Thanks Mark. The pictures and notes about your bike certainly helped me
make a decision! I am all about being willing to experiment, and if style
and practicality can go together, all the better. It did occur to me that
my bikes and my riding, though certainly practical, good exercise, a good
Congratulations on being car-free. It certainly increases the justification
for more bikes and bike-related purchases, among other things. My
Clementine is my commuter, shopper, and Burley Piccolo tractor, so the L
makes sense for me, too. Really, the only disadvantage to not having the
Clem H
Sorry for resurrecting a relatively old post but wanted to say thanks to
all for the input and the info! With that, as of yesterday, Riv now has
one fewer 59cm black Clementine frames available... I lusted after the
Cheviot, and who knows what still might happen, but I am excited and have a