Re: newbie question

2013-06-25 Thread Tim Rowe
hat is *terrible* practice in a modern high-level language. Use the library functions. They will take proper account of the character set being used (which you shouldn't even have to know for a task like this, let alone make unsafe assumptions about). -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Number of languages known [was Re: Python is readable] - somewhat OT

2012-03-31 Thread Tim Rowe
l the best people I've ever known have had experience > with quite a lot of languages. I know 10 languages. But I'm not telling you what base that number is :) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: what happens inside?

2011-06-22 Thread Tim Rowe
eful to be sure that something can't change. In particular, efficient dictionary implementations need the keys to be immutable, because it you change a key it /really/ fouls up the look-up. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?

2009-01-17 Thread Tim Rowe
nsultant, I'm quite interested about where in ATM you plan to use Python code, and how you will be meeting the applicable safety standards in the relevant administration. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: English-like Python

2009-01-17 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/1/16 has : > Ooh, "" indeed! Why not "PythonLikeSyntax", since that's apparently what they used! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-18 Thread Tim Rowe
smatch. I was actually at the European Space Agency's Toulouse site the week after the Ariane 5 incident. I've been at jollier funerals. I can't help thinking that thinking that the team would have benefited from reading David Parnas's work on the specification of the A-7E avionics. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-21 Thread Tim Rowe
although I've always wondered how much of that is because of language differences and how much is because Ada tends to be used on critical projects that also tend to get a lot more attention to development standards. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-22 Thread Tim Rowe
Turing-complete. Specifically, all loops that are required to terminate require a loop variant to be defined. Typically the loop variant is a finite non-negative integer that provably decreases on every pass of the loop, which makes halting decidable. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-23 Thread Tim Rowe
the maximum response time is tolerable. The loop variant can help with that, too. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics

2009-01-23 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/1/23 Kay Schluehr : > Whatever sufficiently sophisticated topic was the initially discussed > it ends all up in a request for removing reference counting and the > GIL. Well, maybe, but it seems to me that the real issue here is that we need to remove reference counting and the GIL.

Re: The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics

2009-01-23 Thread Tim Rowe
urely know about Schluehr's Law? ;-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics

2009-01-23 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/1/23 Martin P. Hellwig : > Or you can argue that even when an argument is repeated indefinitely it > doesn't make it suddenly right. No, but it makes for a confirmation of Schluehr's law :-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-24 Thread Tim Rowe
o go through a proper specification change procedure if the team (not the organisation) is more than a few people. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Newby: how to transform text into lines of text

2009-01-26 Thread Tim Rowe
erating system that treats '\n' as a terminator (eg, Linux) rather than as a separator (eg, MS DOS/Windows). Perhaps what you don't /really/ want to be reminded of is the existence of operating systems other than your preffered one? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-26 Thread Tim Rowe
so Hungarian /can/ be useful. At this level I don't recognise a difference between System and Applications Hungarian, by the way -- the difference is eliminated if you declare types corresponding to the "meanings", which is commonplace in, for example, Ada. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-26 Thread Tim Rowe
is part of what being a grown-up programmer is about. One size does not fit all, one language is not ideal for all applications. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-01-30 Thread Tim Rowe
de to conform to an object oriented design (Python doesn't). So the answer to "Is Python Object-Oriented" is either "yes" or "no", depending on what you're /really/ asking. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: search speed

2009-01-30 Thread Tim Rowe
bit of extra insurance against false positives. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: search speed

2009-01-31 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/1/30 Scott David Daniels : > Be careful with your assertion that a regex is faster, it is certainly > not always true. I was careful *not* to assert that a regex would be faster, merely that it was *likely* to be in this case. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-02 Thread Tim Rowe
hilosophy what would be the point of different languages? Is it worth mentioning (again) that Python is not Java? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: what IDE is the best to write python?

2009-02-02 Thread Tim Rowe
e how it would be any different to any other language. Admittedly I use the IDE because I like IDE's, but I don't see why it wouldn't work with a text editor and make -- the command line compiler is there. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-02 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/2 Russ P. : > On Feb 2, 2:46 pm, Tim Rowe wrote: >> No, we're supposed to believe that the designers of C++, Java, Ada, >> and Scala are all designers of languages that are not Python. If all >> languages had the same philosophy what would be the point of dif

Re: what IDE is the best to write python?

