So you expect answer to your post ! hum
Justin BEM
BP 1917 Yaoundé
Tél (237) 99597295
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- Message d'origine
De : å®åå·¥ä¸ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
à : r-help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé le : Jeudi, 13 Septembre 2007, 5h26mn 23s
Objet : [R] è´¢å¡å¿å£°ã
I need to increase the width of the border in a barplot, i checked both
barplot, and barplot2, but cant find how to do it. how can I do?
thank you
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__ mailing list
I performed experiments to analyse the effect of 2 different drugs of my
The designs od the experiment is the following:
on 11 preparations I tested the effect of drug 1
and on another 5 preparation I tested the second drug
So the I calculated the % of the effect of the drugs respect
Hello, All!
I have function which is written in C, the function uses other functions
also builded bu me. Now I need to use the function to build R function.
My questions are:
1. How can I include libraries (for example, iomanip, sstream, tcl.h)?
2. Should I put other function to the separate file
Ross Darnell wrote:
> Yup. 2.6.0 will also allow this simplified variant:
> > reshape(mydat, direction="long", varying=3:8, sep="")
> tree serra time bt mm id
> 1.1 1 11 101 9101 1
> 2.1 2 11 102 9102 2
> 3.1 3 11 103 9103 3
[Ross D]
For example, you can use:
R CMD BATCH mean.R mean.Rout
Vaibhav Gathibandhe wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any way through which i can run a R file from Command line.
> For example
>> r mean.R
> Thanks and Regards,
> Vaibhav Gathibandhe
> [[alternative HTML version delet
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如贵公司在税务低扣,做帐或进销存方面 如需用到的话,
Hi all
I know about producing a minimal example to show my problem. But I'm
having trouble producing a minimal example that displays this
behaviour, so please bear with me to begin with.
Observe: I create an array called model.mat. Some details on this:
> str(model.mat)
num [1:18, 1:4] -0.1
Hi all,
Is there any way through which i can run a R file from Command line.
For example
> r mean.R
Thanks and Regards,
Vaibhav Gathibandhe
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__ mailing list
Hi all,
I am writing R code and I want to interface with JAVA i.e. I want to call R
from JAVA. That's why i have installed JRI on my machine.
There is also documentation available in "Javadoc".
But as i am very new to JAVA and well as R, I don't understand much of it.
If someone is using this
Francesc Montan�> writes:
> Hello all,
> This may be a simple question to answer, but I'm a little bit stumped with
> respect to the calculation of the F statistics in nested anovas with
> unbalanced design in R.
I would strongly recommend getting a copy of Pinheiro
Dear WizaRds,
This is mostly a statistics question, but I'm figuring that R is the right
solution (even before I start!)
I have some bio data of heart rate versus time (rats taken from resting to
maximal heart rate). I want to regress heart rate on time. The data have been
normalized such that
[Ross Darnell]
>>> I'm trying to use reshape but I cannot quite understand how it
>>> works.
>Yup. 2.6.0 will also allow this simplified variant:
> > reshape(mydat, direction="long", varying=3:8, sep="")
> > [...]
Hi, people. Have "melt" and "cast" (from the "reshape" package) ever
been cons
For listings, you have ls(), ls.str(), and also ll() in R.oo, e.g.
> library(R.oo)
R.oo v1.3.0 (2006-08-29) successfully loaded. See ?R.oo for help.
> data(USArrests)
> data(lynx)
> data(Nile)
> data(iris3)
> data(iris)
> data(euro)
> ls()
[1] "euro" "euro.cross" "iris" "iris3"
[5] "
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Dalgaard
Sent: Thursday, 13 September 2007 7:02 AM
To: Chuck Cleland
Cc: R-help; juli pausas
Subject: Re: [R] reshape help
Chuck Cleland wrote:
> juli pausas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to use re
Hi Tena -- Please use the Bioconductor mailing list for Bioconductor
You need to update your development version of R to the prerelease
version (provide the output of sessionInfo() with problem reports).
"Tena Sakai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Everybody,
> I am having
Hi Everybody,
I am having a problem with loading Biobase package. I typed
2 lines below at R prompt
> source ("";)
> biocLite (lib="/usr/local/lib/R/library")
which attempted to install a bunch of packages with varying
degree of success. Out of 29, 13 failed.
Sender: "Email Classified Now 1st time in Pakistan!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="multipart/alternative";
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:53:57 -0700
X-Priority: 1 (
Hi Talbot,
I just had that question a couple of weeks ago. Here's the thread:
RSiteSearch("Saving results from Linux command line")
Thomas Lumley concluded with:
There could still be functions that divert a copy of all the output to a
file, for example. And indeed there are.
