Re: [R] Code \255 no longer working to produce a short dash in base R PDF graphs

2025-02-21 Thread Paul Sherliker via R-help
2. >Let's see what does \255 mean in that encoding:> > i>conv('\255', 'CP1252', '') |> utf8ToInt() |> as.hexmode() # [1] "ad"> > >Does '\uad' work for you? > >-- >Best regards, >Iva

[R] Code \255 no longer working to produce a short dash in base R PDF graphs

2025-02-20 Thread Paul Sherliker via R-help
to more complicated code, please? Thank you for looking at my deeply obscure niche problem! Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.

Re: [R] Is there some place where I can check a changelog / NEWS for the grid package?

2024-08-18 Thread Paul Murrell
changes.txt On the other hand, I wanted to ask you for tutorials to start understanding the grid package or what other recommendations you have of introductions to that package (and their extensions...) Paul MUrrell wrote some papers and a book, but there are also the vignettes, type

Re: [R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear Sarah, I installed the latest R version available (4.4.0), installed the forecast package and related packages from scratch and the issue was resolved. Kind regards, Paul El lun, 27 may 2024 a las 13:51, Sarah Goslee () escribió: > Hi Paul, > > Looking at this, you aren't ru

Re: [R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
Hi Sarah, I ran update.packages, reloaded the forecast package, but kept on getting the same errors. I am going to install the latest R version (4.4.0), as I was using version 4.3.2 and reinstall the package. Cheers, Paul El lun, 27 may 2024 a las 13:51, Sarah Goslee () escribió: > Hi P

Re: [R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
xtable_1.8-4 [131] class_7.3-22 snow_0.4-4 arm_1.13-1 cluster_2.1.4timechange_0.2.0 [136] globals_0.16.2 bridgesampling_1.1-2 Cheers, Paul El lun, 27 may 2024 a las 12:15, Sarah Goslee () escribió: > Hi Paul, > > It looks like you're using the fo

Re: [R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
Thanks for the kind feedback. I will go ahead and update the packages and see what happens. I will keep you posted. Cheers, Paul El lun, 27 may 2024 a las 13:51, Sarah Goslee () escribió: > Hi Paul, > > Looking at this, you aren't running the most recent version of forecast.

Re: [R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear Sarah, Thank you for kindly reaching back. I did load the package, which makes this issue really odd. I ran the same model about a week ago and everything was working to perfection. Best regards, Paul El lun, 27 may 2024 a las 12:15, Sarah Goslee () escribió: > Hi Paul, > > It l

[R] Issues with R's forecast function

2024-05-27 Thread Paul Bernal
ror in UseMethod("forecast", object) : no applicable method for 'forecast' applied to an object of class "bats" It seems like the forecast function is not working for these models anymore. Any idea of how to solve this issue? Kind regards, Paul [[alternat

Re: [R] Double buffering plots on Windows

2024-03-25 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi I would not describe myself as a heavy user of this stuff (either Windows or animation) - are you able to share your examples ? Paul On 26/03/24 04:23, Michael L Friendly wrote: Hi Paul Is there a concrete working example somewhere that shows how to use these to do an animation on

Re: [R] Double buffering plots on Windows

2024-03-24 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi Take a look at dev.hold() and dev.flush() Paul On 23/03/24 06:43, Bickis, Mikelis wrote: Hello: I want to present a sequence of plots as an animation. As a toy example consider the code function(n){for (i in 1:n){ plot(1:100,sin(i*(1:100)),type="l") title(paste("n

Re: [R] ggarrange & legend

2024-02-06 Thread Paul Murrell
font.label = list(size = 18, color = "black"), ncol=2) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(y=1, height=h, x=1, width=w, just=c("right", "top"))) grid.draw(legend) popViewport() pushViewport(viewport(y

Re: [R] R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field

2024-01-30 Thread Paul Bernal
Hi Bert, After doing sapply(your_dataframe, "class"), it seems like R is recognizing that the field is of type numeric after all, the problem (it seems) is how the import_list() function from the rio package is reading the data (my suspicion). Best regards, Paul El mar, 30 ene 2024 a

Re: [R] R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field

2024-01-30 Thread Paul Bernal
FT)` [1] "numeric" $`Other Income Amt` [1] "numeric" $`Total Other Income Amount` [1] "logical" $`Booking Charges` [1] "numeric" $`Booking Cancellation` [1] "logical" $`Booking Auction` [1] "logical" $`_file` [1] "integer" Hope thi

