[RBW] Re: Here's a post about *riding* a Rivendell!

2009-04-10 Thread EricP
Paul, That was me. Nice riding with you also. Spotted the Bombadil and knew unless I hailed you wouldn't get close enough to look at the bike. It's even nicer in person than the photos. Luckily there was not much wind yesterday so my slow extended ride after work was fun. 30 miles total inclu

[RBW] Re: RBW Website Down?

2009-04-10 Thread Ray Shine
My Mac and Safari work the site no problem. It's a G5 with latest Safari, however. --- On Fri, 4/10/09, Marty wrote: From: Marty Subject: [RBW] Re: RBW Website Down? To: "RBW Owners Bunch" Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 3:57 AM I'm also on a Mac, and there have been no problems using Safari fo

[RBW] Re: RBW Website Down?

2009-04-10 Thread Marty
I'm also on a Mac, and there have been no problems using Safari for me. I do have OSX however... marty > > I'm using Mac OS 4 with the Safari browser, which has worked fine up > > until this week.  I also have Firefox and I just tried it and I can > > access RBW in that way.  I have no idea why

[RBW] Re: Question for campy only please!

2009-04-10 Thread J. Douglas Way
Rene- I'm no expert, that would be Eric Norris, the Campy Only Guy, ;-). However, I have the same 2002 Chorus 9 speed ergo shifters on my go fast/climbing bike. From the pictures on Ebay, the shifters from the auction look identical to mine. Best, Doug Way Boulder, CO >I need an expert eye

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread Marty
Ended at $2,070.00. Hey, I was only $285.00 high! Still, for 2K, you could get several perfectly nice riders, but that's thinking outside the box. Marty --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bu

[RBW] Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread usuk2007
I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both came in at 25lbs. I was very surprised as I'd expected the Quickbeam to be a couple of pounds lighter. The Quickbeam is stock apart from having a double White Ind freewheel one one side and a 22t freewheel on the other. The Ram has Whit

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread EricP
Yes, and that bike was still in the box. So thinking "inside the box" was required. (Okay, it's Friday and that was a terrible joke.) A few years ago, a copy of a small press publication still in the unopened shipping box after 50 plus years went for significantly more than a mint copy. So it's

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Norris
My QB, stock except for Phil hubs (fixed/fixed) and Velocity rims, weighs in at 26 pounds (with a seat bag and a Nitto rack). --Eric www.wheelsnorth.org www.campyonly.com On Apr 10, 2009, at 5:34 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both came in > a

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 7:32 AM, EricP wrote: > > But that's my fear of ownership > overriding pride of ownership. It's also why I don't commute on my > Atlantis as my fear of theft is greater than the joy of riding that > bike to work. > Eric: is the danger of theft real, or notional only? I w

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread Marty
In this case, (er...carton) "THIS IS IT" was all about the box! Lesson learned: never take it out of the box - even to photograph it. The seller could have made another K easily. I was at a model train show years ago and sellers would provide actual x-rays of contents so they would not have to bre

[RBW] Use of banana bag as handlebar bag

2009-04-10 Thread franklyn
Hi, folks, has anyone used baggins banana bag/nigel smyth seat bag (http:// www.rivbike.com/products/list/bags_and_racks?a=1&page=3#product=20-166) as a front/handlebar bag? How well does it work? Do you have a picture showing how you attach it to handlebar/stem? The normal handlebar bags that a

[RBW] Re: Here's a post about *riding* a Rivendell!

