What a gorgeous bike and awesome build... want it so bad.
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To v
I had a click for six months that only happened when I stood up or climbed
hills. I went absolutely crazy finding it.
It was the front derailleur clamp being just loose enough that the hinge
moved enough to click as the frame around the bb flexed when I climbed
hills... (79kg on a 63cm Hilsen)
Almost all autofocus SLR camera / lens systems will allow you to focus
If you want the manual feel, but with good auto exposure capabilities, search
for a used Nikon FM3A. It was the last of its type ever made by Nikon and as
such you’re still able to find ones in mint / NOS conditio
Best film camera I have found for taking photos while riding (and I’ve tried
many) is the Olympus XA or XA-2 or -4. The XA-4 is rare and more expensive,
but you find an XA or XA-2 fairly cheap on eBay. Both take great photos. The
XA-2 is more automatic and, for me, a better choice for taking qu
I think you are probably right, as it doesn't feel like a glass and silver
mirror. Probably why it is so light. Are the silver stickers
replaceable? I got a replacement mirror from a fabulous forum member, but
it might go bad in a few years.
You can see the pits best in Erl's picture and wh
Agreed. Those XA cameras were the best. I owned two and they each died when the
shutter button stopped working. I think this was a common problem. Still, if I
ever got back into pocket 35mm photography I’d look for a good one.
The Olympus Stylus Epic was a sort of spiritual follow up to that ca
I have a Rollei compact 35mm full manual that has a matching needle light meter
on the top of the case. When you load film, set the ASA on the dial on top.
Pick aperture or shutter speed as your priority, it sets that needle in the
light meter and you adjust the other until the two align and you
I bought a Simple0ne from a RBWOB member a while ago because my friend had
a single speed with chubby tires and convinced me I should do the same.
Funny enough he sold his this week, right after I got my bike already to
go. When I got the bike I was not really in love with it. Something just
You're going down a mini-wormhole here! There are plenty of opinions out
there... There are Olympus people, Canon people, Minolta people, Petri
people, Hasselblad people, etc. Depending on year, all of these companies
made cameras that excelled in ways and potentially fell short in others.
Asking 1700 for it email me at never...@yahoo.com
Not sure how to use this google group to upload pictures
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I don't want to disparage any bike mechanic but I wonder if REI has
mechanics with much experience. I along with others would recommend new
shifters as you have decided and take it to an LBS mechanic. Good luck!
On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 11:29:25 AM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding Din
They finally arrived after 13 weeks and, having worn them for about and
hour, I think they're pretty comfortable and they seem well made. If the
company were more realistic about there delivery time -- it was posted as
20 working days plus shipping when I ordered, and when last I looked it was
Gosh, what a cool bike! Even though I have a Clem L and an Atlantis, I
still pine after a 58 SimpleOne. It reminds me of my chubby-tire’d Swobo
Accomplice, which was my gateway to the Riv world. One day maybe!
On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 8:37 AM Jeff B wrote:
> I bought a Simple0ne from a RBWOB mem
For riding with heavier front loads, the Nitto 34F Big Front Rack still
seems like a better basket-rack solution to me: stronger, more stable, able
to carry panniers & about the same price I think.
Ooops, Riv no longer carries the Big Front Rack, but that's where I
purchased mine. Doe
Beautiful bike Jeff!
Makes me want to convert my Hunqapillar into a single speed.
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Oh yeah, and check out some Forest Hill Film Lab
videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbDG7XYhdWuSrRvhMcFxSeQ
Grant has mentioned him in a Blahg post or two. He does some vintage camera
reviews that are pretty cool. He also has good videos on shooting basics.
Also, reviews for dys: http
Hi All,
The bags and bars are gone. I am keeping the Surly 24 Pack Rack for now, but
I’ll update this post if I decide to sell (I’ve had some interest recently) it
later. I still have the 2 Fish cage.
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Wormhole indeed. Thanks for all the suggestions. Fun looking at all this pretty
stuff. I guess I should’ve specified a budget, which is in the <200$ range.
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My favorite film camera to carry on the bike or cross country skiing was
the Rollei 35S. The Zeiss Sonnar lens is terrific. The camera weighs next
to nothing, and takes up very little space.
Peter White
On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 11:54 AM Drw wrote:
> Wormhole indeed. Thanks for all the suggestion
Hey group, Just wondering if anyone has a Nitto technomic stem in 8cm length
that they’re not using. Preferably 25.4 clamp but 26.0 works too. Thank you!
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My opinion of REI's bike mechanic fell precipitously a few years ago when
the *head mechanic* told me that the rubbing pads of the Shimano disk
brakes on a bike newly bought for a friend were behaving normally and would
stop rubbing after they "wore in." Idiot. Fixed them myself.
