Ride'em both blind folded and I'll bet you or anybody else (myself
included) could not tell the difference. They are both as good as it
On Mar 20, 10:38 am, Khalid Mateen wrote:
> I do not want to start a fiery debate about this but what makes japanese
> atlantis built bicycle superior to t
This may be true but read what Anne has to say and if anybody is the
least bit interested you will not be dissapointed if you buy a bike
from her. I know. I bought my current Atlantis from her and if
anything she understates the overall condition of the things she
On Apr 7, 5:34 pm, andrew
Amen. I was looking forward to this bike and actually building a Road
bike per say. I just can't do the double top tube thing. I don't need
them or like the look, so I'm out.
On Apr 17, 1:40 pm, rob markwardt wrote:
> The double top tube is becoming a rivendell signature. I prefer the
> cream he
M bars it seems are either love or hate. I love'em. rode a 500 mile
tour on them and would do it again tomorrow. To me, if you've never
used them they are worth a try.
On May 17, 3:42 pm, "cyclotour...@gmail.com"
> Try Moustache Bars
> http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/nitto-moustache
I know this is a long shot but I'm looking for a Betty Foy or some
other type of mixte for the wife.
52-54. If you have one or something of interest please reply off list.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post
Build My Goodrich when it arrives. Maybe build my Kogswell P/R. Maybe
reconfigure my Riv. Maybe do an overhaul on my 76 Schwinn Paramount.
Maybe sell a bike or two so I can buy something else I don't need but
seem to think I should have.
On Nov 8, 12:10 pm, William wrote:
> As the weather turns c
Sure! My wife threw in the towel long a go.
On Nov 29, 11:19 am, bpus...@aol.com wrote:
> Now, that's the spirit! May I use you as a reference to my wife?
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> In a message dated 11/29/2010 12:07:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> fbr...@jwperry.com writes:
> Build My
There's a reason hunters wear orange.
On Dec 3, 3:56 pm, Bob wrote:
> Greetings from snowy, drizzly, and wonderfully cold North Yorkshire.
> I just opened a package that included a pair of MUSA rain pants, and I
> have to say that I am favorably impressed with their quality. The
> fabric feels du
Atlantis if you can ride a 56 (only because your tire options are
huge). It'll go anywhere you have the physical condition or the stones
to take it.
On Dec 7, 3:31 pm, JimP wrote:
> Which Rivendell bike would you choose for the following:
> Approx 3500 acres of Hardwoods and pastures,very hilly
I've had both on my Atlantis' I always thought Moustache Bars were
the cat's meow but I have noodles on there now and I'm really content
with them. I still have M bars on a couple of bikes and they will
stay that way but the Atlantis is destined to die a slow painful
death with noodles. I like th
Wake up. Everyday. I'll figure out what the goals are after that.
On Dec 31, 6:56 am, Angus wrote:
> Last Year there was a thread on Goals for 2010:
> Here is what I submitted:
> 1. Fix my back (leg pain)...again.
> 2. Ride either the Katy Trail or C&O Canal self supported.
> 3. Keep ridin
Agreed. Ray puts out a good product and if your unhappy I'd be willing
to bet he'll make it right. Good stuff rain,snow or shine.
On Jan 4, 8:37 am, Anne wrote:
> Leather: this is priced closer to Brooks but lasts and lasts. You can
> put a layer of cloth or cork down under it. Rewrap: yes, Clean
Keep this price drop thing going on and I'll figure out if I'm a 23
percenter. I've never in all my years of cycling had a pair, but I'll
try anything for the right price.
On Jan 20, 4:14 pm, jinxed wrote:
> Price drop:
> Knickers: $50
You received this message because you are subscribed
Anybody have one they want to sell or trade for something else fun and
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send ema
My first car was a 1965 Chevy Caprice AKA The Cosmic Power Wagon (no
it wasn't a wagon) you can figure out how I named it. Probably the
only love affair I've ever had with a motor driven vehicle (with the
exception of my 1988 Benz and that's just because it was my Dads).
I'd buy this thing in a h
This is a disease for which there is no cure. Trust me. I've had it
for along time.
