[RBW] Re: Expert level bike commuting strategies?

2023-10-26 Thread Jeremy Till
d to get the miles in. So my last piece of advice would be to take it easy on yourself--even long time bike commuters can struggle with motivation. Don't get down on yourself for wanting to take it easy sometimes, but also embrace the good feelings when they do occur. -Jeremy Till Sacramento

[RBW] Long chainstay content: Esker Hayduke LVS review at The Radavist

2023-11-13 Thread Jeremy Till
he long-chainstay design, given that it seems to work even if you don't buy into all of Grant's particularities when it comes to component selection. I hope others enjoy reading it too! The accompanying video of the bikepacking trip they took is also fun. -Jeremy Till Sacramento,

[RBW] Re: Ultegra 9spd long cage range

2023-12-18 Thread Jeremy Till
sette. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, December 18, 2023 at 3:14:12 PM UTC-8 dylantho...@gmail.com wrote: > I have a 6500 series Ultegra RD with a long cage. Anyone know the range of > cassette I should be able to work with? I believe the short cage can take > 28, but I can't fin

[RBW] Re: Seat lug crack

2024-01-24 Thread Jeremy Till
ted, but as always, finding a local builder who could look at it would be ideal. Good luck! -Jeremy Till (former orange QB owner myself) Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 11:07:41 PM UTC-8 eil...@umich.edu wrote: > Hello, > > I am seeking information about what looks to be

[RBW] FS: 59cm Clem H "Hillibike" with Jones, Thomson, Shimano XT, etc.

2024-02-17 Thread Jeremy Till
Craigslist price is $1,600, happy to sell to a list member for $1,400. I'm in Sacramento, CA and would prefer a local sale, but if you're elsewhere and are willing to pay for boxing and shipping, let me know. -Jeremy Till -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Go

[RBW] Re: Flood Season Riding in CA

2023-01-06 Thread Jeremy Till
XT2L >From the year before, the flooded Yolo Bypass from the I-80 causeway (which also has a bike lane). I work in Davis and commute across the causeway most days, so have always tracked the water levels in the bypass with interest: https://flic.kr/p/EQeANj -Jeremy Till Sacramento (obvs), CA

Re: [RBW] Re: Very short reach drop bar, not too wide, gives a relatively normal hood position, and has anormal (not anatomic) bend?

2023-01-11 Thread Jeremy Till
e only hand position they offer in that region. I recently used some for about a year before swapping for the VO "Nouveau Randonneur," which has significantly more room behind the hoods but is also longer reach. I liked the angle and position of the drops on the Cowbells better, though.

[RBW] Re: Red Toyo Atlantis?

2023-01-31 Thread Jeremy Till
I *think* this bike was formerly owned by (former list member?) Gino Zahnd, as evidenced by this photo from 2013, which I faved at the time: https://flic.kr/p/f8fyGT Gino does reference selling it in the comments on the photo. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, January 30, 2023 at 9:27

[RBW] Re: Jobst Brandt thought experiment: What would he ride today?

2023-01-31 Thread Jeremy Till
Even the "gravel" trend and the move towards wider tires on road bikes--he rode 28mm tires everywhere and felt that wider tires really weren't necessary for his style of riding. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 7:49:25 AM UTC-8 andyree...@gmail.com wro

[RBW] Re: What shoes does your Riv wear?

2023-10-02 Thread Jeremy Till
e Supple Vitesse EX with a heavier duty casing. Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, October 2, 2023 at 8:26:17 AM UTC-7 ted.l...@gmail.com wrote: > I’ve had tires on the brain this last week. I was thinking I might want to > try something a little narrower on my Appaloosa so I’ve been a

Re: [RBW] Re: What shoes does your Riv wear?

2023-10-03 Thread Jeremy Till
s wearing something like a Schwalbe Big Ben, which has more of a blockier tread that probably reduces pneumatic trail compared to something like an RH slick. Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, October 2, 2023 at 6:46:34 PM UTC-7 ted.l...@gmail.com wrote: > Jeremy, > > You make a g

Re: [RBW] FS: 59cm Clem H "Hillibike" with Jones, Thomson, Shimano XT, etc.

2024-02-23 Thread Jeremy Till
Bump! New bike for the weekend? On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 12:45:33 PM UTC-8 Lucky wrote: > Dang what a great deal, cheers fellow Sacramentan. > (If you part it out I am interested in the stem-Liz) > > On Feb 17, 2024, at 12:39, Jeremy Till wrote: > > I've got s

Re: [RBW] FS: 59cm Clem H "Hillibike" with Jones, Thomson, Shimano XT, etc.