2009-02-03 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/3 Jervis Whitley : > real programmers use ed. Ed? Eee, tha' were lucky. We had to make holes in Hollerith cards wi' our bare teeth... -- Tim Rowe --


2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
e value less than sys.float_value.epsilon other than 0.0 (which I think all representations can represent exactly). What am I missing here? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
ppily do sys.float_info.max/(2*sys.float_info.epsilon) and will give me the answer "inf") so presumably he's trying to protect against divide by zero. So my next question is whether there is any x that can be returned by float() such that x != 0 but some_number / (2 * x) raises a

Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/4 Scott David Daniels : Thanks for that. It makes me feel guilty to point out that: > addition is not associative in real numbers should presumably be "addition is not associative in floating point numbers". -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
have to use exception handling and catch the Windows case? That's the trouble with using anything in os, of course -- it's os dependent, which is why it's there! :-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Upgrade 2.6 to 3.0

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
when I'm trying to get to grips with the differences between versions.. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: sys.float_info.epsilon

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/5 Scott David Daniels : > And, of course he is right (and didn't even whomp on my typo of "makes" > as "mes in the first line quoted above). A typo for "makes" didn't bother me. Non-associativity of the real numbers under addition risked making my

Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/5 : > On Feb 5, 11:14 am, Tim Rowe wrote: > > ... > >> On an MS Windows system, os.uname()[0] raises an AttributeError -- sys >> doesn't seem to contain uname. Is that a Linux thing? Would >> work on Linux? Or would one have to use exception han

Re: Using while loop and if statement to tell if a binary has an odd or even number of 1's.

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
r in the string -- there's your loop -- and if (there's your if) it's a "1" change the truth value of even: even = !even. If it is a number rather than a string, you want to do much the same thing but you'll need the >> and & operators. Chris has already

Re: Upgrade 2.6 to 3.0

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
on 2.6 yet, never mind 3.0). Unless all you want is in the standard library, I think it's worth the general user holding back for a while whilst the tool providers catch up. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Feet and inches

2009-02-04 Thread Tim Rowe
ht like to think about what should happen if a user enters a negative value, but the present behaviour -- when fixed -- may be what you need. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Using while loop and if statement to tell if a binary has an odd or even number of 1's.

2009-02-05 Thread Tim Rowe
member a programming exercise when I was an undergraduate and anyone > who *didn't* use that trick got marked down for writing inefficient code. Is adding and a modulus *really^ more efficient than flipping a bool as I suggested? I think I'd want to see measurements! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Using while loop and if statement to tell if a binary has an odd or even number of 1's.

2009-02-05 Thread Tim Rowe
or the bit shifting because I think it's clearer. And I'd want a word with a tutor who insisted on premature optimisation ("The root of all evil", according to C A R Hoare), especially in a scripting language! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is becoming less friendly?

2009-02-05 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/5 mk : > > (duck) > > 542 comp.lang.python rtfm > > 467 comp.lang.python shut+up > > 263 comp.lang.perl rtfm > > 45 comp.lang.perl shut+up Yes, but is there any real traffic on comp.lang.perl nowadays? Sorry, cheap shot ;-) -- Tim Rowe -- http://mail.pyth

Re: Is becoming less friendly?

2009-02-05 Thread Tim Rowe
ging in a position that could modify the "unfriendly" text? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Couple of noobish question

2009-02-05 Thread Tim Rowe
stay clear of the os module :-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: "Weird" Indentation? (Or: is there a for...else construct?)

