I know the answer to this must be trivial but I am stuck...
I am starting on a not too complex Python project. Right now the
project file structure contains three subdirectories and two
files with Python code:
(empty for now)
On 2013-06-29, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jun 2013 19:13:47 +, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> $PYTHONPATH points at both the code and the test directories.
>> When I run blablabla_test.py it fails to import blablabla.py
> What error message do you
On 2012-01-25, Chetan Harjani wrote:
> Thanks Alec for the link. U know I wanted to read this book by Simon
> Singh -> The Code Book, I hear its good.
It indeed is. I only remember one error, an error every Scandinavian
would have spotted.
His book on Fermat's theorem is even better.
First of all: I don't have any first hand experience of smartphones
but now that my trusted old GSM phone is getting old I decided I am
in for an up-grade. It struck me it might be nice to get something
for which I could write Python programs.
A very quick internet search indicated that this shoul
On 2012-06-03, Peter Pearson wrote:
> On Sat, 26 May 2012 16:05:23 +0100, duncan smith wrote:
>> On 25/05/12 23:38, Jon Clements wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Is there a server out there where I can get my news groups?
>> If you don't mind paying a small fee there are several companies
>> providing usen
I just found the following url in my archives at work and
thought you might enjoy it:
This has been a pretty informative thread so far. Please keep it coming.
I am a hardware development guy and do very little software development.
I have been vaguely aware of tools for version control but inspired by
this thread I have started looking at Mercurial.
My humble contribution (from my
On 2011-04-28, Ben Finney wrote:
> Martin Schöön writes:
>> This has been a pretty informative thread so far. Please keep it coming.
>> I am a hardware development guy and do very little software development.
>> I have been vaguely aware of tools for version control
On 2011-04-30, Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 20:21:58 -0700 (PDT), CM
> wrote:
>: While we're on the topic, when should a lone developer bother to start
>: using
>: a VCS? At what point in the complexity of a project (say a hobby
>: project, but
>: a somewhat seriousish
On 2011-04-30, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 04/30/2011 04:15 AM, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> You guys are very code focused, which is natural given where we are.
>> Having absorbed what I have seen here, looked a little at Mercurial,
>> read a little on the webs of Fossil
It seems something is amiss with my Python 2.7 installation. Revisiting
Nikola (static web site generator written in Python) for the first time
in several years the other day I experience some unexpected problems. I
got some help form the Nikola people and the conclusion is something
is broken with
Den 2017-10-28 skrev Karsten Hilbert :
> On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 08:41:34PM +0000, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> It seems something is amiss with my Python 2.7 installation. Revisiting
>> Nikola (static web site generator written in Python) for the first time
>> in sever
Den 2017-10-28 skrev Percival John Hackworth :
> On 28-Oct-2017, Martin Schöön wrote
> (in article ):
>> It seems something is amiss with my Python 2.7 installation. Revisiting
>> Nikola (static web site generator written in Python) for the first time
>> in se
Den 2017-10-29 skrev Chris Warrick :
> On 28 October 2017 at 22:41, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Could mixing pip installs with Debian distro installs of Python
>> packages lead to conflicts or other problems?
> Yes, it does, you should avoid that at all cost. The best
Den 2017-10-29 skrev Chris Warrick :
> On 29 October 2017 at 18:11, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> I have installed Python 3 virtualenv and Nikola according to those
>> instructions. I now have a working Nikola but I sure don't know what
>> I am doing :-) How do I get ba
Some time ago I was advised that having a Python installation
based on several sources (pip and Debian's repos in my case)
is not a good idea. I need to tidy up my installation and I
don't know what to opt for and what to opt out.
What are the pros and cons of the alternatives including the
ones I
Den 2017-11-26 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> On 25Nov2017 08:34, rusi wrote:
>>On Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 9:45:07 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Torrie wrote:
>>> The problem with mixing repository-installed packages with pip-installed
>>> packages is that there's always a chance a Debian update will ove
Den 2017-11-26 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> On 26Nov2017 10:00, nospam.Martin Schöön wrote:
>>Hmm, I seem to remember not being able to install packages with pip unless I
>>did sudo pip.
