Den 2021-11-15 skrev Loris Bennett <>:
> Martin Schöön <> writes:
>> Den 2021-10-20 skrev Shaozhong SHI <>:
>>> My Jupyter notebook becomes unresponsive in browsers.
>> Odd, I never had any problems like that. I use Firefox on Linux.
>>> Are there alternatives to read, edit and run Jupyter Notebook?
>> I know some people use emacs orgmode. I have never tried it
>> myself and do not know how well it works.
> I don't know Jupyter well enough to know whether Org mode is a real
> alternative.  However, with Org mode you can combine text and code in
> multiple languages, run the code within Emacs and then export the
> results in various formats such as PDF and HTML.
I realise I was not making myself clear. Orgmode is great. Full stop.
What I don't have experience of is combining orgmode with Jupyter.


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