Dear Steve,
my solution looks like it would work, but it does not.
I attached a text file with an extract of my data. Maybe you can try
it yourself. I want to compare C1 with M1, C2 with M2, C3 with M3,,,
for each column.
I do not really know what the problem is. R complains about a syntax
Does anyone have the code to calculate the drought severity index?
Muhammad Rahiz | Doctoral Student in Regional Climate Modeling
Climate Research Laboratory, School of Geography & the Environment
Oxford University Centre for the Environment, University of Oxford
South Parks Road, Oxford,
In situations where an ancient version and a less ancient
version of R give different results for the same data it's
a good idea to check the NEWS file. For HoltWinters() you
will find an entry for R VERSION 2.8.0 that indicates a
change in the default number of start periods used to
autodetect st
In using the betareg package, I encounter the following error message:
Error in lm.wfit(x, linkfun(y), weights, offset = offset) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 4)
Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.
See inline below.
Laetitia Schmid wrote:
Dear Steve,
my solution looks like it would work, but it does not.
I attached a text file with an extract of my data. Maybe you can try it
yourself. I want to compare C1 with M1, C2 with M2, C3 with M3,,, for
each column.
I do not really know what the
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Al Leong wrote:
In using the betareg package, I encounter the following error message:
Error in lm.wfit(x, linkfun(y), weights, offset = offset) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 4)
Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We can't possibly he
Not very clear what you want, but perhaps...
...might help.
"luciferyan" wrote in message
> Hello, I have 49 paired data, x, y.
> I have sampled x (where replacement is true), and find its mean.
> How can I find the corresp
Dear all,
I currently experience the problem with nicely plotting price data against
the dates.
Data <- read.csv("C:/IBM.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
plot(Data[,1], Data[,2])
I cannot find the way how can I choose the # of breaks for the x axis -
dates in this case?
Thanks a lot
Dear William,
thank you kindly for this solution: it provides exactly what I need,
especially due to the fact that the encapsulating function returns a list,
from which I can extract all the information I need.
kind regards,
Rense Nieuwenhuis
William Dunlap wrote:
>> -Original Message
Dear R-users,
I am using R version 2.10.1 and package foreign version 0.8-39 under windows.
When reading .sav-Files (PASW Statistics 18.0.1) containing string variables,
these are automatically converted to factors when using option " =
TRUE" (see example below).
It's clear to me w
Dear all,
I just download and set this new version of R. I am now trying to
download the packages I need which are sperseM and quantreg. I
downloaded and insert into the library file the quantreg pacjkage and
it seems to work. However, when I try to do the same with sparseM I
get the following err
I have a graphic and I want to plot the yaxis AND ylab on the right.
I manage to plot axis on the right with axis(4) but I don't know how to
write the ylab on the right.
barplot(data, name=leg, xlab="Probability", ylab="Number of links", axes=F)
And another question :
Is there an
On 12.01.2010 11:33, alessia matano wrote:
Loading required package: SparseM
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared library
LoadLibrary failure: %1 non è un'applicazione di Win32 vali
On 01/12/2010 09:41 PM, Mister Vanhalen wrote:
I have a graphic and I want to plot the yaxis AND ylab on the right.
I manage to plot axis on the right with axis(4) but I don't know how to
write the ylab on the right.
barplot(data, name=leg, xlab="Probability", ylab="Number of links", axe
No idea, you may want to tell us all your calls and give a reproducible
example as well as properly formatted code that is more readable than
the stuff below.
I guess you omitted some other warnings that tell you about too few
obervations to fit the model (the "fitted probabilities numerically
It would be an significant undertaking to annotate all the places
where the default behavior of strings-to-factors conversion might trip
up the unwary. You are not the first by any means to complain. You
a) take the step that the Mayo Clinic has taken of setting the default
in option
On 12.01.2010 10:39, Trafim Vanishek wrote:
Dear all,
I currently experience the problem with nicely plotting price data against
the dates.
