Brooks is sold. Thanks.
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> You can try Green Grips . They make nice cotton bar tape. They may have
> something close.
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> So its a double joke?
Free shipping expired March 1, 2014?
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> I'd rather give up the tire, than irrevocably de-value the frame, and
> maybe mess up the intended ride characteristics of the frame by crimping.
> Maybe even be ruining the alignment of the frame unless you get exactly
> identical crimps going on both stays?
I am no frame expert, though
> Looks like a fun way to learn to ride in snow. Just good old fun.
It was 21 degrees in MD this morning and I skipped my weekly training ride.
I don't know how you do it, Patrick! Too cold for me!
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> Only looking for a Homer? No 650b Bleriot interest? I am guessing you
> already have one from your moniker.
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> I tried to trade 'ya for your Ram :)
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> Those RBW checker pattern tire treads are one of the coolest treads I have
> ever seen!
I don't know who designed them, but a very creative and cool aesthetic!
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> Congrats on the new bike, Jim. I am sure someone around here will have
> something to offer.
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> I don't get the joke (was it a joke?). But I am not annoyed.
But I still say those checker patterns are very cool.
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It is the virus protection that slows them down.
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> Fenders are especially fun when it is not raining, but he road is really
> wet from a fresh rain.
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Need any of below for trade for silver shifters?
Fatty Rumpkins in good shape
650b Marathon in good shape
Noodle bar
6cm Technomic stem 26 clamp
7cm Technomic Stem 26 clamp
Dia Compe Gran Compe brake levers
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> Wow!! I don't know how you Rando-peeps can go so far! That is amazing.
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> Welcome to the forum.
I would call Rivendell and ask them. They would probably be best to tell
Measure your PBH and tell them what it is when you get them on the phone.
2. You can see the geometry chart for the Hilsen to see the standover
heights and the top tube lengths to see i
Weight on front rack. Decaler holding the top of the bag?
How's the handling?
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> *rivbike.com has links to their videos under the Learn Section of the
> website.*
Installing bar end shifters, derailer and chain installation and set up,
packing and un packing a bike, installing cork grips, twining, rack and
fender installation, etc. Cool stuff. Fun vids that don't sc
> Beautiful, Patrick!
I hope it works out great for you.
Cockpit swaps are fun to do. Easy for Albas and Moustaches, too.
Post a profile pic of the bike so we can see all the orange accents jump
out with the bartape!
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> Thanks! Perfect color bartape for that bike. Looks great!
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> Chain-L is the longest lasting, and coolest smelling lube I have ever used.
You can smell it when you enter the garage for the next week after
installing it on the chain.
Smells like engine oil.
I think I could could go for 1k at least without a relube if I remember
right from my use. Ra
> Chain-L No.5 is a petroleum based lube. It smells kind of like motor oil
> to me. Its not overpowering. You can just smell it while standing near the
> bike while in the garage. Not while riding, of course.
> Chanel No.5, on the other hand can probably be scent-sampled at any local
> d
> Not close, but:
> I live in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and have a 55 Albatross
> bar Bleriot, if that helps.
I assume that the Cheviot would not ride much different than an Albatrossed
Rivendell of comparable size and weight. Maybe I am wrong.
But if you all are in the area you
Anyone here own a low-trail/ lightest tubing bike?
Like the Herses and Singers and the new MAP S&P, Boulder bikes, etc.?
Do you find them really that much better performing (faster, flexier, planier,
efficient) than your "oversized" steel tubing bikes, as I have read about in
reviews of them?
I'm talking ride quality only, not function.
Don't blow a gasket until you read this post in full.
Steel, carbon, Alu, Ti, Rando-lite frames, etc.
I just saw a RAAM documentary. Actually I have watched three of them.
Those guys are mostly carbon, skinny tires, with bars waaay low, yet they do
Hello everyone,
I am trying to sell my cushy-riding Bleriot locally, but since I have had
so few bites I thought I would see if anyone here is looking for one.
Please contact me if you are.
October 2012, I got "hit" by a slow moving car that was entering the
traffic circle I was tr
I am just expressing my realization that they all must be really good, even
though different camps profess one over the other, which can confuse you into
thinking one is. But I think a long ride like RAAM shows that they are all
great materials for bike riding.
What you hang on a frame also con
> 1. loosen, then re-tighten pedals into cranks.
2. loosen, and then retighten tire valve nuts.
