I have both types cages and the Laken bottles are silent in each. The Kings
are super solid, even off-road.
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Looks like the link for the RR preview was removed? Am I not looking in the
right place?
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What a fantastic day. Great pics too. I really love the Gorge. Hard to know
where to point your camera.
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Hi All,
My daughter totaled her bike against a curb yesterday (she's bruised but
fine) which means we get to shop for a new bike. She will likely fit a 24"
wheel or thereabouts. Most of the majors have the same MTB/Cruiser models
available but I was wondering if anyone knew of anything approach
Thanks David! I'll check that Redline out for sure.
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Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the thoughts. I'm not sure what she'll end-up being drawn to,
just trying to see what's out there as her last two bike we hand-me-downs
from a neighbor. Both my wife and I have Electras and love them for cruising
around but my daughter has ideas about following me into th
Beautiful! Just pre-ordered my vest. So glad they're going to be available
again. Viva WoollyWarm!!!
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I'm in the queue. Have been for 2 years. Mark N. is still building the
frames. I am getting a 700c drop barred Riv with clearance for 38s
with fenders. The build will be Riv spec including silver velocity
rims, King hubs, sidepull brakes, DA bar-end shifters, Nitto bar-stem-
post, etc. The color (
Yes, I locked-in at the price from 2007. I'll be sure to post pics
when I get it. Thanks.
On Oct 23, 5:38 pm, Mike wrote:
> So Brad, I imagine you paid the price that a custom sold for at the
> time you placed the order right? Congrats on the impending arrival of
> the bike and be s
I chose a specific builder because I wanted their ideas, aesthetics,
etc. applied to a bike designed for my size, weight and riding style.
These ideas and practices (craft, material, weld-style, etc) are what
truly distinguish builders from one another. If you have very strong
ideas (that you're n
"I'm not paying someone to advertise for them. I'm paying them for
their skill and time."
Interesting perspective Seth but what you describe seems to devalue
the role of the craftsperson/builder in the process. Does your boycott
of logos and names include headbadges? Craftspeople throughout
I respect your position even if I don't share it. With regard to
Rivendell, I think the logos on the custom frames are works of art but
hey, I am a designer and typophile. Clearly this is a major issue with
you and I hope that when you do get a custom frame built you are able
to find a buil
I've ridden a fair amount in Chino Hills but either one sounds fun.
Might even have my new Riv by then.
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> I'm sure everyone can see the difference between a signature and a logo.
> right?
Now we're splitting hairs. On a Trek, I think you have a point. On a
Rivendell, the badge and logos are a signature. Modern logos are
derivative of artisan, trade and craftsperson symbols ("trade" marks?)
Nothing like "New Bike Legs"! It will be interesting to see if that
differential holds up over time. I suspect things might average out
but then again, if names are any indication, your Legolas will always
be the swiftest.
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Thanks Jim! Just ordered a pair for my soon-to-arrive Riv.
On Nov 13, 9:16 am, Jim Cloud wrote:
> With the discussions in this group pertaining to problems with Sigg
> water bottles, I think it may be of interest that Rivendell is now
> offering aluminum water bottles made by Laken (an old Spani
What a beautiful ride. Thanks for sharing the pics. They epitomize the
Country Bike spirit.
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Mark @RIV HQ mentioned that Grant was busy finishing a book awhile
back. Didn't realize it was going to be published so soon. I'm going
to pre-order mine now.
On Jan 3, 5:21 pm, Mike wrote:
> Hey Fulf, thanks for posting this. I'm going to order a copy when I
> get home from work tonight.
I believe he deserved what he got. It's not gloating as much as a wake-
up call for those who don't seem to view cyclists as people. I've
ridden that road hundreds of times. What he did was inexcusable.
On Jan 9, 8:40 am, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Eric Norris wrote:
So, after 2 years and 4 months, my custom frame arrived at Riv
headquarters. Mark is building it up today (and was kind enough to
snap these pics) and soon it will be mine. Can't wait to give it a
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Thanks. The color is Cinnamon Pearl (HOK PBC48). JB was great in
helping get exactly what I wanted.
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I'm not entirely sure other than there was a long list of folks ahead
of me. Curt and Mark were both building at the time I placed the order
but after Curt stopped building Rivs I imagine the entire queue fell
on Mark's shoulders. He works these in around his own frames. To be
fair, Grant was quite
On Jan 11, 8:18 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> So what makes it "custom"? What's the design like?
Well, it's not like the numbers are too crazy. Just built exactly the
way I wanted it. I have been coveting a Rivendell for well over 10
years and this was a 40th birthday gift from my family and friend
Thanks for all the kind words everybody. I love the color too. It's
exactly what I imagined. It'll be shipped to me on Wednesday and I'll
be sure to take a lot of pictures.