Data<- read.csv("C:/IBM.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
plot(Data[,1], Data[,2])
I cannot find the way how can I choose the # of breaks for the x axis -
On 01/12/2010 07:21 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
Does anyone have the code to calculate the drought severity index?
Hi Muhammad,
If you mean "does anyone have the algorithm?" it seems pretty hard to
find. Even that old standby Wikipedia didn't have a description of
Palmer's algorithm. If you ha
I use R 2.10, and I am new in R (I used to use SAS and lately Stata), I am
using XP.
I have a data which has a data.frame format called x.df (read from a csv
file). I want to take from this data observations for which the variable
"Code" starts with an "R". I took all the Code and put them
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the response. I have the algorithm based on the original
paper (Bryant et al. 1994) and subsequent modification by Philips and
McGregor(1994). The latter gives the formula for calculating the index
in MS Excel. I'm trying to translate it to R.
Muhammad Rah
Dear useRs,
I am trying to read a tab-delimited Unicode text file containing both
latin and cyrillic characters and failing miserably. The file looks like
this (I hope it comes across right):
3 foo ФОО
5 bar БАР
Fine, it worked. I will try in this way.
Just the last question and I won't bother you further today. My
machine right now has just 6 giga of RAM (it will be increased to 16
in a few days), and I see that with this experimental version
memory.limit is 6135.
How is the command to increase the memo
Hi Jean-Baptiste,
two points:
1) Your variable "df" is a *local* variable which you define in your
function myfunc(), so it is not known outside myfunc(). When you ask, R looks at the global definition of df - which is the
density function of the F distribution. To make your
Jean-Baptiste Combes wrote:
> Hello,
> I use R 2.10, and I am new in R (I used to use SAS and lately Stata), I am
> using XP.
> I have a data which has a data.frame format called x.df (read from a csv
> file). I want to take from this data observations for which the variable
> "Code" sta
On Jan 12, 2010, at 6:17 AM, Jean-Baptiste Combes wrote:
I use R 2.10, and I am new in R (I used to use SAS and lately
Stata), I am
using XP.
I have a data which has a data.frame format called x.df (read from a
file). I want to take from this data observations for which the
Does anyone know a way to estimate the existence of a temporal trend (each unit
of the sample is a count) by resting the possible effect of a covariate (i.e.
climatic factor)?
I have periodical counts of several species of waterbirds during the last 13
years and I want to know if, resting
Dear all,
When I coerce a vector into a multi dimensional array, I would like R to start
filling the array along the last dimension, then the 2nd last etc.
Let's jump straight into an example.
x <- 1 : 24
y <- array(dim=c(2,2,6))
I would like to have:
y[1,1,1] = 1
y[1,1,2] = 2
y[1,1,6] = 6
you can permute array dimensions using aperm():
x <- 1 : 24
z <- array(x, dim=c(6,2,2))
y <- aperm(z,perm=c(3,2,1))
Kohleth Chia schrieb:
Dear all,
When I coerce a vector into a multi dimensional array, I would like R to start
filling the array along the last dimen
I am hoping someone can help me with a sampling question.
I am using the following function to sample 10 unique observations: x <-
sample(1:100, 10, replace=F)
Given the first 10 observations, I need to sample another 5 unique
observations from the remainder. I essentially want to do a Monte
It's works perfectly ! ;) Thank you very much !!
M & A
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 01/12/2010 09:41 PM, Mister Vanhalen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a graphic and I want to plot the yaxis AND ylab on the right.
>> I manage to plot axis on the right with axis(4) bu
See help(grepl) so using built in data frame CO2 this gets rows whose
Plant column start with Qn:
subset(CO2, grepl("^Qn", Plant))
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Jean-Baptiste Combes
> Hello,
> I use R 2.10, and I am new in R (I used to use SAS and lately Stata), I am
> using XP.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation
By Dr. Jan Freijer
March 18, 2010
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This course is aimed at users of R or S-PLUS in the bio-pharmaceutical
sciences who would like to use R for clinical trial s
On 12-Jan-10 12:58:13, ehcpieterse wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping someone can help me with a sampling question.