2024-03-02 Thread Jeremy Till
Bumping again On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5:24:01 PM UTC-8 Jeremy Till wrote: > Bump! New bike for the weekend? > > On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 12:45:33 PM UTC-8 Lucky wrote: > >> Dang what a great deal, cheers fellow Sacramentan. >> (If you part it out I am in

Re: [RBW] FS: 59cm Clem H "Hillibike" with Jones, Thomson, Shimano XT, etc.

2024-03-03 Thread Jeremy Till
Bike is sold! Thanks all. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 5:28:28 AM UTC-8 brycel...@gmail.com wrote: > messaged! beautiful bike > > > On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 4:33:37 PM UTC-5 Tim Tetrault wrote: > >> Someone should grab this. A great deal wit

Re: [RBW] Re: Jobst Brandt thought experiment: What would he ride today?

2023-02-23 Thread Jeremy Till
Wow, I work on the UC Davis campus and pass by the USBHOF regularly but had no idea that they had acquired Jobst's bike. I'll have to go pay homage one of these days. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 9:41:19 PM UTC-8 Jeff B wrote: > As an aside t

[RBW] Re: Anyone running RH Steilacoom on a Canti-Rom?

2023-03-05 Thread Jeremy Till
rims. The limiting point on the tire clearance is the chainstay bridge. I picked up a pair of Steilacooms at a bike swap last year and plan to replace the Nanos with them soon so I will have more specific data then. Picture of the current setup: https://flic.kr/p/2mXmCj6 -Jeremy Till Sacramento

[RBW] Re: 1947 French touring bike — Bombadil/Hunqapillar inspiration?

2023-03-07 Thread Jeremy Till
the frame in some kind of raffle that they held back then. Grant didn't feel there was enough room on the headtube to braze in a full diagatube so he went with the smaller diameter twin laterals. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:38:03 PM UTC-8 J J wrote: > I&#

Re: [RBW] Re: Trigger Shifter Question

2023-03-21 Thread Jeremy Till
range is going to play well. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 7:44:44 AM UTC-7 Justin Kennedy wrote: > Awesome, this is the answer I was hoping for. Thanks JJ! > > On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 10:16 AM J J wrote: > >> Hi Justin. You can definitely mix and m

[RBW] Re: ISO: Rambouillet frameset or complete 56

2024-08-16 Thread Jeremy Till
Note that the only stock colors for Rambouillets were blue, orange, and green. The only grey Rambouillets I've seen have been re-sprays. Jeremy Till (proud owner of a 64cm green one) Sacramento, CA On Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 9:32:46 AM UTC-7 arti...@gmail.com wrote: > Hello dea

[RBW] Re: NBD: Sheldon's Ram!

2024-08-28 Thread Jeremy Till
my fixed gear. I like it. He might have been onto something there. Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 7:13:38 AM UTC-7 Nick Shoemaker wrote: > If ya know, ya know > > Sheldon was a huge influence in my early descent into bike obsession, and > I doubt I w

[RBW] Clem H + Xtracycle

2020-04-17 Thread Jeremy Till
, making a really long bike with quite a bit of flex if you were to add a Xtracycle kit to it. I own both a 59cm Clem H and an Xtracycle Edgerunner (another great cargo bike option to consider) and like to point out with humor that the Clem is only an inch or two shorter overall than the Edgerunner.

[RBW] Center pull/Herse Brake Help

2020-05-30 Thread Jeremy Till
little advantage to them, so I tend to just go for the one piece shoes. I find I often need to readjust the shoe's angle and position over the life of the pad or when replacing them anyways. -Jeremy Till Sacramento CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: [RBW] Problems with Nitto stems and bars?

2020-06-20 Thread Jeremy Till
ns suggested didn't work, I'd consider going back to the steel Boscos (which I assume weren't sleeved) or other non sleeved bars. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubs

Re: [RBW] Problems with Nitto stems and bars?