XLSolutions is proud to announce a new 2-day R / S-plus course:
R/S-Plus Graphics for SAS Users
* San Francisco, October 25-26, 2007
* Seattle, October 29-30, 2007
* Philadelphia,October 29-30, 2007
Should we bring this class to your city?
I received the following error after running:
> heidel.diag(posterior, eps=0.1, pvalue=0.05)
Error in = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start,
etastart = etastart, :
inner loop 1; cannot correct step size
In addition: There were 21 warnings (use warnings() to see the
R printed out the following error messages during the installation of the
package "clusterfly":
> *install.packages("clusterfly", repos = getOption("repos"),dependencies
*--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL '
Chuck Cleland wrote:
> juli pausas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to use reshape but I cannot quite understand how it works.
>> Could somebody help me on this? Example, my data is something like:
>> mydat <- data.frame(tree= 1:10, serra=rep(1:2, c(5,5)), bt01= 101:110,
>> bt02= 201:210, bt03=
tmp <- c(7,7,7,7, -4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4)
tmpf <- factor(letters[1:11])
contrasts(tmpf) <- tmp
__ mailing list
juli pausas wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use reshape but I cannot quite understand how it works.
> Could somebody help me on this? Example, my data is something like:
> mydat <- data.frame(tree= 1:10, serra=rep(1:2, c(5,5)), bt01= 101:110,
> bt02= 201:210, bt03= 301:310, mm01= 9101:9110, mm02=
Hello, R experts,
I have an 11 levels of a factor A. I am only interested in a constrast
between first 4 vs rest 7 levels. Is there any command to make an
orthogonal constrasts matrix given one contrast of interest such as
7,7,7,7, -4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4?
Dear Omar,
the p-value is the probability that a certain summary statistic U of the
data takes the value it takes, given that the null-hypothesis is true.
Your p-value is 0.002, you can compare this to an alpha of your choice,
and if that alpha were larger, you would come to the decision that t
I'm trying to use reshape but I cannot quite understand how it works.
Could somebody help me on this? Example, my data is something like:
mydat <- data.frame(tree= 1:10, serra=rep(1:2, c(5,5)), bt01= 101:110,
bt02= 201:210, bt03= 301:310, mm01= 9101:9110, mm02= 9201:9210, mm03=
Greetings, I am trying to perform a Mann-Whitney U test to a pair of
data series, according to what I have read about R the command to use
wilcox.test(data1, data2)
However I am having trouble interpreting the results:
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: Dataset$OTMi
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> You have a recursive reference. Try using a different name other
> than class. For example, in the following we use class. with a dot
> at the end
> (so that abbreviation of it still allows the user to write class):
One year using R, and I hadn't known that I co
There was an interesting thread about a year ago, called 'Command
equivalent of rgui "File, Save to File"?'
( started by
Michael Prager, and contributed to by Duncan Murdoch (I didn't notice
anything beyond the four entries they po
You probably should be inserting browser() calls into your function instead
-- once there you can list and examine all variables at whatever state your
function is in. (and debugging is specifically what browser() was designed
See ?browser()
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Statistics
Googling for sphericity gives wikipedia as a first link which says:
Sphericity is a measure of how spherical (round) an object is.
The second hit gives the connection with statistics, in particular
hth, Ingmar
On S
Hi akki,
What kind of a graph are you trying to draw? It is
not clear from the posting particularly as it messes
up your spacing.
I would suggest that you have a look at something like
# Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics -
Introduction, Examples and Commentary by John
Maindonald .
Hello all,
This may be a simple question to answer, but I'm a little bit stumped with
respect to the calculation of the F statistics in nested anovas with
unbalanced design in R.
In my case, I have 11 vegetation transects (with 1000 10cmx10cm squares),
where we estimated shrub cover. We have tw
I have a matrix as:
ab c
21 3
22 5
25 9
With values of this matrix, I draw a graph. Each row has a different
meaning. For this reason, I need put different names each row. For example:
--- --
Hi Sumit,
Here are a couple of functions I've picked up along the way and
modified. The first lists all objects, their class, and their
dimensions (I grabbed this from the web and modified - sorry for not
acknowledging the person who first wrote it). The second is much the
same but gives their siz
On 9/12/2007 12:48 PM, Sandy Weisberg wrote:
> Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here:
> > fred <- data.frame()
> > class(fred)
> [1] "data.frame"
> > test.fn <- function(x,class=class(x)) {class}
> > test.fn(fred)
> Error in test.fn(fred) : promise already under evaluation: recursive
Do you just want the tick intervals on the axis to be changed? Or do you
want more bars in the histogram itself?