2009-02-08 Thread Tim Rowe
backwards. What's awful about it? Except in the sense of inspiring awe, of course. No, Steven's example isn't broken, it works as the epydoc authors intended. > (it's still in 3). Good. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Putting asterisks around text

2009-02-09 Thread Tim Rowe
w how to do it without using a while loop, but to help you we need to know what *you* know). Like: do you understand what a while loop does? And so on. We're a pretty friendly bunch in here, but most of us believe in "tough love" ( --

Re: Embarrasing questio

2009-02-12 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/12 km : > Hi, > > you could do it this way also : > > if i in [3,5]: > do something... True, you could do it, but it would be wrong. The original is true for i = 6, 9, 10, 12 and so on, but yours doesn't seem to be... -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-16 Thread Tim Rowe
ded. For those few cases where threading is a genuine advantage, Python is not ideal. But in the real world I doubt they're enough to make a significant dent in Python's popularity. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-16 Thread Tim Rowe
es, defined in an XML script, was a dream in Python when I'd probably still be coding it today in C++. Horses for courses. It's almost always wrong to say that language A is better than language B; the most you can say is that language A is better than language B for some specific task. -

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-19 Thread Tim Rowe
language. I think it will be a long search. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-19 Thread Tim Rowe
ty will depend on the project. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-19 Thread Tim Rowe
on. Not speed of /execution/ that is. Different languages have different trade-offs. Python's trade-offs suit us. If they don't suit you, use a language with trade-offs that do. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Will multithreading make python less popular?

2009-02-19 Thread Tim Rowe
rovide threads and processes and > programmer choose the way. I really believe that GIL is a design > error. It's only an error if it gets in the way. It's the experience of a lot of programmers that it doesn't, so it's not an error. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: get most common number in a list with tolerance

2009-02-20 Thread Tim Rowe
lar kernel. What would you expect the output to be if the data set were [10,30,20,20,11,12,13] and the tolerance were 2? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: datetime.time and midnight

2009-02-22 Thread Tim Rowe
't have an expectation, why are you interpreting it as a Boolean? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Python 3.0 - is this true?

2008-11-24 Thread Tim Rowe
l Python be introducing strong type checking and early binding, so we can catch more bius earlier (compile rather than run time?) ;-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: hello from colombia

2008-11-26 Thread Tim Rowe
choice and work out whether Python actually /would/ be better. If you can do that, in the process you will have gathered the evidence you need. If you can't do that, why are you assuming that Python will be better? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: hello from colombia

2008-11-30 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/11/27 fel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > that's a lot of bytes for "do your own homework" > but thanks, I'll do it. It also included "You haven't defined the issue precisely enough" :-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Python advocacy ... HELP!

2008-12-04 Thread Tim Rowe
hing computer science, so that the students will be able to cope with whatever they meet once they graduate, or are we teaching computer programming, in a couple of specific languages, so that the students will be completely unprepared if they meet anything else?" -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is 3.0 worth breaking backward compatibility?

2008-12-07 Thread Tim Rowe
n adopt the new language. That way you won't have to think of it in terms of breaking any sort of backwards compatibility because there is no backwards ;-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Don't you just love writing this sort of thing :)

2008-12-10 Thread Tim Rowe
had no chance, but I was impressed with how close-run I could make it with Python. Fun, yes, but no way anything I would consider for code that is actually going to be /used/ in any way whatsoever! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/12/12 Filip Gruszczyński : > I don't mean memory, but space in code ;-) Trying to save printer paper for your listings, then? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: (Very Newbie) Problems defining a variable

2008-12-12 Thread Tim Rowe
y!\n") else: interest = 0 year = 0 while interest < target: rate = get_rate(balance) interest = balance * rate balance += interest year += 1 print("Year %s, at %s rate: %s paid, %s in bank." % (year, rate, interest, balance)) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: (Very Newbie) Problems defining a variable

2008-12-12 Thread Tim Rowe
gt;if balance > threshold: >return rate >return .0 Yes, once it's changed from a dictionary to tuples it becomes easier, doesn't it? D'oh! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: (Very Newbie) Problems defining a variable

2008-12-12 Thread Tim Rowe
ogram, there'd be no need for it to know about overdraft limits because it's not making actual transactions. Why would they increase coupling unneccesarily? -- Tim Rowe --

Re: newbie question...

2008-12-12 Thread Tim Rowe
;s never too early to start thinking about what you would /want/ it to do. What do you think it will do for invalid or no command line arguments at the moment? Try it! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: 1 or 1/0 doesn't raise an exception

2008-12-15 Thread Tim Rowe
Unfortunately, >>>> bool('Ruby totally pwn3s Python!') > True Using Python is not total protection against buggy programs ;-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Factoring Polynomials

2008-12-19 Thread Tim Rowe
to use an exception for a normal case. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Why not Ruby?

