Den 2018-11-18 skrev Stefan Ram <>:
> Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?= <> writes:
>>to read from such files. This works so so. 'Common floats' (3,1415 etc)
>>works just fine but 'scientific' stuff (1,6023e23) does not work.
> import sys
> import pandas
> import locale
> print( sys.version )
> print( pandas.__version__ )
> with open( 'schoon20181118232102.csv', 'w' ) as file:
>     print( 'col0\tcol1', file=file, flush=True )
>     print( '1,1\t0', file=file, flush=True )
>     print( '10,24e-05\t1', file=file, flush=True )
>     print( '9,492e-10\t2', file=file, flush=True )
> EUData = pandas.read_csv\
> ( 'schoon20181118232102.csv', sep='\t', decimal=',', engine='python' )
> locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'de' )
> print( 2 * locale.atof( EUData[ 'col0' ][ 1 ]))
>   transcript
> 3.7.0
> 0.23.4
> 0.0002048
Thanks, I just tried this. The line locale.setlocale... throws an
"locale.Error: unsupported locale setting"

Trying other ideas instead of 'de' results in more of the same.
'' results in no errors.

The output I get is this:

3.4.2 (default, Oct  8 2014, 10:45:20) 
[GCC 4.9.1]

Scratching my head and speculating: I run this in a Virtualenv
I have created for Jupyter and pandas and whatever I feel I need
for this. Could locale be undefined or something that causes this?


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