3. See here for a list of bike noises and their solutions.:
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I have a Silver Hupe if you think that would work.
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> Clear coat it and enjoy the badge of honor.
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I am sure that fender functional benefits far outweigh any aero deficits.
But the thought crossed my mind that my front fender probably acts like a
hood scoop.
Was wondering if anyone knows how bad, if at all fenders effect
aerodynamics on a bike.
Maybe front fender line matters. For instance,
> Cool video. Thanks for sharing.
I am always a little scared to go on Rando events because they say (at
least on my local Randoclub) you have to have an emergency contact to come
pick you up in a car in case you get stuck because no one will come to get
you, SAG-wise from the ride organi
> I flipped through a couple of the other pics. That 5 mile connector road
> looks awesome!! What's the story behind the girls' clothes? I have noticed
> the cool and very comfy looking duds in other pics, too.
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> Now is your chance to get it inscribed with your initials while it is off
> the bike!
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> What's the diameter and rise of the Young (inscribed on the stem riser
> shaft, I think), and is their any reason why an adult can't use it on their
> bike?
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> Creative cable hanging off the stem!
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> I don't get it, you tell them your route and they map it as a heat trail,
> or is there some satellite up there that follows heat trails from bikes?
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> Bump before eBay, with some new pics and description. Make me an offer!!
> Will ship anywhere in Continuental US in RBW box with RBW packing. Buyer
> pays shipping. Paypal.
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My second century ride ever.
Cambridge, MD/Chesapeake Bay area century ride.
Sometimes as I rode along I thought about the Rando-peeps here and on the
BQ blog. I have no idea how you all do 200+k rides. Such accomplishments!
My hat's off to you guys and gals! A 200k is on my bucket list, though.
Looks like it was a great meandonneur ride.
Would be fun to tag along for all the cool sights, as I know nothing about
getting around in DC.
Looks like a fun Tour De DC.
Thanks for sharing, Tony.
I look forward to seeing you again and the Saluki one day.
On Sunday, May 4, 2014 11:29:42 PM UTC-4
Some steerer tubes are butted.
When slamming, be sure stem wedge is not in butted section, or wedge may
suddenly release, causing accident.
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> Sounds like it was a blast!
Wow! Robin's Egg Homer, a Custom(?) or Road(?), and a Simple One with, is
that a Rene Herse crankset?
Thanks for the report.
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> Thanks for the report. Sounds like you all had a blast. Looks like a fun
> ride.
OK, a guess is: Robin's Egg Homer, a Road or Custom, and Simple One with
Rene Herse crankset?
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I'm building up a new frame and have been wondering about this
myself. I was comforted by the many replies which basically said that
it wasn't a problem, that leaving the cables bare against the bottom
bracket shell was fine.
Then my friend sent me this:
I couldn't find the Atlantis geometry chart on the Riv website (from
the Atlantis page it gives you Bleriot geometry for some reason). C-
to-c it measures 54", but since there isn't a 54cm offered, it must be
a c-to-t measurement, eh? Thus a 55cm. At any rate, my pbh is 84.
Time to thin the her
Ahh, yes. The frame is a 56cm, the largest of the 26in wheel Atlanti.
Thank you, my good man.
On Jul 16, 10:09 am, Rocky B wrote:
> Michael,
> The Atlantis geometry chart is on the Riv website. When you see the
> Bleriot geometry chart just scroll down. You will then see the rest
I am ordering an A. Homer Hilsen. My PBH is exactly 33 inches (83.8
cm), I was informed that a 57 cm with 700 wheels would be better for
me than a 58 with 650s. Any opinions on my correct size frame? If
you do the math as on Riv site, my size frame is 58. Is a 59 cm way
too big?
Rivendell, which I am of course going to follow. Just wanted to get
other opinions. Thanks! I rather have the 57 with 700c wheels.
On Aug 7, 12:25 pm, Horace wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Michael wrote:
> > I was informed that a 57 cm with 700 wheels would be bette
> Sounds and looks like a very nice jacket.
Someone will have to post back and tell us if it works well.
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> What about it makes it worth such a high price?
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You could miss a reply that way, and clutters up the thread listing to have
two going at one time about the same subject.
Why does this happen?
Maybe it is the forum thread equivalent of a double TT?
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Website says 40mm with fenders max, and it also says 38mm with fenders max.
So which is it?
What's the biggest tires you fit on yours with fenders?
Thanks for the info.
