Thanks Frank!
- Original Message -
From: Frank Harrell
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [R] survplot() for cph(): Design vs rms shows differences between Design and
array chip wrote:
Dear R Users,
I am using the package "MuMIn" to sort through models, with the goal
of estimating parameters through model averaging of the candidate set.
I have been using the dredge function to build all possible models
based on my starting point (hypothetical global model). I see that
there is a
Two common methods are the AUC (area under the curve) and the Log Likelihood.
The ROCR package has several nice functions for evaluating the accuracy of your
Noah Silverman
UCLA Department of Statistics
8117 Math Sciences Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095
On Aug 25, 2011, at 9:58
Hi All,
When modeling with glm and family = binomial (link = logit) and response values
of 0 and 1, I get the predicted probabilities of assigning to my class one,
then I would like to compare it with my vector y which does have the original
labels. How should I change the probabilities into v
x = c(runif(1000, 0,2.5), runif(100, 2.5, 4))
You will notice a sharp turn around x = 2.5
How do I get that value of x using R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
Thanks. I had never heard of "build-dep".
Further on you said:
You can always read up :-)
Sure. But there is a virtually infinite amount of stuff that one could
read, only a tiny fraction of which is relevant. And much of which is
confusing, frustratingly obscure, bewildering, sometimes mi
I get the identical error even when applying the sample code from the dlm
vignette on state space models:
The sample code is here:
tmp <- ts(read.table("";, header=T),
start=c(1978,1), frequency=12) * 100
y <- tmp[,1:4] -
Apologies for confusion. What I meant was the following:
mytext <- "I want the number 2000, not the number two thousand"
and the problem is to select "2000" as the first four digits after the word
"number". The position of 2000 in the string might change.
-Original Messag
Dear R-Users,
I think I have encountered a potential bug (or at least unwanted behavior),
but I'm not sure so I wanted to post here first. Lately I've been
encountering an error when running a package I put together. I have my
package set up to check for updates when it loads but this error occu
Hi Sam,
The heart of your problem is that you are not using strings in your off
statements. Rather, you are calling objects called norm and cumu and R is
trying to test those for equality.
In the first case, when you get to norm, R tries to call the norm()
function, which is the magnitude of a ve
If you dig a little deeper, the real answer to your question is to use
a list to store the ~60 dataframe instead of polluting the workspace
with a lot of objects that are not connected together. 'list's will
make future processing easier since everything is in one object and if
you want to save/lo
On Aug 25, 2011, at 9:33 PM, Jim Silverton wrote:
Hi all,
I have some data. I want to fit a smooth cdf to the data. Then I
want to
find both the value of x and the % on the y axis for which the the
slope is
1 ( or the point where the slope change is the greatest...hummh well
part whe
To be on the safe side in case there are other characters at the end
of the string, use:
> mytext <- "I do not want the first number 1234, but the second number
> 5678sadfsadffdsa"
> # make sure you get 4 digits
> sub("^.*second number[^[0-9]]*([0-9]{4}).*", "\\1", mytext)
[1] "5678"
On Thu,
Hi all,
I have some data. I want to fit a smooth cdf to the data. Then I want to
find both the value of x and the % on the y axis for which the the slope is
1 ( or the point where the slope change is the greatest...hummh well the
part where you can identify where there is a point of inflection...f
You can split your string, and then only take the first 4 digits after
that (this is only an improvement if your numbers might not be at the
end of mytext):
mytext <- "I do not want the first number 1234, but the second number 5678"
sstr<-strsplit(mytext,split="second number ")[[1]][2]
Try this:
gsub(".*second number ", "", mytext)
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Lorenzo Cattarino
> I R-users,
> I am trying to find the way to manipulate a character string to select a 4
> digit number after some specific word/s. Example:
> mytext <- "I do not want the first number
That was it - silly mistake. Thank you very much.