2020-06-23 Thread Jeremy Till
educe movement suggests that small displacements in these areas would be the cause of the noise. Again, I still trust the quality of Nitto products and the small amount of creaking I've experienced doesn't make me fear that my bar or stem is going to fail. -Jeremy Till Sacramento,

[RBW] Re: Shifter cable exit

2020-06-25 Thread Jeremy Till
That's the case with big frames and bar end shifters whether you route the cables outside the tape (as I prefer) or wrap it all the way to the middle. I ride 64cm frames with bar ends and have always needed tandem cables on the rear. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Thursday, June 25, 20

[RBW] Was the Hunqapillar designed for Albatross bars?

2020-07-13 Thread Jeremy Till
The flat bullmoose bars (i.e. not the Bosco- or choco-moose) came out around the same time as the Hunqapillar and I remember those featuring prominently among many of the early builds. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[RBW] Re: Hunqapillar vs Appaloosa ride quality?

2020-07-22 Thread Jeremy Till
unity to buy an Appaloosa frame locally but it had less tire clearance than the Clem and it would have been a tight fit with my preferred tires. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubsc

[RBW] Re: Clem H sizing, availability

2021-04-06 Thread Jeremy Till
d, my understanding is that Rivendell has no intention of doing another run of Clem H's. I don't think they ever sold as well as the L models. So at this point you're probably looking for one on the used market. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 12:28:41

[RBW] Re: Hunqs. How do I know what year mine is?

2021-04-07 Thread Jeremy Till
een color with cream headtubes. The early ones also had more limited tire clearance and maxed out around 2.1" tires, whereas later ones could fit wider than that. I think the early ones used the same fork crowns as the Atlantis at the time while later ones got a wider dedicated crown and wid

[RBW] FS: 62cm Hunqapillar f/f/hs + extras -- 1st gen, grey/kidney bean, $1,500

2021-06-27 Thread Jeremy Till
reference. Asking $1,500 for everything pictured. I'm located in Sacramento, CA and would be happy to do a local exchange here or in the SF Bay Area. Can also ship at buyer's expense. Missed out on an Appaloosa? Curious about older, shorter-chainstayed, fat tire Rivs? Now's yo

[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Hunqapillar f/f/hs + extras -- 1st gen, grey/kidney bean, $1,500

2021-07-06 Thread Jeremy Till
other questions! -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 12:31:23 PM UTC-7 Jeremy Till wrote: > I find myself with one too many bicycles and it's a last in, first out > kind of situation. For sale is a 62cm Hunqapillar frame, fork, and FSA > Orbit headset, and I will t

[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Hunqapillar f/f/hs + extras -- 1st gen, grey/kidney bean, $1,500

2021-07-08 Thread Jeremy Till
n the geometry chart. -Standover with 700x50 Big Bens is 89.5cm at the middle of the TT. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 6:40:02 PM UTC-7 Chris L wrote: > Another unsolicited chime-in: I have a 1st generation gray Hunqapillar > and I can confirm that in the 54cm

[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Hunqapillar f/f/hs + extras -- 1st gen, grey/kidney bean, $1,500

2021-07-13 Thread Jeremy Till
One more bump, to say that I'm open to offers. Best, Jeremy On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 12:25:08 PM UTC-7 Jeremy Till wrote: > Thanks Jim and Chris for the unsolicited chimes-in. Definitely a great > bike, I just have too many at the moment. > > More data points for the ti

[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Hunqapillar f/f/hs + extras -- 1st gen, grey/kidney bean, $1,500

2021-07-25 Thread Jeremy Till
Hunqapillar is sold! Thanks for all the interest. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 4:19:49 PM UTC-7 duh...@gmail.com wrote: > Jeremy, > > I'll take it, PM incoming. > > Jared > > On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10:15:24 AM UTC-7 Jeremy Till wro

[RBW] FT: 700x50 Soma Cazaderos for something wider

2021-07-29 Thread Jeremy Till
dded sealant, a tube, or rode them. If you have a pair of tires in as-new condition that you'd be willing to trade I'd be happy to throw in some cash or other extras into the deal to make it fair. Picture here: https://flic.kr/p/2mdYjaw -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You re

[RBW] Re: Rivendell "Shiny" rear rack?

2022-01-20 Thread Jeremy Till
I bought one for my Clem H and posted my impressions of it on this thread: https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/_QuMo5rGQ7E/m/sO9CKEliAAAJ -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 6:46:30 AM UTC-8 Richard Rose wrote: > I have not found any opinions / revi

[RBW] Re: Just noticed 2021 Homers have much steeper top tube than older models?

