Paul McGuire wrote:
> If you're absolutely stuck on using RE's, then others will have to step
> forward. Meanwhile, here's a pyparsing solution (get pyparsing at
so, let's see. using ...
from pyparsing import *
import re
data = """ ... table example from o
Johnny Lee wrote:
> I've met a problem in match a regular expression in python. Hope
> any of you could help me. Here are the details:
> I have many tags like this:
> xxx"; xxx>xxx
> xx
> xxx"; xxx>xxx
> .
> And I want to find
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>> And I think the discussion that followed proved your point perfectly
>> Fredrik. Big discussion over fairly minor things, but no "big picture".
>> Where are the initiatives on the "big stuff" (common documentation
>> format, improved build system, improved web module
Noam Raphael wrote:
> I want to distribute a package. It's compatible with Python 2.3.
> Is there a way to use distutils 2.4 feature package_data, while
> maintaining the distribution compatible with python 2.3 ?
you can enable new metadata fields in older versions by assigning to
the Distributio
Collin Winter wrote:
> As it currently stands, the type of the global __builtins__ differs
> depending on whether you're in the __main__ namespace (__builtins__ is
> a module) or not (its a dict). I was recently tripped up by this
> discrepancy, and googling the issue brings up half-a-dozen or so
DataSmash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> I think I've tried everything now and can't figure out how to do it.
> I want to read in a text list from the current directory,
> and for each line in the list, make a system directory for that name.
> My text file would look something like this:
> 1144
> 1
George Sakkis wrote:
> No there's not a stripUnprintable in a standard module AFAIK, and
> that's a good thing; if every little function that one might ever wanted
> made it to the standard library, the language would be overwhelming.
...and if there was a stripUnprintable function in the standar
Richard Townsend wrote:
> In the "Extending and Embedding" part of the Python documentation: section
> 5.4 "Extending Embedded Python" - it describes how to use a Python
> extension module from Python that is embedded in a C application.
> Is it safe to call Py_InitModule() more than once in the
Igor V. Rafienko wrote:
> Finally, I thought about keeping track of when to clear and when not
> to by subscribing to start and end elements (so that I would collect
> the entire -subtree in memory and only than release it):
> from cElementTree import iterparse
> clear_flag = True
> for event, e
Doug Holton wrote:
> You're the only one making any association between this thread about
> celementree and boo.
really? judging from the Original-From header in your posts, your internet
provider is sure making the same association...
Steven Bethard wrote:
> > Using the following snippet:
> > p =
> > subprocess.Popen(nmake,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
> >universal_newlines=True, bufsize=1)
> > os.sys.stdout.writelines(p.stdout)
> > os.sys.stdout.writelines(p.stderr)
> > Works
Igor V. Rafienko wrote:
> The problem is that the file looks like this:
... lots of schnappi records ...
okay. I think your first approach
from cElementTree import iterparse
for event, elem in iterparse("data.xml"):
if elem.tag == "schnappi":
count += 1
Paul Boddie wrote:
> Regardless of anyone's alleged connection with Boo or newsgroup
> participation level, the advice to contact the package
> author/maintainer is sound. It happens every now and again that people
> post questions to comp.lang.python about fairly specific issues or
> packages tha
Rainer Hubovsky wrote:
> Thank you Reinhold, that was the solution. But just because I am curious:
> what is this statement without the parentheses? After all it is a valid
> statement...
it's an expression that fetches the "close" method object, and throws
it away. to see what it evaluates to,
Bryan wrote:
> is there a rough estimate somewhere that shows currently how many python 1.5
> vs
> 2.2 vs 2.3 vs 2.4 users there are? have a majority moved to 2.4? or are they
> still using 2.3? etc...
Here are current PIL download statistics (last 10 days):
75.6% /downloads/PIL-1.1.5.win32
Aaron wrote:
> I have a data sructure setup and I populate it in a loop like so:
> y=0
> while X:
> = "ASDF"
>DS.ID = 1234
>list[y] = DS;
>y = y + 1
> print list
> This does not work because DS is passed in by reference causing all
> entries into the list to change t
Jason wrote:
> Like I said, it's nothing complicated, no flashing wotsits or 3d
> quad-linear vertexes with bi-linear real-time shading, just simple
> 'points' a few lines or circles and nothing more.
all UI toolkits can do that. just pick one, and read up on the
graphics API. for Tkinter, you
Jay wrote:
> One question, that's twice in as many days that someone has said "YMMV".