2009-01-05 Thread Tim Rowe
gle thing I liked (and I certainly didn't find it "elegant", as the original poster described it). What do you see in it that you think would be good in Python? Remember, put in too many shortcuts and you'll end up with code that's as unmaintainable as Perl! -- Tim Rowe

Re: When Python should not be used?

2008-10-06 Thread Tim Rowe
language can be wrapped in a Python library, of course, as is the case with regexp support). Logic languages still seem to have the edge over imperative in some AI and theorem proving applications (although I suppose one /could/ implement Prolog in Python, if Prolog is what you need it's probably be

Re: automatically insert text in ms-word properties

2008-10-07 Thread Tim Rowe
he difficulty isn't with the language, it's with lack of documentation on Office Automation access to document properties. If Gita can find that, Python should be at least as good for the job as VB (and I think I'm being unduly kind to VB in putting it like that!) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: indentation

2008-10-21 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/10/21 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Ever noticed that computer freaks often start counting at 0? ;-) We grow to be like our pets -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Linq to Python

2008-10-27 Thread Tim Rowe
t with a dictionary. - Extension methods: Python already has. - Lambda expressions: Python already has. - Auto-Implemented properties: No, but that's just syntactic sugar to make declarations more compact. So all of the language elements that are needed for LINQ are already in Python; a libra

Re: Ordering python sets

2008-11-01 Thread Tim Rowe
hon list type to be named list instead of > array, despite it supports more or less all the functions you expect > from an abstract list type. They're not different data structures from the client point of view. "More or less" all the functions wouldn't be enough. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Rewriting a bash script in python

2008-11-05 Thread Tim Rowe
or implementation problem, so rather than recoding it it might be worth looking at various approaches to requirements capture and specification. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: locating the chorus in a MIDI song?

2008-11-05 Thread Tim Rowe
likely) to find the bridge than find a chorus.. By the way, some of the papers referenced seem confused between refrains (which form part of the verses) and choruses (which are separate musical units). -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Rewriting a bash script in python

2008-11-06 Thread Tim Rowe
nts capture methodologies too, so rapid prototyping is up there with the rest of them. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: duck-type-checking?

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Rowe
cks like a duck then all you need to know is that hasattr(foo, "quack") and (if so) callable(foo.quack) If you need to know that it walks like a duck, mates like a duck and tastes like a duck when roasted, you probably want it to really /be/ a duck and should go back to inheritance. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: duck-type-checking?

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Rowe
longer compliant with the the factory class (which doesn't support the new "form_pun_relating_to_avoiding_a_high_hazard()" method) . Fine. If you checked for all the members of the class that your code uses, it makes no difference. ABCs give you a way of doing this, but in their absence it's a long

Re: duck-type-checking?

2008-11-13 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/11/13 Ben Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > That is not duck typing. Oh, I'm pretty sure it is. It just isn't /using/ the duck typing in the way you'd like. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
; they would get much the same answer for the first question (immutability is handled differently, I think, but it's there) but a totally different answer to the second. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Newby - is this what they are looking for ?? and is their a better a way

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
p it simple, the way you have been so far. 4. If you want to be a wise guy, ask your tutor why he/she got you to convert the whole phrase to upper case, wasting a whole pile of character conversion operations under the hood, because it's only the acronym that needs to be converted :-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
son will > ask an enlightening question; but, sometimes they just make > unhelpfull wisecracks.  It's a tough choice. I used to use a baby, which avoids the embarrassment but can be just as problematic to order on the internet. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Efficient searching through objects

2009-02-26 Thread Tim Rowe
rations and so is likely to be faster still. I think there are a couple that Python works well with, but I've never looked into that -- others will no doubt be along with recommendations now I've raised the subject. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: removing duplication from a huge list.

2009-02-27 Thread Tim Rowe
ords, and it won't all fit into memory. So your observation is pertinent. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: removing duplication from a huge list.

