My speculation is that Microsoft Excel recognized that as a date and saved it in the "mm/dd/YYYY" format you saw when reading it into R with dat=read.csv("myfile.csv").

"str" told you the format. You can convert that from character to Date using as.Date(dat$mydate, '%m/%d/%Y'), as documented in help('as.Date').

NOTE: The error message, "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format" is almost appropriate: In this case, it's clear that "09/16/2019" refers to month 09, day 16, and year 2019. However, if it were "09/06/2019", we would not know if it were September 6 or 9 June of 2019. If it were "09/06/08", we would have the added possibility with the year first, followed by month and day: June 8, 2009. This ambiguity is resolved most forcefully by ISO 8601.

          Hope this helps.
          Spencer Graves

On 11/4/21 5:30 PM, PIKAL Petr wrote:

Not sure why the date format was changed but if I am correct R do not read 
dates as dates but as character vector. You need to transfer such columns to 
dates by asDate. The error is probably from your use two asDate commands.

-----Original Message-----
From: R-help <> On Behalf Of Val
Sent: Thursday, November 4, 2021 10:43 PM
To: ( <>
Subject: [R] Date

IHi All, l,

I am  reading a csv file  and one of the columns is named as  "mydate"
  with this form, 2019-09-16.

I am reading this file as

      the structure of the data looks like as follow

mydate : chr  "09/16/2019" "02/21/2021" "02/22/2021" "10/11/2017" ...

Please note the format  has  changed from YYYY-mm-dd  to mm/dd/YYYY
When I tried to change this   as a Date using

as.Date(as.Date(mydate,     format="%m/%d/%Y" )
I am getting this error message
     Error in charToDate(x) :
       characte string is not in a standard unambiguous format

My question is,
1. how can I read the file as it is (i.e., without changing the date format) ?
2. why does R change the date format?

Thank you,

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