> I am using the following function to sample 10 unique observations:
> x <- sample(1:100, 10, replace=F)
> Given the first 10 observations, I need to sample another 5 unique
> observat
How i can solve this error when i install SJava package
R CMD INSTALL -c /usr/local/lib/R/SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘SJava’ ...
checking for java... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/jav
A few years ago, I work with Stuart Gage who had developed a Heat /
Precipitation Index as a measure of drought severity. It works just as
well if not better than the Palmer Drought Index.
You can find the formula in this only pdf report: Climate Variability in
the North Central Region:
Thanks Steve!
Muhammad Rahiz | Doctoral Student in Regional Climate Modeling
Climate Research Laboratory, School of Geography & the Environment
Oxford University Centre for the Environment
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)
Thanks Ted, your solution does make perfect sense.
The only question I still have is that I would like to sample the remaining
5 observations after I have randomly selected the first 10. Given the
initial 10, I would like to sample the following 5 say 1,000 times to get a
simulated conditional sa
> "am" == alessia matano
> on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 16:20:57 +0100 writes:
am> Many thanks for it.
am> However it is strange that when I put the numbers rather than ncol(R)
am> (a matrix with ncol=36698) it worked. Look below
>> dim(res2)
am> [1] 170471 25822
>> D
Would the following work, or is there a reason why it would not?
risk.set <- 1:100
first.10 <- sample(risk.set, 10)
remainder <- setdiff(risk.set, first.10)
for ( i in 1:1000 )
next.5 <- sample(remainder, 5)
On 1/12/2010 9:00 AM, ehcpiet
Dear Peter,
thank you for the suggestion.
Unfortunately the star did not help. Did it work for you? For me it seems
incomplete somehow.
From: Peter Ehlers []
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 09:54 AM
To: Laetitia Schmid
Cc: Steve
On 12-Jan-10 14:00:24, ehcpieterse wrote:
> Thanks Ted, your solution does make perfect sense.
> The only question I still have is that I would like to sample
> the remaining 5 observations after I have randomly selected the
> first 10. Given the initial 10, I would like to sample the
> followin
On 1/12/2010 12:12 AM, Johannes Hüsing wrote:
Tal Galili schrieb:
My specific problem is called:
Minimum vertex cover for a hypergraph
I know nothing about the problem at hand, but on the Wikipedia
page it says that the problem can be formulated as an integer
linear program. There is an R pack
I have noted that the later versions of Rcmd check cleans out the directory
pkg.Rcheck so that only package-manual.log and package-manual.pdf are left.
Formerly the package-manual.tex was around too --- very handy for various
Is there a way to generate the .tex - version of the manual
I'm trying to run logistic regression on a dataset which is contained in
dataframe "data" ("y" is in the first col, and 28 parameters for the model).
How can I write formula for function `glm` without listing explicitly all 28
Try this:
glm(y ~ ., family = binomial, data = data, ...)
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:45 AM, npobedina wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to run logistic regression on a dataset which is contained in
> dataframe "data" ("y" is in the first col, and 28 parameters for the model).
> How can I write formula
Hello everybody,
Is it possible to coax legend() into displaying more than one simbol per
line in legend? I have a graph like the one attached to this mail; I would
like to reorganize the legend in such a way that the duplicate text would be
omitted, i.e., the first line would read "increasing
I have a problem, when I run read.fasta.pdb I get this error:
pdb/seq: 1 name: dcluster.1
Error: subscript out of bounds
My FASTA file is the sequence of the bovine insuline.
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
Thanks Ted, it's exactly what I'm after. Thanks for the help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
__ mailing li
Thanks a lot for help! :)
I've invented a more complicated way to make it work:
f <- as.formula(paste("data.y~", paste( names(data.x), collapse = "+")))
fml<-glm(f, data=data.x,family=binomial)
Try this:
glm(y ~ ., family = binomial, data = data, ...)