> What's it mean!?
"B Mahoney" wrote:
> Is there a Python 'find' -like utility that will continue the file
> search through any zippped directory structure on the find path?
something like this?
# File:
import fnmatch, os, sys, zipfile
program, root, name = sys.argv
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in
Bryan wrote:
> just for fun, i looked at the top linux distros at distrowatch and looked at
> what version of python the latest released version is shipping with out of
> the box:
> 1. ubuntu hoary - python 2.4.1
> 2. mandriva 2005 - python 2.4
> 3. suse 9.3 - python 2.4
> 4. fedora core 4 - py
Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> > If you want a list of all objects (container or not), you have to
> > compile a debug build of Python.
> I am amazed not to find an existing implementation for this.
the debug build is an existing implementation, of course.
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> More seriously, there is a major problem with docstrings in that they
> can only document something that has a docstring; classes, functions,
> methods, and modules. But what if I have constants that are
> important? The only place to document them is in the module
> docs
Tor Erik Sønvisen wrote:
> I create a canvas that is to big for the default window-size, so it gets cut
> to fit...
what default window size? what geometry management approach are
you using?
(if you're using pack or grid, your toplevel window should adapt itself
to the canvas size, unless you'
Lucas Lemmens wrote:
> Why isn't the result of the first function-lookup cached so that following
> function calls don't need to do the function-lookup at all?
> And if the context changes (an import-statement say) reset the
> cached 'function-lookups'.
import isn't the only way for the "contex
"ncf" wrote.
>I have a feeling that this is highly unlikely, but does anyone in here
> know if it's possible to directly call a module
Robert Kern wrote:
> The one thing I dislike about PythonDoc is that it puts everything into
> comments and thus docstrings are usually neglected.
>>> from elementtree import ElementTree
>>> help(ElementTree)
Help on module ElementTree:
# ElementTre
Lucas Lemmens wrote:
>>> This way any function would only need to be looked up once.
>> you haven't really thought this over, have you?
> You haven't really answered my questions have you?
no, because you proposed a major change to the Python semantics,
without spending any effort whatsoever
Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Several apps using 4Mb each shouldn't be very much memory (maybe
>> 20Mb at most). You didn't say how much memory was in your machine,
>> but 256Mb of memory will cost you no more than $50. Not really
>> worth a lot of effort.
> That is bogus reasoning.
not if you're a pr
Berthold Höllmann wrote:
> OK, then. ctypes works under Linux and Solaris. But before I even
> think about converting my code to ctypes (and convert lots of Linux
> libraries from static to dynamic libraries), would the conversion
> really address my problem? As I understand it, if there is an
> i
Paul Rubin wrote:
> An awful lot of Python targeted users are not in that situation, so if
> Python's usability suffers for them when it doesn't have to, then
> something is wrong with Python.
(and so we go from the OP:s "I'm setting up a system" to the usual c.l.python
I can come up with a
Tony Meyer wrote:
>> I thought about it, but I didn't mention it in the end because this
>> feature ("name mangling") isn't intended as a mechanism for making
>> things private - it's intended to prevent namespace clashes when doing
>> multiple inheritance.
> That's not what the documentation sa
Justin Delvecchio wrote:
> I've researched this problem for the last few days. Say I have
> the following script that I execute from cron on linux. Yes, the
> following runs quite fine from the command line:
> And the error I continually get is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "
I wrote:
> if you're running a python program directly from cron
and I should really learn to tell the difference between a shell script and
a python program (but hey, this is comp.lang.python).
see jepler's reply for the quickest way to fix your problems.
Tony Meyer wrote:
> That elaborates on the intent, it doesn't change it. The sentence
> clearly says that the intent is to easily define private variables,
> whereas Simon said that it the intent was not to provide a mechanism
> for making variables private.
Are you aware of the fact that comput
Shobha Rani wrote:
(I think more people might read your posts if you skip the HTML stuff;
if you insist on HTML, you could at least use a reasonable color)
> How byte code is generated? For example when we run the java
> program then the compiler generates the byte code?