Re: [R] R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field

2024-01-30 Thread Paul Bernal
27;s package function import_list does, that is able to keep the field's numeric data type nature. Cheers, Paul El mar, 30 ene 2024 a las 12:23, Duncan Murdoch () escribió: > On 30/01/2024 11:10 a.m., Paul Bernal wrote: > > Dear friends, > > > > Hope you are doing well. I am

[R] R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field

2024-01-30 Thread Paul Bernal
with amounts > $0 and also a bunch of blank records. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] Problems when trying to visualize clusters

2023-11-27 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi Looks like you have misspelled the 'vars'. Does this work ... ? plot(kclustalgo, vars = c("Toll","Transits")) Paul On 17/11/23 06:10, Paul Bernal wrote: install.packages("clustMixType") install.packages("factoextra") install.package

[R] Problems when trying to visualize clusters

2023-11-16 Thread Paul Bernal
, 810, 1681, 1642, 1092, 1677, 825, 2246, 779, 816, 226, 214, 908, 3010, 204, 1503, 1944, 849, 538, 666, 636, 2019, 1994, 196, 665, 1552, 559, 569, 2048, 2170)), row.names = c(NA, -362L), class = "data.frame") Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Pa

Re: [R] How to Reformat a dataframe

2023-10-27 Thread Paul Bernal
Hi Iris, Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. I wonder why your code gives you 1512 rows, given that the original structure has 12 columns and 126 rows, so I would expect (125*12)+ 9=1,509 total rows. Cheers, Paul El El vie, 27 de oct. de 2023 a la(s) 10:40 p. m., Iris Simmons < ik

[R] How to Reformat a dataframe

2023-10-27 Thread Paul Bernal
ngth, ncol = 1)) colnames(df) = c("aportes_alajuela") for (row in 1:nrow(alajuela_df)){ for (col in 1:ncol(alajuela_df)){ df[i,1]=alajuela_df[i,j] } } But I am not getting the data in the structure I want. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Paul

Re: [R] Plot to a device and examine the plot?

2023-10-15 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi You could also look at dev.capture(), depending on which screen device you are using. Paul On 16/10/23 05:24, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 15/10/2023 12:05 p.m., Shu Fai Cheung wrote: > Let me clarify my question: > > > polygon(c(.5, .5, .75, .8), c(.25, .3, .4, .

Re: [R] annotate

2023-10-05 Thread Paul Murrell
grid_panel(labels, data = above_92, mapping = aes(x = eruptions, y = waiting, label = waiting)) + theme_cowplot() Hope that helps. Paul On 5/10/2023 8:34 am, Subia Thomas OI-US-LIV5 wrote: Colleagues, I wish to create y-data labels

[R] Problems Structuring My Data

2023-10-03 Thread Paul Bernal
0, 2737, 7063, 2778, 7611, 6874, 4545, 3314, 2571, 3458, 2938, 3815, 6512, 3628, 4946, 3517, 5028, 4911, 4658, 3944, 3859, 5114, 6826, 3469, 6525, 3395, 6907, 3887, 3255, 3865, 7452, 3985, 3997, 6871, 3879, 3879, 3879, 4517, 8087, 3422, 3972, 5005, 3400, 3424, 3645, 3858, 3608, 3424, 3506, 3527,

[R] Trouble with FAILDATE when using the aggregate() and ts() functions

2023-09-30 Thread Paul Bernal
) library("Renext") library("ParetoPosStable") library("PhaseTypeR") library("mapfit") library("matrixdist") library("stabledist") library("stable") library("PearsonDS") library("rtdists") library("MixedTS"

[R] Grouping by Date and showing count of failures by date

2023-09-30 Thread Paul Bernal
LDATE, but in -MM format. Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Paul __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide http://ww

Re: [R] How to draw plot marks without label?