2022-02-14 Thread Jeremy Till
. At the same time, I own bikes with both the "new" Riv geometry (Clem Smith Jr) and the "classic" Riv geometry (Rambouillet), and can understand that if you were expecting the latter and got the former, how that would be a bit shocking. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monda

[RBW] Re: Drop bar - Fit question

2022-03-04 Thread Jeremy Till
addle is, the lower it should be to keep your leg extension relatively constant. If you're experiencing tight hamstrings, that might be part of it. I've heard fitters say the ratio is roughly 3:1, that is, for every 3mm of increased saddle setback, the seat needs to come down 1mm,

[RBW] WTT/FS: Soma Clarence/Cletus for 610mm Ahearne/MAP Handlebar

2022-07-12 Thread Jeremy Till
er color or clamp diameter as long as they are the 610mm version. Alternatively, I would sell my Clarence/Cletus for basically the cost of a new Ahearne/MAP, so $100, including shipping in the lower 48. Let me know if you're interested either way! -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You

Re: [RBW] Re: Clem H curious

2022-08-04 Thread Jeremy Till
ridden a prototype Gus a couple of years ago. My impression was that the Gus was stiffer and beefier than the Clem. The Clem hasn't ever had any weight guidelines, but I think given my weight and use case Riv would probably recommend a Gus for me now. Most recent picture of my Clem from last

Re: [RBW] Reverse Levers with Linear-Pull Brakes?

2020-12-09 Thread Jeremy Till
n bullhorn handlebars were more popular and reverse levers of all types probably sold better. Even then how many bikes with reverse levers use long-pull brakes? -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 9:36:16 AM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote: > Thanks very much, every

Re: [RBW] 19-year old Riv

2020-12-17 Thread Jeremy Till
Short answer: they do. https://www.paulcomp.com/shop/components/brake-levers/long-pull/love-lever/ -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 9:16:21 AM UTC-8 bjmi...@gmail.com wrote: > Those PAUL brake levers are just plain dope. Wowza. > > Ben "Checking

Re: [RBW] Bizarre Winter Weather

2021-02-26 Thread Jeremy Till
Good stuff! I myself was able to get my first shot on Wednesday here in California. I used my car for the drive-through mass vaccination site at our state fairgrounds, but wondered if they would have let me through on a bicycle. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at

[RBW] Re: Rambouillet bottom bracket?

2021-02-28 Thread Jeremy Till
I'm kind of agnostic when it comes to things like Q factor and crank length. I'm not going to say I can't feel a difference, but it doesn't really seem to have an effect on my riding experience. That being said I have relatively long legs so it may be more of an issue for p

[RBW] FS: Basically new MUSA Pants/BYK-R-SLAX, size XL, $60

2021-02-28 Thread Jeremy Till
in the East Bay next weekend (3/6-7). -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@

[RBW] Re: FS: Basically new MUSA Pants/BYK-R-SLAX, size XL, $60

2021-03-01 Thread Jeremy Till
Pants are sold. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 9:34:16 AM UTC-8 Jeremy Till wrote: > For sale is one pair of the current Rivendell/MUSA Pants, now renamed > BYK-R-SLAX, size XL, as described here: > > https://www.rivbike.com/collections/clothing/p

Re: [RBW] Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-03-31 Thread Jeremy Till
red a little narrower than marked on H Plus Son TB14 rims. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 10:13:08 AM UTC-7 John G wrote: > Specialized Fatboy 45s, although I've recently gone back to 32s > https://flic.kr/p/2hFGfWf > > John G > Union Bridge, M

[RBW] Re: FT: 700x50 Soma Cazaderos for something wider

2021-09-07 Thread Jeremy Till
& tires were one size (27.5" or 26") > and my Atlantis could fit that size at 2.4" wide or maybe even 2.6" > in San Diego, CA > > [image: IMG_20210826_073736.jpg] > > On Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 10:51:17 AM UTC-7 Jeremy Till wrote: > >> Probabl

[RBW] Re: LF: Sam Hillborne & Rambouillet Decals

2021-10-08 Thread Jeremy Till
also have a Rambouillet with less-than-perfect paint. Generally that kind of thing doesn't bother me so I'm not that worried about it, but I have thought it would be fun to get it repainted somewhere down the line. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 10

[RBW] Longshot WTB: Nitto "Longboy" Rear Rack

2021-10-11 Thread Jeremy Till
eved with the Medium Back Rack (32R) but I measured last night and it wouldn't be tall enough to clear the 29x2.25" tires I have on the Clem. Thanks! -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" g

[RBW] Re: Longshot WTB: Nitto "Longboy" Rear Rack

2021-10-27 Thread Jeremy Till
is type when I was a mechanic, the installation was straightforward. Did my first commute on it this morning and it felt totally solid, albeit with a relatively light load (my laptop and laptop stand in one Ortlieb pannier). Picture: https://flic.kr/p/2mELwX1 -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Thursd

[RBW] Re: Clems: Rivendell, modernized?