View this message in context:
I'm using optim() to minimize a certain function.
Often the minimization ends with the message:
What is optim() trying to say?
What have I to change in my function to make the minimization succeed?
Do you think using BBoptim() instead of optim() changes anyth
[sorry, forgot some details...]
I'm using optim(param, fun, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=lo, upper=up) to
minimize a certain function.
Often the minimization ends with the message:
What is optim() trying to say?
What have I to change in my function to make the
You forgot a lot of details. Can you send us more information about the
"fn" and also some minimal code that can reproduce the problem?
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging and H
This is a solution I am posting for a problem that others may have.
If you want to:
1. Place lattice graphics from R into an Adobe InDesign document, and
2. Use the export as eps function in R to maximize resolution (it is much
better than exporting as a metafile or bitmap), and
3. Use long st
Dear colleges
I need to get the p values for a table with 15000 entries of t values. Does any
of you know how to do it? I can, of course, get one by one but that is not
__ mailing list
Dear R-users,
I am using R version 2.10.1 under windows.
In a barplot, I want to mark one of the bars with a special border color.
For example:
barplot(c(3, 7, 11), border = c(NA, "red", NA))
But how to do this when the bars are stacked?
for example:
barplot(matrix(1:6, ncol=3)) # border of seco
You can edit the barplot function to do this:
mybarplot <-
function (height, width = 1, space = NULL, names.arg = NULL,
legend.text = NULL, beside = FALSE, horiz = FALSE, density = NULL,
angle = 45, col = NULL, border = par("fg"), main = NULL,
sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim
I was just responding to your comment that "R complains
about a syntax error". But I realize now that "2x" would
probably cause an "unexpected symbol" error.
Here's what I get when I run your loop; what do you get?
> for (x in 1:(nrow(dat)-1)) {
+ a <- as.character(dat[(2x-1),1])
I see, now I got it.
and thanks for the example with matrix.
2010/1/12 Martin Maechler :
>> "am" == alessia matano
>> on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 16:20:57 +0100 writes:
> am> Many thanks for it.
> am> However it is strange that when I put the numbers rather than ncol(R)
Attached a script that reproduces the problem.
My function is fold.val() and at the end seems the curve contained in
lnsrch.dat is fitted quite well, but optim generates the error.
Thanks again!
I'm using optim(param, fun, method='L-BFGS-B', lowe
hi, I have a question about importing data in R.
I want to import a file which has missing value in it, and the missing
values are denoted as ".", I want to first read in the file, and then change
the "." into the number zero "0".
how can I do that?
thank you,
View this message in c
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Werner W. wrote:
> I would like to estimate a quadratic almost ideal demand system in R which is
> estimated usually by nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression. But there is no
> such function in R yet
The "systemfit" package has the function nlsystemfit() for est
Then change all NAs to zero df$col[$col)] <- 0
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:46 PM, karena wrote:
> hi, I have a question about importing data in R.
> I want to import a file which has missing value in it, and the missing
> values are denoted as ".", I w
On 12/01/2010 10:47 AM, Rosario Garcia Gil wrote:
Dear colleges
I need to get the p values for a table with 15000 entries of t values. Does any
of you know how to do it? I can, of course, get one by one but that is not
Put the t values into a vector, then use pt() in an appropria
Dear friends,
I have a table like this, I have A B C D ... levels, the first column
you see is just the index, and there are different numbers in the
A B C D ...
10 2 1 0
21 0 2 1
32 3 0 0
40 0 1 0
50 2 3 1
I want to calculat
Hi, tim,
thank you very much for the reply, but I am really a new user. How to change
all NAs to zero?
thanks again.
jholtman wrote:
> ?read.table
> na.strings='.'
> Then change all NAs to zero df$col[$col)] <- 0
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:46 PM, karena wrote
I have a challenge that I want to share with the group.
This is not homework (but I may assign it as such if I teach the appropriate
class again) and I have found one solution, so don't need anything urgent.