2023-09-05 Thread Paul Murrell
(1) axis(2, labels=FALSE) axis(4, labels=FALSE) Paul On 6/09/23 07:56, Luigi Marongiu wrote: I would like to draw a graph where the y-lables are missing but the marks still present. In this example, I get marks from 2 to 140 000 with increments of 20 000. I could use `plot(... yaxt="n"

Re: [R] Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback Berwin. Have a great day. Cheers, Paul El El dom, 20 de ago. de 2023 a la(s) 10:21 p. m., Berwin A Turlach <> escribió: > G'day Paul, > > On Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:15:08 -0500 > Paul Bernal wrote: &

[R] Interpreting Results from LOF.test() from qpcR package

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
;data.frame") Cheers, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
Thanks a lot Bert, I appreciate your help. Kind regards, Paul El El dom, 20 de ago. de 2023 a la(s) 2:39 p. m., Bert Gunter <> escribió: > Basic algebra and exponentials/logs. I leave those details to you or > another HelpeR. > > -- Bert > > On

Re: [R] Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
-0.055380.00964 -5.75 6.8e-05 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 0.323 on 13 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.717, Adjusted R-squared: 0.696 F-statistic: 33 on 1 and 13 DF, p-value: 6.76e-05 Kind regards, Paul El d

Re: [R] Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
JSingval theta1 9330.89NA NA NA 5.275e-11 967470 theta2 9330.41NA NA NA -5.318e-11 1.772 theta3 -3.0032e-07NA NA NA 1.389e-05 8.028e-12 Kind regards, Paul El dom, 20 ago 2023 a

[R] Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model

2023-08-20 Thread Paul Bernal
radient matrix at initial parameter estimates Any idea on how to proceed in this situation? What could I do? Kind regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.e

Re: [R] Determining Starting Values for Model Parameters in Nonlinear Regression

2023-08-19 Thread Paul Bernal
k Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Paul El El sáb, 19 de ago. de 2023 a la(s) 9:30 p. m., J C Nash <> escribió: > The cautions people have given about star

Re: [R] Determining Starting Values for Model Parameters in Nonlinear Regression

2023-08-19 Thread Paul Bernal
Thank you so much Dr. Nash, I truly appreciate your kind and valuable contribution. Cheers, Paul El El sáb, 19 de ago. de 2023 a la(s) 3:35 p. m., J C Nash <> escribió: > Why bother. nlsr can find a solution from very crude start. > > Mixture <- c(17, 14,

[R] Determining Starting Values for Model Parameters in Nonlinear Regression

2023-08-19 Thread Paul Bernal
+ Beta3x3) I need to determine starting (initial) values for the model parameters for this nonlinear regression model, any ideas on how to accomplish this using R? Cheers, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ ma

[R] Determining Starting Values for Model Parameters in Nonlinear Regression

2023-08-19 Thread Paul Bernal
the model parameters for this nonlinear regression model, any ideas on how to accomplish this using R? Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, beforehand, for your valuable and kindness. Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML versi

[R] Plotting Fitted vs Observed Values in Logistic Regression Model

2023-08-01 Thread Paul Bernal
ciated. Kind regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

[R] Obtaining R-squared from All Possible Combinations of Linear Models Fitted

2023-07-17 Thread Paul Bernal
mbinations would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] single character in R, and how to manipulate it

2023-03-30 Thread Paul Murrell
though only on pdf() and Cairo-based devices. Paul On 31/03/23 13:14, Jim Lemon wrote: Also see the "arctext" function in the plotrix package. Jim On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 11:12 AM Jim Lemon wrote: > > Hi Jinsong, > Maybe "srt" will do what you want. As you noted no

Re: [R] insert hyperlink into svg graphic

2023-03-08 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi On 8/03/23 15:27, Rusty Travis wrote: On 3/7/23 13:12, Paul Murrell wrote: Hi I think the main issue here is that you are *drawing* text on the graphics device, so I would only expect to see literal XML text output in the result. ''' Hope that helps Thank you for you

Re: [R] insert hyperlink into svg graphic

2023-03-07 Thread Paul Murrell
# Add hyperlink library(gridSVG) grid.hyperlink("graphics-plot-1-main-1", href="";) ## Export to SVG grid.export("link-base.svg") Hope that helps Paul On 8/03/23 08:09, Boris Steipe wrote: This was actually the

Re: [R] Adding page numbers to existing PDFs

2022-10-27 Thread Paul Murrell
grid.text(paste0("Page ", i), .5, unit(1, "lines")) } outFiles <- list.files(pattern="plot-out-[0-9]+.pdf") ## Recombine into single, multi-page PDF system(paste0("pdfunite ", paste(outFiles, collapse=" "), "