2021-11-19 Thread Jeremy Till
en Rambouillet came into my life <https://flic.kr/p/2kSZxh9>, and it's built up following the rules, with drop bars and lots of silver Nitto and Sugino. With the drop bars and a more "athletic" fit than the Clem, it also handles great and is the most comfortable "roa

[RBW] Re: Looking for Rim Advice

2021-11-30 Thread Jeremy Till
ory serves correctly. I don't experience any handling issues with the wide tire/narrow rim combination. I run the pressures 40 psi front/55 psi rear, and I've weighed between 225 and 235 lbs with this setup. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 10:39:16 AM UTC-8 bunn

Re: [RBW] Show me some bikes with black components

2021-12-10 Thread Jeremy Till
My Clem H with black bars/stem/seatpost/rims/chainrings: https://flic.kr/p/2mELwX1 -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 11:33:58 AM UTC-8 Patch T wrote: > I second both these sentiments. Very nice indeed. > > On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 1:53:21 PM UT

[RBW] Re: Suggestions for better braking?

2021-12-20 Thread Jeremy Till
lex in the long arms, and would be better off going to cantilevers or brazed-on long reach centerpulls like the Rene Herse or Grand Bois MAFAC clones. -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA On Monday, December 20, 2021 at 8:24:37 AM UTC-8 bjmi...@gmail.com wrote: > Ryan, > Thanks for that...if J

[RBW] WTB: Short 31.8mm Quill Stem

2021-12-31 Thread Jeremy Till
rred but beggars/choosers etc. so I'm open. Thank you! -Jeremy Till Sacramento, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rb

[RBW] Re: noisy front hub

2011-02-24 Thread Jeremy Till
As others have said, the sounds might not be coming from the wheel bearings. Do the bearings feel rough when you turn the axle by hand, with the wheel off the bike? Aside from the rim joint it could be also that one or a few spokes are badly tensioned and the noise is coming from the spokes flexi

[RBW] Re: Lay-aways

2011-03-01 Thread Jeremy Till
This could be dangerous. On Mar 1, 10:43 am, Pondero wrote: > http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/335 > > Okay, how many read this and immediately thought, "Hmmm(insert new > bike dream here), 20% down would be...and remainder divided by 7 > equals..."? -- You received this message becau

[RBW] Re: building wheels

2011-04-10 Thread Jeremy Till
I've now built 4 wheels (and completely retensioned a 5th) on using sheldon's instructions. I've been lucky that I've also been living in places that have good bike shops or co-ops that have wheelbuilding tools open to the public (Missing Link in Berkeley, CA; Bike Kitchens in San Francisco and Sa

[RBW] Re: Grant's April 10 post

2011-04-11 Thread Jeremy Till
I have the same problem on two bikes and use the method described by Rene above...grab the bike by the seat tube. Requires a bit more of a grip but works fine. Although after using my fiance's Lezyne hand pump last weekend i'm questioning the whole frame pump thing to begin with. On Apr 11, 1:16

[RBW] Re: Yoke height for Racer Centerpull brakes

2011-04-12 Thread Jeremy Till
Rene, have you read Sheldon's article on cantilever geometry? http://sheldonbrown.com/cantilever-geometry.html#mechanical (links to the section on mechanical advantage) Of course, the specifics of the article are about cantilevers, but the information about straddle cable height should be pretty

[RBW] Re: AMOS update

2011-04-17 Thread Jeremy Till
I'd ride one. I wonder if a 59 or a 63 would fit me better. Unfortunately, probably not in the cards for me financially anytime soon. Although maybe i can do a frame on layaway. On Apr 17, 7:13 am, Eric Daume wrote: > I haven't seen any mention of the Soma/Amos update on the Riv page: > > ht

