> I like the latter two styles, particularly the last one. That way you
> can see at a glance that those member variables are defined in the
> super class.

I like the second style because it makes it leaves the 2-d
implementation hidden, which is the whole point of encapsulation.

> But then I am a fan of Hungarian notation, which many
> programmers can't stand.

Is it that programmers can't stand it, or is it that they can't stand
it when it's imposed when not needed? As a pseudo type system for
languages with no typing it's pretty useful. To the extent that a
language provides typing it's useless verging on dangerous because it
can get out of synch with the actual type. I believe that any case of
Hungarian notation being useful is evidence of a flaw in the language
being used -- but arguably all languages are flawed in some way or
other, so Hungarian /can/ be useful. At this level I don't recognise a
difference between System and Applications Hungarian, by the way --
the difference is eliminated if you declare types corresponding to the
"meanings", which is commonplace in, for example, Ada.

Tim Rowe

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