Re: [R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-11 Thread Saji Ren
Somebody said that ARIMA models like discussed above are easy to implement on a spreadsheet. The prediction formula is simply a linear equation that refers to past values of original time series and past values of the errors. Thus, setting up an spreadsheet by stroing the data in one column, the

Re: [R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-11 Thread saji
Somebody said that ARIMA models like discussed above are easy to implement on a spreadsheet. The prediction formula is simply a linear equation that refers to past values of original time series and past values of the errors. Thus, setting up an spreadsheet by stroing the data in one column, the fo

Re: [R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-11 Thread saji
Somebody suggest that all the intial values are zero. So I followed this suggestion and used below formulas to compute the forcast in Excel when t < 46, a(t)=0; when t >= 46, a(t)=X(t) - ar1*X(t-1) - X(t-45) + ar1*X(t-46) + ma1*a(t-1) + sma1*a (t-45) - ma1*sma1*a(t-46); X(predict) = ar1*X(t-1) +

Re: [R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-09 Thread Saji Ren
First of all, sorry to *Gerard. *I have changed my email account, and I don't know how to reply to my posted thread before. So I just create a new message here. Thanks again for your help! Now I realized where my mistake is. I forgot to include the seasonal differencing order. After I corrected th

Re: [R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-03 Thread Gerard M. Keogh
Saji, This may help. Your model is (1,0,1)X(0,1,1)S giving difference polynomials nonseasonal (1,0,1) = (1-ar1*B) = (1-ma1*B) seasonal (0,1,1)S = (1-B**S)= (1-sma1*B**S) giving: (1-ar1*B)X(1-B**S) x_t = (1-ma1*B)X(1-sma1*B**S) a_t multiplying out: x_t - x_(t-S) - ar1*x_(

[R] Problem about SARMA model forcasting

2009-02-03 Thread 刘人润
Hello, Guys: I'm from China, my English is poor and I'm new to R. The first message I sent to R help meets some problems, so I send again. Hope that I can get useful suggestions from you warm-hearted guys. Thanks. I builded a multiplicative seasonal ARMA model to a series named "cDownRange". And