On Feb 17, 7:05 pm, Angus wrote:
> My name is Angus and I am a "tinkerer."
> I can't leave well enough alone.
> I'm constantly trying to make everything better (although it doesn't
> always work out that way).
Thanks John for saving me from myself. Smokin' deal.
On Oct 26, 3:37 pm, John Blish wrote:
> Please let me know where I stand as far as being first in line for this bike
> or close to it. I will gladly pay $1,000. I have to go tend to some things
> I promised my wife I would to so I will be aw
I wouldn't buy a custom without the builders name on it.If I put out
that kind of money I want it right. Word of mouth can either be the
best or worst advertising anybody or any business can have. Would you
fabricate a frame and hang your name on it if somebody would bad mouth
it? This is the age
I have a C-Dale Red Shred from 89 or 90 That I converted to a quaisi
road/trail bike and I've thought about parting ways with it, but it
goes where I point it, rides hands free and has all the braze-ons a
person needs. High BB and ugly as all get out but it rides and handles
nice. I have know idea
I have a Blackburn I've been using for more than 14 years. Still pumps
air and is ugly/rusty and a few other things besides. But then again I
don't inflate my tires every time I get on a bike. I press the tire
and if I think it's firm enough to ride, I ride. Been thinking about a
new pump but why
I'd say it would be fine. I use a Riv Bananna bag with about the same
if not a little less on my Bleriot with no problems.
On Nov 4, 4:15 pm, Earl Grey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am considering getting one of these seat pouches, but was wondering
> if the fit would be cramped or awkward with only a fis
Nicely done Dick. I must say you have one of the finest collections of
bicycles (at least the type I enjoy) that I have ever seen. I also
realize there is someone else out there that enjoys moustache bars as
much as I do. Out of curiosity why the 48 spoke wheels?
On Nov 7, 11:08 am, Dick Gilpin
Wheels. You have the bike to do almost anything a person should want
to do. Just get a pair of wheels built for whatever it is your going
to do or be like some of the rest of us and get all those wheels with
a different bicycle attached to them. Or try and fight it (the desire
to have another bike
e Ind. hubs and
> a reasonable road range cassette.
> On Nov 8, 8:21 am, Frankwurst wrote:
> > Wheels. You have the bike to do almost anything a person should want
> > to do. Just get a pair of wheels built for whatever it is your going
> > to do or be l
reynoldslugs, anybody that has a frame built with a flask holder wins
my utmost respect. Steve, I believe is correct on the mounting of the
brakes. Rene I would go with the cantis on the Bombadil, Touring in
the rear, Neo Retros up front. You'll stop as fast as you have the
stones to stop. And pol
Ahh so the flask isn't just for climbs. Either way it gets my seal of
On Nov 11, 5:59 pm, reynoldslugs wrote:
> As a coda to this thread, and a final recommendation for these brakes:
> about an hour ago I was pushing Paul Racers about as hard as a brake
> can be pushed, and they were j
I'm with Jim. I don't have a problem with the Silvers. I have them on
my Bleriot. If you have the Cane creek levers I'd think they would be
On Nov 16, 5:43 pm, James Warren wrote:
> I am fully satisfied with the Silver brakes that I use. They are the ones
> marked Silver, and they stop me
Try the Stormy Kromer for colder weather. Wool with linear and ear
flaps. I love'em.
On Nov 18, 5:09 pm, Jim Cloud wrote:
> For those of you who like to wear a cycling cap, either with or
> without a helmet (I frequently ride only with a cap). You may be
> interested in a cap that has been aroun
Jeez Jim, I thought you already had that covered and dealt with bikes
for the fun and camaraderie of it all.
On Dec 1, 5:55 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> I had no idea that there was such demand for left Shimano bar-ends. I
> am now plotting my retirement!
> On Dec 1, 2:33 pm, b ham
Rivendell or not. My RB-T is one of my favorite bikes. In fact it's
one I'd be hard pressed to part with. Yours is a beauty indeed.