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1. Rear car trunk rack as repair stand (learned from Jim Langley site).
> 2. Hand clamp as third hand for holding pads against rims while attaching
> brake cables.
3. Leave brake cable adjuster barrel half way in/out so you can adjust
either way depending on if the newly attached cable str
> My Marathons on Synergy is 40.5.
What tires come stock on a Hilsen these days?
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Figured I'd ask here rather then bother the busy RBW people when I don't have
cash in hand.
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Looking for gloves and thought I would see what you all use.
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Smokey blue color, similar to the smokey Blue Sam color - but lighter.
Closest match I could find so far.
In some outdoor lighting it looks almost the same.
I like matching bartapes. More fun to look at than black.
One coat of shellac and ridden for about 3 weeks. Once in rain. Already
> I would love a Rivendell single speed bike, but I live in rolling terrain
> and it is hard enough for me getting up the hills.
But I am sure it takes you to a whole other level of exhilaration riding a
one-geared-no-shifters bike.
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> Hi Jay,
> Creaking:
1.Are you using a sprung saddle?
Mine started creaking and I couldn't tell where it was coming from on the
bike. Bounce in your saddle a few times and see if that is what it is.
2.Snug brake lever mounting bolts.
3.Thoroughly grease stem shaft and wedge and reinser
> Thanks Paul! Looks like a nice ride!
I wonder if one can ride the whole Appalacian trail. I saw that picture of
that sign "Maine to Georgia". Sounds like east coast camping/riding.
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Shimano Ultegra FD-6600
Works fine on my compact crankset-ed Bleriot.
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> 6 degree sloping top tube?
I'd prefer 2 degrees at most.
Because, to me, those single speeds look so dapper with a triangle frame
like the QB and SO bikes.
But he already said anything goes and no guarantees.
However, I am sure that it will be *the* finest lugged steel single speed
Wondering why and how they are done. Why not post to the original thread?
Seem to make the topics confusing by splitting the same thread.
I thought I posted this earlier, but either it didn't get through, or it
got deleted by moderater.
Moderater, please email me to let me know an answer (or pos
1. Are there any bikes you don't feel safe on anymore and know you won't
ride them anymore because of that?
For instance:
I am selling my Giant race bike because I don't feel safe on anything less
than 32mm wide tires anymore. The bike is just too unstable on bad roads
for my ability/comfort le
> PS - if you have any doubts, I would be glad to hang onto your RBW bikes
> for you just in case you change your mind one day.
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> Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! Be safe!
Thankful that the Lord Jesus gave his life that we might have eternal life,
Michael Leven
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> Glad you are not hurt (your are ok?).
I have Hetres on my Bleriot but haven't really done any commuting on them.
I was gonna put them on my Sam (full time bike now).
But I mentally just can't get past having only rubber and a liner between
the tube and the road.
And I definitely would not
> Or, the GB Lierre. That looks like it has a thicker tread on it than the
> Hetre.
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> @ StevePalincsar:
Hetres are not puncture protected tires, like Marathons, Swiftys,
Gatorskins, etc, are.
So, being a usual rider of puncture protected tires, I feel a little
insecure on tires like Hetres that are just rubber with no puncture
protection on them.
I like having puncture pro
> 7.something miles on the Marathon Sam. Sunny. Dry roads. 37 degrees F.
> Nice casual ride.
Did it before the guests arrived.
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A good halfway compromise between these two extremes, do ya think, for
those who know about this 650b stuff?
Fast-ish, light-ish, puncture protected-ish?
Is it the same tread as a Pasela?
Pasela doesn't come in 650b, right?
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To a local Marylander.going on his 1980's Trek bike.
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Less'n yer car-less; Ain'tcha worried that all the road salts will tear up your
frame and components?
Here in Maryland the roads are white with it.
I am afeared to ride me Rivendell until the rain washes all the roads clean
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...and the thought of what road salt might do to me gumwalls just shivers me
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Who made the USA's finest lugged, steel, frames back then and what were the
prices like?
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Very cool.
Wouldn't it be cool if they had a whole line of "Silver" branded components?
Could deck out the whole frameset with complete Silver build.
Wonder if they will only sell these rings from now on at RBW?
Glad to know there is a place where I can buy rings for my favoritest
Sugino XD2 trip
> That would be cool if they have a crankset with the "RBW" built into it
> like the old Raleighs had the goosenecks, or whatever bird that was...
