might as well go disc brakes > >> >> Phillip, I suppose I see your point. If Velocity stopped making the cliffhanger (as they did once before), you'd kind of be screwed. That might actually be one of

[RBW] Re: Looking for photos of Nitto Mark's Rack on the rear

2017-06-02 Thread iamkeith
Glad the marks rack is going to work, and it is definitely classy looking. I WAS going suggest something new i saw on the caradice site quite recently, but it appears to be discontinued already. It was a version of the bagman support with extra support struts. Still, if the marks rack doesn't

[RBW] Re: Does anybody ride 75+ km with non-drop-bar handlebars?

2017-06-02 Thread iamkeith
I was going to say almost exactly what Garth said. Having gone through the same circumstances and adjustment to riding realities as you are currently, and having done it for extended periods that allowed me time to experiment (my kids range from 25 to 10 years old), I will say that the thing t

[RBW] Clem in the raw

2017-06-04 Thread iamkeith
Question: your photo is cut off and just barely shows it (perhaps by design?), but what's up with the seat cluster? Looks like the one lug that the clem had is going away? Did they burn through all of the unused tall bike lugs that prompted the project in the first place? Or is the design cha

[RBW] Re: New Riv Model - Newsletter

2017-06-05 Thread iamkeith
I hope the medium mountain mixtes are as big of a hit as the extra large ones were, and that the success prompts a run of in-between-sized large ones And that i can afford to jump on it when it happens. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owne

[RBW] Schwalbe G One

2017-06-12 Thread iamkeith
I currently have super motos, which are the predecessor to the g one, on my clem, and also use it regularly on mild single track. I've had no issues with traction, but will admit that i don't push it as hard as i might on my mountain bike. Because of the low pressures for which the tire is int

[RBW] Re: Snoqualmie Wow

2017-06-14 Thread iamkeith
Looks nice. You're probably the guy to ask: would those fit on an "actual" quickbeam? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+uns

[RBW] Re: what kind of bike is it?

2017-06-16 Thread iamkeith
As noted, all-arounder is pretty apt, and also the term Grant uses often. Of course, you realize that trying to pigeonhole something by categorizing it completely defeats the purpose of it not belonging to a category. I always liked chris kostman's take, with the "rough riders" / "any-bike

Re: [RBW] So many Rivs on the chopping block

2017-06-21 Thread iamkeith
Funny - to me, the abilty to swap wheel sizes has ALWAYS been the best selling point of disk brakes, but that might be because im primarily a mountain biker. That said, i admittedly swap less than i could, if even at all. I prefer my fat 26" front wheel to the 29er front wheel so much in gener

Re: [RBW] So many Rivs on the chopping block

2017-06-21 Thread iamkeith
Brakes dont make it more comfortable but those fat tires and wide rims, which aren't available with rim brake compatibility, sure do. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails f

Re: [RBW] So many Rivs on the chopping block

2017-06-21 Thread iamkeith
Max, the velocity cliffhanger is exactly what you describe. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To

[RBW] Re: My Purple Glorious was Stolen

2017-06-28 Thread iamkeith
Awesome. Love to hear these kinds of endings. What a great, supportive gang you all are, out there in the bay area!!! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send a

[RBW] Rivendell Single Speed?

2017-06-28 Thread iamkeith
If i remember correctly, those ones were also going to be limited to smaller sizes, to accommodate stature typical of intended market. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails

[RBW] Re: Discs versus calipers

2017-07-03 Thread iamkeith
Jeesh, Matt! Hope you're ok, and hope it's just the fork that needs to be replaced. I guess I'd completely overlooked that part of the argument for less-stiff blades, but now it makes sense. Otherwise, I think this might be one of the few places where I disagree with Grant, and believe that t

[RBW] (Pic Heavy) Quickbeam Campy Fixed Gear Flip Flop

2017-07-03 Thread iamkeith
:-) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@goog

Re: [RBW] QUESTION: Rat Trap Pass

2017-07-05 Thread iamkeith
Yeah, Mark - i think you want you let air out, not add it! I just took mine off my all rounder and went back to the original 1.75 compass tires because it was so tedious to tune the bounce out. But, in my case, it was the rim's fault - not the tire's. Normally, the way to get a high-volume, su

[RBW] 1.5 x N+1

2017-07-19 Thread iamkeith
Extra bike(s), yes! What that bike may be depends on where the island is. Humid or arid? Hilly or flat? Salt air or lake? Sandy or loamy soils? Dehumidifier or air conditioning in the cabin? If the storage conditions aren't compatible with a good steel bike, I'd just buy some cheap alumi

[RBW] Re: Advice and suggestions for custom dirt/pavement allrounder?