Welcome. This is a collective of very intelligent individulals
(unfortunately I'm not one) that can help you with any problem you
might encounter. You'll like it here
$500 cash only? Pretty suspicious indeed. And as stated the guy
doesn't seem to know much about bicycles. Maybe a generalization but
most people that deal or ride Rivs have a pretty good idea about what
they have in hand. Keep us posted John.
On Dec 6, 3:32 pm, John Blish wrote:
> I have written
Wish I lived in Northern CA and another many thanks to Jim for running
one of the most civil and best forums out there IMO.
On Dec 7, 5:20 pm, John Bennett wrote:
> We were having the 20 Things Garage Sale for a while, but haven't done
> it lately.
> In order to (hopefully) increase our Saturda
I'll bet the Atlantis never goes up for sale. If it does let me know
Ryan. I'm on my third through my own ignorance but I'd be happy to
take that one off your hands if and when you decide to part ways. I
won't sell the one I have now but I'd give it a sister with a
different hairdo given the opport
I have a Shimano 105 triple FD in VGC I purchased that was supposed to
be a clamp on. It's a braze on. I'll send it to somebody that can put
it to good use under the condition you go to Cyclofiends website and
make a contribution to help Jim keep these places up and running. Let
your concious be yo
I started that program about 9 years ago and haven't looked back.
People seem to think I ride a bike to stay healthy. I can't seem to
convey the message I ride a bike because I like riding a bike.
On Jan 3, 12:53 pm, rcnute wrote:
> For me '09 was the the year of just tooling around. I paid no
Thanks for the post and link Angus. Great idea.
On Jan 2, 9:15 pm, Angus wrote:
> A few years ago I made the MKS touring pedals on my All-Rounder/
> Atlantis "greaseable." I like to "re-grease" these pedals if I spend
> a lot of time riding in the rain (they are not sealed very well), and
> I re
Huh? They won't fit an Atlantis?
On Jul 30, 6:50 pm, William wrote:
> So after lots of soul searching I've decided to hold off on taking
> delivery of the Hunqapillar. There are actually 3 bikes that I badly
> want, and I can only afford one, so I'm going to take a few months to
> decide which o
54cm Saluki F/F/Ultegra HS, Diacompe centerpull brakes, Utility
wheelset Nexave hubs laced 3 x 32 to Zac 19 hoops. Nothing special but
they are in excellent shape. No skewers. The frame is like new. No
chips, scratches or marks of any kind. The only way you'll get one
nicer is to buy one new. Butte
Shave a few ounces off the wheels (not hubs) and 4 pounds off your
body and your ready to rock. Not that tough of a concept. But Jim is
spot on. Money can save weight if that's what your after.In the mean
time I'd kinda like to ride one and hope I don't like it simply
because I'd have another Riv i
Near as I can tell it's down.
On Aug 6, 10:17 am, rperks wrote:
> I know a few of you here participate in both lists, has the server
> gone down again or do I have to figure out if I somehow
> unsubscribed?
> It has been radio scilence for a few days now.
> Rob
You received this message
I was on the fence but came to the realization I don't need another
Riv at this point in my life. So I'm out. Good Luck Bill!
On Aug 9, 3:42 pm, William wrote:
> I'm currently the high bidder, and have been for several days. I
> doubt that my current bid will win, but I really do want it and wil
Hate to rain on your request Franklyn but they went fast. I already
tried. Kevans bag might still be there though.
On Aug 17, 6:04 pm, franklyn wrote:
> Hi,
> I am interested in the GB Cerf tires and the Riv Banana and Keven's
> bags. Let me know if they are still available.
> thanks,
> Frank
Yup. I'm in for a pair of both.
On Aug 18, 12:24 am, "XO-1.org Rough Riders"
> Two of each!
> - Chris Kostman
> On Aug 17, 9:38 pm, rperks wrote:
> > I would be in for a set of both, the catch is being the one to make it
> > happen. The current candidates are either focused on
I tried to convince myself. Never mind my wife. But after a
woodsy,dirt road cruise on my Atlantis I decide this would be kind of
redundant. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to own this bike but the
Atlantis will do anything and go anywhere I have the skills to take it
and I'm not about to replace it o
I have just recently put this combo on my Atlantis. I agree it's alot
of bang for the buck.