[RBW] Re: Hunqa photos, and Albatross HB question

2011-05-02 Thread Jeremy Till
This may be obvious enough that you neglected to mention it, but do you have a shim in the bar clamp, since the lugged stem is 26.0 and Albatrosses are 25.4? On May 2, 12:14 pm, Bill Rhea wrote: > I spent some time on favorite trails yesterday and snapped a few cell > phone cam photos of my 62cm

[RBW] Re: SimpleOne and Double/Double

2011-05-08 Thread Jeremy Till
I'd agree that chainline doesn't need to be nuts on on a singlespeed setup, but for fixed gear riding, especially on rough ground (paved or no), having a chainline that's within 2-3mm is important, not so much for efficiency as for preventing the chain coming off under high RPM pedaling. Had that

[RBW] Re: SimpleOne and Double/Double

2011-05-09 Thread Jeremy Till
AD, yeah, i went all the way up to the peak--i only ever ride diablo about once a year, so when i do, I like to go all the way. Although I did walk the steep bit in the last hundred meters or so up to the parking lot. In general, yeah, what Jim says--stay calm, get comfortable pushing the cranks

[RBW] Re: SimpleOne and Double/Double

2011-05-10 Thread Jeremy Till
to a 42t and give it a shot on Memorial Day weekend. > > Do you change up your bike before you ride up?  Change out your > wheels, remove racks and fenders or lighten up the bike in any way? > > On May 9, 5:42 pm, Jeremy Till wrote: > > > > > > > > > AD,

[RBW] Re: VO Porter Rack

2011-05-13 Thread Jeremy Till
Hi Minh- I installed one on an old Takara touring frame I built up as a fixed gear. The rack attaches to the fork crown via a thick metal (think it's steel) strap, which is bent 90 deg at one end and drilled regularly along it's length. The idea is you bolt the bent end to your fork crown at its

[RBW] Re: Man, I dunno about that 9 cm stem and the Maes Parallel bars ...

2011-05-25 Thread Jeremy Till
Hey, if it works, why mess with it? On May 25, 11:14 am, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > I just took a 21 mile more-or-less N/S out and back on the gofast and > thanks to an annoying wind "NW 21 g to 29" spent 2 or 3 of the > outbound 10.5 in the hooks and six or seven of the return miles in the > hooks,

[RBW] Re: FS: Oddball very cheap lugged steel bike for one of you super tall folks

2011-05-26 Thread Jeremy Till
Hah! I was thinking about it...i'm 6'3" with long legs...but that standover equals my PBH, which i remember being rather painful to measure. No way! On May 26, 8:44 pm, William wrote: > 7'0" might be too tall.  I was thinking somebody 6'6" to 6'9".  The > standover is 37" (94cm) > > On May 26, 8

[RBW] Re: Help needed from the collective mind.

2013-08-31 Thread Jeremy Till
Hi Clayton- No expert or anything here, just throwing out other ideas. If I remember correctly from pictures of your Atlantis you've posted here, the WB suspension seatpost you have is a zero offset seatpost, which when combined with the B17, even given the relatively slack STA of the Atlantis

[RBW] Re: Riv Bike Evolutionary Succession

2013-09-05 Thread Jeremy Till
As far as I know, the Long Low was an evolution of the original Road Standard, the first "road bike" that Grant put out under the Rivendell name. As Jim says, the RS was limited by the available sidepull caliper brakes of the time, and at most could fit a 28mm tire with no fenders under 39-49m

[RBW] Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-09-07 Thread Jeremy Till
on my Long Haul Trucker with Alba bars and 700x42 file treads. Please let me know if you're planning to come along so I have a sense of how many to expect and who too look for. -Jeremy Till Berkeley, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

[RBW] Re: Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-09-08 Thread Jeremy Till
All are welcome! On Sunday, September 8, 2013 4:31:58 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote: > > I'm there mind if I invite some folks? > > -Manny > > On Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:24:13 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: >> >> Hey Folks- >> >> I've ha

[RBW] Re: Mt Diablo

2013-09-09 Thread Jeremy Till
Here's what it looked like from the Oakland hills (Pinehurst and Skyline, about ~20 miles west for those that don't know the area) as of a couple of hours ago: http://www.flickr.com/photos/85709120@N07/9709899573/ Definitely looks like it's mostly to the south and east at the moment. The sm

[RBW] Re: Need life advice? Explore by bike!

2013-09-16 Thread Jeremy Till
Nice! Tilden's great these days for riding. Not too hot and there's just a little bit more moisture to consolidate the dirt and provide a little more traction. Looks like you hit some of the trails we'll hit on the NEBMT in a few weeks

Re: [RBW] Re: New Mixte?