2015-06-10 Thread iamkeith
On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 9:35:26 AM UTC-6, BenG wrote: > > My new issue of Bicyling mag has your bike on the cover. Story is about > the dude, no mention of the machine, but check out that bike. Lugs, fat > tires, discs, non-aero levers, dirt drop or woodchipper bar, basket, bags > aplen

[RBW] Re: Advice and suggestions for custom dirt/pavement allrounder?

2015-06-10 Thread iamkeith
> > > Here's one more option you might look at. Patrick. The "Dirt Bomb" by Soulcraft. http://www.soulcraftbikes.com/frames.php?frame_id=7 One of, if not *the* first semi-standard bike of this type available, outside of Rivendell. "Semi-standard" because they're built-to-order to your own

Re: [RBW] Stolen Rambouillet UPDATE!

2015-06-22 Thread iamkeith
Fantastic!!! I can't help but wish that the police would have waited around discreetly until someone tried to claim it... and then questioned them. But I'm sure they have more important things to do, and it's nice to hear that they took it seriously enough to show up at all. I do hope you c

Re: [RBW] Stolen Rambouillet UPDATE!

2015-06-22 Thread iamkeith
I have adrenaline pumping, and a racing heartbeat, just reading this. $30? Hardware store?!! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-b

Re: [RBW] Friction Shifting Dyna-sys

2015-07-02 Thread iamkeith
Darn it. I wish you'd posted this about a week ago. I just purchased some components for a Dynashift setup on my new mountain bike. As you mention, the clutch derailleur was the main thing I wanted to gain, but the 40 tooth rear cog is pretty appealing, too. Mostly though, I'm just sort of

Re: [RBW] Friction Shifting Dyna-sys

2015-07-02 Thread iamkeith
Sorry - that's "I too have read that it would not be POSSIBLE." On Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:28:55 PM UTC-6, iamkeith wrote: > > Darn it. I wish you'd posted this about a week ago. I just > purchased some components for a Dynashift setup on my new mountain b

[RBW] Re: Are all blue Rambouillets 700c, and another frame question?

2015-07-02 Thread iamkeith
Both 50 and 52 are 26 for sure. I don't know about 54. My wife has a 50, if you want me to take any measurements or photos. I'm sort of getting the feeling, between these two threads, that you're considering buying one??? My wife loves hers. I think it's really perfectly proportioned,

Re: [RBW] Re: Are all blue Rambouillets 700c, and another frame question?

2015-07-03 Thread iamkeith
I'm certain it was to achieve proper geometry in the case of the Rambouillet. But, for me, 26" is where its at anyway! In addition to my 60cm Ram, I have a 60cm All Rounder with 26" tires, and I will virtually always choose that bike, no matter the conditions or type of ride planned. The s

[RBW] Re: found a Ram on CL

2015-07-03 Thread iamkeith
Conundrum. On one hand, you'll never regret buying a Riv if its a good deal and the fit is right. You could always set them up differently. On the other hand, there is a LOT of overlap between those two models. I've referenced this passage from peter white before, comparing the two models

[RBW] Re: Rivet review?

2015-07-06 Thread iamkeith
For the sake of consolidating useful info, I'm reviving an old thread rather than starting a new one. But with a request for new/different feedback. I know someone here will be able to help: Can anyone tell me how Rivet saddles compare specifically to the Selle Anatomica? I've been using t

Re: [RBW] Rivet review?

2015-07-07 Thread iamkeith

[RBW] WTT - New Selle Anatomica for older

2015-07-07 Thread iamkeith
I have a brand new and un-used Selle Anatomica saddle that I'd like to trade for a slightly older one in very good or equally un-used condition. Mine is black watershed leather, with black rivets. I'll consider any color other than mahogany, but would much prefer the same black or perhaps a

Re: [RBW] Rivet review?