If the latter, then look at the breaks argument to hist.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
(801) 408-8111
> -
You have a recursive reference. Try using a different name other than
class. For example, in the following we use class. with a dot at the end
(so that abbreviation of it still allows the user to write class):
fred <- data.frame()
test.fn <- function(x,class.=class(x)) {class.}
test.fn(fred) # "
I'm trying to using ksvm() in the kernlab package to fit a one-class
SVC, but I get a strage result on the cross-validation error estimate.
For example, consider this code:
classifier <- ksvm(type~.,data=spam[which(spam[,'type']=='spam'),],
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here:
> fred <- data.frame()
> class(fred)
[1] "data.frame"
> test.fn <- function(x,class=class(x)) {class}
> test.fn(fred)
Error in test.fn(fred) : promise already under evaluation: recursive
default argument reference or earlier problems?
R 2.5.1 on
Try this. After defining our data, tt and x, we create a zoo series
z by aggregating over days taking the last point corresponding to
each day. Then we convert that to ts (which fills in the missing days)
and create a zoo series with no data and those times merging it
with the original zoo serie
Hi, I would like to plot a histogram with the following codes, and I would
like to make the tick intervals smaller. I tried to add "lab=c(1,1,12)", but
nothing changes.
par(mfrow=c(1,1),font=1, cex=0.8)
hist (data1, seq(-0.01,0.3,0.01),freq = FALSE,
I am attempting to convert a date frame with irregular dates into a
regular time series, aggregated by date. i have tried using both the
'its' and 'zoo' packages.
I have something like
times<-c("2003-03-05", "2003-03-05", "2003-05-05" ,"2003-04-07" ,"2003-03-05")
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Robin Hankin wrote:
> Hello
> I have X, an n-by-n matrix and want to convert it to Y, an
> n(n-1)/2 -by- n matrix such that each row of Y
> corresponds to an element of the upper diagonal
> of X. Say row k of Y corresponds to [i,j] with i\neq j.
> Then Y[i,k] = X[i,j
you could try the following:
n <- nrow(X)
k <- n * (n - 1) / 2
Y <- matrix(NA, k, n)
ind.up <- which(upper.tri(X), arr.ind = TRUE)
ind.lo <- which(lower.tri(X), arr.ind = TRUE)
Y[cbind(1:k, ind.lo[, 1])] <- X[ind.up]
Y[cbind(1:k, ind.lo[, 2])] <- X[ind.lo]
I hope it helps.
Dear list, first apologies for this is not strictly an R question but
a theoretical one.
I have read that use of k-means clustering assumes sphericity of data
distribution. Can anyone explain me what this means? My statistical
background is too poor. Is it another kind of distribution, like
sorry if it is the wrong place to post this. I am looking for someone
to teach R. I will continue in french as the job will be done in french
je cherche un formateur sur R pour des cycles de formations continues,
le premier débutant en novembre-décembre.
vu le sujet, la p
I am fitting a reduced form VAR model using VAR in the vars library. I have
several endogenous variables, and two exogenous variables. I would like to
explore the effects of a shock to one of the exogenous variables on one of
the endogenous variables. Using irf in the vars library only calculates t
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Sergey Goriatchev wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a problem with integrate() in my function nctspa(). Integrate
> produces an error message "evaluation of function gave a result of
> wrong length". I don't know what that means. Could anyone suggest me
> what is wrong with my functi
Dear Users,
I am trying to locate work days of the weeks for a data import automation
function. The function below is for practice. If the day of the week is
Saturday or Sunday, function will delete that rows and at the end the date
series will be my reference date series. So, I can make an aut
you definitely shall try to get acustommed with data structures in R. You
do ***not*** have numeric decimal values but factors (probably created by
transfering data to R as you have in the column a value psi1). Then the
assignement places a factor code into matrix instead of a factor value.
I am using TOMCAT 6.0.14 on Solaris 10 i86. I wrote a perl script which is
running a cgi on tomcat, from there i am taking input value's and using the
following way to create a graph using R and accessing that graph to attach
it on webpage:
my $to_run = "/usr/local/bin/R --vanilla
I have X, an n-by-n matrix and want to convert it to Y, an
n(n-1)/2 -by- n matrix such that each row of Y
corresponds to an element of the upper diagonal
of X. Say row k of Y corresponds to [i,j] with i\neq j.