2013-09-19 Thread Jeremy Till
Yeah, but that was a seat lug for a diamond frame bike, it had a socket for a top tube. I guess you could cut it off, but it seems silly to go to all that trouble to make a seat lug and then have to modify it. Mountain Mixte/Appaloosa would be awesome! On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:40:

[RBW] Re: 120mm cassette hubs

2013-09-23 Thread Jeremy Till
I wonder if the flange spacing would work out such that if they built a 130mm version of this hub with the 5/6spd freehub body, it would build into a practically dishless wheel, as is the case with the Phil 130/135 spaced freewheel hubs. That would be a great way to build a bomber wheel without

[RBW] Re: Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-09-23 Thread Jeremy Till
e's hoping for clear skies. Let me know if you can make it! On Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:24:13 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: > > Hey Folks- > > I've had this idea since doing a mixed terrain ride down in Manny's home > stomping grounds in the Southern East Bay, b

[RBW] Re: Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-10-03 Thread Jeremy Till
sday, October 1, 2013 6:43:52 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote: > > Roll call? > Who else is going on this ride? > > > On Monday, September 23, 2013 12:27:05 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: >> >> Just a bump, looking forward to the ride a couple of weeks. I've had

[RBW] Re: Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-10-05 Thread Jeremy Till
One final bump! See you all in the morning. On Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:24:13 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: > > Hey Folks- > > I've had this idea since doing a mixed terrain ride down in Manny's home > stomping grounds in the Southern East Bay, back in the beg

[RBW] Re: Northern East Bay Mixed Terrain Ride-- Sunday, October 6th

2013-10-07 Thread Jeremy Till
M UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: > > One final bump! See you all in the morning. > > On Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:24:13 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote: >> >> Hey Folks- >> >> I've had this idea since doing a mixed terrain ride down in Manny's home >>

[RBW] Re: My Nitto S-83 doesnt fit Brooks rails

2013-10-09 Thread Jeremy Till
The problem isn't so much the S-83 as the B17's--they are commonly a little bit narrow and are drawn apart as you tighten the clamp. No biggie. On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 4:47:44 PM UTC-7, mike goldman wrote: > > i tried 3 of my ti B17's and the rails dont fit, too narrow. is this > typica

[RBW] Re: Speaking of Off-Pavent Rides... Come to Redlands this Spring!

2013-10-09 Thread Jeremy Till
This sounds amazing! Just might have to take some time off for this On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:14:19 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote: > > Over the years, the SoCal chapter of the Rivendell Bicycle > Appreciation Society has put on a lot of great rides! > > I've loved EVERY one I've

[RBW] Re: Jenny's bar

2013-10-09 Thread Jeremy Till
Nitto B617AA Promenade. Nitto makes a few bars called "Promenade," all generally narrow-ish (compared with albas and boscos) sweptback city bars, some with varying amounts of rise. B617AA refers specifically to this no-rise all-sweep version. On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:38:52 PM UTC-7,

[RBW] Re: Imperial Flyer available yet? Its on Brooks site now. Conquest back now too.

2013-10-19 Thread Jeremy Till
That's cool about the Conquest returning. I've always thought that was a cool saddle in theory, so now maybe I'll get to try one, if I get around to buying it before they discontinue it again ;-). On Friday, October 18, 2013 8:33:39 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote: > > > http://www.brooksengland.com/

[RBW] Re: How are 33 mm tires for fire roads?

2013-11-13 Thread Jeremy Till
In addition to variations in personal skill and comfort levels, it can be really hard to compare off-road tire choices online here because what a "fire trail" looks like in CO may be much different in Oregon, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Nor Cal, So Cal, etc. We've had similar conversations he

[RBW] Re: Koolstop ThinLine question.

2013-11-18 Thread Jeremy Till
The type of pad with a threaded stud, spacers, and spherical washers that clamps a vertical track on the brake arm was originally introduced on V-brakes, so these pads are commonly referred to as "v-brake style" pads now, even when they are used on other brakes, which may account for the confus

[RBW] Re: Chain Line

2014-02-10 Thread Jeremy Till
Measuring chainline on the rear cog can be tricky. My preferred method is to put a straight edge of some kind across the locknut on the driveside and measure the distance between the straight edge and the centerline of the cog. Then, chainline=(Over locknut spacing of the rear hub)/2 minus (d

[RBW] Re: SKS P55 fenders

2014-02-10 Thread Jeremy Till
The SKS fender size isn't just a matter of the stay length but also the radius at which the fender is curved. The SKS fenders designed for 26" wheels make a tighter circle than the ones designed for 700c wheels. Of course, SKS fenders are relatively forgiving in that they can be flexed to fit

[RBW] Re: Saw the coolest thing on trail today.