On Oct 5, 10:38 am, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> Agree: I myself am a convert to dyno lights; IMO, a Shimano dynohub
> and an IQ Cyo are a value/performance combination that can't be beat.
> On Tue, Oc
emailed about the brakes.
On Oct 20, 2:41 am, Greg wrote:
> I'm trying to make some room in the garage and maybe to try some new
> stuff, so I'd like to sell or trade the following stuff:
> Nitto Folding Bike Stand - it's similar to the one that Bicycle
> Quarterly sells, but this one disassemb
And yet another 650b tire to choose from. Things just keep getting
On Oct 30, 10:35 am, Jan Heine wrote:
> Grand Bois announces their new 650B x 36 mm tires.
> http://janheine.wordpress.com/
> The goal is to replace the Mitsuboshi Trimlines with a tire of similar
> size, which rides b
I pulled mine off my bikes years ago when I arrived home one day
looked at my total mieage, avg speed, ect. and asked myself "what does
it matter?" and after a couple of beers I realized to me none of it
did or does so the computers came off. Nothing has changed. I'm still
fat and slow.
On Oct 31,
quot;anguish is good for the soul" Moore, who begs readers not to
> be excessively earnest.
> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Frankwurst wrote:
> > I pulled mine off my bikes years ago when I arrived home one day
> > looked at my total mieage, avg speed, ect. and
Everytime I come across something like this I show it to my wife and
say "see." I thought I had this thing under control a couple of years
ago but the monster showed up once again. 9 with 2 WIP. When ask " why
do you need more than one bike?" I reply "Why do you need more than
one pair of shoes?"
I sold my 58 Atlantis because of TCO. I was running Schwalbe Big
Apples and XL toe clips though. I went back to a 56 simply because TCO
bothers me and I never had it with the 56 previous to the 58. I
obviously don't have the brain power to remember it's there so I
choose to make riding as thought l
I ran 32 Schwalbes on my cxp33 wheels.No problem.
On Feb 5, 7:18 am, LouisvillePatrick
> Good Morning!
> I'm wondering if anyone has had problems running Jack Browns or simlar
> sized tires (30+mm) on 19mm wide rims, like my CXP33s. I've ridden
> 50s on my Dyads for years with no proble
Very nice bike to be parting with Eric. Well appointed and Jim's
wheels are bomb proof. You have my utmost respect giving up a proven
beast like the Atlantis for an unknown. I'm trying to figure out how
to afford keeping my Atlantis and getting a Hung and then decide
which one wins the best of
Hey, it performed swimmingly. That in itself has to be worth
On Feb 12, 6:20 am, Seth Vidal wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Marty wrote:
> > Another one, on CL, and a 61 this time. Again, not mine.
> >http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/bik/1597015782.html
> That one has bee
In Northern Wisconsin we're thrilled to remove studed tires never mind
the fenders.
On Mar 26, 4:14 pm, William wrote:
> Do you celebrate the changing seasons by annually pulling off the
> fenders for the summer and putting them back on for the winter? When
> do you do it? By feel, by date, or
If it's Waterford built it'll be as good as it gets IMO. It's just a
matter of deciding what your wife wants. I once talked to Matthew at
Kogswell and he said that the Atlantis was one of the most thought out
and best designed bicycles ever built and I'd have to agree. Then
again that's a matter of
I had Big Apples with Berthoud fenders on my 58 700c Atlantis. I have
Planet Bike fenders on my 56 Atlantis. I like the Berthouds but being
the lazy dude that I am, I went with the Planet Bikes on my 56 simply
because they are quick and easy to mount. You probably put the 12-36
on because somewhe
A marketing strategy. If it doesn't sell raise the price.
