he entries are no
longer the indices of A as a vector.
Does this fact make his example work for you?
It does for me.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
I guess, Duncan Murdochs hint is crucial. I'll commen
Convert to character:
goofy <- 1:9
names(goofy) <- (-4):4
On 4/22/24 10:31 AM, Ebert,Timothy Aaron wrote:
You could have negative indices. There are two ways to do this.
1) provide a large offset.
Offset <- 30
for (i in -29 to 120) { print(df[
Doh! Thanks very much. sg
On 11/6/23 5:17 PM, John Fox wrote:
Dear Spencer,
You need the t distribution with correct df, not the standard-normal
> pt(-z.confInt/2, df=13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.
with(pred.w.plim, (fit[,3]-fit[,2])/s.pred))
** This gives me 0.01537207. I do not understand why it's not 0.025
with level = 0.95.
Can someone help me understand this?
Spencer Graves
On 8/31/23 1:27 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
Hello, All:
I want to simulate future observations from fits to
heteroscedastic data. A simple example is as follows:
(DF3_2 <- data.frame(y=c(1:3, 10*(1:3)),
gp=factor(rep(1:2, e=3
# I want to fit 4 mod
# How can I do the same with either fit12 and fit22
# or fit12r and fit22r?
Spencer Graves
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
What I thought should have been a linear operation wasn't. Please
excuse the waste of your time.
Spencer Graves
On 8/29/23 11:15 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
Hello, all:
I have a dataset with 2 groups. I want to estimate 2 means and 2
standard deviatio
# Why isn't (ll22 = llGp1+llGp2)?
(ll22 - llGp1-llGp2)
# And secondarily, how can I get the residual standard deviations
# within each gp from fit22?
Spencer Graves
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNS
suggest you consider using
findFn with SQL and applications of greatest interest to your target
Spencer Graves
p.s. DISCLAIMER: I'm the lead author and maintainer of the sos package.
On 8/28/23 1:48 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
You might find this chapter of R
On 8/28/23 12:47 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
I presume you are familiar with the RSQL and RSQLite packages and their
Can't offer any help, but a point of clarification:
When you say, "teach accomplishing SQL in R," do you explicitly mean using
SQL syntax in R to manipulate data or do yo
his article,
with good reason.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 8/17/23 11:48 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
Incidentally, you might be interested in the banner shown when R starts up:
"R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
I believe this is standar
dramatically by use of appropriate
artificial intelligence.
Spencer Graves
X.[, 3], ylab='accel (%)', axes=FALSE)
That's exactly what I needed.
Thanks, Spencer
-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Spencer Graves
Sent: Wednesday, 31 Ma
t would make it feasible for a user to call
axis(2, ...) once for each vertical axis to handle cases where someone
wanted to a vertical scale different from linear and log. I'd want to
make sure that lines.ts also works with this, because I want to add fits
and predictions.
b searches have so far failed to produce
anything better than modifying plot.ts.R (and then submitting such with
compatible changes to plot.ts.Rd), as I suggested earlier.
On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 5:45 PM Spencer Graves
On 5/30/23
ab='vel (%)')
plot(DAX.[, 3], ylab='accel (%)')
This is what I want as three panels of a single plot.
I think I could get it by modifying the code for plot.ts so it
accepted ylab as a vector, etc., as I previously mentioned.
What do you think?
red to produce the default labeling. Then a user who wants a log
scale for some but not all variables can get that easily and can further
modify any of those scales further if they don't like the default.
Thanks very much.
Spencer Graves
On Tue, May 30
colnames(logDAX) <- c('logDAX', 'vel', 'accel')
plot(logDAX, axes=FALSE)
I'm thinking of creating my own copy of "plot.ts", and changing it so
it accepts the "log"
That's it. Thanks. sg
On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 7:57 AM Spencer Graves
Hello, All:
I want to plot level, velocity, and acceleration in three panels with
only one x axis. The code below does this using "layout". However, I
want the three plot areas
es of the three panels
changes. There's probably a way to do this with ggplot2, but I have yet
to find it.
Spencer Graves
str(AirTime <- as.numeric(time(AirPassengers)))
str(AP <- as.numeric(AirPassengers))
def.par <- p
s of the product. This
application to products is less well known and occasionally controversial.
Spencer Graves
1) Try a simulation. Draw 5 values from a normal distribution, make a histogram. Then do it again. Is it easy
ave this behavior.
plot(1,1,main=parse(text="x >= y"))
Has anyone else seen this?