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__ mailing
Tena koe Henri-Paul
Does the following do what you want?
testVector <- LETTERS[1:3]
temp <- matrix(c(rep(c(NA, 'foo'), each=length(testVector)), testVector,
rep(c(NA, 'bar', 'blah'), each=length(testVector))), ncol=6)
Peter Alspach
> -Original Message-
> From: r-
I R-users,
I am trying to find the way to manipulate a character string to select a 4
digit number after some specific word/s. Example:
mytext <- "I do not want the first number 1234, but the second number 5678"
Is there any function that allows you to select a certain number of digits (in
thi shows differences between Design and
array chip wrote:
> Thank you David. The plot from Design package will draw a plot of survival
> probability at 5 years (in my example) versus different age. I will look
> into Predict() in rms package to see h
Chee Chen> writes:
> Dear All,
> I would like to report a possible mistake in the generic function
> rzigp in ZIGP package, and seek for help.
Unless you get very lucky and somewhere here volunteers to dig into
the package and find out what's wrong, your best bet is to contact
On Aug 25, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Yumin wrote:
>Hello all:
>Friend told me that we can download the stock historical quote from
> Yahoo site by R!
> Could you tell me that is true or not, how to do that?
> --
> View this mes
Hello all,
I am trying write a fairly simple function that provide a quick way to
calculate several distributions for a data set. I am trying to provide
a function that has a argument that specifies which distribution is
outputted (here "norm" or "cumu"). I also have a melt argument but
that seems
Hello all:
Friend told me that we can download the stock historical quote from
Yahoo site by R!
Could you tell me that is true or not, how to do that?
View this message in context:
Sent from t
Hi Annie,
while I don't use python, I've been in similar positions.
here's a good link for the arguments function. It's the best
example/tutorial I've seen on the topic. It will also help you perhaps to
print the values of the arguments to screen/file within R to see if things
are going okay.
One option you've got is to configure that your operating system so any CSV
file will be opened up in Excel. Those instructions will depend on the type
of operating system.
I'd usually turn row.names=FALSE on either write.table or row.table as it's
not that important (for what I do it's normally j
If you create a directory to work in for your project you could store that
and use that later
#then even if you change directories for different parts of your project
(but remain inside that folder)
you could put maindir variable into the path of the dir command. The less
>I'm trying to do is get comfortable with 'source' and run "source(C:/Program
Files (x86)/Eclipse/eclipse/ProjectName/SourceFile.R)".
I'm not familiar with StatET/Eclipse IDE so this attempted answer might be
way off mark.
I'd be guessing it probably relates to quotation symbols in the correct
>for (i in 1:NROW(vector.with.names)
You need length instead of nrow (lowercase) which will be NULL for a vector.
>I also want to convert the name from file name to something I can
For this part of your statement,
I think you're after the assign function (included in basic install of R
it would probably be faster if you can be as specific as possible... in the
help that has been provided, it is looking everywhere in c:/
you could narrow that down a bit and save it from looking too deep in your
dir("C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop", pattern="foo.pdf",
Thank you for the help, csv works much better,
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:47 AM, R. Michael Weylandt <> [via R] <> wrote:
> I'd suggest you should probably just use the simpler write.csv() function
> to
> make a fil
Thank you David. The plot from Design package will draw a plot of survival
probability at 5 years (in my example) versus different age. I will look into
Predict() in rms package to see how this can be done.
- Original Message -
From: David Winsemius
To: array chip
Cc: "r-h
Thanks for your help - what I was looking for was assign. This takes care of
my question.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
I have a 127 long vector with all different character entries.I
need to generate another vector that is 6 times a long and the second
one and has the following structure:
"a unique string"
"another unique string"
This has to
On Aug 25, 2011, at 5:11 PM, array chip wrote:
Hi, in Design package, a plot of survival probability vs. a
covariate can be generated by survplot() on a cph object using the
folliowing code:
n <- 1000
age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n)
label(age) <- "Age"
sex <- factor(sample(c('male','
Bill, Thank you very much! That's very fast. Exactly what I was looking for.
Jean thank you for your response as well. Tyler> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Subject: RE: [R] Construct a File Path: File Path Unknown
> Date
On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:19 PM, JacobSimmering wrote:
I am trying to import several different SAS transport files into R.