On Apr 27, 3:50 pm, Jon Grant wrote:
> Subject: Re: [RBW] Rambouillet on Craigslist
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Michael Mann wrote:
> >> Listed in Portland but seller in Mic
Great marketing strategy and a very fair price as far as I'm
concerned. Bleriots are great rides. I love mine but soon we will part
ways to make room for a custom that will cost a heck of alot more than
$584 but the Bleriot was the straw that broke the camels back so to
On Apr 30, 1:10 pm,
I'm probably going to sell mine. I'm not far away from a custom being
built and as much as I like the Bleriot my custom will be a 650b
allrounder and I think I'll be getting a little redundant. I wanted to
or figured I'd sell the complete bike but I might consider parting it
out. What the Hey, the
Thanks James. Given what I throw away on cycling stuff in general, 50
cents is chump change and I don't feel the least bit upset if it
helped Kirk make this happen. More options are a good thing in my
On May 11, 6:06 pm, james black wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 15:46, William wrote:
Go to your local hardware store (provided they have a good nut,bolt
and fastener supply) and you can find aluminum sleeves that will fit
your needs along with the bolts ( button head ) in the proper length
to make them work. Or just drill a hole in a cork (wine that is) and
get a bolt that will fit
René has spelled it out. I personally have more concern for the wine
drinking than fender lines, but either way it works.
On May 12, 7:11 pm, Rene Sterental wrote:
> Best solution is to take the cork from a bottle of wine and trim it so it
> gives you the proper spacing. Then just drill it so you
It was not uncommon to age tires. I did it myself with tubulars. I
don't want to go back to those days. Glue, unsewing to patch and
resewing, glue again. Tubs are still around as will be 650b in thirty
years. I'll be dead then. I want to ride my 650b's into the sunset.
On May 13, 1:28 pm, bfd wro
On May 15, 1:14 am, happyriding wrote:
> What is loctite? Is there more than one kind? Apparently I NEED it for
> my new dirt bike?
> So I just got a cheap chinese dirtbike and was told I need to LOCTITE
> everything. If you LOCTITE something does that make it impossible to
> undo if you n
They just arrived in the northwoods of Wisconsin. If I don't get more
than 2 days outta them without a flat, they will be given away. Just
the same, I think they will be fine. I hope to get them mounted for a
Memorial Day Weekend Ride or two. They smell good. Kinda like opening
a GOOD beer. s
If it was a canti rom I'd be on it. Great bikes. One of the few I've
owned that my wife complimented. Not that that means anything. Buy it
Ryan. It's in your backyard and a 59 isn't that far off bat. Shorter
stem and wallah!
On Jun 1, 2:44 pm, rcnute wrote:
> I wish it was a 57--still ruing the o
I could help you out with a 54. It's only 8cm short of the mark. I
think you'll enjoy the 650b ride when you find one your size, which
you will.
On Jun 6, 4:21 pm, jamison brosseau
> I am interested in seeing if anyone out there has a 62 cm Saluki they
> would be willing to part with. Mos
Title says it all. Excellent condition. No dents, dings, scrapes,
scratches, gouges, ect. Has a few minor pinhead size nicks that have
been touched up. It literally looks new from a few feet away. Headset
has been repacked and the frame and fork have been treated with
framesaver. You won’t be disap
Agreed on both, but a shot of oxygen and acetelyne from a cutting
torch will really light up the Spud Gun.
On Jun 17, 12:38 pm, William wrote:
> +1 AquaNet FTW!
> It's #1 for grips and for the Spud Gun.
> On Jun 17, 9:49 am, CycloFiend wrote:
> > on 6/17/10 8:49 AM, JoelMatthews at joe
Stainless. The frame speaks for itself.
On Jun 27, 2:42 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean
> Contemplating my Hillborne build and wondering whether brass fenders
> would look okay with the Sam's orange. The bike would be adorned with
> silver rims/spokes/brakes/racks/levers/stem/bars/cages. Would the
I didn't receive your email or I would have responded. It's still
On Jun 27, 9:36 pm, "colin p. cummings"
> Has this sold? I tried to email off list but didn't receive a
> response...
> Cheers,
> Colin Cummings
> Amarillo
With a load,headwinds,hills,fixed and a hangover to boot 15.3 would be
a new course record for me. Hangovers make me faster as I try to purge
the demons from my body but those other things would put a kink in the
plow line.
On Jul 1, 2:47 pm, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> Good article; I was struck by t
Let me know how that works out William and how you do it if it does.
Never works for me.