2009-04-10 Thread JoelMatthews
> The wind description reminds me of a ride here about 2 months ago, > right after a snowstorm. I rode up the St. Paul High Bridge (it had > been plowed), which is a moderately steep and fairly long bridge, at > about 17 mph feeling strong and ready for more. After a nice > breakfast, i headed bac

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread James Warren
I have the '93 XO-1. It rides really well, it has an excellent Ishiwata frame, the brakes are excellent, the Shimano 105 shifting is excellent, and it is very versatile. If it sold new today, $2000 would be a good price. And the one that sold on ebay was brand new, and the only differences I c

[RBW] Re: Use of banana bag as handlebar bag

2009-04-10 Thread
here's how i did it... http://www.flickr.com/photos/24750...@n02/2343827076/in/set-7215760416122328 3/ Rene valbu...@ix.netcom.com EarthLink Revolves Around You. > [Original Message] > From: franklyn > To: RBW Owners Bunch > Date: 4/10/2009 7:16:19 AM > Subject: [RBW] Use of banana bag as

[RBW] Re: Use of banana bag as handlebar bag

2009-04-10 Thread Bruce
rene:  What rims did you use with the Phils on that Bridgestone? Nice looking ride. Like many other bags which can be used in front, the banana bag set up looks like it's not really intended to be opened while in motion, which the latest RBW lil loafer clone seems to have finally found a fix fo

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread usuk2007
Oops I have a small marks rack on the QB so that's about 12oz to take off still Ram 25lbs QB 24.25lbs, The QB seems heavy, is it the tubing or the rims and hubs?. The freewheels aren't light, but they can't be as much as a full cassette and those derailleurs... On Apr 10, 9:41 am, Eric Norris

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread David Estes
Yeah, $2K was a good price for it. Kind of reasonable if you think of the collectibility and the mint condition of it. Guessing the for-crap economy suppressed the final price a bit. Even bike collectors get the blues... On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 8:13 AM, James Warren wrote: > > I have the '93

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread Tim McNamara
On Apr 10, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Marty wrote: > In this case, (er...carton) "THIS IS IT" was all about the box! Lesson > learned: never take it out of the box - even to photograph it. The > seller could have made another K easily. I was at a model train show > years ago and sellers would provide act

[RBW] Re: Early Days Rivendell Mountain Bike?

2009-04-10 Thread r...@annie-rob.com
My wife has a 1997 Rivendell Mountain Expedition, built up as a road bike. Grant suggested she go with the MTB frame as it scaled down better than the other geometries. I makes an awesome touring/road bike. Here's a photo: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2014816&l=0fe19fdded&id=590592410

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Bill Connell
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 7:34 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both came in > at 25lbs. I was very surprised as I'd expected the Quickbeam to be a > couple of pounds lighter. The Quickbeam is stock apart from having a > double White Ind freewheel one

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread charlie
Only .75 lbs? Are they the same exact frame size? I wouldn't worry about it either way there are too many variables. I don't even know what my bikes weigh. On Apr 10, 7:45 am, usuk2007 wrote: > Oops I have a small marks rack on the QB so that's about 12oz to take > off > still Ram 25lbs QB 24.25

[RBW] Vintage Parts web site?

2009-04-10 Thread GeorgeS
Recently I was referred to a commercial site that seems to specialize in vintage parts - replacement brakehoods, bits & pieces for old components, that sort of thing. I was particularly interested in hangers with quick release levers for center pull brakes. The problem is that I've lost the addr

[RBW] Re: Early Days Rivendell Mountain Bike?

2009-04-10 Thread JoelMatthews
I really do not need a mountain bike, but have always thought it would be fun to have one so that way I would have a city bike, touring bike and mountain bike. The Bombadil seems more the bike to have to use as a combined mountain/touring bike. That '90s Riv mountain bike would be perfect. Gues

[RBW] Re: Use of banana bag as handlebar bag

2009-04-10 Thread
hi bruce -- i left it all up to rich of rivendell. he used the 36-hole synergy set with the off-set rear rim. and his usual guages of dt swiss spokes. i don't know how old that set of phil hubs are. the rear spindle length is 126mm. so virtually no dish at all as it is with 650b. very nice indee