This is more for fun to see if others can find a better solution than I did.
The chall
I am currently working on some data and feel that NMDS would return an
excellent result. With my current data set however I have been experiencing
some problems and cannot carry out metaMDS. I have tried with a few smaller
data sets which I created for practice sake and this has worked fine.
Hi Steve,
Thank you so much for your reply. I really needed to know how SVM works without
removing the class label while receiving it in the formula parameter. It does
not if I remove the class label.
> Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 15:48:49 -0500
> Subject: Re: [R] svm
> From: ma
On 12-Jan-10 17:46:47, karena wrote:
> hi, I have a question about importing data in R.
> I want to import a file which has missing value in it, and the missing
> values are denoted as ".", I want to first read in the file, and then
> change the "." into the number zero "0".
> how can I do th
It seems likely that your function is not smooth in the parameters. This
may create problems for some optimizers that require smoothness. However, I
was able to get good convergence with `spg' function in my "BB" package.
Here is how it works:
> require(BB)
Loading required package: B
The last 2 lines of your code can be replaced with:
M <- replicate(1000, sample(Y,5,replace=FALSE) )
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-h
I have done ancova with categorical and continuous predictor variables.
The categorical predictor variable shows significant effect on the dependent
I would like to do a post-hoc test to see which groups in the categorical
variable differ.
I have explored Tukey test in multcomp package.
Mario Valle wrote:
> [sorry, forgot some details...]
> I'm using optim(param, fun, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=lo, upper=up) to
> minimize a certain function.
> Often the minimization ends with the message:
> What is optim() trying to say?
> What hav
Hey everybody,
I have a small problem with a routine, which prepares some data for
I've made a small example:
What is the structure of the data that you are reading in? Are you using
'read.table', 'scan', etc.? Are all the columns numeric, or do you just
want to change some of them? If you have used 'na.strings' to cause the
values of the missing data to be set to NA, then you can iterate through the
This also has a closed form solution:
> choose(16+8-1,7) - choose(7+8-1, 7) - 7*choose(6+8-1,7)
[1] 229713
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailt
On 13/01/2010, at 3:40 AM, BXC (Bendix Carstensen) wrote:
I have noted that the later versions of Rcmd check cleans out the
directory pkg.Rcheck so that only package-manual.log and package-
manual.pdf are left.
Formerly the package-manual.tex was around too --- very handy for
various purpos
Nice --- am I missing something or was this closed form solution not
entirely trivial to find?
I ought to compile the various clever solutions given in this thread
someday, it's fascinating!
2010/1/12 Greg Snow :
> This also has a closed form solution:
>> choose(16+8-1,7) - c
Hello all,
Frustrated and i know you can help
I need to drop the last numeral of each of my values in my data set. So for
the following i have tried the ?substring but since i have to specify the
length, but because my data are of varying lengths it doenst work so well
Data<-c("1131", "1132
Data<-c("1131", "1132", "1731" ,"1732" ,"1821" ,"1822", "2221" ,"",
"2241" ,"2242","414342" ,"414371" ,"414372")
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of LCOG1
Sent: Tu
On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 10:28 -0800, kellys17 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently working on some data and feel that NMDS would return an
> excellent result. With my current data set however I have been experiencing
> some problems and cannot carry out metaMDS. I have tried with a few smaller
> data se
Also try
sub('[0-9]$', '', Data)
[1] "113" "113" "173" "173" "182" "182" "222" "222" "224"
[10] "224" "41434" "41437" "41437"
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:36 AM, LCOG1 wrote:
> Hello all,
> Frustrated and i know you can help
> I need to drop the last numeral of
thank you guys. All the columns of my data are numeric.
I tried both methods, and they both work.
I appreciate your help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list arc
Hi Alessia,
Note that, while your physical limit might be 6 GB, Windows memory
management allows more memory than that to be allocated (aka Virtual
Memory, or at least that's what they called it in XP). Windows swaps
out memory from RAM to the hard disk and back when necessary (please
excuse the
In addition to the substring and regular expression solutions, if you are
certain that everything will be numeric (and integer as in your examples), then
you could just convert to numeric, divide by 10, and then drop the decimal
(floor or as.integer).