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> Thought I read somewhere that Brooks says don't put anything on it.
Someone else here can chime in who knows for sure.
I would think dressing it before putting it on would be a bad idea because
you want the grip of the tape adhesive to be perfect on the handlebar. I
would be afraid that
> Whatever you do...
don't pull too hard on the split section of the tape or it will separate.
Some of their lengths of tape are in two pieces.
Yes...sadly...Brooks doesn't have all the lengths as one piece, which I
think is unacceptable for the price they charge for them.
If it does separ
> Welcome to the wonderland of 650b wheels/tires! My first 650b was a
> Bleriot, too!
I'll save you a lot of time and boil it down for you. I,too, live in a
650b-free LBS zone and have had to forage for tubes.
1. Just get the tubes from rivbike.com or compasscycle.com. It is worth it
to ju
> I would be interested in a Rivendell single speed for winter riding
> because there is a ton of roadsalt around here in MD these days that is
> keeping me off my Sam because I am afraid of tearing up my components by
> getting salt all over them.
I think that it would be less expensive, e
> This is the place to come.
Hope you can find one soon.
Here's a little sum'n-sump'n for 'ya while you wait.
Mine is a 55
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What's your PBH?
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> Search all of craigslist at one time for that Bleriot here:
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> Here's one in Boise Idaho in your size:
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> *I think* the Col de La Vie was rated as one of the slower tires, as was
> the Nifty Swifty, in Jan Heine's speed tires test. You can contact him at
> compasscycles.com for the details.
If I remember correctly, he wrote to me that the Swifty was some certain
percentage slower than the oth
> *I think* the Col de La Vie was rated as one of the slower tires, as was
>> the Nifty Swifty, in Jan Heine's speed tires test. You can contact him at
>> compasscycles.com for the details.
> If I remember correctly, he wrote to me that the Swifty was some certain
> percentage slower than
> Yes, they are outrageously and almost shockingly expensive! Especially the
> extra leger versions!
But, in the world of 650b, you will eventually re-set your tire value-meter
in your head.
You get to enjoy the luxury of the cushy ride.
The fenderability of a 650b frame.
The mind blowing sa
Here's one of the test articles.
You would have to purchase the back issue to see all the results I guess.
Don't know if they tested the Col de la vie after all, but they mention the
Swifty tire here as being 20% slower than the fastest tire.
Of course, that only matters if you race, or are concer
> If RBW makes their own crankset, I hope they design it so that all
> the chainrings can be taken off and reinstalled without having to pull of
> the crank arm.
That would be handy for un-mechanics.
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Which of the RBW single speeds is for me based on my personal and need
based info below?
1. PBH = 82
2. Longest TT I can bear = 55.5cm c-c (would require 6 or 7 cm stem
extension for me with Noodles, but I am ok with that).
3. Prefer sidepulls.
4. Like either 650b or 700c.
5. Need fenderable wit
> Thanks Jim and everybody for the great info!
1. Looks like the smallest Simple One ever in production was a 56cm frame?
That means the 56.5 TT c-c, according to the posted geometry charts at RBW,
is too long for me to use drops, which I would want on this bike. I am
maxed out with drops
Capital idea!
Nice flexible thinking!
Qbeam bike?
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> Hi Cecily,
I am so sorry you are going through a hard time. Hope you are feeling
better and out and about riding again soon. Been praying for you!
Michael Leven
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Remember this from a while back?
Anyone heard anything.
I think it was gonna be designed by an employee?
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> Thanks Ted!
I really appreciate your time and help, as I do everyone's here. Thanks for
I will double check my Sam horizontally.
That looks like the SO is a 1cm shorter reach. That would be perfect for me.
Did you measure c-c or just from the inside edges of the seatpost and he
> You mean you laced them yourself and everything?
Far out!
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> What width do they measure on those rims?
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Occasionally my bike's tube valve nuts *get stuck* on my *Velocity Synergy
and Twin Holla' rims* and cannot be removed by hand.
Don't know why this happens, but they cannot be turned without
pliers/wrench to get them off. Once the initial turn is made, they spin
free on the stem - no problem,
Can one do this? Or is it not a good idea?
I see that there is what looks like "brake mounting holes", if that's what
they are, in the fork crown and brake bridge.
The reason I ask is, I like sidepulls better than Canti's/V's.
Or, centerpulls mounted to the canti studs ok?
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> Congrats and enjoy!
Pics. Pics.
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