[R] Automatic Distribution Fitting Using R

2022-10-27 Thread Paul Bernal
anyone is interested. Best, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

[R] Function for Distribution Fitting

2022-10-26 Thread Paul Bernal
does allow automatic distribution fitting? Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

[R] Issues when trying to fit a curve when generating random deviates

2022-09-18 Thread Paul Bernal
curve was not generated for the histogram. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong? Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] About spDataLarge Package

2022-08-29 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear friend Rui, Hope you are doing great. Your suggested workaround works perfectly, I was able to successfully install package spDataLarge by doing: install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("Nowosad/spDataLarge") Thank you so much for your valuable and kind h

[R] About spDataLarge Package

2022-08-29 Thread Paul Bernal
s on how to successfully install this package? Something odd is that I was able to install package spData, but not spDataLarge (in R version 4.2.1) Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ maili

Re: [R] Issue when trying to install or load packages in RStudio

2022-05-13 Thread Paul Bernal
an older R version and the issue was solved. Cheers, Paul El El vie, 13 de may. de 2022 a la(s) 9:35 a. m., Jeff Newmiller <> escribió: > A) You are repeatedly referring to RStudio... if you have a problem with > RStudio, it is off-topic here and most people wo

[R] Issue when trying to install or load packages in RStudio

2022-05-13 Thread Paul Bernal
-packages Warning in install.packages : unable to access index for repository cannot open URL ' ' I try to install Rtools but was not able to. Any clues on what could be

[R] Filtering an Entire Dataset based on Several Conditions

2022-05-09 Thread Paul Bernal
. How could I accomplish this? Best, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

[R] Issues when setting k to 1L

2022-04-24 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear Rui, I made the modification to k <- 1L (see the code below), but I get the following odd result (maybe I am forgetting to do something): print(final_frame_6) p1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA average_prob_frame_6 1 0.437738 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA > print(paste("T

Re: [R] R Code Execution taking forever

2022-04-24 Thread Paul Bernal
lly worked perfectly from 10 trials up to 100,000 trials but ejem trying with 1 million trials it was over, more than 24 hours and still didn’t finish execution. Best, Paul El El dom, 24 de abr. de 2022 a la(s) 2:03 p. m., Ebert,Timothy Aaron <> escribió: > 1) Does it run pe

Re: [R] Model To Simulate Dice Roll

2022-04-22 Thread Paul Bernal
t;> > } >> > >> > dice_rolls <- 100 >> > #dice_rolls <- 1e6 >> > num_dice <- 1 >> > dice_sides <- 6 >> > months <- 12 >> > >> > set.seed(2022) >> > prob_frame <- t(dice_simul(months, num_dice,

[R] Looping through all matrix columns each 1 row at a time

2022-04-20 Thread Paul Bernal
;,"Dec") Now, I need to perform an analysis for each column, one row at a time. For example, I need to know if numbers 1 through 6 all appear in the twelve column for row 1, then for row 2, etc. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Best, Paul [[alternative HTML versio

Re: [R] Model To Simulate Dice Roll

2022-04-20 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear Bert, Thank you for your kind reply. That is fine, I appreciate your feedback anyway. Have a great day/night. Best, Paul El mié, 20 abr 2022 a las 23:31, Bert Gunter () escribió: > I believe I gave you sufficient information (the vector of dice roll > results would replace 1:36

[R] Question regarding k-fold cross validation

2022-04-15 Thread Paul Bernal
L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -150L)) Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Re: [R] Looking for package for data generation for classification and regression

2022-03-04 Thread Paul Smith
anks, Ranjan, that is also quite helpful, since clustering is also a topic of the course! Paul __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide http://ww

[R] Looking for package for data generation for classification and regression

2022-03-03 Thread Paul Smith
/sklearn.datasets.make_classification.html I have searched CRAN for something similar, but found nothing. Could someone please help me with this? Thanks in advance, Paul

[R] How to automatically set R to read the files from a specific location

2022-03-02 Thread Paul Bernal
the code without running into any issues. Thanks, beforehand, for your valuable feedback. Cheers, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] Pixel Image Reshaping using R

2022-02-24 Thread Paul Bernal
int(dataframe_train[7]) print(dataframe_train[8]) print(dataframe_train[9]) print(dataframe_train[11]) print(dataframe_train[12]) print(dataframe_train[17]) print(dataframe_train[22]) I am just unsure if I am achieving what is asked. Best regards, Paul El jue, 24 feb 2022 a las 13:25, Ivan Kry