2014-02-24 Thread Jeremy Till
I was right behind Brian and Manny when this all went down, and I can indeed verify it was the most spectacular yard sale and recovery that I have ever been lucky enough to witness. If I could go back in time, I would buy a Go Pro camera and go back to strap it to my helmet just before that ha

[RBW] Re: Evolution of your bike preference?

2014-03-02 Thread Jeremy Till
Really neat thread, haven't had time to read all of the responses, but my own thinking has been meandering along this path recently. I'm relatively young (29) but have been cycling seriously for 11 or 12 years. I'd always considered myself relatively faithful to my bikes, not turning them over

[RBW] Re: New Rear Racks

2014-03-04 Thread Jeremy Till
No official comment on these, but from observations the main differences seem to be: -second, triangle-reinforced pannier mounting rail that is lower than the deck, which, as doug points out, facilitates access to panniers if you also have something loaded on the top of the rack. -lower or n

[RBW] Re: Appaloosa Prototype on Blug?

2014-03-11 Thread Jeremy Till
"Of course, in Alabama, the Hunqaloosa." Anyone? Anyone? But oh yeah, the bikeWANT WANT WANT. Makes me want to sell my new 29er and relatively new Long Haul Trucker, save up even more money, and buy one of these. And 62cm would be just my size. Even the color is perfect. I'd keep the b

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Chica Warrior Ride. Tomorrow! (3/22)

2014-03-22 Thread Jeremy Till
Stupid working on saturdays. I'd love to see the War Horse up close. Have fun! On Friday, March 21, 2014 4:12:45 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote: > > Just got off the phone with the one and only RCW directly from her > temporary outpost at Riv BBH. > Confirmed ride tomorrow. 3/22 > Meet at Riv H

[RBW] Re: Show me your albatrosses!

2014-03-31 Thread Jeremy Till
Awesome thread! Here's my Alba'ed, 64cm LHT, currently my "road" bike...don't really miss drop bars at all. https://www.flickr.com/photos/85709120@N07/10412426826/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/85709120@N07/13003918814/ On Thursday, February 6, 2014 3:42:55 PM UTC-8, Conway Bennett wrote: > >

[RBW] Re: Hunqapillar Roadish Touring to MTB Conversion

2014-04-01 Thread Jeremy Till
On saddles: I would say that that a B.17 would definitely let you get farther back on descents than a B.68, but a good investment in this area might also be the lugged "Wayback" post. Even if you don't use every mm of setback it offers, you will have a bit more range of adjustment to dial in e

[RBW] Re: Ride Report: The Hundred Mile Burger

2014-04-14 Thread Jeremy Till
This is exactly the kind of ride I envisioned when I built up the dyno wheel for my LHT. So far, it hasn't quite come to pass, but ride reports like this give me hope. On Monday, April 14, 2014 12:41:14 AM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote: > > Or: How I fell in love with my bicycle again. > > Afte

[RBW] Re: Albastache conversion Complete!

2014-04-21 Thread Jeremy Till
Sounds like you've clearly hit on a better fit for yourself, Patrick. That's awesome. I feel like I've come across that recently on my Long Haul Trucker with Albatross bars. I recently sold my only remaining drop bar bike and I don't miss it at all! On Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:46:05 PM UTC

[RBW] Re: Knard width -- questions for users

2014-04-21 Thread Jeremy Till
Interesting; I had seen pictures of that bike in the Sea Otter coverage but hadn't put it together until just now that they were using the wheels in essentially a 29er (with 29er fork). In many ways, a similar intention to 650b road bike conversions, taking mass produced racy bike frames and g

[RBW] Re: 10 speed conundrum(s)

2014-04-25 Thread Jeremy Till
For shimano and SRAM,10spd road and mountain use the same cog spacing. Cable pull ratios are what distinguish Shimano dyna-sis (10spd mountain) derailleurs from their other derailleurs. I have successfully wide range STI setups for customers exactly as you are describing: 10spd road brifters,

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