Re: [R] Help needed in data cleaning

2015-12-21 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Nash, If I understand your question correctly, you want the "mice" package. Hopefully you have more data than your example. Jim On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 6:14 AM, Web Web wrote: > Hello, >I need some help in data cleaning using R. my CSV file looks as > follows. > > > "id","gender

Re: [R] Mean effect size in meta-analysis using Metafor

2015-12-21 Thread Carlijn .
Dear Michael, Thanks for your reaction. The estimates in the example in the link are not exactly identical, but almost. However, in my case, there is a substantial difference between the estimates of the overall effect. For example: I want to estimate the effect size of different mental health

Re: [R] Mean effect size in meta-analysis using Metafor

2015-12-21 Thread Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
Try this: When fitting the model based on the subset data, fix the variance components to the values from the model with the categorical moderator. So, in your call, use: sigma2=c(0.065, 0.113) (ideally, use values that are less rounded). The overall effect size estimate from this mo

[R] persp3D: Adjusting labels other than centered?

2015-12-21 Thread Helmut Schütz
Dear all, for a publication I have to change cex.axis and cex.lab. I'm already using Paul Murrell's workaround to increase the distance of the axes' titles by adding "\n". However, I found no method to either increase the distance of the labels or set their justification (by adj or hadj). They

[R] Checkpoints in Caret

2015-12-21 Thread Lorenzo Isella
Dear All, I am training a model using caret. Everything is fine, but the training will take several days. I wonder if there is the possibility of creating some checkpoints in caret so that the training of a complex model can be split up into several jobs to be executed in different days. I googled

[R] F Distribution

2015-12-21 Thread Robert Sherry
When I use a table, from a Schaum book, I see that for the 95 percentile, with v_1 = 1 and v_2 = 1 the value is 161. In the modern era, looking values up in a table is less than ideal. Therefore, I would expect R to have a function to do this and based upon my reading of the documentation, I wo

Re: [R] F Distribution

2015-12-21 Thread Fraser D. Neiman
Dear Bob, You want... > qf( .95,1, 1) [1] 161.4476 Best, Fraser -Original Message- From: Robert Sherry [] Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 2:51 PM To: R Project Help Subject: [R] F Distribution When I use a table, from a Schaum book, I see that for the 95 pe

Re: [R] F Distribution

2015-12-21 Thread Peter Langfelder
You want to use qf which gives you the value at a given percentile. pf gives you the p-value for a given value of F (inverse) > qf(0.95, 1, 1) [1] 161.4476 > pf(161.4476, 1, 1) [1] 0.95 Peter On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 11:51 AM, Robert Sherry wrote: > > When I use a table, from a Schaum book, I

Re: [R] F Distribution

2015-12-21 Thread peter dalgaard
qf() (as you might have figured from the help page for pf()) -pd > On 21 Dec 2015, at 20:51 , Robert Sherry wrote: > > > When I use a table, from a Schaum book, I see that for the 95 percentile, > with v_1 = 1 and v_2 = 1 the value is 161. In the modern era, > looking values up in a tabl

Re: [R] [FORGED] qqPlot vs qqcomp

2015-12-21 Thread Rolf Turner
On 18/12/15 22:57, mohsen hs via R-help wrote: Hello all I am using the following two commands and get two completely different qq plots while meanlog and sdlog are almost the same. What are "meanlog" and "sdlog"? My telepathic capacity is severely limited, and R's mind_read() function is s

[R] Nested Avova: Unequal # of Observations

2015-12-21 Thread Sidoti, Salvatore A.
I have two experimental groups (treatment & control) with 6 sets of observations nested within each group. The number of observations in each set is not equal. How do I set up a such an ANOVA in R? Thank You! Salvatore Sidoti PhD Student Graduate Teaching Assistant [[alternative

[R] Error running predict

2015-12-21 Thread topjetboy via R-help
using R 3.2.3 on windows. > library(caret); library(kernlab);data(spam) > intrain <- createDataPartition(y=spam$type, p=0.75, list=FALSE)> training <- > spam[intrain,] > testing <- spam[-intrain]> set.seed(32343)> modelFit <- train(type > ~.,data=training, method="glm") > modelFit> modelFit$final

[R] clogit & weights

2015-12-21 Thread knouri via R-help
Merry Christmas everyone: I have the following data(mydat) and would like to fit a conditional logistic regression model considering "weights". id  case exposure   weights 1 1 1  2 1 0 0  2 2 1 1  2 2 0 0  2 3 1 

Re: [R] Nested Avova: Unequal # of Observations

2015-12-21 Thread Bert Gunter
Looks like homework. If so, you should know that there is a no homework policy on this list. If not, it looks like you should do some on your own by ?anova ?t.test And perhaps some of: (a) Consulting a statistics text; (b) Going through an R tutorial (there are many good ones on the Web); (c) Sh

[R] geomorph: adding confidence ellipses

2015-12-21 Thread taze4
Hello everyone, I’m currently working with package geomorph in R to generate a PCA plot. Now I want to add confidence ellipses to my plot. I couldn’t find any command integrated in package geomorph for doing this. So I tried package vegan for adding confidence ellipses but the command does not w