Then Y[i,k] = X[i,j] and Y[j,k] = X[j,i].
and Y[-c(i,j),k] = NA.
How to do
> [1] 0.8714
> 434 Levels: 0 0.0134 0.1062 0.1182 0.1241 0.1322 0.1374 0.1429
> 0.1507 ... psi1
The problem is that your data are not stored as numeric, but as a
You can see the following R FAQ entry to turn it back to a numeric
form :
I have some decimal values stored in a data frame (myframe) and I
need to place them in a matrix (mymatrix) using a for loop.
When I type:
> myframe[i,10]
I get:
[1] 0.8714
434 Levels: 0 0.0134 0.1062 0.1182 0.1241 0.1322 0.1374 0.1429
0.1507 ... psi1
But when I assign that value to th
dear list,
I'm trying to set subscripts in a tcltk menu, but I can't get it to
work. The basic idea is produced by the following code
m <- tktoplevel()
norm <- tkfont.create(family="times",size=20,weight="bold")
f1 <- tkfont.create(family="symbol",size=10)
f2 <- tkfont.cre
I'm dealing with the following problem:
I have a table with x and y coordinates and corresponding values of
a mineral concentration, let's call it z.
Can someone provide me a short step-by-step manual for the steps
necessary to get a contour map?
How to sort and interpolate my matrix
x and y axis labels changing in ggplo2:
p <- ggplot(d03, aes(x=cs,y=taille)) + geom_hline(data=temp.df) +
geom_boxplot() + facet_grid(.~sexe)
I had a similar question not too long ago. Try:
p + scale_x_discrete("new label x") + scale_y_continuous("new label y")
best wishes
Fiona Callaghan asked about using the bootstrap instead of cross-validation in
the tree pruning step.
It turns out that cross-validation works better than the bootstrap for trees.
The issue is a subtle one. The bootstrap can be thought of as 2 steps.
1. Deduction: Evaluate the behavior
I'm working on some functions for generalized canonical discriminant
analysis in conjunction with the heplots package. I've written a
candisc.mlm function that takes an mlm object and computes a
candisc object containing canonical scores, coeficients, etc.
But I'm stumped on how to construct a ml
I am new to the ggplot2 package and I am stuck with something which
must be quite basic : I can't manage to change the x and y axis labels
when I don't use the qplot command. I manged to change the main title
by modifying the title element of the ggplot object, but I can't find
the elements fo
Is this what you want when you say "values". It seems this could be very
expensive if some of your objects are large matrices, for example. I
thought the poster meant "size" when he said values since he later
mentioned memory. If that is the case, you want object.size().
> -Original Message
Steve Powell wrote:
> hello list members,
> I am wanting to write a label using the Hmisc package, but inside a
> function. Normally I can do:
> library(Hmisc)
> M=2
> label(M)="lab"
> #But inside a function the "=" does not work:
> Test=function(obj,labe)
> {
> label(obj)=labe
at this point
Thanks for the procedure. It sounds easy.
I will test it when I have time and see if there are differences (I hope I
won't see anything : from a working configuration, if I change to RODBC, I'd
like to get another working one).
Ptit BLeu.
Vladimir Eremeev wrote:
> Hi!
> In my case, advantag
the function ls() will list all the variables currently in the memory.
To get their values, you'll also need to use the parse and eval
functions. Try the following:
x = ls()
for(i in 1:length(x)){
It's a little crude, but it will do the job.
In my case, advantages of using RODBC are in the fact that it is working,
and is getting updated on a regular basis. Nothing more. :)
I also had some difficulties to set up the DSN, old Windows NT 4.0 required
couple of restarts, and guessing correct 'magic' line to make MS Excel to
Try using the zoo package like this:
Lines <- " Date PEGETNHSPPTC
Hi Vladimir,
In fact, at the beginning, I tried to install RODBC and the MySQL driver but
I did not manage (I think due to the driver and the configuration in the
control panel). Then I tried to install RMySQL and DBI on my PC (not the one
with the "real" database), and it worked without any prob
ah06981 wrote:
> Dear R-help,
> I am trying to estimate a Cox model with nested effects basing on the
> minimization of the overall AIC; I have two frailties terms, both gamma
> distributed. There is a error message (theta2 argument misses) and I
> don?t understand why. I would like t
On 9/11/07, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The package mratios can perform inferences for ratios of normal means.