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Try this:
From: LCOG1
Date: 13/Jan/2010 9:15 a.m.
Subject: [R] Drop last numeral
Hello all,
Frustrated and i know you can help
I need to drop the last numeral of each of my values in my data set. So for
the following i have tried the ?substri
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Etienne Stockhausen
> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] Making routine faster by using apply instead of for-loop
> Hey everybod
Your code is doing too many needless things.
The following takes about one second on my slow Vista laptop.
n <- 500
mat <- matrix(1:(n*n), n)
v <- n:1
z <- 2*1:(n/2)
w <- c(z, rev(z))
for(i in seq_len(n)){
for(j in seq_len(n)){
if(v[j] + w[i] <= n)(mat[i,j] <- NA)
rownames(mat) <- v
How trivial is probably subjective, I don't think it is much above trivial. I
would not have been surprised to see this question on an exam in my
undergraduate (300 or junior level) probability course (the hard part was
remembering the details from that class from over 20 years ago). My favori
Thank you very much for the code Bill! I only had to change very few things to
make it work for probit and lmer (instead of glmmPQL) and it works perfectly!
Here's my code (I had some trouble with the output style glm.dose, so I just
have it come out as an ugly list now, which isn't a problem
To make a long story short I was doing some in-sample testing in which some
dynamically created regressors would end up either all true or all false
based on the validation portion. In my case a new mainframe configuration
(this is a crappy way to handle a level shift but I do what I can.) So here
On 13/01/2010, at 9:19 AM, Greg Snow wrote:
How trivial is probably subjective, I don't think it is much above
trivial. I would not have been surprised to see this question on
an exam in my undergraduate (300 or junior level) probability
course (the hard part was remembering the details f
The Below worked best for my purposes. Thanks everyone.
Data<-c("1131", "1132", "1731" ,"1732" ,"1821" ,"1822", "2221" ,"",
"2241" ,"2242","414342" ,"414371" ,"414372")
LCOG1 wrote:
> Hello all,
> Frustrated and i know you can help
> I need to dr
Hi Jim,
I am want to merge two files into one file :
Here is my code . But the problem with this is that I am getting the 2nd
file appended to the first when i write temp3 in my code to the text file. I
am not sure what mistake I am doing .
also find the test files to run the code .
Please help
I am not certain even how to search the archives for this particular question,
so if there is an obvious answer, please smack me with a large halibut and send
me to the URLs.
I have been experimenting with fitting curves by using both maximum likelihood
and maximum spacing estimation te
Jiiindo wrote:
> Colleagues,
> How i can solve this error when i install SJava package
A more recent version of SJava is available with
> source('')
> biocLite('SJava')
rJava is an alternative.
> Thanks
> R CMD INSTALL -c /usr/lo
I re-read the solution that you posted and realized where my thinking
was going wrong. Sorry (again!) for being a thicko.
Rolf Turner
On 13/01/2010, at 9:19 AM, Greg Snow wrote:
How trivial is probably subjective, I don't think it is much above
trivial. I w
Dear R-users,
actually i try to parse some state protocols for my work. i an easy
stetting the code below works fine, if states are reached only once. in
harder settings it could be possible that one state gets visited more
times. in this case for me its interesting to see how much waiting tim
On 12.01.2010 21:07, Alexander Shenkin wrote:
Hi Alessia,
Note that, while your physical limit might be 6 GB, Windows memory
management allows more memory than that to be allocated (aka Virtual
Memory, or at least that's what they called it in XP). Windows swaps
out memory from RAM to the hard
I am sure I'm doing something wrong here but not sure what.
Our system administrator recently installed UnixODBC and the MyODBC
driver on a Linux box running Linux version 2.6 x86_64.
I have an .odbc.ini file in my home directory with following lines:
Description = MySQL server on my-se
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