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To post to thi
700 actually. I followed Grant's recommendation on the brakes after
speccing the clearances that I was looking for. Sport Touring rig
about sums it up, yes. I will most likely ride it sans racks for
longer mixed terrain rides around Los Angeles. There are quite a few I
have had my eye on
Just updated Flikr with a couple of shots Mark took of the bike post-
build. Just need to add pedals, bags, cages and I'm in business!
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Nicely done! Looks like a great ride.
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Thanks! The color is Cinnamon Pearl from House of Kolor.
On Jan 12, 7:59 pm, "Wade Vidal" wrote:
> that is beautiful custom. I love the color what is it?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brad Gantt"
> To: "RBW Owners Bunch"
> Sent: T
Just found out the bike will arrive on Friday. A little evening shake-
out cruise and then off for a proper ramble on Saturday morning.
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I've heard good things about this shop from friends in Madison-
On Jul 29, 10:44 am, Seth Vidal wrote:
> If I were travelling to madison, wi for a little vacation and wanted:
> 1. to travel by bike while in town
> 2. to rent a non-crappy bike (or alternatively a t
Hi All,
So, I am ready to mount my KS having secured the necessary (shorter)
bolt thanks to Mark @Riv. Now my question is whether there is a
method, rule o' thumb, etc. for cutting the KS down to size or is it
simply trial and error. Not sure how much lean is appropriate for
stability. Forgive the
D'oh! Should have searched first. Thanks for the tips everybody!
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I always thought the dime was used to rough-up the tube a bit to allow
for greater adhesion. That's how I use it anyway. The dime is the
lightest american coin with a rough edge, thus it gets the call over a
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Great story David. That's exactly why I ride a Riv. the way I do (slow-
expense-of-my-riding-buddies). Be nice and ride yer bike. Pretty
simple. Thanks again.
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Nice timing. This and my new RIv arrive on the same day. It's like
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I just uploaded a few more shots of the bike pre-maiden voyage. I
can't really do justice to the paint. To say it exceeded my
expectations is an understatement.
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Thanks James. It's a joy to ride. I'm going to try and make the next
So-Cal group ride. Maybe I'll see you there.
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Interesting. I trust that Mark knew what he was doing. It shifts
flawlessly and to get the cables to rub on the headtube would require
a very sharp turn if the bars which would likely result in bigger
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D'oh! That would be "of" the bars. Not "if".
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I have a story similar to Grant's that always makes me smile. Prior to
getting my first Riv., most of my road riding was done on a Ritchey
Road Logic w/Roll-y Poll-ys, Brooks, Nitto bar & H2O cages, Grip Kings
and a Baggins Banana Bag. Not a Riv but very Rivved-out. Anyway, I was
riding with a frie
I don't think there is such a thing as a universally appealing name-
I remember thinking that 'Roadeo' was a pretty innocuous name, but
some people seemed almost angry about it. "
I believe that was Jim's point. I do not know Jim but I'm pretty sure
he was being facetious.
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Then I guess that's one less bike on your list. :)
On Jan 21, 7:23 pm, bpus...@aol.com wrote:
> Nice try..but it's a dumb ass name
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Perhaps you could explain how Rivendell has drifted away from the
ideals stated below. There is nothing road-ish of off-road-ish about
them. Rivendell has always been a personal expression of "velosophy"
for Grant which is full of contradictions, idiosyncrasies, quirks and
all of the qual
"It makes sense that each of
us like some of those changes and dislike others.
James Black"
Exactly. Like. Dislike. Whatever. I just don't share the sense of
betrayal (a bit dramatic I know) that others seem to .
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I just got around to uploading a series of shots from one of my
favorite rides in the Topanga/Santa Monica Mtns. area. The ride
culminates in a great climb up Stunt Road. Which, if you hit it early
enough, you don't have to share with very many cars at all. It is
quite scenic if you can take a mome
Just realized that this has no RIv content other than some Nitto bits
and Grip Kings on my bike. Sorry for the OT post.
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Rivendell riders, with their ample baggage, are able to carry a wide
variety of things beyond a tiny multi-tool, patch kit, levers and
tube. I am curious what others in the Bunch find indispensable,
useful, fun, etc. It would probably be useful to describe the bag,
type of riding, etc. I'll start i
Jim M.- Thanks for the link to the Reader.
Jim Cloud- You win the most prepared award so far! I went to school in
Tucson and the tire-slashing rocks found on the trails there began my
love affair with the tire boot. I've always carried one since. Most
often, I use it to repair someone else's tire
"Cooltool multitool (no longer available, but a great tool esp. for
Thanks for reminding me about these. I completely forgotten I had one.
With a larger adjustable wrench if I'm not mistaken. I had banished it
from my seatbag a long time ago when I was a weight-weenie.