What's your "sessionInfo()"?
I got the symbol, not problem. Spencer Graves
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
king the signature: pkgutil --check-signature R-4.2.2.pkg".
Beyond that, RStudio and other companies will happily sell you a
maintenance contract, which will get you more polite answers than from a
list serve like this ;-)
Spencer Graves
On 1/2/23 11:24 AM, John Kane wrot
ing techniques. Let's use the best
understandable model, and apply AI to the residuals from that. Then
identify the variables that make the largest contributions to a useful
AI model, and see if they can be added to the other model.
Spencer Graves
On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 7:01 PM Bori
I don't know what you mean by "main program" vs. "the command
Spencer Graves
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 11.7
From long and unhappy experience, I routinely reboot before reporting
problems like this, then upgrade all software where feasible ...
including "update.packages". Some problems magically disappear after
doing this.
If they persist, then, as it says at the end of each email on this
was unknown. My contact at the Library of Congress then suggested I
parse the XML version.
What of this information do you actually want?
The elements of the list should be what?
On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 08:52, Spencer Graves
derstand it.
DO ask your supervisor help you to select an alternative,
and if you can't figure that out between you,
ASK a more informative question.
On Mon, 4 Jul 2022 at 00:38, John Kane <mailto:jrkrid...@gmail.com>> wrote:
the idea to source the foncti
ubtle, Muhammad can use
"debug", as I earlier suggested. Spencer Graves
You might find as I did that the wmtsa package has some dependencies that are
also archived, namely pkg:splus2R (provided generously by Insightful for many
years but apparently no longer) and pkg:ifultools.
invite you to walk through the function line by line. You can look at
what it does, and change it as you like. Doing so should help you learn
R while also making it easier for you to figure out how to make the
function do what you want.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
ing Directory".
Then when I want to work on an existing project, I can do File >
"Recent Projects" in RStudio. Or I can double click on the appropriate
*.Rproj file in Finder or Windows Explorer.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 6/17/22 10:4
looks plausibly like a straight line, you are fine
with a log-normal assumption. If not, my favorite reference is
Titterington, Smith and Makov (1985) Statistical Analysis of Finite
Mixture Distributions (Wiley).
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 3/16/22 5:44 PM, Bert G
t matches.
The second is a summary by package.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 3/12/22 10:42 AM, Paul Bernal wrote:
Dear friends,
Hope you are doing great. I have been searching for a truth table generator
in R, but everything I find has a Python implementation inst
There is also sos::findFn, discussed in a vignette included in that
package. When I created that package, I felt it was the fastest
literature search for anything statistical: It will identify all help
pages that match a search string and sort them by package. It creates
an object so rela
n: Standard deviation, as indicated in help('lmeObject').
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 12/18/21 4:00 AM, Eric Berger wrote:
You can run a test. Multiply all your data by a scalar, say 2.
If this changes the result lme_mod$sigma by a factor of 2, then it i
it can be improved. It's on GitHub in case
anyone would like to take the time to suggest improvements:
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 11/20/21 4:13 PM, Avi Gross via R-help wrote:
This seems to be a topic that comes up pe
year 2019. However,
if it were "09/06/2019", we would not know if it were September 6 or 9
June of 2019. If it were "09/06/08", we would have the added
possibility with the year first, followed by month and day: June 8,
2009. This ambiguity is resolved most forcefully by IS
g., by giving a more informative error message.
Hope this helps,
Spencer Graves
On 8/15/21 7:26 AM, J C Nash wrote:
You have the answer in the error message: the objective function has
been calculated as +/-Inf somehow. You are going to have to figure
out where the functi
e GitHub version to CRAN. However, it would help me
if I understood your configuration and if the GitHub version fixes the
problem for you.
Thanks for the report. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Spencer Graves
On 8/7/21 2:57 AM, hp wan wrote:
Dear All,
Recently, I
plot(sin, to=pi) # also works but with x labeled in radians.
# With x axis labeled in degrees
plot(sin, to=pi, axes=FALSE)
lbls <- seq(0, 180, 30)
axis(1, pi*lbls/180, lbls)
This can probably be done in ggplot2, but I don't know how off the
top of my head.
Hope this he
What web site did you go to? Have you tried:
Then click on "R-4.1.0.pkg". That should download as normal. Then
double click on that, etc.