2015-07-07 Thread iamkeith
Well, good news - now that I've muddled up this Rivet thread: I finally spoke with Selle Anatomica. Turns out I wasn't the only one frustrated, and they now offer a base with longer rails. It isn't listed, and it isn't standard, but at least its available. Also, Carol - Tom's sister - is s

[RBW] Re: Trigger Shifters?

2015-07-18 Thread iamkeith
Funny you should ask! I just yesterday received a box from Rivendell with a set of Albatross bars, to put on a mountain bike that I haven't been able to make peace with fit-wise, and which happens to have trigger shifters. I just swapped the bars on this afternoon and went for a ride. Some p

[RBW] WAY O.T. ...or is it? (carbon content)

2015-07-20 Thread iamkeith
Interesting article about carbon fiber and counterfeit bike products. Hopefully this isn't too un-Riv related, but I thought many of you would find it interesting. It IS another reminder about what makes Rivendell special. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/20/sports/cycling/as-tour-de-france-emb

Re: [RBW] Rivendell Tandem (30 of them, actually) in about one year.

2015-07-26 Thread iamkeith
Just speculating of course, but I took that as a typo for what should have read: *"Next year also, by internal popular vote, each of these models will come in one color only:* *Sam Hillborne* *Cheviot* *Clem H* *Clem L* *Joe Appaloosa (new tourish bike that splits *[the difference, functio

[RBW] Re: Rib-Inspired hiking gear?

2015-07-27 Thread iamkeith
On Monday, July 27, 2015 at 1:37:47 PM UTC-6, Justin August wrote: > > Hey Folks- > This summer I've really re-discovered my love of hiking - especially with > my dog. The East Bay has such amazing trails it's almost criminal not to do > it. > Currently my standard hiking "kit" includes: > > -

[RBW] Re: Trigger Shifters?

2015-08-02 Thread iamkeith
Sorr y for short reply - on smart phone at moment, but can expand later if necessary. Shimano changed derailleur movement ratio for mountain groups only with advent of 10 speed. They call it dynasys. All previous derailleurs with exception of older dura ace were 1.67:1 (often cited as 2:1.

[RBW] Re: Trigger Shifters?

2015-08-02 Thread iamkeith
d mountain bike rear derailleur will work). In this case, the >> answer would be to use the 10spd road flat bar shifters that shimano makes. >> I think currently they're offered in the Tiagra product line, and work >> really well. >> >> On Sunday, August 2,

[RBW] Re: Trigger Shifters?

2015-08-02 Thread iamkeith
ters (in which >> case, a 9spd mountain bike rear derailleur will work). In this case, the >> answer would be to use the 10spd road flat bar shifters that shimano makes. >> I think currently they're offered in the Tiagra product line, and work >> really well. &

[RBW] Re: PSA: Sample Appaloosa is pretty sweet

2015-09-02 Thread iamkeith
I'm confused here too. I understood that these modified Sam Hillbornes were replacing the original mystery/long bikes for the Joe Appaloosa "name," but I thought that they were going to have long chainstays in addition to having more tire clearance. I seem to recall a Blug entry or somethin

[RBW] MUSA? Completely gone? Coming back?

2016-12-04 Thread iamkeith
I think i saw a mention in a recent newsletter that a limited run might be in the works later this year? Don't quote me, though. I'm keeping my eye out but not my hopes up. Sounds like it wasn't good from a business standpoint, because of the need to purchase a full run of sizes - many of whi

Re: [RBW] Re: MUSA? Completely gone? Coming back?

2016-12-04 Thread iamkeith
Goes to show how hard it is to please everybody, i guess. I LOVED the longer knickers, and i have shortish legs. I'm talking out my a** now, but i don't think and didn't mean to suggest that some design feature made them unpopular. My understanding is that the manufacturer needs/expects to

[RBW] Re: MUSA? Completely gone? Coming back?

2016-12-05 Thread iamkeith
Yeah, me too. I've said it before and might as well say it again: if there needs to be a commitment in the form of pre-orders, to make a run worthwhile, I'm down for several pairs of knickers and a couple pair of shorts at a minimum. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[RBW] Pneu bars...time for MUSA?