> And this is exactly what I'm warning about. Many Linux users see some kind of
> failure and just stick sud
Den 2017-11-27 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> But if the package is mainstream you're probably ok? You could just live with
> it and do no more damage.
> Otherwise, look to see what python packages are installed which you think you
> may have pipped, and reinstall those. But also, pip tends not to
Den 2017-11-28 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> On 28Nov2017 21:23, Martin Schöön wrote:
>>The reason I think all is not well is the fact that pip list no only
>>results in a list of packages but at the end of the list (which does
>>not look complete) there is a bunch of error mess
Den 2017-11-29 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Den 2017-11-28 skrev Cameron Simpson :
>> On 28Nov2017 21:23, Martin Schöön wrote:
>>>The reason I think all is not well is the fact that pip list no only
>>>results in a list of packages but at the end of the list (which does
Den 2017-01-23 skrev Albert-Jan Roskam :
> (sorry for top-posting)
> I does not appear to be possible in matplolibrc (1). But you can
> use matplotlib.cm.register_cmap to register new cmaps (2) such
> as these (3).
> (Note: I did not try this)
> (1)http://matplotlib.org/1.4.0/users/customizing.
Anyone else having problems with interacting with
All I can see is the front page. Clicking on anything
in that page results in nothing or 404. I have
tried several browsers.
Den 2018-02-17 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Anyone else having problems with interacting with
> http://code.enthought.com/pages/mayavi-project.html
> ?
Later yesterday I found this:
and it works without a hitch.
Den 2022-05-29 skrev Christian Gollwitzer :
> Am 29.05.22 um 00:45 schrieb Stefan Ram:
>> "Steve GS" writes:
>>> Subject: Automatic Gain Control in Python?
>>Automatic Gain Control in Python is trivial. You have a list
>>of samples and normalize them, i.e., divide by max. Slightly
Anyone had success running this example?
When I try I get this error:
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transform'"
This is for the line
"m = MarkerStyle(SUCESS_SYMBOLS[mood], transform=t)"
Yes, I know, I could dive into the documentation
Den 2023-04-13 skrev MRAB :
> On 2023-04-13 19:41, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Anyone had success running this example?
>> https://tinyurl.com/yhhyc9r
>> As far as I know I have an up-to-date matplotlib installed. Pip has
>> nothing more modern to offer me.
Hello all,
Some years ago I asked about exporting notebooks to pdf in
A4 rather than US Letter. I got help, rather detailed
instructions from you in general and Piet von Oostrum in
particular. Following the advice helped and I was happy.
Now it does not work any longer:
nbconvert failed
Den 2021-01-28 skrev Pieter van Oostrum :
> Martin Schöön writes:
>> Hello all,
>> Some years ago I asked about exporting notebooks to pdf in
>> A4 rather than US Letter. I got help, rather detailed
>> instructions from you in general and Piet von Oostrum
Den 2021-01-25 skrev tommy yama :
> Hi Martin,
> I noticed that i did use the same ,
> formats are mentioned in git already.
> https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert
Are you telling me there are instruction for how to get A4paper
format there? I have looked around but...
Den 2021-10-20 skrev Shaozhong SHI :
> My Jupyter notebook becomes unresponsive in browsers.
Odd, I never had any problems like that. I use Firefox on Linux.
> Are there alternatives to read, edit and run Jupyter Notebook?
I know some people use emacs orgmode. I have never tried it
myself an
Den 2021-11-15 skrev Loris Bennett :
> Martin Schöön writes:
>> Den 2021-10-20 skrev Shaozhong SHI :
>>> My Jupyter notebook becomes unresponsive in browsers.
>> Odd, I never had any problems like that. I use Firefox on Linux.
I have used Jupyter notebooks for some time now. I am not a heavy
or advanced user. I find the notebook format a nice way to create
python documents.