Re: [R] Pixel Image Reshaping using R

2022-02-24 Thread Paul Bernal
When I print the original dataframe I get the message: [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 41999 rows ] this only means that R will not pront the whole data, but is not trimming anything right? Best regards, Paul El jue, 24 feb 2022 a las 12:00, Ivan Krylov () escribió: > On

Re: [R] How to create density ellipses with R

2022-01-14 Thread Paul Bernal
appreciated. Cheers, Paul El vie, 14 ene 2022 a las 11:27, John Fox () escribió: > Dear Paul, > > As I understand it, the ellipse package is meant for drawing confidence > ellipses, not density (i.e., data) ellipses. You should be able to use > ellipse::ellipse() to draw a b

[R] How to create density ellipses with R

2022-01-14 Thread Paul Bernal
through the net, I came across a package called ellipse, but I'm not sure if this is the one I should use. Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-projec

Re: [R] Putting colours in ggplot facets

2021-10-26 Thread Paul Murrell
Sorry, forgot to point out that you would need something like this to install ... remotes::install_github("pmur002/gggrid") Paul On 27/10/2021 12:55 pm, wrote: Thanks for this. I was unable to install the gggrid package apparently because it is unavaila

Re: [R] Putting colours in ggplot facets

2021-10-26 Thread Paul Murrell
+ grid_panel(bgrect, aes(fill=geo)) + scale_fill_manual(values=colr) + geom_bar(stat="identity")+ facet_grid(est ~ geo) Paul On 26/10/2021 3:40 pm, wrote: Thanks for the suggestions. As it happens, I just a moment ago found a solution. By adding the lin

Re: [R] How to rotate only one panel by 90 degrees in R plot?

2021-10-12 Thread Paul Murrell
nsity(c(negative_y, uncertain_y, positive_y)) par(mar=c(5, 1, 2, 1)) plot(d$y, d$x, ylim=c(0,0.5), type="l", yaxt="n", xaxt="n", main=NA, ylab=NA, xlab=NA) Does that produce the sort of thing you want? Paul On 13/10/2021 9:42 am, Luigi Marongiu wrote: Hello,

Re: [R] Trying to Learn Details of Grid Graphics, Help Page Errors

2021-09-22 Thread Paul Murrell
Or maybe you are lucky and work for a first-world university that has purchased access to an electronic version. Thanks for pointing out the problems with the drawDetails() help page; I will need to fix that. Paul On 9/23/2021 2:21 AM, wrote: Hello, I'm trying to learn

Re: [R] Including percentage values inside columns of a histogram

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Bernal
Thank you very much Mr. Gunter, I will give it a try. Cheers, Paul El lun., 16 de agosto de 2021 7:49 p. m., Bert Gunter <> escribió: > I may well misunderstand, but proffered solutions seem more complicated > than necessary. > Note that the return of hist

Re: [R] Including percentage values inside columns of a histogram

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Bernal
way to accomplish this. Best regards, Paul El lun, 16 ago 2021 a las 17:57, Jim Lemon () escribió: > Hi Paul, > I just worked out your first request: > > datasetregs<-<-structure(list(Date = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, > 2L, > 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L

Re: [R] Including percentage values inside columns of a histogram

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Bernal
This is way better, now, how could I put the frequency labels in the columns as a percentage, instead of presenting them as counts? Thank you so much. Paul El lun, 16 ago 2021 a las 17:33, Rui Barradas () escribió: > Hello, > > You forgot to cc the list. > > Here are two way

[R] Including percentage values inside columns of a histogram

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Bernal
st(Amount, groups=Date, scale="frequency", + breaks="Sturges", col="darkgray")) #The only thing missing here are the percentages corresponding to each bin (I would like to see the percentages inside each column, or on top outside if possible) Any help will be gre

Re: [R] Wayland backend for R

2021-06-22 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi I do not know of any Wayland backend for R. You might be able to try the R Studio IDE configured for Wayland and see how its graphics device performs ? Paul On 23/06/21 1:25 am, Phillips Rogfield wrote: I have compiled R from source and I