I know
how to get the files into R as data frames, however, I don't want to
do this
one at a time for all ~60 data sets. I also want to convert the name
file name to
Hi Simon
I tried this on OS X, Linux and Windows and it works without any problem.
So there must be some strange interaction with your configuration.
So below are some things to try in order to get more information about the
It would be more informative to give us the explicit version
On 26 August 2011 at 08:39, Rolf Turner wrote:
| Carole:
| If you really need to install R from source you probably need to do:
| sudo apt-get update
| sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
| before you do your ./configure and make.
Whoever _really_ insists on building locally sho
Hi Jorge!
2011/8/25 Jorge I Velez :
> Try ("x" is your data):
> x[rep(1:nrow(x), each = 6),]
Yes, it works. Thanks! I see that the row names are now: 1, 1.1,
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 2.1 .
It does not bother me, but is this going to be a problem later on? I
need to further manipulate the
Hi, in Design package, a plot of survival probability vs. a covariate can be
generated by survplot() on a cph object using the folliowing code:
n <- 1000
age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n)
label(age) <- "Age"
sex <- factor(sample(c('male','female'), n, TRUE))
cens <- 15*runif(n)
h <- .02*exp(.
If you really need to install R from source you probably need to do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
before you do your ./configure and make.
If you just want to install the binary, you could try
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-ba
There's a "no-homework" policy on this list and given that you are sending
from a ".student" account and referencing example assignments, you probably
won't get any help. Looking at the given code, it seems like you should get
in touch with a TA sooner rather than later though.
Best of luck,
Try using normalizePath("foo.pdf") after creating
the file. It should return an absolute path to
an existing file.
Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Tyler
I am trying to import several different SAS transport files into R. I know
how to get the files into R as data frames, however, I don't want to do this
one at a time for all ~60 data sets. I also want to convert the name from
file name to something I can understand (e.g., from q181 to
I think you misplaced the quotes. From ?source:
file: a connection or a character string giving the pathname of the
file or URL to read from. "" indicates the connection
Try instead (untested):
source("C:/Program Files (x86)/Eclipse/eclipse/ProjectName/Sou
There's nothing wrong with leaving in buggy code when there's a bug that you
just can't get (assuming it's part of your real code): I only ask for the
error message because it saves us a little bit of time if you can let us
know what errors you are getting.
Anyways, best of luck,
On Thu,
Hi Henri-Paul,
Try ("x" is your data):
x[rep(1:nrow(x), each = 6),]
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Henri-Paul Indiogine <> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am just now learning to use R for my dissertation project. I need
> to manipulate a lot of text and numeric data. I created a da
Dear People at R help, I am trying to figure out the syntax for a three-level
logistic model with a single random effect (intercept):
Data Collected
My data consist of three levels: level 1 is four setting for each student
(setting nested within student), and each student is registered in one of
As I am only familiar with the basics regarding decision trees I would
like to ask, with the risk of sating a silly question: is it possible
to perform recursive partitioning with the group median as the
For example, in stead of rpart focusing on means, could a similar tree
I'm having an issue sourcing an R file from my workbench using StatET in the
Eclipse IDE. All I'm trying to do is get comfortable with 'source' and run
"source(C:/Program Files (x86)/Eclipse/eclipse/ProjectName/SourceFile.R)".
When I try to call the path for the file i get the error: "unexpected '
I have an example file in excel and i have following instructions to open and
analyze the data in it.
> library(RODBC)
> library(mlogit)
> z<-odbcConnectExcel("C:\\2008 Racedata.xls")
Everything ok untill the next command
> x<,choice="winner",shape="long",id.var="datekey",alt.
I am just now learning to use R for my dissertation project. I need
to manipulate a lot of text and numeric data. I created a data frame
that has 7 columns and 127 unique rows. Now I need to replicate each
line 6 times and then later change values in the first 2 columns.
I am tryin
#Here is I think an easier way of coding all the components you need.