Spencer Graves
On 7/6/21 3:52 PM, Farrah T wrote:
I have Mac
)" and
detailed instructions below on the precise file I dowloaded from the web
and tried to read.
I may be able to get what I want just ignoring this. However, I'd
like to know how to fix this.
Spencer Graves
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-
two meanings. It can
mean the numerically accurate p-value as Bogdan asked in his first email,
or it could mean the p-value calculated from the exact distribution of the
statistic(In this case, U stat). These two are actually not related, even
though they all called "exact".
On Fri
>>>> I thinnk the answer is much simpler. The print method for hypothesis
>>>> tests (class htest) truncates the p-values. In the above example,
>>>> instead of using
>>>> wilcox.test(rnorm(100), rnorm(100, 2), exact=TRUE)
asking makes sense: There is is no such thing
as an "exact p value" except to the extent that certain assumptions
hold, and all models are wrong (but some are useful), as George Box
famously said years ago.[1] Truth only exists in mathematics, and
that's because it's a fict
Hi, Deepayan:
On 2021-03-13 01:27, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 10:08 AM Spencer Graves
1. DID YOU ASSIGN THE OUTPUT OF "optim" to an object, like "est <-
optim(...)"? If yes and if "optim" terminated normally, the
1. DID YOU ASSIGN THE OUTPUT OF "optim" to an object, like "est <-
optim(...)"? If yes and if "optim" terminated normally, the 60,000+
paramters should be there as est$par. See the documentation on "optim".
I hope you will forg
u can get his email from help("fda").
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 2021-02-17 06:02, Faheem Jan via R-help wrote:
I am new in the functional time series, my question may be stupid as I am
new, I am functional forecasting one year a head, Know I want to ch
hon since.
However, this is described in the book Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund
(2020) R Markdown: The Definitive Guide (Chapman & Hall and available
for free at the above link).
Spencer Graves
On 2021-01-27 10:31, Robert Knight wrote:
An iterative process works well. Python to
Did you work the examples in help("merge")? Also, have you looked at
the "dplyr" package? It has 9 different vignettes. The lead author is
Hadley Wickham, who won the 2019 COPSS Presidents' Award for work like
Alternatively, you could manually read all 10 files, then figure out
roposal was not funded, but documentation
of the basic idea is still available:
See also:
Hope this helps.
tried 300
pixels/in, and I think that worked, though I'm not 100% certain.
hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 2020-12-03 23:21, David Carlson wrote:
If you look at the examples on the manual pages for the upgma() and NJ()
functions you will see that the results are generally se
lar topics. If the name of that article
were changed, then it should be a lot easier to pursue a similar name
change elsewhere.
Spencer Graves
On 2020-11-17 15:25, Mitchell Maltenfort wrote:
What about just amputating the final "n?"
"Indian" might mean one of two
tation.org"; to be most useful.
Many functions are included in base R. Many more are provided in
contributed packages.
Spencer Graves
On 2020-11-16 04:02, ELLENBERGER Mihaela via R-help wrote:
Gesendet: Monta
tter for the 2024
US presidential elections.
Thanks for asking.
Spencer Graves
R-help@r-project.org mailing
inner from NC-09 to the US House
in 2018 was detected by a college prof, who accessed the data two weeks
after the election.[2]
Spencer Graves
If you have production code written in R that make it expensive to
even consider upgrading to the latest R, it may be worth paying the
support fees of an organization like RStudio.
Otherwise, I think it make sense to upgrade to the latest version and
hope for the best. If you encounter
Dear Rasmus Liland et al.:
On 2020-07-25 11:30, Rasmus Liland wrote:
On 2020-07-25 09:56 -0500, Spencer Graves wrote:
Dear Rasmus et al.:
It is LILAND et al., is it not? ... else it's customary to
put a comma in there, isn't it? ...