Now I am trying out Jupyter-labs. I like it. I have two head-
scratchers for now:
1) In notebooks I can save a plot by right-clicking on it and do
Den 2022-02-15 skrev Reto :
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 08:54:01PM +0000, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> 1) In notebooks I can save a plot by right-clicking on it and do
>> save image as. In Jupyter-lab that does not work and so far I
>> have not been able to figure out how to do i
Den 2022-02-14 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Now I am trying out Jupyter-labs. I like it. I have two head-
> scratchers for now:
> 2) Why is Jupyter-labs hooking up to Google-analytics?
Now I can answer this one myself. In a tab I had been working my
way through a Holoviews tutoria
Den 2016-08-10 skrev Christian Gollwitzer :
> Am 09.08.16 um 14:44 schrieb Martin Schöön:
>> Using this example:
>> http://matplotlib.org/examples/animation/moviewriter.html
>> and this tutorial:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0F5X4b7jug
>> I have covered a
Den 2016-08-10 skrev Lawrence D’Oliveiro :
> On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 9:34:33 AM UTC+12, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Next on my TODO list is to look into the color composition idea. I
>> have already looked this tutorial:
>> https://youtu.be/sZzmksnzrX0
> If the
Den 2016-09-17 skrev Kouli :
> Hello, try the Unidecode module - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode.
> Kouli
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
>> Hi, I want to convert strings in which the characters with accents
>> should be converted to the ones without accents. Here is m
Den 2016-09-17 skrev Marko Rauhamaa :
> Martin Schöön :
>> Related anecdote from Phoenix AZ. By now you have noticed my family
>> name: Schöön. On airline tickets and boarding passes in the U.S. it
>> gets spelled Schoeoen.
> Do Swedes do that German thing, too? I
I am studying some of these tutorials:
I am recreating the code and I use my native Swedish for comments,
labels and titles. Until now I have been doing so using Geany
and executing using F5. This works fine.
But -- now I tested using emacs
Den 2016-09-19 skrev Christian Gollwitzer :
> Am 19.09.16 um 22:21 schrieb Martin Schöön:
>> I am studying some of these tutorials:
>> https://pythonprogramming.net/matplotlib-intro-tutorial/
>> I am recreating the code and I use my native Swedish for comments,
Den 2016-09-19 skrev Lawrence D’Oliveiro :
> On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 8:21:25 AM UTC+12, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> But -- now I tested using emacs instead using C-c C-c to execute.
>> Noting happens so I try to run the program from command line and
>> find that now Py
Den 2016-09-20 skrev Chris Angelico :
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 6:21 AM, Martin Schöön
> wrote:
>> Den 2016-09-19 skrev Lawrence D’Oliveiro :
>>> On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 8:21:25 AM UTC+12, Martin Schöön wrote:
>>>> But -- now I tested using emacs
Den 2016-09-20 skrev Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
> Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Den 2016-09-19 skrev Christian Gollwitzer :
>>> Am 19.09.16 um 22:21 schrieb Martin Schöön:
>>>> I am studying some of these tutorials:
>>>> https://pythonprogrammi
Den 2016-09-22 skrev Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
> Martin Schöön wrote:
>> I am not sure I answer your questions since I am not quite sure I
>> understand it but here goes: The complete file is UTF-8 encoded as
>> that is how Geany is set up to create new
Den 2016-09-25 skrev wxjmfa...@gmail.com :
> As an European guy, I recommend to use the characters
> set used in the "official" font families used in Germany:
> BundesSerif / BundesSans.
> See
> https://styleguide.bundesregierung.de/Webs/SG/DE/PrintMedien/Basiselemente/Schriften/schriften_node.
Any of these good enough to bother getting? Yes, I know, they
are for no pay but if not worth reading still a waste of time
and memory space.
Is there a way to add colormaps to Matplotlib?
What I would like to do is to add the perceptually uniform
sequential colormaps introduced in version 1.5.something.
I would like to do this without breaking my Debian system
in which Matplotlib version 1.4.2 is the newest version
available in the re
Den 2017-01-21 skrev Gilmeh Serda :
> On Wed, 18 Jan 2017 21:41:34 +0000, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> What I would like to do is to add the perceptually uniform sequential
>> colormaps introduced in version 1.5.something. I would like to do this
>> without breaking m
Den 2017-01-23 skrev blue :
> you have here a full example , for another version not significant changes:
> http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
Thanks but this only shows how to use it once you have it. When I run
this code I get an error message telling it can't find any
I am trying to set up emacs for Python coding on my secondary computer.