#The within-group variances, you get with this function:
apply(iris[,1:4],2,function(x) tapply(x,iris$Species,var))
#You can get what you computed by taking the column means.
apply(apply(iris[,1:4],2,function(x) tapply(x,iri
Thank you very much for the detailed explanations, and sorry for being vague
in my question.
"atop" is what I needed :)
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:59 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Sébastien Vigneau wrote:
> Hi,
>> I would like to add a two-lines l
Jean, Thank you. It's slow but it works. dir("C:/", pattern="plotrix.pdf",
full.names=T,, recursive=T) Does anyone have a faster way? If
it helps using: shell.exec("search-ms://query=plotrix.pdf")utilizes
windows's search bar to find the file (this is quick), however i
Another way would be to consider this as a path model and use the sem or lavaan
package to fit this model. Here is an example:
x <- rnorm(1000)
e1 <- rnorm(1000)
e2 <- e1 + rnorm(1000)
e1 <- e1 + rnorm(1000)
y1 <- 2 + 1*x + e1
y2 <- 4 + 2*x + e2
dat <- data.frame(x, y1, y2)
model <- 'y1 ~ x
Hi mdvaan,
Not the best solution, but it should get you started:
lapply(g, function(l){
n <- names(l)
res <- lapply(1:length(n), function(ii){
rr <- l[[n[ii]]]
rn <- rownames(rr)
cn <- colnames(rr)
i <- rn %in% n[[ii]]
On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:24 AM, mdvaan wrote:
I have produced a list g and I would like to reduce the amount of
information contained in each object in g.
For each matrix I would like to keep the values where the column
name equals
g[year][[1]][[x]] and the row names equals g[year][[1]][[
It sounds like you're looking for a heatmap type of overlay, not a
choropleth map, given that you have a collection of coordinates. If that
is correct, then something like this might help.
df <- structure(list(long = c(-4.45, -5.04, -4.41, -4.7, -3.87, -2.67,
-4, -4.37, -3, -3.04, -1.71, -1.26
On Aug 25, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Claudio Zanettini wrote:
-- Forwarded message --
From: Claudio Zanettini
Date: 2011/8/25
Subject: Re: [R] Segment out of the Graph
To: David Winsemius
Thanks David and Michael,
In attachment there is one of the graph.
No attachment. No code.
I'd be willing to guess that some combination of
will get the job done, but without knowing what sort of data you have, I
can't write example code.
If you could, use the dput() function to turn your data into plain text and
let us work directly with it to help you out. If i
I'd suggest you should probably just use the simpler write.csv() function to
make a file type that will move much more conveniently between Excel and R.
The syntax is:
write.csv(ThingBeingSaved, "filename.csv")
If you only put the file name to write.csv it will be placed in your working
I'm not going to download your data since it's probably irrelevant to your
problem and I have no interest in downloading unknown files.
Consider this instead:
SPY = getSymbols("SPY",auto.assign=F)
SPY = weeklyReturn(Ad(SPY))
densitySPY = density(SPY)
See also the debug function, which allows you to walk through a
function line by line.
I also concur with Duncan's recommendation to try the R package
system. I'm an author of one of two contributed documents available
from CRAN -> Documentation: Contributed -> "Creating R Packa
One possibility is function gls() from package nlme.
On 8/25/2011 8:22 PM, DHIMAN BHADRA wrote:
Hello everyone,
I need to fit a bivariate normal regression model to a dataset where the
same covariate (say, X) influences two separate but correlated responses
(say, Y1 and Y2). So
On 11-08-24 10:20 AM, Eran Eidinger wrote:
I am not sure if this is the right list to ask this question (though I did
not find a more appropriate one).
I've started using R a month ago, and small scripts work fine. However, when
I start writing more complex code, it gets messy.
1. Is there
Hello everyone,
I need to fit a bivariate normal regression model to a dataset where the
same covariate (say, X) influences two separate but correlated responses
(say, Y1 and Y2). So, the bivariate
model would look like :
Y1 = a1 + b1*X + e1
Y2 = a2 + b2*X + e2
where e1 and e2 are error terms wh
Try the dir() function.