The APA Style recommends "Sharp et al.,
Dear Rasmus et al.:
On 2020-07-25 04:10, Rasmus Liland wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 10:28 -0500, Spencer Graves wrote:
>> Dear Rasmus:
>>> Dear Spencer,
>>> I unified the party tables after the
>>> first summary table like this:
<- xml2::read_html(sosChars)
MOcan2 <- rvest::html_table(sosPointers)
MOcan2[[2]][1, 2]
[1] "4476 FIVE MILE RDSENECA MO 64865"
MOcan2 does not have names, and some of the fields are
automatically converted to integers, which I think is not smart in this
Dear Rasmus:
On 2020-07-24 09:16, Rasmus Liland wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 08:20 -0500, luke-tier...@uiowa.edu wrote:
>> On Fri, 24 Jul 2020, Spencer Graves wrote:
>>> On 2020-07-23 17:46, William Michels wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 2:55 PM Spencer Graves
but I believe I'll be able to get what
I want from the single character string using, e.g., gregexpr and other
Thanks again,
Spencer Graves
On Fri, 24 Jul 2020, Spencer Graves wrote:
Hi Bill et al.:
That broke the dam: It gave me a chara
columns of the former are all character; that's not true for the latter.
Sadly, it's not quite what I want: It's one table for each
office-party combination, but it's lost the office designation. However,
I'm confident I can figure out how to hack that.
ines, xml2::read_html, and
XML::readHTMLTable; see summary below.
Spencer Graves
sosURL <-
str(baseURL <- base::url(sosURL))
# this might give me s
Thank you and all the core R team. Spencer Graves
On 2020-06-22 03:21, Peter Dalgaard via R-help wrote:
The build system rolled up R-4.0.2.tar.gz (codename "Taking Off Again") this
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
se binaries for some
packages are not (yet) available for R 4.0.0.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
On 2020-04-29 21:02, Bert Gunter wrote:
Wouldn't packages that have to be built from source on installation
require Rtools?
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open m
Ditto. Spencer Graves
On 2019-12-12 07:54, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, Peter Dalgaard via R-help wrote:
The build system rolled up R-3.6.2.tar.gz (codename "Dark and Stormy
Night") this morning.
My thanks to all of you on the R core team.
and 64ths.
Spencer Graves
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self
tric units.
Binary, octal or hex is superior to decimal, except for the fact
that most humans have 10 digits on hands and feet. And decimal is
vastly superior to arithmetic in mixed bases, e.g., adding miles, rods,
yards, feet, inches, and 64ths.
What might be the likely outcomes of an attempt to reinstall 3.6.1?
And might that depend on whether the current 3.6.1 was
uninstalled first?
On 2019-07-17 07:17, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
It would never make sense for such messages to reflect normal and
expected ope
lysis with corrections that attempt to respond to
Spurdle's most recent concerns. Thanks, Spencer Graves
On 2019-07-12 22:31, Abby Spurdle wrote:
> The distribution of the randomly truncated variable has thus four
> parameters: a, b, mu and sigma. I was able to write down the
maximized over variations in "b", "s" and "t" given "c". I can
get starting values for "b" and "s" from "lm", ignoring the truncation.
And I can first fit the model assuming t = s, then test whether it's
different usin
tively easy to model the truncation as a
function of "d" and / or publication that described someone doing it in
R. (I also have a couple of other variables that influence the
distribution of Y.)
Spencer Graves
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_
On 2019-03-15 08:37, peter dalgaard wrote:
Mathematically, you can bring discrete and continuous distributions on a common
footing by defining probability functions as densities wrt. counting measure.
You don't really need Radon-Nikodym derivatives to understand the idea, just
the fact that
On 2019-03-15 08:54, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
You really need to get into better touch with your feelings, man... how are we
supposed to know what you want? ;-)
In general you should be using the main release unless you know there is a bug
in it that affects you and has specifically been addre
distributions, the "reference measure" is routinely taken
to be the "improper prior" that assigns measure 1 to any unit interval
on the real line.
Does that make it clear as mud?
Spencer Graves
dio from within Anaconda Navigator, or is one better off using
RStudio as a separate, stand alone application -- or should one even
abandon RStudio and run R instead from within a Jupyter Notebook? [I'm
new to this topic, so it's possible that this question doesn't even make
On 2018-09-26 15:34, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 26/09/2018 4:16 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
Is there anything comparable to "with" for S4 objects?
A "Wave" object in the tuneR package has slots "left" and
"right", plus othe
, 2*pi, length = 6)
all.equal(x, rev(x))
channel <- round(32000 * sin(440 * x))
Wobj <- Wave(left = channel, right=rev(channel))
with(Wobj, quantile(left-right))
** This last statement throws "Error ... object 'left' not found".
Is there something c
It depends on what you want, but I've found it very useful to
create packages and submitting them to CRAN. See "Creating R Packages"
for how to do that.[1] Part of this involves creating vignettes using
Rmarkdown within RStudio. Creating R packages and routinely running "R
CMD chec
On 2018-09-14 08:52, Guo, Fang (Associate) wrote:
It's method="lrt" and I used the "binom" package.
