Re: [R] Query about calculating the monthly average of daily data columns

2019-10-20 Thread Subhamitra Patra
Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your suggestions. Due to certain inconveniences, I was unable to work on your suggestions. Today I worked on both suggestions and got the result that I really wanted that monthly averages for each country. Here, I am asking one more query (just for learning pur

Re: [R] Retaining attributes of columns of a data frame when subsetting.

2019-10-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Richard's idea is good but shouldn't it be `[.myclass` instead? `[.myclass` <- function(x, i, j, drop = if (missing(i)) TRUE else length(cols) == 1){ SaveAt <- lapply(X, attributes) X <- NextMethod() lX <- lapply(names(X),function(nm, x, Sat){ attributes(x[[nm]]) <- Sat[[nm]]

[R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear listers, I am trying to pass an expression inlcuding a variable and a superpscript to a legend. What I want to obtain is e.g. with densren = 1.25 1.25 ind./km^2 I have tried many variants of the following: legend=bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2) but if not errors, do obtain 1.25 (ind./km^

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Eric Berger
I did a Google search on R plot superscript in legend and the first search result was which looks like it might address your question. On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 3:30 PM Patrick Giraudoux < patrick.giraud...@univ-fcomte

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Thanks Eric. I got it too already (and already tried some variations based on it), but to my understanding it does not include a variable whose contents is used in the expression as in the case submitted... Le 20/10/2019 à 14:56, Eric Berger a écrit : > I did a Google search on > > R plot super

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Bert Gunter
Assuming you are using base graphics, your syntax for adding the legend appears to be wrong. legend() is a separate function, not a parameter of plot.default afaics. The following works for me: > densren <- 1.25 > plot(1:10) > legend (x="center", legend =bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2)) See ?lege

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Thanks Bert and Peter, Yes Bert, I was aware of the legend() function syntax, and just quoting the legend argument within the function. However, Bert and Peter, I do not understand why it works with your absolutely reproducible examples and not in the slightly (not so slightly apparently) diff

Re: [R] Query about calculating the monthly average of daily data columns

2019-10-20 Thread jim holtman
Does this do what you want: > library(tidyverse) > input <- read_delim("PERMNO DATE Spread + 111 19940103 0.025464308 + 111 19940104 0.064424296 + 111 19940105 0.018579337 + 111 19940106 0.018872211 ..." ... [TRUNCATED] > # drop last two digits to get the month > monthly <- input %>% + group_

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Bert Gunter
The legend must be "an expression vector." c("Sans renard",bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2)) is not because the first element is a character string. This works: plot(1:100,1:100,type="n") legend(list(x=0,y=100),legend=c(expression("Sans renard"),bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2)),lty=c(1,2),co

Re: [R] Query about calculating the monthly average of daily data columns

2019-10-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Here are two other ways using aggregate. The difference is in the way to create a MONTH grouping column. The second way is base R only. df1$MONTH <- zoo::as.yearmon(as.Date(as.character(df1$DATE), '%Y%m%d')) aggregate(Spread ~ PERMNO + MONTH, df1, mean) df1$MONTH <- df1$DATE %/% 100 agg

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Great !  You have helped to solve a problem on which I was sweating (sporadically, however) since months... Thanks, Best, Le 20/10/2019 à 18:29, Bert Gunter a écrit : > The legend must be "an expression vector." > c("Sans renard",bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2))   is not because the > first el

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Peter Dalgaard
It's tricky, but I think what you want is legend(list(x=0,y=100), legend=as.expression(list( "Sans renard", bquote(.(densren) * " ind."/"km"^2) )), lty=c(1,2),col=c("black","red"),bty="n") Generally, if you want a vector of unevaluated expressions, you need an object of mode "

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Now, we have two solutions working. This is great since I did not find any example of the kind searching r-help archives and google... Thanks ! Le 20/10/2019 à 19:31, Peter Dalgaard a écrit : It's tricky, but I think what you want is legend(list(x=0,y=100), legend=as.expression(list(

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Would be nice to put those two way examples in the documentation of the function 'expression' and 'bquote' in the next R version (we are in the base) for other users  ;-) I am sure many would enjoy. Le 20/10/2019 à 19:15, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit : > Great !  You have helped to solve a prob

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Bert Gunter
To continue down this rabbit hole ... Actually, both solutions are the same; Peter's is just more general than mine, as it works more conveniently for more lines in the legend. However, note that: > class(c("Sans renard", bquote(.(densren) (ind./km)^2))) [1] "list" # by coercion so it does not

Re: [R] using a variable and a superscript in a legend

2019-10-20 Thread Peter Dalgaard
You're right. I was worried that c() would create a character vector and deparse the unevaluated call in the process, but apparently it is an implicit as.character _inside_ legend that is doing us in. (I can't offhand see where it is happening, but there might be scope for improvement if legend(

Re: [R] Retaining attributes of columns of a data frame when subsetting.

2019-10-20 Thread Rolf Turner
On 21/10/19 1:15 AM, Rui Barradas wrote: Hello, Richard's idea is good but shouldn't it be `[.myclass` instead? Yes, I kind of thought that, and cobbled together something on that basis that seemed to work. However my code was rather a hodge-podge. I kept having to work around errors th

Re: [R] Retaining attributes of columns of a data frame when subsetting.

2019-10-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Sorry, you're right, in the method it's x, X is the test dataframe. Repost: `[.myclass` <- function(x, i, j, drop = if (missing(i)) TRUE else length(cols) == 1){ SaveAt <- lapply(x, attributes) x <- NextMethod() lX <- lapply(names(x),function(nm, x, Sat){ attributes(x[[nm]]) <

Re: [R] Preserving numeric columns

2019-10-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Well, the direct answer is "no", but then again I did not know the answer to the other question until I Googled it either. When I do the same for grid.draw, it appears to be a generic function for drawing graphical objects... data frames are not grobs, so you must be doing something to convert

Re: [R] Retaining attributes of columns of a data frame when subsetting.

2019-10-20 Thread Rolf Turner
On 21/10/19 11:07 AM, Rui Barradas wrote: Hello, Sorry, you're right, in the method it's x, X is the test dataframe. Repost: `[.myclass` <- function(x, i, j, drop = if (missing(i)) TRUE else length(cols) == 1){   SaveAt <- lapply(x, attributes)   x <- NextMethod()   lX <- lapply(names(x

Re: [R] static vs. lexical scope

2019-10-20 Thread Francesco Ariis
Hello everyone again, I much appreciated the explanations. On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 11:02:42AM +0200, Francesco Ariis wrote: > Maybe the Introduction should link to it (or similar page) with text > "In case you are interest in the difference between static and lexical > scope, check this explan

Re: [R] Query about calculating the monthly average of daily data columns

2019-10-20 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Subhamitra, This is not the only way to do this, but if you only want the monthly averages, it is simple: # I had to change the "soft" tabs in your email to commas # in order to read the data in spdf<-read.table(text="PERMNO,DATE,Spread 111,19940103,0.025464308 111,19940104,0.064424296 111,1994

Re: [R] List of data frame

2019-10-20 Thread ani jaya
Hai Rui, It seems doesnt work for me, the "" still there. So I used this one (Bert suggestion), test<-lapply(test,function(x){x$RR[x$RR==] <- NA; x}) Best, Ani On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 6:55 PM Rui Barradas wrote: > Hello, > > Why not use read.xlsx argument 'na.strings', an argumen