> How the byte code is ge
Peter Hansen wrote:
> Does it really have to be 158 lines to demonstrate these few issues? I
> for one almost never take the time to dig through 158 lines of someone
> else's code, partly on the assumption that almost any interesting issue
> can be covered (using Python, specifically) in about a
Michael Schneider wrote:
> 1) mark an object as dirty in a setter (anytime the object is changed,
> the dirty flag is set without requiring a user to set the dirty flag
> 2) enforce value constraints (even if just during debugging)
properties. (when you no longer need to enforce th
Steve Holden wrote:
> To avoid naming conflicts, Python provides a mechanism (name mangling)
> which pretty much guarantees that your names won't conflict with anybody
> else's, *even if you subclass a class whose methods use the same name*.
as long as you don't cheat, that is:
# your code
> What if the access to that variable was forbidden for reasons you never
> foresaw? What if the class author decide to remove the variable in the next
> version of the class, because it's not an interface, but only a part of the
> class implementation?
you mean when he b
"fraca7" wrote:
> print ''.join(map(lambda x: chrord(x) - ord('a')) + 13) % 26) +
> ord('a')), 'yvfc'))
that's spelled
print "yvfc".decode("rot-13")
or, if you prefer,
print "yvfc".encode("rot-13")
, in contemporary python.
could ildg wrote:
> Encapsulation or information hiding or whatever
You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're looking
for, because you might not find it.
>> Encapsulation or information hiding or whatever
> You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're looking
> for, because you might not find it.
message.sub("where", "what") # argh!
> hi if I have an array
> say x = [[2,2,0,0,1,1],
> [1,1,0,0,1,1],
> [1,1,0,0,1,1]]
> I basically want to group regions that are non zero like I want to get
> the coordinates of non zero (x1,y1,x2,y2)
> [(0,0,2,1),(0,4,2,5)] which show the top
Grant Edwards wrote:
> I'm using xml.sax to parse the "datebook" xml file generated by
> QTopiaDesktop. When I look at the xml file, some of the
> attribute strings have newlines in them (as they are supposed
> to).
> However, when xml.sax passes the attributes to my
> startElement() method the
ChiTownBob wrote:
> does anyone know of a Python HTML - Wiki conversion
> program?
if your wiki markup isn't too complex, maybe you could adapt one
of the examples on this page:
> Do you ever heard of that funny things named "an interface" and "an
> implementation"?
the "shared DLL:s ought to work" school of thought, you mean?
Grant Edwards wrote:
> I can't quite find it in the BNF, but I take it that chr(10)
> isn't really allowed in XML attribute strings. IOW, the file
> generate by Trolltech's app is broken.
it's allowed, but the parser must not pass it on to the a
> > Have u been used such camera with PIL before?
> >
> > im_1= Image.fromstring("I", datasize, buf, 'raw', 'I;16')
running on a 700 MHz box:
c:\> timeit -s "import Image" -s "data = 1344*1024*2*'x'"
"im = Image.fromstring('I', (1344, 1024), data, 'raw', 'I;16')"
10 loops, best of 3: 102 msec
David Murmann wrote:
> I could not find out whether this has been proposed before (there are
> too many discussion on join as a sequence method with different
> semantics). So, i propose a generalized .join method on all sequences
so all you have to do now is to find the sequence base class, and
> Looks like you must know every one of the base classes of the NotSoSecret,
> whether there is some base class named Secret? And, if so, you must also
> know these classes _implementation_
that information isn't hidden, so there's nothing "you must know". finding out
>> > Do you ever heard of that funny things named "an interface" and "an
>> > implementation"?
>> the "shared DLL:s ought to work" school of thought, you mean?
> No, the other way around: my app works when I upgrade libraries it depends
> on.
yeah, because it's only
"Chuck" wrote:
> Hi, can anyone provide or point me in the direction of a simple python
> file upload script? I've got the HTML form part going but simply
> putting the file in a directory on the server is what I'm looking for.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
upload how? WebDAV? scp?
Adam Monsen wrote:
>I have a program that, when run, (1) does some task, then (2) prompts
> for input: "Press ENTER to continue...", then repeats for about ten
> different tasks that each take about 5 minutes to complete. There is no
> way to disable this prompt.