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I'm really enjoying reading this thread. I have gotten some great
ideas for things to add to my kit. A first aid kit (I always carry one
on MTB rides) John's Irish straps and surgical rubber gloves to name a
few. Also interesting to see so many Lezyne minis represented among
those who don't carry a
> I'm astonished by how much stuff people carry on bike rides, even
> short ones.
Yes, it is more often the case that I use my kit to help somebody else
who hasn't been as diligent about maintaining their bike. My current
kit really weighs very little in the end and if I can help somebody
I am planning on riding and trying to recruit some others as well.
Great ride and great cause.
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Looks like a fun route. Take lots of pictures.
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I took a nice ride over the hill to Franklin Canyon yesterday. The
canyon is still quite wet from the recent rains and quite green. After
climbing out on the Hollywood side, I headed over to Benedict Canyon
which is a nice long climb that gets progressively steeper as you near
the top. At only 16.5
" I think Brad needs to lead a ride in the near future..."
Hmmm, sounds like a lot of responsibility. It would be fun to link-up
some gravel and Stunt Rd. ... Have to think about that, :)
Aaron, that stretch of Mulholland is between Beverly Glenn and
Coldwater Cyn. very close to my house. It's n
Wow! That's big cat country. Looks like an epic for sure.
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Okay, here's one option for an epic day in the hills. I have ridden
all of this many times before but never all in one go. I'm going to
try this in a couple of weeks, weather permitting.
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It would likely have been Topanga. I have done that variation as well.
The ride down Rambla Pacifica and Las Flores from the top of Stunt is
fantastic though. I don't like to spend too much time on PCH either.
You could also hop onto the Topanga fireroad on the way down which
adds quite a bit more
Phil, I am not familiar with the White Fence trail, at least by that
name. Where specifically does it originate in Studio City? Thanks!
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This has gotten ridiculous. Grant's post ended with an expression of
concern that he shouldn't have said anything. I imagine it might be a
bit before he does again and I for one find that unfortunate.
TCO is an "offense"? Honestly.
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Email and forum posts are a poor substitute for actual communication.
Intent, tone, etc. is often lost in translation. If I insulted
anybody, I apologize. I simply felt as though this string had
degenerated beyond the point of reason and perspective had been lost.
I make no judgement as to the impo
"I've read many reports over the years of people falling from their
bikes because of TCO. It hasn't happened to me, but I wouldn't want
tell anyone that the thing that made them fall over was purely user
error and not an attribute of bicycle design."
This I think is the crux. TCO is an aspect
That would be "affected" not "effected". :)
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I have run v-brakes of one kind or another for a decade + on my MTBs.
As stated above, the issue is generally improved with a bit more room
between rim and pad (common on MTBs to allow for muck clearance) and
the inevitable relaxing of the cables. I generally squeeze the tops of
the brake arms (opp
I'll cast my vote for the JB Greens. Fantastic tires on-road and off.
I highly recommend them.
On Feb 5, 9:50 am, LouisvillePatrick
> Thank you everyone!
> It's a toss up between the JB Greens and the Grand Bois Cypres 30s.
> Just can't make up my mind.
> I'm thinking the JBs are the t
The Lost City of Z- David Grann
Yoga for a World Out of Balance- Michael Stone
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Regarding disc breaks, I recall reading a post by Grant some time ago
that they were seriously considered for the Bombadill. Perhaps someone
else on the list recalls this as well?
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Great stuff. I'm ordering mine soon!
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I appreciate the mechanics and purity of a nice automatic (and love
the two I own) but there is something to be said for the reliability
and relative low cost of a quartz movement.
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That's a great looking bike Patrick. Well done!
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Check the Riv site. The answer is posted there.
On Feb 24, 4:13 pm, "carnerda...@bellsouth.net"
> For those of us who did not get it correct, or were not in the first
> 10-20, or both, could someone who got it correct and fast enough
> please post the correct answer?
> Thanks, David
I think it's a smart and fun program. And if it doesn't catch on then
they're none the worse for the effort. I personally look forward to
seeing the other dream bikes.
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Great video. Can't wait to get out and ride tomorrow!
As for the mystery item, it's kind of crazy genius to me. I have and
love wind vests but they cannot be donned and doffed single handedly
(at least for me). If you can get past the whole, "I just ordered a 5
poundah with drawn buttah!" appearan
This has been a real surprise to me. I have been following MDA and
other similar philosophies for a number of years now and Rivendell for
much longer. I never thought I would see the two worlds colliding as
they are now. I'm glad, just surprised though when I think about it,
the common threads are
That's too bad. Glad it wasn't worse though. Accidents like this are a
function of geometry, body position, speed, stopping force and a bunch
of other math. It is not a function of material, however.