[R] .Last function in R 4.1.0

2021-06-07 Thread Paul Louisell
r these functions. So my question: - Is this a bug? Or does R not support .First / .Last anymore, and the documents just need updating? Thanks for your help with this, Paul Louisell [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-15 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi On 15/04/21 7:27 pm, wrote: Hi Paul Thanks for the FAQs related to the unwanted white lines. However, even if it is just the png/pdf viewer that causes the white lines, I would like to try to avoid them as much as possible, and setting useRaster to true does that. Sure

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-14 Thread Paul Murrell
[length(x)-1]) } This calculation does NOT produce the desired result for "Date"s (the diff() of the resulting modified 'x' is no longer regular). So this needs a bit more thought - let me know if you come up with a fix for that calculation before me :) Paul On 15/04/2

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-13 Thread Paul Murrell
etter with other objects (although I confess that not having thought of using a "difftime" for 'x' I am also failing to think of further possibilities for 'x'). Paul On 14/04/21 3:11 am, wrote: Hi The function `check_irregular()` defined within `gr

[R] Dynamically defining dplyr across statements (was dplyr: summarise across using variable names and a condition)

2021-03-29 Thread Paul Miller via R-help
those options works out, it may be that the workaround is actually the way to go. Thanks, Paul Have and need data library(magrittr) library(dplyr) have <- structure(list(   ptno = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",

[R] dplyr: summarise across using variable names and a condition

2021-03-26 Thread Paul Miller via R-help
;m not quite sure how to do that either. Help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Paul have <- structure(list(     ptno = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J",

[R] How to calculate area and volume of an image with R

2021-02-28 Thread Paul Bernal
Hello everyone, Is there a way to calculate volume and area of an image with R? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and

[R] Image processing in R for BMI calculation

2021-02-28 Thread Paul Bernal
Hello everyone, Does anyone know about any package for image processing, for example, to calculate body mass index pased on a picture, silouette or image. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted

Re: [R] Monospaced font not shown correctly (Xubuntu 20.04)

2021-01-19 Thread Paul Murrell
o specify the family name for a non-Type-1 monospaced font, e.g., "Courier New" (?), or install a non-Type-1 Courier replacement (and specify that). Hope that helps. Paul On 20/01/21 3:48 am, Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) wrote: Hi all, On my system (Xubuntu 20.04), using par(family=&qu

Re: [R] How can we get a predicted value that are used to plot the figure using a plot_model function of sjPlot?

2020-09-28 Thread Paul Bivand
data.frame with the values that get passed to plot_model(). As these functions can handle many different fitted models, the help pages are large and have subsections for different model classes. However, the information requested is (as is not uncommon) in the help pages. Paul Bivand On Sat, 19 Sep

Re: [R] X axis labels are not fully shown when using pareto.chart function

2020-09-15 Thread Paul Bernal
if work with some other x-axis labels I'd just have to play around with the width, height, srt and cex parameters? Best regards, Paul El mar., 15 de septiembre de 2020 7:06 p. m., Jim Lemon <> escribió: > Hi Paul, > This looks very familiar to me, but I&#x

[R] X axis labels are not fully shown when using pareto.chart function

2020-09-15 Thread Paul Bernal
ot;Pajonal", "Palmas Bellas", "Parque Lefevre", "Pedasí", "Pedregal", "Penonomé", "Piña", "Playa Leona", "Pocrí", "Portobelo", "Pueblo Nuevo", "Puerto Armuelles", "Puerto Caimi

[R] Adjusting The size and Orientation of x-axis labes for Pareto Charts

2020-09-11 Thread Paul Bernal
uot;Penonomé", "Piña", "Playa Leona", "Pocrí", "Portobelo", "Pueblo Nuevo", "Puerto Armuelles", "Puerto Caimito", "Puerto Pilón", "Punta Chame", "Rio Abajo", "Río Abajo", "Río G

Re: [R] Odd Results when generating predictions with nnet function

2020-09-02 Thread Paul Bernal
e and the data from the example I was following is provided in the youtube link above. Paul <> El mié., 2 sept. 2020 a las 10:01, Jeff Newmiller () escribió: > Why would you expect raising y_pred to the 0.5 to "backtransform" a model &

Re: [R] Odd Results when generating predictions with nnet function

2020-09-02 Thread Paul Bernal
backtransform raising both y and x to 0.5? I was looking at a video where the guy modeled count data without doing any kind of transformation and didn't get odd results, which is rather extrange. Cheers, Paul El mié., 2 sept. 2020 a las 2:37, Martin Maechler (< maech...@stat.math