> How would I go about writing a
> So you have read every line of the python std library, I guess?
yes, but that's irrelevant. in python, you don't need the source to find hidden
stuff. finding out is a matter of writing a very small program, or tinkering
at the
interactive prompt for a couple of seco
Steve Holden wrote:
>> 1) Allow keywords like private (or implemetation) to mark certain
>> variables, functions or classes as an implementation detail.
>> Personnally I would prefer the opposite such as a interface
>> to mark objects which are not private, but that would break too
>> much code.
"elho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is said that the object has a NULL-Pointer when I try to debug it?
what object?
> Here are the importent snips from my code:
where's the PySDLXMLNode code? is the PySDLXMLNode constructor
really doing a proper PyObject initialization? (PyObject subtypes
Armin wrote:
> I am trying to write a web app. that connects to flickr using SOAP. The
> book 'Dive into python' says I need to have a WSDL file to connect,
> while the only useful soap related url flickr api
> ( provides is the following:
> The SOAP Server Endpoint URL i
Stefano Masini wrote:
> Do you think that is possible with win32 extensions?
you can do this via PIL's ImageFont module:
>>> import ImageFont
>>> f = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf")
or, if you don't want to ship the entire PIL library with yo
"elho" wrote:
>> > It is said that the object has a NULL-Pointer when I try to debug it?
>> what object?
> the python one 'myNewPyType'
> Sorry, I forgot to change:
> PySDLXMLNodeType = PyMyType
> ..above the corrections
>self = new PyMyObject
>self->lAttribute = lAttribute;
Thomas Armstrong wrote:
> I'm trying to parse a UTF-8 document with special characters like
> acute-accent vowels:
> ...
> ---
> But I get this error message:
> ---
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2013' in
> position 122: ordinal not in range(
"Iyer, Prasad C" wrote:
> a. Is there something like function overloading in python?
not in the usual sense, no. function arguments are not typed, so there's
to dispatch on. there are several cute tricks you can use to add dispatching on
top of "raw" python, but that's nothing you shou
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> after Guido's pronouncement yesterday, in one of the next versions of Python
> there will be a conditional expression with the following syntax:
> X if C else Y
> which is the same as today's
> (Y, X)[bool(C)]
hopefully, only one of Y or X is actually evaluated
"Iyer, Prasad C" wrote:
> Does python supports Overloading & Overriding of the function?
Please avoid posting the same question over and over again with different
subjects. Please read the replies to your original question before reposting
the question. This is a mail list, not a chat channel;
Peter Hansen wrote:
> Wow... Python detects "dubious syntax"? And here I thought programming
> was rather black and white, it's right or it's wrong.
SyntaxWarnings are issued for things that has never been valid nor well-
defined nor especially clever, but has been handled (in some more or less
Larry Bates wrote:
>I may be reading this question different than Fredrik.
it looks like you're using a non-standard definition of the word "overloading".
here are the usual definitions (quoting from a random google page):
"Overloading a method refers to having two methods which share the
"Iyer, Prasad C" wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the reply.
> But I want to do something like this
> class BaseClass:
> def __init__(self):
> # Some code over here
> def __init__(self, a, b):
> # Some code over here
> def __init__(self, a, b, c):
> # some code here
did you read the FAQ I pointed you
> Is there any way by which the __getattr__(self,attr) method can
> determine that in
> case a) attr == 'bar' is the final component in the reference unlike in
> case b) where attr=='bar' is NOT the ultimate(final) component of
> reference and is an intermediate component
> if you want to control further accesses, your __getattr__ has to return a
> proxy object, and use a suitable syntax to get the final value.
message.insert(index, "your users have to ")
Ivan Shevanski wrote:
> Well I've been experimenting with the warning filter and it doesn't seem to
> be working. . .I think it has something to do with the fact that warnings
> are issued during the compiling and not during the excecution. . .So the
> filter would come in to late to block them? A
Jesse Rosenthal wrote:
> If I end this with 'connection.interact()', I will end up logged in to the
> forwarding server. But what I really want is to go on and run rsync to
> localhost port 2022, which will forward to my_server port 22. So, how can
> I put the ssh connection I set up in hostforwar
Monu Agrawal wrote:
> Hi I am making a gui based tool. When user preses a perticular button I
> am running a heavy command, before this I want to say user to wait with
> a image showing infront of her.