I follow these instructions but fail to make flake8 play with elpy:
I have done this some time in the past on my main computer and there it
works ju
Den 2018-09-13 skrev Brian Oney :
> Hi Martin,
> I have messed around alot with the myriad emacs configurations out
> there. I found spacemacs and threw out my crappy but beloved .emacs
> config. I have looked back, but will stay put. http://spacemacs.org/
Thanks Brian but not the answer I w
Den 2018-09-14 skrev Toni Sissala :
> I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I found out that flake8 did not play well with
> emacs if installed with --user option, nor when installed in a virtual
> environment. Didn't research any further, since I got it working with
> plain pip3 install flake8
Toni, your ad
Den 2016-04-15 skrev wrh8...@gmail.com :
On Windows (at work) I use Python(x,y) http://python-xy.github.io/
It has yet to fail me.
Here is what I want to do: I want to create an animated graph and
store it as a video file, mp4 say. This file will then be used as
an overlay on another video.
Using this example:
and this tutorial:
I am in this project where I try to get an overview of a bunch of
computer generated (finite element program) data. I have it stored in a
number of csv files.
Reading the data into spreadsheet programs works fine but is very labour
intensive so I am working with Pandas in Jupyter notebooks which I
Den 2018-11-18 skrev Shakti Kumar :
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 at 18:18, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Now I hit a bump in the road when some of the data is not in plain
>> decimal notation (xxx,xx) but in 'scientific' (xx,xxxe-xx) notation.
> Martin, I b
Den 2018-11-18 skrev Stefan Ram :
> Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?= writes:
>>to read from such files. This works so so. 'Common floats' (3,1415 etc)
>>works just fine but 'scientific' stuff (1,6023e23) does not work.
> main.py
> import sys
> import pandas
> import locale
> print( sys.ve
Too many files to go through them with an editor :-(
Den 2018-11-19 skrev Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
> Martin Schöön wrote:
>> My pandas is up to date.
> The engine="python" produces an exception over here:
> """
> ValueError: The 'decimal' option is not su
Den 2018-11-19 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Den 2018-11-19 skrev Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
>> The engine="python" produces an exception over here:
>> """
>> ValueError: The 'decimal' option is not supported wi
Den 2018-11-19 skrev Martin Schöön :
> I spoke too early. Upon closer inspection I get the first column with
> decimal '.' and the rest with decimal ','. I have tried the converter
> thing to no avail :-(
Problem solved!
This morning I woke up with the idea of
I have installed a bunch of packages using pip install --user and
I went for a non-standard location for the install. Now I regret
this and would like to wipe this and start all over again using
the standard location. Is it enough to delete the folder I
specified or am I missing something? Having t
Is there a way to do "Download as PDF" and get A4 pages instead
of Letter? Yes, I know I can do "Download as LaTeX" and edit the
result to get A4 but if there is a setting I have missed I save
work and time.
Yes, I have looked through the documentation and searched the
Internet but so far to no av
Den 2019-10-13 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
> Martin Schöön writes:
>> Is there a way to do "Download as PDF" and get A4 pages instead
>> of Letter? Yes, I know I can do "Download as LaTeX" and edit the
< snip >
> Make a directory ~/.jupyter
Den 2019-10-15 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
> What does this report? Compare if there is a difference between home and work.
> from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_path
> print(jupyter_path('notebook','templates'))
In both cases I get (with different usernames):
Den 2019-10-16 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
> Martin Schöön writes:
>> Den 2019-10-15 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
>> pip is version 8.1.1 which is what Ubuntu 16.04 comes
>> with. I have learnt -- the hard way -- that pip should be
>> used with the --user
Den 2019-11-01 skrev Andrea D'Amore :
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 22:08, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Den 2019-10-16 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
>>> Why should that not work?