# for example
dir("c:/", pattern="foo.pdf", full.names=T,, recursive=T)
Tyler Rinker wrote on 08/25/2011 11:54:28 AM:
> I am not a programmer and am self-taught so I may lack the
> language to ask this appropriately (perhaps why an rseek searc
I am a beginner and I hope you will help me!
I have one data frame with numbers as columns names that correspond to codes.
In a list I have the codes and the corresponding state.
Now I need to match the columns (codes) of the data.frame with the codes in the
list, since not all the codes in
I have produced a list g and I would like to reduce the amount of
information contained in each object in g.
For each matrix I would like to keep the values where the column name equals
g[year][[1]][[x]] and the row names equals g[year][[1]][[-x]]. So in
g$`1999`$`8029`, year = 1999 and x = 8
Using write.table i would like to save data as an excel file to a folder. I
am not too sure how to write the file path or what to name the file. I would
appreciate any feedback.
> write.table(x, file = "", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ",
+ eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".",
I have been looking for functions for calculating the within-groups
variance and between-groups variance, for the case where you have
several numerical variables describing samples from a number of groups.
I didn't find such functions in R, so wrote my own versions myself (see
below). I ca
I have created the following plot over the empirical returns.. What I now
want to do is to overlay a curve/line with the normal density as a
comparison of the two. Does anyone know how to do this?
(NB the last two lines are the problem, and are wrong, I know).
Thank you in advance!
Thanks Jean,
but this package appears to be perfect for the US + a couple of other
country that unfortunately UK is not one of them. What I want is a solution
that takes a list of coordinates/postcodes/cities and a list of values and
gives me a colourful UK map. Any thoughts?
On Thu, Aug 25
-- Forwarded message --
From: Claudio Zanettini
Date: 2011/8/25
Subject: Re: [R] Segment out of the Graph
To: David Winsemius
Thanks David and Michael,
In attachment there is one of the graph.
the line below the graph is not related to the y label.
I draw it at y= -10 just beco
When you have an unbalanced quote, it may be hard to determine exactly
where it is. It is probably up to the user to determine with there is
truncation. In some cases you might have data that goes over several
lines that are within quotes and is legal. You might also read up on
the 'fill' and 'f
For the initial .Rd file look at the 'prompt' function, it will create a basic
.Rd file based on the current function definition with all the structure in
place, then you go in and edit it to have more meaningful information.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
On Aug 25, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Claudio Zanettini wrote:
I tried setting ylim=(0, 1000)
but the segment that I have draw is at y=-10
so if I set the y origin to 0 I don t have the segment,
if a l leave it at -10 I have the segment but the axis start from
I would like to have both.
So to h
I'm not really sure what you are asking for, but I might venture to suggest
a few ideas:
1) Do you mean to say you want two plots: one with ylim around -10 and the
other running from 0 to 1000?
2) Are you looking for a "break" in the y-axis? If so, plotrix may be able
to help, but it's hardly wor
> I tried setting ylim=(0, 1000)
> but the segment that I have draw is at y=-10
> so if I set the y origin to 0 I don t have the segment,
> if a l leave it at -10 I have the segment but the axis start from -10.
> I would like to have both.
> So to have a graph with ylim=( 0, 1000)
> and under it
"lim" is not the argument: "ylim" is.
You put in a vector of length 2 comprising the min and max y you wish:
consider this:
x = -5:5; y = x^2; z = rep(-5,11);
plot(x,y,type="b"); lines(x,z,col=2)
plot(x,y,ylim = c(-8,max(y)+3),type="b"); lines(x,z,col=2)
For your work, you'd need yli
Yes I tried but if I set the lim to 0 then it will not displayed the line
that is at -10, right?
2011/8/25 R. Michael Weylandt
> Look at ylim, as an optional argument to plot.
> Michael
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Claudio Zanettini <
>> wrote:
>> Hello ev
Look at ylim, as an optional argument to plot.
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Claudio Zanettini <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a graph and a segment parallel to the x axis at y=-10, x=0, and
> bars on it.