On Jul 12, 12:16 pm, William wrote:
> Try to resist. Try hard to resist.
> On Jul 12, 10:04 am, Forrest wrote:
> > Couple extra details I forgot to include . . .
> > The stem is a Nitto Technomic
You will be one happy dude if you pick this up. I wouldn't kill for it
though. Those orange prison suits are not really designed for riding.
On Jul 12, 6:51 pm, Justin August wrote:
> I would literally kill for this. Emailed!
> Let me join this group for reals!
> -Justin
> On Jul 12, 3:17 p
What William said. Rolly pollys are fine as far as flats are concerned
and if you can fit a Jack Brown in there you will get the ultimate
cush. I have JB's on my RB-T and ride it on dirt,rocks,and anywhere
else I feel like going. I've ridden Roly Polys on the same stuff with
no problems.
On Jul 12
Reason being is, this is a good list and I don't care what anybody
says Grant is cool in my book. Thanks to him for creating Rivendell.
He's completely changed my perspective about riding and bicycles in
On Jul 13, 4:15 pm, Seth Vidal wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Taylor wro
That didn't last long.
On Jul 15, 12:00 pm, Bruce Baker wrote:
> Just saw this pop up on ebay if anyone is
> interested:http://cgi.ebay.com/Rivendell-Romulus-road-touring-bike-bicycle-EXC-c...
> Bruce
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Owners Bun
Simple. Stem, Bar and Thumbies. Problem solved.
On Jul 15, 4:47 pm, d2mini wrote:
> Hi, sometimes excessive google searching gives me a headache. :P
> I currently have noodle bars on my homer commuter, 42cm width. My
> commute is about 12.5 miles each way and sometimes they can get a bit
> unco
I have a beater/traveler bike set up with an 8 speed rear and a 42 up
front (you can always go smaller). I take it to places with big hills
with no problems and love the simplicity of 8 gears. Index the RD with
a Barcon on Albatross bars and she'll have a great bike for what you
mentioned in my op
Probably a long shot but I'm looking for a good Phil 32h front hub if
anyone has one not in service they would like to part with.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
On May 28, 11:48 am, David Estes wrote:
> New. One factory nut replaced with a lock nut.
> Reasonable offer plus $5 shipping Priority Mail (in U.S.).
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/3572978935/in/photostream/
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
On Jan 1, 1:11 am, rob markwardt wrote:
> Greetings,
> Yesterday I picked up a new bike...a green Rambouillet offered on
> the list a few days ago. I've ridden it the past couple days and it
> really is a beautiful looking and great handling bike. When I bought
> the bike I got another whee
I hope your right and the are Nigels. Nothing against Berthouds but I
still think Nigels are the cats meow.
On Jan 2, 10:52 am, "Bill Connell" wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 10:51 AM, William Henderson
> wrote:
> >http://asset3.rivbike.com/images/static/home_splash/5.jpg?1182737528
> > P
It's gotten to the point in our house where it works like this. "I'm
not going to the swap meet this year because I have all the parts and
pieces I need." She say "You should go because you never know." I'm to
stupid to argue with logic like that.
On Jan 9, 11:30 pm, "David Estes" wrote:
> I wow
I rode one over half way across the cusa (mid 70's) with no problems
and had a couple thousand miles on it before hand. As Jeff said it
required overshift but back then over shift was totally acceptable.
Would I buy one now? Yeah for nostaligia on a local rider and if
George wants to sell his at
Buy Steel, Ride it, It doesn't care if you weigh 150lbs or 250lbs.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
To u
I'll take them John If I can figure out how to email you.
On Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:30:10 PM UTC-5, 59Romulus wrote:
> Hi iBOBs, Rivendell Fans,
> I have a matched pair of Acorn bags for sale.
> The Acorn site is here:
> http://www.acornbags.com/index.html
> These bags
I don't see it as being all that dirty. Underside yes but who the hell
looks under your saddle bag? If your that anal about it 1 part Dawn,2 parts
hydrogen peroxide mixed in a spray bottle. Spray it on, let lt sit for 5-10
minnutes wipe it off, do it again and scrub it a little bit , hose it of
89 matches
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