[R] Odd Results when generating predictions with nnet function

2020-09-01 Thread Paul Bernal
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[R] Trouble getting labels for bars in Pareto Chart

2020-08-19 Thread Paul Bernal
;, "Pedasí", "Pedregal", "Penonomé", "Piña", "Playa Leona", "Pocrí", "Portobelo", "Pueblo Nuevo", "Puerto Armuelles", "Puerto Caimito", "Puerto Pilón", "Punta Chame", "Rio

Re: [R] Plot math symbol with string and number

2020-08-17 Thread Paul Murrell
I think that comment is fair *on graphics devices that can handle unicode*. So that is true for Cairo-based graphics devices, but not for the pdf() or postscript() devices, for example. Paul On 18/08/20 9:54 am, Bert Gunter wrote: "Plotmath seems to be the right way to do it."

Re: [R] Dependent Variable in Logistic Regression

2020-08-01 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear friend, I am aware that I have a binomial dependent variable, which is covid status (1 if covid positive, and 0 otherwise). My question was if R requires to turn a binomial response variable into a factor or not, that's all. Cheers, Paul El sáb., 1 de agosto de 2020 1:22 p. m.,

Re: [R] Dependent Variable in Logistic Regression

2020-08-01 Thread Paul Bernal
ble into a factor? Does R requires every dummy variable to be treated as a factor? Best regards, Paul El sáb., 1 de agosto de 2020 12:59 p. m., Bert Gunter <> escribió: > x <- factor(0:1) > x <- factor("yes","no") > > will produ

[R] Dependent Variable in Logistic Regression

2020-08-01 Thread Paul Bernal
advisable, to keep the dependent variable with 1s and 0s, or code it as yes/no and then make it a factor? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated, Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list

Re: [R] How to generate this type of scatter plots in R

2020-07-30 Thread Paul Bivand
This looks like a beeswarm plot - using package beeswarm or (for ggplot users) ggbeeswarm. Paul On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 05:31, Jim Lemon wrote: > > Hi John, > Perhaps "dendroPlot" in the plotrix package? > > JIm > > On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM

[R] Testing wether my dataset follows a poisson distribution with R

2020-07-21 Thread Paul Bernal
Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated, Best regards, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read

Re: [R] Issues whenWorking with Daily Time Series and Generating Forecasts

2020-07-13 Thread Paul Bernal
valuable help. Cheers, Paul El lun., 13 de julio de 2020 7:10 p. m., Erin Hodgess <> escribió: > Hi again, Paul! > > When you are plotting the final product, do you want both the original > series, the fitted values, and the forecast, please? > >

Re: [R] Issues whenWorking with Daily Time Series and Generating Forecasts

2020-07-13 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear friend Erin, Thank you so much for your kind reply. I have not tried xts nor zoo, but I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes. Best regards, Paul El lun., 13 jul. 2020 a las 13:44, Erin Hodgess () escribió: > Hi Paul > > Have you looked at the xts or zoo package

[R] Issues whenWorking with Daily Time Series and Generating Forecasts

2020-07-13 Thread Paul Bernal
delArima2 <- auto.arima(trainingts, lambda=0) ModelArima2For <- forecast(ModelArima2, h=30) plot(ModelArima2For) I am providing the dput() for my dataset below. Any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated, Best regards, Paul > dput(Dataset2) structure(list(DATE = structure(c(18331, 1

Re: [R] Load svg, eps or png into graphics device?

2020-06-21 Thread Paul Murrell
librsvg2 eps via 'grImport', which requires ghostscript ... and a number of other formats that cannot be read directly into R AFAIK. The only option that does not require dependencies looks like the "txt" format, which you could read in with readLines(), but I'm not sure y

Re: [R] [FORGED] Re: text annotation on Manhattn plot in qqman

2020-05-20 Thread Paul Murrell
t(labels, gp=gpar(cex=1)) Hope that helps Paul On 21/05/20 3:10 am, Ana Marija wrote: HI Michael, Thank you so much! That worked!!! Now I am just trying to increase the size of text of SNP and GENE on plot I tried this: a$newname <- paste(a$SNP,"\n", a$GENE) manhattan(a, chr="CHR&

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