> Now the question is,
> Is there a way to le
Hello everyone,
I have a graph and a segment parallel to the x axis at y=-10, x=0, and
bars on it.
Now the question is,
Is there a way to leave the segment there but let the graph axis start from
the origin?
In this way the segment will be out of the graph
[[alternative HTML ver
Hello All,
I am trying to use FlexMix package for my two linear regression models:
y1 = w1 * x1 + w2 *x2 + w3 * x3 +beta1
y2 = w4 * x4 + w4 *x4 + w4 * x4 +beta2
and I would like to combine these two regression models wi
I have function that I want to optimize. Am playing with the optim() function
in R
Two issues:
1) I can't seem to get it to work with a function that takes multiple inputs.
Dummy Example:
myFunc <- function(A,B,D,D){
# Do stuff
return E
> myFunc(1,2,3,4)
[1] 12
# wor
I am not a programmer and am self-taught so I may lack the
language to ask this appropriately (perhaps why an rseek search was unfruitful).
Let's say I saved a file to my desktop called foo.pdf. Then I want R to return
the file path of
foo.pdf (pretend I don't know the location(path) of
Thank you for the information!
On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 10:53 -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 25 August 2011 at 22:24, Linlin Yan (颜林林) wrote:
> | Because the official source is not as new as the latest version yet.
> That is not true --- you get the most recent R version prebuilt for Ubuntu
Thanks, Jim. quote='' works. And then I found a single quote in each of
these lines:
None of them near the position the table got truncated. Why is it?
And read.table is a great function. Is it possible for it to give a warning
message when the data gets truncat
I suspect, but have not tested, that your src$date element has class
"POSIXlt", which is internally a list, in which case splitting by it might
not work properly, and might be the cause of your out of bounds error
One of these might do the job:
src$date <- format(strptime(tickdata$da
The color of the squares is also currently hard coded.
The thing is, there are so many different elements to a forest plot (squares,
lines, polygons, text, axes, axis labels, etc.), if I would add arguments to
set the color of each element, things would really get out of hand (as far as I
am c
On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Sébastien Vigneau wrote:
I would like to add a two-lines label consisting of:
"Delta word1\n
(with Delta being the actual greek letter).
But you are not saying how word1 and word2 are supposed to be
positioned relative to each other and to Delta.
Oh thanks,
yes now I understand.
I did not realized that I did not save it.
2011/8/24 Jean V Adams
> Claudio Zanettini wrote on 08/24/2011
> 04:33:50 PM:
> >
> > Thank you, this work fine,
> > and is not contorted like mine:)
> > In this case lastV=LastI but depending on the data that I
But did you try the following:
x <- read.table(, comment.char = '', quote = '')
Most cases is that there is a missing quote somewhere in your data.
use a text editor and search for single and double quotes.
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:49 AM, zhenjiang xu wrote:
> Thanks for your replies. I l
You probably need to change 'marshal' also. I see that you are
passing in the character string and this is what you are saving. what
you probably is something like this where you pass in the object and
then get its name:
>> marshal <- function(object.value) {
object <- deparse(substitut
On 25 August 2011 at 22:24, Linlin Yan (颜林林) wrote:
| Because the official source is not as new as the latest version yet.
That is not true --- you get the most recent R version prebuilt for Ubuntu
(and other Linux distros) via the CRAN repositories.
See the R FAQ about where to get to current U
Thanks for your replies. I looked at those lines and didn't spot anything
> tail(a)
test_id gene_id gene locus sample_1 sample_2 status
21418 tY(GUA)J1 - SUP7 chr10:354243-354332 air1rrp6 air2rrp6 OK
21419 tY(GUA)J2 - SUP4 chr10:542955-543044 air1rrp6
Dear colleagues,
I'm trying to parse the html content from this webpage:§ion=&kdaterange=30&date1mm=01&date1dd
On Aug 25, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Jean V Adams wrote:
I don't see a quick solution to this.
You could contact the maintainer of the rpart.plot package, Stephen
or you could try to modify the rpart.plot() function yourself to
meet your
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