>> pip install --user pip broke pip. I have not been able to repair pip
> I guess that's
I have had some Python fun with COVID-19 data. I have done
some curve fitting and to make that easier I have transformed
date to day of year. Come end of 2020 and beginning of 2021
and this idea falls on its face.
There must be a better way of doing this.
I am using Pandas for reading and
Den 2021-01-05 skrev Stefan Ram :
> Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?= writes:
>>I have had some Python fun with COVID-19 data. I have done
>>some curve fitting and to make that easier I have transformed
>>date to day of year. Come end of 2020 and beginning of 2021
>>and this idea falls on its fa
Den 2021-01-09 skrev Michael F. Stemper :
> A week is like a piece of string. It has two ends.
The control line of the main sheet traveler on my boat is spliced into
an endless loop.
I am glad work weeks are not like that :-)
This thread hasn't been close to Python for while now and should
be shut down. But, it is actually kind of interesting since you
debate possible mechanisms behind the behaviour of my Windows box
at work: "Not responding" is happening to me daily for any
application including Microsoft's own Offic
Den 2013-12-20 skrev Mark Lawrence :
> On 20/12/2013 17:52, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Coming from many years of SUN Solaris experience I may be a bit
>> spoiled when it comes to robustness :-)
> You never had the pleasure of working on VMS then? :)
Today I stumbled upon www.siafoo.net when looking for
tutorials on reStructured Text today.
It looks like it could be good place to hang out to
pick up programming skills (I am not in the positions
help others, yet), is it?
I am interested in creating contours but not for printing or
including in a report as an illustration. I want to go on
working on a numerical representation of the contours.
Creating contour plots using matplotlib is a breeze but I fail
to find a way to export the contours thus created in a numeri
Den 2016-01-14 skrev Cody Piersall :
> Sorry for the short response, but check out this Stack Overflow
> question/answer
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/5666056/1612701
Thanks, this is a way forward -- not as straight forward as in
Scilab but better than writing my own find-contour algorithm.
(I t
Den 2013-09-17 skrev rusi :
> On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:44:04 PM UTC+5:30,
> mnishpsyched wrote:
>> Hey i am a programmer but new to python. Can anyone guide
>> me in knowing which is a better IDE used to develop web
>> related apps that connect to DB using python?
> Just saw this
> h
Den 2014-02-13 skrev beliav...@aol.com :
> I fixed the problem by reinstalling Numpy.
Just one note since I happened to look into updating Python(x,y)
at work today and stumbled on this: The Python(x,y) guys
recommend that one removes other Python installations prior to
installing Python(x,
Den 2014-02-14 skrev Rustom Mody :
> On Friday, February 14, 2014 2:57:13 AM UTC+5:30, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Den 2013-09-17 skrev rusi
>> > On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:44:04 PM UTC+5:30,
>> > mnishpsyched wrote:
>> > Just saw this
>> &g
Den 2014-02-14 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Den 2014-02-14 skrev Rustom Mody :
>> On Friday, February 14, 2014 2:57:13 AM UTC+5:30, Martin Schöön wrote:
>>> Den 2013-09-17 skrev rusi
>>> > On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:44:04 PM UTC+5:30,
>>> > mnishpsy
Here is a problem I think I should be able to solve using Python but
after having searched the internet for the better part of this
evening my head spins and I would apreciate some guidance.
My formal programming training happened 35+ years ago and
initially involved F77 and later Pasc
Den 2015-07-31 skrev Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn :
> Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> I'm not absolutely certain but I think you're into what's known as a
>> constraint satisfaction problem, in which case this
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-constraint/1.2 is as good a starting
>> point as any. If
Den 2015-07-31 skrev Robin Koch :
> Am 30.07.2015 um 22:31 schrieb Martin Schöön:
>> Scores to the right show how many wishes are fulfilled in each room
> Is it possible the is a mistake in the sum column on the third row?
> Should the be a 1?
>> The g
Den 2015-07-31 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Den 2015-07-31 skrev Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn :
>> Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> I'm not absolutely certain but I think you're into what's known as a
>>> constraint satisfaction problem, in which
It has been a while.