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Phil B
> > > > On Apr 10, 2009, at 5:34 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > > > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both came in > > > > at 25lbs. I was very surprised as I'd expected the Quickbeam to be a > > > > couple of pounds lighter. The Quickbeam is stock apart from having a > > > > do

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
Back in college I worked one season at a summer camp. The camp caretaker's kids got into the Beanie Baby craze, but the parents started to see the "limited editions" as an investment (collector publications verified the rapidly escalating prices), and wouldn't let the kids do more than look at the

[RBW] Re: my new Bomb

2009-04-10 Thread ed k
Marty, this build is going pretty smooth, except the stupid interrupter brake controls make sizing the cable housings critical. You were almost right about the cables - the derailer cables are plenty long, it's the rear brake that doesn't reach. I'll be stopping on the way home for a tandem brake

[RBW] Re: Slightly OT: Any LBSes have White Ind. Pedals yet?

2009-04-10 Thread John Ferguson
No pictures of the Toei yet. It is currently hanging out in Seattle while I'm on vacation. I'll get it in the first week of May, after which I'll take many pictures. I like to document my bikes in their virgin state :-) John On Apr 9, 4:33 pm, Aaron Thomas wrote: > Your Toei looks cool! Any

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread EricP
Patrick, Theft is real around here. Admittedly, it would take a special thief to realize what the bike is and steal it. But it's not a risk I'm willing to take. Not when there are other bikes out there to ride. And no, can no longer bring the bike inside. The building where I work has nixed t

[RBW] Re: my new Bomb

2009-04-10 Thread Marty
For me, it was the rear derailer cable that came up short. Back in the day, I was a Paramount lover, and had a few I sold to Larry Black in a weak moment. All were a little small for me, but it was a blast riding them. Maybe they're still hanging around at College Park - God knows there's enough s

[RBW] Re: Vintage Parts web site?

2009-04-10 Thread CycloFiend
on 4/10/09 8:36 AM, GeorgeS at chobur...@gmail.com wrote: > > Recently I was referred to a commercial site that seems to specialize > in vintage parts - replacement brakehoods, bits & pieces for old > components, that sort of thing. I was particularly interested in > hangers with quick release

[RBW] Re: xo-1 - in box on ebay

2009-04-10 Thread Frederick, Steve
Interesting that you should mention Beanie Babies, Jim--and I fear I'm going a bit off-topic, here. But E-bay was originally founded/created as a way for collectors to exchange, sell and buy...Beanie Babies! Steve "ain't a cable TV-based education a grand thing?" Frederick, East Lansing, MI

[RBW] The Photogenic Riv

2009-04-10 Thread Will
Have you noticed that if you place certain steeds (especially those with cream-colored head tubes, canvas/leather accessories, and fenders) against old buildings, you have the makings for our fearless leader's annual calendar? Too bad I only had a cell phone with me this morning. For your enjoymen

[RBW] Re: Vintage Parts web site?

2009-04-10 Thread Jeremy Till
Could also be Loose Screws: http://www.loosescrews.com/index.cgi I'll be going there to get the proprietary (?!???!?) brake cable ferrules for my first-gen Dia-Compe aero levers when the current set wears out. -jeremy On Apr 10, 8:36 am, GeorgeS wrote: > Recently I was referred to a commercia

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Horace
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:34 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both came in > at 25lbs. I was very surprised as I'd expected the Quickbeam to be a > couple of pounds lighter. The Quickbeam is stock apart from having a > double White Ind freewheel one

[RBW] Re: The Photogenic Riv

2009-04-10 Thread CycloFiend
on 4/10/09 10:19 AM, Will at wpm...@gmail.com wrote: > Have you noticed that if you place certain steeds (especially those > with cream-colored head tubes, canvas/leather accessories, and > fenders) against old buildings, you have the makings for our fearless > leader's annual calendar? "...fear

[RBW] Re: RBW Website Down?