The ultimate answer can be obtained as follows:
> debug(binom.confint)
> binom.confint(x = 0, n = 100, tol = 1e-8, method='lrt')
Then walk through the code line by line.
On 2018-09-13 20:58, David Winsemius wrote:
On Sep 13, 2018, at 1:15 PM, Guo, Fang (Associate)
I have a question with the function Binom.Confint(x,n,"method"=lrt). For
likelihood ratio test, I'd like to ask how you define the upper limit when the frequency
of successes is zero
t can be done with ffplay, part of ffmpeg,
but again I don't know how.
Spencer Graves
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting
ocumentation including the examples, you will
see that many of these issues and others are handled automatically in
the way that I thought was the most sensible. If you disagree, we can
discuss other examples and perhaps modify the code for those functions.
Spencer Graves
On 2018-08-20 0
age summary to an Excel file using the "writeFindFn2xls" function,
then annotate the package summary with other information to help me
decide which package(s) and function(s) to try.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves, lead author of "sos"
On 2018-06-26 07:01, Be
I got an error when I tried to source the "structure" below
beginning with "Empdata <- structure(list(country = structure(c(1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,": The source ended with " "98", "983", "991", "995",
+ ))
I supplied ")" a
(mp <- findFn('{molecular properties}'))
** found 7 matches in 4 packages and opened two web pages in my
default browser with (a) the 7 matches and (b) the 4 packages. The first
function was something for amino acids, like you suggested. Two others
returned compound and
he past 90 days, over 26,000 in the past 3 months. If you can improve
that article, an audience that size might be worth talking to.
Spencer Graves
Best regards,
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
On 2018-02-20 20:52, William Dunlap wrote:
> Does substitute(...()) do what you want?
That's the key. Thanks very much.
Spencer Graves
> > myFunc <- function(x, ...) substitute(...())
> > myFunc(y=1/(1:10), x=sin(3:1), z=stop("Oops"), &q
'd like to get c('a', 'b').
Spencer Graves
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3
Matrix products: default
deadline is April 1. This
sounds like lots of time, except that the key thing that is missing in
this draft proposal is principal investigator(s). Without PI(s), it
won't fly.
Spencer Graves, PhD
7300 W. 107th St. # 506
..$ doc :
..- attr(*, "class")= chr "xml_node"
$ :List of 2
..$ node:
..$ doc :
..- attr(*, "class")= chr "xml_node"
- attr(*, "class")= chr "xml_nodeset"
This seems like it may be progress, but I'm still confused on
what to
might be interested.
Best Wishes,
Spencer Graves, PhD
7300 W. 107th St. # 506
Overland Park, KS 66212
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
On 2017-08-23 11:35 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
ummm, Ista, it's 2^n.
or (2^n-1) if the empty set is not considered as a "combination"
;-) spencer
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (ak
> Jan-161-Aug-16
> Feb-161-Aug-16
> Mar-161-Aug-16
> Apr-161-Aug-16
> May-161-Aug-16
> Jun-161-Aug-16
> Jul-161-Aug-16
> Aug-161-Aug-16
> Sep-161-Aug-16
> Oct-161-Aug-16
On 2017-08-22 1:30 PM, Patrick Casimir wrote:
Dear R Fellows,
I Have a dataset( data1) with 2 columns of date showing a class of factor. How
to convert them to date? Then compare them, keep the greater date only in a new
column. Using as.Date to change the class to Date but the data becomes
On 2017-08-22 9:26 AM, niharika singhal wrote:
Hello I have a vector
when i do
i am getting output as 1
No: That's only the display:
you know one, please add it -- or post it here, to make it
easier for someone else to add it.)
Thanks, Peter.
Spencer Graves
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more
uctSSM function has been removed from KFAS
or it never was part of KFAS. I don't know.
so it won't run. Does anyone know how to fix the code so that it
Have you tried the vignette with KFAS?
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
roving search capabilities.
If you can make it to useR!2017, we hope to see you in this
session, Wed. July 5, from 17:00 - 18:30 in the main meeting room. If
you might like to help with this but can't make Brussels, please stay
tuned for further announcements or contact me after the con
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