I have mastered solving Kenken and Sudoku using Python-constraint.
I still have no clue on how to tell the solver how to constrain
the number of occupants in rooms: I have made up an simple example
with nine persons and three rooms. Wishes for room mates are
mild in the extre
Den 2015-10-20 skrev Ian Kelly :
>> Anyone into CSP willing to offer me a hint?
> I assume that your variables are the individuals and the domains of
> those variables are the rooms. Based on the python-constraint docs,
> your constraint could look something like this:
> from collections imp
On 2011-09-15, John Ladasky wrote:
> Hate to bump this, but... I found Sourceforge's IRC, and tried to ask
> for help there, and it doesn't look like I can get any help until
> business hours tomorrow. Anyone?
No help really but I 'joined' Sourceforge about a year ago and
had no problems whatsoe
On 2013-04-02, balasubramanian Achuthan wrote:
> Try using Activestate python. The free version would suffice your
> needs and it comes with a clean install.
I have been travelling and have not had time to read this thread in
detail so this may be old hat but on Windows (at work) I simply
First off: I am new here and this is my first post after
lurking for quite some time.
Second off: I don't know much Python---yet.
Problem: I have come across a small open source application
that I find quite useful. It does have one major flaw though.
Its output is in imperial units. Converting i
Thanks all, great response!
A little more background:
I am not a programmer but I have done some programming in the past.
This was all humble number crunching as part of my PhD project using
FORTRAN. I also did some Rocky Mountain Basic coding for programs
manipulating measurement instruments. An
r0g writes:
> I'd recommend you start from scratch and refer to the perl version if
> and when you need to.
That is my plan.
> You'll probably find the majority of code in a GUI
> app is boring window handling stuff rather, often this is machine
> generated (by progs like glade) rather than ha
Mark Lawrence writes:
> I'm certain that members of the Guinea Pig Club might have something
> to say on that one, see :-
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea_Pig_Club
Interesting. My mum is a retired surgeon and in the mid 1980s she
attended a course in plastic surgery and among other things
Hello there,
this might be my first post here and it is slightly off
topic since it is not about something I am developing.
At work use a nifty little program called Task Coach.
It helps me keep track of what I spend time on.
Here is my problem. When I use it on a Vista box its
user interface is
David Lyon writes:
> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 10:16:39 +0200, martin.sch...@gmail.com (Martin
> Schöön) wrote:
>> Here is my problem. When I use it on a Vista box its
>> user interface is very, very slow when it comes to
>> some but not all operations. On any other Wind
Den 2017-11-26 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> On 25Nov2017 08:34, rusi wrote:
>>On Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 9:45:07 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Torrie wrote:
>>> The problem with mixing repository-installed packages with pip-installed
>>> packages is that there's always a chance a Debian update will ove
(Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?=)
Den 2017-11-26 skrev Cameron Simpson :
> On 25Nov2017 08:34, rusi wrote:
>>On Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 9:45:07 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Torrie wrote:
>>> The problem with mixing repository-installed packages with pip-installed
>>> packages is that there's a
Yesterday I wanted to move from optimize.leastsq to
least_squares. I have data depending on four variables
and want to fit a function in four variables to this
data. This works with leastsq but not with least_squares.
Am I trying to do something least_squares is not capable
Disclaimer: I was
Den 2023-06-30 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Yesterday I wanted to move from optimize.leastsq to
> least_squares. I have data depending on four variables
> and want to fit a function in four variables to this
> data. This works with leastsq but not with least_squares.
> Am I tryi
Den 2024-10-15 skrev MRAB :
> On 2024-10-15 21:16, Martin Schöön via Python-list wrote:
>> Some years ago I created a Python program that reads GPS data and
>> It is the second to last line that throws an error:
>> l.set_data(x0, y0)
>> The error m
Den 2024-10-15 skrev Stefan Ram :
> Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?= wrote or quoted:
>>l.set_data(x0, y0)
> Well, I got to say, it's pretty rad that you're rocking Python!
> That language is the bee's knees, for real.
> As for your question, here's my two cents off the cuff:
> Cou
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