2016-12-15 Thread iamkeith
I'm not following. Are some of Riv's handlebar designs showing up under different names, available from different retailers? Seems like there's a long history of that, for many, many products (mks grip king -> lambda, for example), but where Riv has made a concious decision to accept it when i

[RBW] Black and Cream Color Scheme

2016-12-15 Thread iamkeith
Did you see this? https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/QjvqG2Ov9DA Doesn't get much better. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an em

[RBW] Pneu bars...time for MUSA?

2016-12-16 Thread iamkeith
Oh. Im a little slow on the uptake, i guess, but more or less figured it out. In case anyone else is scratching their head, a read of Grant's PTTK blog will help provide context. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubsc

Re: [RBW] Re: Jones and Hunq

2016-12-19 Thread iamkeith
I have a regular 29 Jones spaceframe, and can't comment on the Plus other than to extrapolate (Jeff intended the two bikes - 24" Plus is equivalent to the 23" 29 - to encourage/accommodate the same fit and riding position). I'm 6'-2" with proportionally long torso / short legs. Regarding Bi

[RBW] Mix 'n match gearing

2016-12-20 Thread iamkeith
Confirmed. I do this on several bikes. The 8-speed suntour thumb shifters can be encouraged to give you one extra "click," or hidden index position, at the high end, so it works perfect. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.

[RBW] Re: New bike day! R05C0 8U883

2016-12-21 Thread iamkeith
Here's Bill-in-Roswell's idea in action. VO sells the pieces, but I'm sure you can come up with something equally nice or better on your own: http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/accessories/fenders/fender-hardware/spring-thing.html On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 11:22:08 PM UTC-7, Bill

[RBW] Re: Jones and Hunq

2016-12-21 Thread iamkeith
Christopher, *Regarding the low trail of the Jones:* Don't let this worry you. One of the reasons he designs it this way is precisely because his bikes have always intended to use fatter tires than the rest of the industry. The low trail geometry compensates for the mysterious but very real

[RBW] Re: Hunqua tires

2016-12-22 Thread iamkeith
Interested in responses to your question, too. Hopefully someone can confirm: I think the Big One actually replaced the 2.35 Super Moto in the 29" size. The later is no longer available, but the former is. I thought that there was also a 2.35 Big Ben, with the tread like the Super Moto but

[RBW] Re: Hunqua tires

2016-12-22 Thread iamkeith
Correction to my earlier post: I guess it's the Schwalbe Big Apple that's still available in 29x2.35, with that chevron tread, not the Big Ben. >> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop re

[RBW] Re: Hunqua tires

2016-12-22 Thread iamkeith
You had me worried for a moment - I read your G-ONE as G-O-N-E, "gone." Odd that they keep revising and re-issuing and re-naming these tires. As long as that means they're actually committed to making large-volume, supple, balloon tires, I guess all is good and there's no need to panic and st

Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Thinking about selling my Rambouillet

2016-12-29 Thread iamkeith
I think the 33mm jack browns are the safe bet, and that they were designed by riv specicically, or at least partly, with the ram in mind as a bigger-than-anything-else-theretofore-available retrofit.On my later blue ram, which obviously isn't an accurate comparison, those fit with fenders.

[RBW] Re: Silent bell until needed

2016-12-30 Thread iamkeith
I too keep seeing the title of this thread, and thinking of something different. I wonder if this could help, though: The only bell I have on any of my bikes is a "bear bell," kind of like one of THESE

[RBW] Olive green metallic Rivendell

2017-01-04 Thread iamkeith
http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc/2007/cc336-bruce0607.html -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post

[RBW] Olive green metallic Rivendell

2017-01-04 Thread iamkeith
http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc/2007/cc355-chrismcpherson0807.html Different type of olive. Perhaps this is what you mean? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send

[RBW] Olive green metallic Rivendell

2017-01-04 Thread iamkeith
One more http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc/2008/cc481-rickgalezowski0508.html -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@google

Re: [RBW] Question about stand over and head tube

2017-01-15 Thread iamkeith
If i understand your question correctly: 1) bottom bracket height matters a lot. For a given (& workable) standover height, the saddle can come down closer to the top tube with a corresponding drop in bottom bracket height, which then brings saddle and handlebar heights closer to equal - befor

[RBW] Re: Brass Bells

2017-01-16 Thread iamkeith
That's actual "patina" for a change, as opposed to "beausage," so i suppose it's ok to get rid of it. +1 for krylon. Brass home hardware is just lacquer coated to stay bright. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscri

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