2009-02-27 Thread Tim Rowe
hashes are not collisions but genuine duplicates you can throw them away as soon as they're checked, so with some clever buffering you can stop them from clogging up the buffer. The worst case is if there are a lot of genuine collisions, in which case it's probably not a very good hash. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Performance of Python 3

2009-03-02 Thread Tim Rowe
hon (and probably in Ruby too) is to get the code working, then if there are any *measured* bottlenecks to optimise them in C++. That means that in practice there won't be a perceptible speed difference for the user. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-06 Thread Tim Rowe
not necessary (but still legal). That seems to me to work pretty cleanly. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-09 Thread Tim Rowe
low learning curve -- a reasonable programmer can become productive in Python very quickly. For one programmer's experience of learning Python have a look at (although I grant that Eric Raymond might count slightly higher than just a /reasona

Re: 2.6.1 - simple division

2009-03-09 Thread Tim Rowe
t fractions that can be expressed exactly in decimal can end up as recurring decimals in binary. 0.8 looks nice and tidy, but in binary (if I get this right) it's 0.1100110011001100..., recurring ad infinitum. The computer has to truncate it somewhere. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/3/8 Tim Roberts : > Tim Rowe wrote: >> >>I don't think the article is right that "it's silly to have some >>expression/statement groupings indentation based and some grouped by >>enclosing tokens" -- provided it's done right. The OCAML-bas

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-13 Thread Tim Rowe
nate) problems caused by dot and comma confusion.. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-13 Thread Tim Rowe
ness in presenting those numbers. If "Finance users and non-professional programmers find the locale approach to be frustrating, arcane and non-obvious" then by all means propose a way of making it simpler and clearer, but not a bodge that will increase the amount of bad software in the w

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-15 Thread Tim Rowe
ou worry about > the format that you want to display it in. Nothing in the proposal being considered addresses any of that. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Threads not Improving Performance in Program

2009-03-19 Thread Tim Rowe
optimum for all possible applications, each one has different compromises. You've just discovered one of Python's. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: How complex is complex?

2009-03-20 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/3/20 Hendrik van Rooyen : > A joke based on the Monty Python series is BY DEFINITION not stupid! But may get /too/ silly. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/1 Carl Banks : > I am also an engineer, and I can tell your idea of intuitive is not > universal, even among engineers.  I certainly do not lean toward one- > based indexing. Another engineer here who finds 0-based indexing more intuitive than 1-based indexing. -- Tim Row

Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-02 Thread Tim Rowe
of the resulting classes will be too trivial, and it won't give you the derived classes you need, but it's a good first step to breaking a problem down, and might help break your one big class habit. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Why does Python show the whole array?

2009-04-09 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/9 Miles : > Clearly, any comparison with a boolean literal should be illegal.  ;) Hey, we could have strict type checking at compile time of /all/ operations, couldn't we? Anybody care to join me over at the Ada list? ;-) -- Tim Rowe --

Re: need to start a new project , can python do all that ?

2009-04-15 Thread Tim Rowe
tions (and for specific development processes), or you could find yourself either with an application you can't use or a very big lawsuit and possibly jail if it goes wrong. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: need to start a new project , can python do all that ?

2009-04-16 Thread Tim Rowe
ithout actually having done anything wrong.  Check > first. Quite -- but I'd add that if you haven't identified the safety significance of the software, or haven't kept an audit trail to show that you have applied techniques appropriate to the safety significance, then you /have

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-17 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/17 Michael Torrie : > Spaghetti code can be written in *any* language. I challenge you to write spahgetti code in SPARK! -- Tim Rowe --

Re: need to start a new project , can python do all that ?

2009-04-18 Thread Tim Rowe
which case there would be no reason for him not to cut his Python teeth (fangs?) on it. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-18 Thread Tim Rowe
y evidence for that? There's a lot of typing in Ada (it shows its Pascal roots) but in all the studies I've seen Ada production code has consistently shown fewer errors than the more concise C/C++ family of languages. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-18 Thread Tim Rowe
27;ll see that it pretty much *is* Modula2". So whether Modula2 was a direct influence or not, it seems to have found its way in. -- Tim Rowe --

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-19 Thread Tim Rowe
umps are bad. And then by showing the conclusion is false, you believe you have shown a contradiction? Try looking up "Affirming the consequent"! GOTO is an /unstructured/ jump. Raise, break, continue, if, for and so an are all /structured/ jumps. -- Tim Rowe --

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