2009-04-10 Thread tdusky
Try restarting your router, especially if you are on wireless. I have similar problems and that always works. A computer restart can also help. Tom On Apr 8, 8:52 pm, R Gonet wrote: > Is anybody else having trouble getting onto the RBW website?  I > haven't been able to bring up the site for a

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread usuk2007
...and I though I'd save all that work by picking the brains of the list. I'm not curious enough to start dismantling anything so I'll have to disappoint you...sorry On Apr 10, 1:23 pm, Horace wrote: > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:34 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > > > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambo

[RBW] Re: Slightly OT: Any LBSes have White Ind. Pedals yet?

2009-04-10 Thread Phil B
Joel, et.al.- I've seen a pair in person - at White Industries - I was there showing them a strange symptom one of my older ENO hubs was diplaying (as it turned out it just needed new cartridge bearings). There were two bikes, that had shown some use, in the lobby adorned with WI stuff and the r

[RBW] Re: The Photogenic Riv

2009-04-10 Thread Doug Peterson
Very classy looking photos. Makes my typical garage door background seem pretty dull. dougP -Original Message- From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com [mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Will Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:19 AM To: RBW Owners Bunch Subject: [RBW]

[RBW] Re: FS: Brooks, Lake & Crank Bros->

2009-04-10 Thread Me
3. Brooks B.17 CS Black Moderate/Heavy use, no sags/nor divots, cooper rails $60.00 shipped [includes shipping Lower 48] **SOLD** 4. Brooks B.17 CS Honey Almost new, ridden 10 times, cooper rails $100.00 [includes shipping Lower 48] **SOLD** 5. Brooks B.67 Black Springs, Mounted-barely-used

[RBW] Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Kelly
Hey, I just noticed a new staff bikes section on the Rivendell website. It looks like they're going to put up pictures of all the staff's bikes at some point. Here's the link: http://www.rivbike.com/products/list/bicycle_models#product=50-998 --~--~-~--~~~---~-

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread rcnute
I like the pump on Grant's bike. On Apr 10, 11:39 am, Kelly wrote: >       Hey, I just noticed a new staff bikes section on the Rivendell > website.  It looks like they're going to put up pictures of all the > staff's bikes at some point.  Here's the link: > > http://www.rivbike.com/products/lis

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Gino Zahnd
(prototype, no pump peg) On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM, rcnute wrote: > > I like the pump on Grant's bike. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send em

[RBW] Re: Stem Length Change for Noodle to Albatross Bars

2009-04-10 Thread Doug Van Cleve
Hey Chris. I ride frequently on moustache bars which are not the same as albatross' (A-bars) but have some similar traits. If you are very happy on the hoods now, I would put the A-bars where your hands fall near the front curves but not at the very front. I find I use the very front mostly for

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Mike
I love the pictures, especially Grant's bike. His book looks well and properly used. I love the beausage. I hope at some point they'll put up there own gallery on the website with more pictures of staff bikes, customs and the complete set of bike camping photos that are the main page of the websit

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Patrick in VT
the weight on that QB is surprising. my lugged steel fixie (531 tubes) comes in at about 20 lbs. I'm having another ss (mostly) built with pegorichie (columbus spirit "for lugs") tubes, which should be lighter - but it will also sport derailers from time to time, a front rack, etc. so I expect i

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Bill Connell
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Kelly wrote: > >      Hey, I just noticed a new staff bikes section on the Rivendell > website.  It looks like they're going to put up pictures of all the > staff's bikes at some point.  Here's the link: > > http://www.rivbike.com/products/list/bicycle_models#prod

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread Aaron Thomas
To each his own, I suppose, but the tilt on John's saddle looks like it might be pretty hard on the Johnson. On Apr 10, 12:14 pm, Bill Connell wrote: > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Kelly wrote: > > >      Hey, I just noticed a new staff bikes section on the Rivendell > > website.  It looks

