I bought a Simple0ne from a RBWOB member a while ago because my friend had 
a single speed with chubby tires and convinced me I should do the same. 
Funny enough he sold his this week, right after I got my bike already to 
go. When I got the bike I was not really in love with it. Something just 
felt odd. Maybe I was not used to the simplicity and quietness of single 
speeding. But now I have the bike dialed in and I could not be any happier. 
I swapped the noodle drop bars for mustache bars (which is such an easy 
swap on single speeds), changed to a rack that mounts to the fork braze-on, 
instead of the canti bosses (that rack is on my Atlantis which is old 
enough to not have fork braze-ons) and finally I mounted some huge 
GravelKings SK's to cushion the ride. The tires feel awesome and look so 
ballon like mounted to the small Velocity A23 rims, which is what made me 
fall in love with the aesthetic of this bike. I use it frequently as a 
commuter and after work quick gravel grinder. Maybe I'll go fixed later. 
Maybe I'll put a lowrider rack on it and use it as a simple camper bike. 
Who knows, it's just fun for now and it looks even better dusty so I'll 
keep riding it hard.






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