> Is there some other package to do the same but with non-normal
> populations. Since I have got large samples, an asymptotic procedure
> would be fine.
Thanks for all replies
On 12/09/2007 5:08 AM, Christian Schäfer wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a possibility to catch an occurring error and do an appropriate
> error handling? (like the "try-catch"-statement in other programming
> languages)
You could use the tryCatch() function (or try(), a simplified wrapper).
Dear R-help,
I am trying to estimate a Cox model with nested effects basing on the
minimization of the overall AIC; I have two frailties terms, both gamma
distributed. There is a error message (theta2 argument misses) and I
don?t understand why. I would like to know what I have wrong. Thank y
Dear R-maillit,
I have to perform a stastistical test to asses if two grug show the same or
different effect on my prepartion.
I tested on the same preparation only one drug and I have to use normalized
data due to high variability in the control condictions.
What type can I use?
A non paramatr
is there a possibility to catch an occurring error and do an appropriate
error handling? (like the "try-catch"-statement in other programming
For example:
It's quite annoying to run a script for hours only to detect an abortion
of the script because of an "subscript out of bound
José Luis Aznarte M. wrote:
> Hi again! I'm using the 'optim' method to fix the parameters of a
> model. I have written the function to be minimised and another function
> which returns the gradient of the error. Now my problem is that, in
> order to compute that gradient, it would be extrem
Christian Ritz wrote:
> Dear list members,
> is it intentional that:
> curve(cos, xlim = c(-5, 5))
> plot(cos, xlim = c(-5, 5))
> produce different plots?
> Shouldn't the 'xlim' argument in both cases set the 'from' and 'to' argument
> if they
> aren't supplied (at least that's what I
Yuelin Li wrote:
> On my linux machine (Ubuntu Feisty on i-686) this works:
> ./configure --with-blas="lf77blas -latlas"
Flags should be
--with-blas="-L/usr/local/atlas/lib -lf77blas -latlas"
I guess, because /usr/local/atlas/lib is not found unless some
environment variables have b
you need to use the `...' argument; look at ?optim() for more info.
Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven
Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015
Web: http:
Use the dots argument at the end to pass in named parameters.
This is documented as the last in the argument list under ?optim.
Here's a toy example using x and p:
> f <- function(x,p){sum(x^2)+p*sum(x)}
> gr <- function(x,p){2*x+p*rep(1,length(x))}
> optim(par=c(10,10),fn=f,gr=gr,p=13)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 12.09.2007 09:36:13:
> On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 19:56 +0300, Tolga Uzuner wrote:
> > Dear R-Users,
> >
> > Have a question about reading in some data and manipulating dates. I
> > have a data set in excel which looks like this:
> >
> > Date PEGE
Hi again! I'm using the 'optim' method to fix the parameters of a
model. I have written the function to be minimised and another function
which returns the gradient of the error. Now my problem is that, in
order to compute that gradient, it would be extremely convenient to be
able to pass s
Xingwang Ye wrote:
> Dear R users,
> Yesterday, I updated R 2.4.1 to R 2.5.1 on Unbuntu 7.0.4 successfully.
> I also update the JGR to 1.5-6 according to
> (after "sudo update-java-alternatives
> -s java-6-sun", I cannot do "sudo update-java-alternatives -s
Dear list members,
is it intentional that:
curve(cos, xlim = c(-5, 5))
plot(cos, xlim = c(-5, 5))
produce different plots?
Shouldn't the 'xlim' argument in both cases set the 'from' and 'to' argument if
aren't supplied (at least that's what I understood reading the help page for
Scott Hyde wrote:
> I'd like to create a small "local" repository that would be used to
> install a package for a class of students at their home. I don't want
> to upload it to CRAN, as I don't think it should be disseminated at
> that level.
> What I'd like to do is:
>> where="http://mys
Do you have to use some proxy server at your work? In that case, please
read the R for Windows FAQs which tells how to arrange settings.
Uwe Ligges
> Hi All,
> I installed R 2.5.1 recently on a PC (Windows XP Professional 2001) and tried
> to install some R pa
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 19:56 +0300, Tolga Uzuner wrote:
> Dear R-Users,
> Have a question about reading in some data and manipulating dates. I
> have a data set in excel which looks like this:
> 13/10/200441.9264.75
> on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 03:01:43 +0100 writes:
> Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to view what
> variables and vairable values are stored in the R
> memory. This to enable debugging of R-scripts I write.
In simple to moderately small examples,
89 matches
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