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread usuk2007
That saddle tilt looks extreme. As someone who has 3 freewheels on my QB I like the sticker too. However, I just can't love those Sackvilles, I don't know if it's the colour scheme or the shape, but they look so cheap. On Apr 10, 3:26 pm, Aaron Thomas wrote: > To each his own, I suppose, but the

[RBW] Brooks Flyer Special "S" FS or Trade

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Norris
*Let's try one more time ...* Brand-new Brooks Flyer Special "S" (black) for sale or trade. This saddle has been clamped into a seatpost, but was never ridden. Very, very minor marks on the rails, but otherwise like it was when it left the factory. The Flyer Special S is the "luxury" vers

[RBW] WTB/WTT: Baggins Banana bag/Keven's Bag

2009-04-10 Thread franklyn
I want to use one as a narrow handlebar bag that doesn't interfere with hands when they are on the top tube. Does folk have one lying around not being used? Would prefer the banana in a darker color, but can't be picky. I have a couple of things I can offer in exchange: - Nitto M-12 rack - a bik

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread PATRICK MOORE
In case y'all are weeping over the avoirdupois of your Quickbeams, know this: the frame 'n; fork of my 58 cm 2003 road custom is about 7 lb, IIRC. OTOH, it built up as a 18.75 lb gofast with no silly-light parts (1X10 drivetrain, Phil Ti bb, ti stem bolt, Dura Ace seatpost, Flite because I like Fl

[RBW] Re: RBW Website Down?

2009-04-10 Thread R Gonet
Thanks for all the suggestions. A restart cured the problem. On Apr 10, 1:39 pm, tdusky wrote: > Try restarting your router, especially if you are on wireless. > I have similar problems and that always works. > A computer restart can also help. > > Tom > > On Apr 8, 8:52 pm, R Gonet wrote: > >

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread David Estes
Inspiration for the Bombadil double tube? On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Gino Zahnd wrote: > > (prototype, no pump peg) > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM, rcnute wrote: > > > > I like the pump on Grant's bike. > > > > -- Cheers, David Redlands, CA --~--~-~--~~~

[RBW] Re: Staff Bikes

2009-04-10 Thread usuk2007
Good one.:-). I wonder if he left it like that for a 100 years if it would develop some beausage. Kidding apart it's nice to see some real life bike pics on the Riv site, it would be nice to see a few more. On Apr 10, 8:12 pm, David Estes wrote: > Inspiration for the Bombadil double tube? >

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread stanwasser
If you don't mind my asking, what size are the bikes? Stan Columbia, SC - Original Message - From: "usuk2007" To: "RBW Owners Bunch" Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:34 AM Subject: [RBW] Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight > > I weighed my Quickbeam and my Rambouillet last night and both

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Mojo
Yeah mine's a heffer too at 28lbs. http://tinyurl.com/43md96 60cm frame built up with my parts. I do have a Carrdice Barley on the back and a small Nitto rack and handlebar bag up front and two freewheels, plus the repair/patch kit and pump; oh and battery tail and headlights. I did take off the

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread Esteban
I too have the Acorn Rando bag - here are photos on the Quickbeam and Protovelo Custom. Great bags. http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/3413155305/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/3423446130/ On Apr 10, 9:42 pm, Mojo wrote: > Yeah mine's a heffer too at 28lbs.http://tinyurl.co

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread David Estes
I was surprised at how stout my 62cm QB was when I first pulled it out of the box... I was expecting it to be lighter. My geared Riv Road is lighter, at least it feels that way without actually weighing it. On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 7:45 AM, usuk2007 wrote: > > Oops I have a small marks rack on th

[RBW] Re: Quickbeam vs Rambouillet weight

2009-04-10 Thread David Estes
Zugster is looking good: http://www.zugsterbags.com/blog/handlebar-bag-details On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Esteban wrote: > > I too have the Acorn Rando bag - here are photos on the Quickbeam and > Protovelo Custom. Great bags. > > http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/3413155305/ > >