Don't forget about the forthcoming Appaloosa II, which soundls like it will 
be a Sam Hillbourne WITH long chainstays.  If it ends up fitting a little 
wider tires than the normal Sam, it might be the perfect bike for those who 
can't decide. 

Another thought though:  *If any one model fits you better than the others, 
than I'd say get THAT one, no matter what!*  As others have said, most 
Rivendell models will do many things well, and there's a lot of overlap by 
design.  (I'm am a bit skeptical about the Clem being a good "road" or 
"touring" bike, though I believe it will be the best "town" or "cruiser" 
bike....  but that's just speculation on my part.)  

In the end, nothing trumps a perfect fit, in terms of making you want to 
ride more often in general, or for preferring to ride a certain bike over 
all others, even if it's not ideally suited to the task at hand.    

Looked at another way, I think you'll eventually find that not all 
Rivendell models will have a size that fits you.   From experience, I can 
promise you that, once a model that DOES fit you becomes unavailable, 
you'll regret not acting when you had the chance - even if it wasn't what 
you thought you wanted at the time. (Unless it duplicates 
other Riv models you have, that already fit perfectly, of course.)

On Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 11:23:01 AM UTC-6, Liesl wrote:

> First decision point:  Long chain stays or not? no=Sam; 
> yes=clem/clementine or cheviot
> Second decision point:  fattiest tires?  yes=clem/clementine
> Third Decision point:  top tube or not? yes=Clem or Sam; no=Clementine or 
> Cheviot
> Fourth decision combopoints:  how much can I spend, am I a 
> build-perfecter, and am I rough-ride fretter?  Thinking of Bill's post, if 
> you're a build perfecter, go with a Sam or Cheviot.  If you're a rough-ride 
> fretter, go with the Clem/clementine
> Feel free to mix up the order of the questions.
> Personally, bikes with fat tires and long chain stays are the absolute 
> bomb!  They go anywhere and couldn't be more comfy.  I'm just glad I'm done 
> making decisions!
> -RCW

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