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I think the sensations you describe are subjective so it doesn't make
too much sense to argue there. The steepness of the bicycle's head
tube, seat height, TT length, body positioning, BB height, fork rake,
tire choice (including inflation) as well as stem length and hand/bar
position will have pro
I know that route well. It really is a great ride. Looks like everyone
had fun.
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"Eat a variety of healthy whole foods and exercise regularly -
everybody knows how to do that, and what it looks like, tastes like
and feels like."
Yep, that's it. Now... how do we market that big idea? :)
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I'm doing a variation of this ride tomorrow. When I used to live in
Brentwood, I did the climb up Sullivan Cyn. on a regular basis. If I
left at all early I had the place to myself even on the weekends. Wait
too long and you have the folks bombing down on their dual-sprung
rigs. No matter how often
That's a great looking bike!
On Mar 26, 1:38 pm, Beth wrote:
> Since it seems this is the thing you do after you pick up your new
> ridehere're the
> picshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/8305...@n02/?savedsettings=499651459#pho...
> Enjoy!
> Ps..rides like butter!
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I just read the Easter post on the Riv homepage. I was intrigued by
Tim Wright who was mentioned in the post. A few clicks later, I found
this short film about Tim and thought others in the Bunch might enjoy
watching it as much as I did.
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Loved this video. They are really onto something great here. I could
easily see a longer format too. Kinda like a surf-video for mixed
terrain riding. It has that kind of vibe. Really nice.
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FYI. The music is Bonnie Price Billy "You are hello I am goodbye."
Great stuff.
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Sorry, that would be Bonnie "Prince" Billy not "Price".
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Wow. Looks great. I'm starting to think about making some room in my
stable for a 'Dil.
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I'm really interested in this ride. Earlier the better. Why not do two
versions? All-road in May and mixed in August. Unless we can figure a
way to add some dirt to the mix in May.
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Okay, so it sounds like we might have the makings of a Rivendell fly-
fishing overnight. I too like to wave a stick around whilst standing
in a river, play guitar (Taylor) and hand drums (djembe, etc.). I also
enjoy climbing, backpacking and sea kayaking as well as an occasional
surf (longboard), c
Apologies if this is frowned-upon (and I won't squawk if it's removed)
but I wanted to give Bunchers the heads-up. I am selling my Rivved-out
Ritchey on Ebay. Listing below. Spread the word if you're so inclined.
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Great shout out. My experience with the JBs has garnered similar
praise. They're great on or off road. Love the Hampsten SB as well.
Before I got my Riv I was seriously eyeballing that bike. They really
are nice.
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"I duuno. The fat Ti tubes on a small frame just don't do it for me."
The Strada Bianca is a custom frame. You can have it built out of
steel, Ti or aluminum. You could really address most aesthetic issues
in your choice of materials.
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I say go for it. I love my 'Kings. Recently rode a fast 40 miles in
Tevas and total comfort. They don't feel big, they feel good.
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On my way home from work I saw a dapper looking gent on a beautiful
blue Riv custom riding around the golf course in B'wood. Based on
previous Flikr sightings, I'd say it was Aaron Thomas but it was a
fleeting glimpse. I was jealous you were on your bike while I was in
may car. FYI, my office is ab
Brentwood, CA. I'm 99% sure it was Aaron since he haunts the same
locales as I.
On May 18, 11:40 am, Eric Norris wrote:
> B'wood = Bollywood? Belleau Wood?
> On May 18, 2010, at 10:44 AM, Brad Gantt wrote:
> > On my way home from work I
PS- Where did all the posts go? I only see that last one.
On May 18, 11:40 am, Eric Norris wrote:
> B'wood = Bollywood? Belleau Wood?
> On May 18, 2010, at 10:44 AM, Brad Gantt wrote:
> > On my way home from work I saw a dapper looking gent
My fleeting glimpse gave me two false impressions:
1. It didn't look like he was wearing a helmet. He was.
2. I thought the bike was a custom. It was a Romulus. So much for my
eyewitness testimony.
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Just saw the back-in-stock-n-redesigned Brand V Boxy Bag and Seat Bag.
I really love the size and functionality of the seat bag. It seems
small but holds a ton. Looks like some nice improvements in the Boxy
particularly. Anyone want to buy a barely-used older version. :)
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I should have been more clear. I already have the set (seat & bar) of
Brand V bags from a year ago. Never had a problem with the hook and
loop coming undone and it has quickly become my go-to bag that rarely
gets dismounted. It is a really industrial "velcro" with very stout
mil-spec webbing and ge
Look out, here comes the revolution.
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Nice video Andy. I have ridden a bit in Chino Hills and Carbon Canyon
but never knew you could camp there. Looks like fun!
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I have the Rivendell version of this hat... and a big noggin. Agreed.
Best (cycling) cap ever. I also have a wooly stubby that is equally
comfy . Good stuff.
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