I do like REI's m
I shoot a lot of film using a few Rolleiflex cameras and a slew of Pentax
35mm stuff. I personally think the MeSuper and the Super Program or even
just the Program cameras with a fixed focal length lens of your choosing
make a really great, small setup for automatic exposure/manual focus stuff.
1. You have given me hope that all will be well with new shifters!
2. Where is that darn speed racer? Must have decided he couldn’t handle the
hill. And certainly not in this heat.
3. Front derailleur seems to be behaving this week. I don’t know that it had
ever been used much. When I got it, I w
I feel I must take the shifters to the REI mechanics now. That was the deal -
they wouldn’t charge me for last visit but told me to come back for shifter
service instead. Don’t I kind of have to see them? They do understand about
friction, they just didn’t get the set up on my Aquaclem the first
Unless you're doing it yourself - I'll tell you how! - then it's off to REI for
you. The new shifters will be less finicky for them, plus I/we can talk you
through any further adjustments that may be needed.
Just make sure they know you're doing reverse-sides with both in friction.
They'll be
Nothing's realer than pinhole photography. Not so good for on the bike
snapshots, but if you've got some time to kill and an f64 sewing needle...
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Oh boy . at this point amidst the comedy of trials and errors, who or
what done what to/fro who or what . it's enough to speed up the Earth
from rotating for just one moment while It rolls in Laughter ! So may as
well break out song . it's just like riding a bike . Liberty
Party on, Garth 👊
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One of mine is sold, still have one more if anybody needs it.
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Yes let's shrink it down to a 84 pbh sized Saluki. This is my holy grail Riv.
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The basket rack has a wider platform and much better supports the basket,
and honestly almost all loads that people throw up front. The 32F is
awesome for loaded touring but I think it's overkill for most riding, and
looks a bit bulky. I think Riv nailed the design for the basketrack.
You r
I’m not sure I have seen a canti 58 become available, but I have a silver canti
60 that I would be willing to trade for one.
Best regards,
Matt B
Oswego, IL
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THE best camera is the Olympus OM-1n.
The "n" is the upgraded version of the original OM-1. Well worth seeking
Great lenses available. Start with a 50mm (the one most people paired it
with). Then branch out to a wide (28mm) and save up for an 85mm (perfect
for portraits).
The camera i
Interestingly, I found myself wondering the same thing and for similar
reasons. Upon further consideration I kind of found myself swinging back
to the manual side of the equation and ended up recently selling some
camera equipment I already had, possibly something I'll come to regret
correct - my new ram is 60. i love the fit of it.
On Friday, February 1, 2019 at 11:29:13 AM UTC-8, Adam Leibow wrote:
> hi all, i want to create a thread where you just post a picture of your
> rivendell(s) whenever you feel like it. hope this is OK w/ the mods. i love
> lookin at pics of em
It might be worth (as others have noted) cleaning your drivetrain areas,
letting it dry, and using some sort of SpotCheck like spray to reveal
Secondly, I agree with the above responder who mentioned the saddle-
epsecially if it's a Brooks. Tighten your seat post, rail clamp, and saddle
Think we would be rock/paper/scissors for one! This may be my “call Rivendell
and get my dream” custom.
Karl “Always go Rock”
Nashville, TN
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I love my SS with 38 Barlow Pass tires it’s my go to bike. I currently have a
Donutsack rear bag and a front small bag. With White Industries freewheel it
couldn’t be any better. I tend to take it over my geared bikes.
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With ghost shifting in the back I’d be checking the derailleur hanger alignment.
Bill S
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Ghost shifting may also be as simple as a slight tightening of the tension
bolt on top of the shifter in question. D-rings to adjust are sweet,
hex/allen bolts are not !
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Ghost shifting with those clickety SunRace shifters is a fault of using an IGH
shifter on a derailer. It can be fiddled with enough cure it to the
satisfaction of some, but it's simply not a friction shifter. Leah will be much
happier with the Microshift, I promise.
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Now you got me shopping for an OM-1N. Since I was a teen I've wanted a
nikon Fm2. Year or two ago I bought 6 rolls of kodak b/w film that's been
sitting in my fridge because of this forum :p. Cost to develop and print
gave me pause.
On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 9:14:14 PM UTC-7, Drw wrot
Speaking of development. Does everyone go online now? If so, who do people like?
Also, just to update, I picked up an Olympus xa2, because I could wrap my head
around that and it’s price most immediately. It was on eBay but it’s got a good
return policy and good seller feedback.
I’m interested
Oh! All this has jogged my memory (and camera collection): you should
definitely consider adding to your now growing collection (n+1, just like
bikes) of cameras the Yashica Electro 35. There are various models, but you
should look for the GSN or GTN (one is chrome, the other black). They are
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