> My code is like:
> def loadData(self):
Ivan Shevanski wrote:
> To continue with my previous problems, now I'm trying out classes. But I
> have a problem (which I bet is easily solveable) that I really don't get.
> The numerous tutorials I've looked at just confsed me.For intance:
> >>>class Xyz:
> ... def y(self):
> ...
Joseph Chase wrote:
> When I go and view the inserted record, the record exists, but the field
> values are null. It is my thinking that the backend needs the "id" value
> for each input value; how do I add that data to the urlencode() call?
since the id isn't part of the form data set:
Jason wrote:
> A non-python programming friend of mine has said that any programs made
> with Python must be distributed with, or an alternative link, to the source of
> the program.
> Is this true?
the license is here:
"Python is absolutel
> the license is here:
>"Python is absolutely free, even for commercial use (including
> resale). There is no GNU-like "copyleft" restriction."
except that the current license is (no longer?) linked from that page.
the current license is
"g.franzkowiak" wrote:
> I've read a pipe and store it in a object.
> My next step was the separation from 4 bytes with
> obj = string.join(list(dataObject)[:4] ==> '\x16 \x00 \x00 \x00'
> and the converting by
> value = struct.unpack('I', obj) generated the error
> "unpack str size does not matc
"Michael" wrote:
> List comprehensions get their name (AFAICT) very clearly from set
> comprehensions in mathematics. As a result anyone who has ever seen
> a set comprehension in maths goes "oooh, I see". They're not the same, but
> IMO they're close enough to warrant that name.
fwiw, they've al
> hi can i use the bwidgets in tkinter? if so from where can i download
> the bwidget for tk inter. and i want to know the installation procedure
googling for "bwidget for tkinter" gives you a library announcement as
the first hit, which points to this page:
> thanks u man. i am new to tk inter. i tried installing the lib. but
> while running the demo script am getting following error.
> python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in ?
> import bwidget, Tkinter, sys, os
> File "/usr/lo
"M.N.A.Smadi" wrote:
> I have a perl script that I need to port to python. The script takes
> input from the command line. Is there a standard way of processing
> command line arguments based on the -flag preceeding the argument?
"Celine & Dave" wrote:
> What happens if I build Python with debug option
> (--with-pydebug)? Do I see any changes in my program
> output? What is --with-pydebug good for?
from the README:
--with-pydebug: Enable additional debugging code to help track down
memory management problems. T
Peter Hansen wrote:
> Sorry, but this defense is less than weak. Using "python
> socketmodule.c" you actually get the right answer as the third result,
> while with the even-more-obvious-to-a-rookie "socketmodule.c" you get it
> as the *first* result.
using just "python" gives you a link to the
> cool. so this line
> server = smtplib.SMTP(localhost)
> is when i connect ?
"If the optional host and port parameters are given, the
SMTP connect() method is called with those parameters
during initiali
> The main jist of the problem is that I'm trying add data from one
> module to a list and a dictionary in another module, and it doesn't
> seem to stick over there.
> The programs below seem to illustrate the issue. (The results follow
> the programs).
> Why are the re
Amir Michail wrote:
> Is there an easy way to execute a python cgi script on a different
> machine from the cgi server?
David Murmann wrote:
> I ran into the same problem some time ago and even wanted to post here
> about it, but found out that it had been reported as a bug three times
> at sourceforge (if i remember correctly). The comments there explained
> it of course, but I still think that this behavior is so
Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
> Could you tell me please where can I read something in depth about the
> semantics of generators? I feel a bit lost.
the behaviour is described in the language reference manual:
"When a generator function is called, it re
Amir Michail wrote:
> Is there an easy way to do this without modifying the configuration of
> the cgi server and without running a cgi server on the other machine
> where the script will actually run?
> Perhaps someone wrote a simple server that provides the required
> environment for the cgi s
Carsten Haese wrote:
> I don't see how to make __import__ do that.
hint: you might get more people to look at your problems/proposals if you
actually trim the replies a little. (is 295 angle brackets in a single message
perhaps some kind of record?)
> (is 295 angle brackets in a single message perhaps some kind of
> record?)
oh, nevermind.
"projecktzero" wrote:
> If samba isn't available/set-up, you can try using FTP. You can then
> use Crimson Editor which does the syntax coloring and can ftp to/from a
> server.
are you guys for real?
is there any major text editor for Unix that doesn't support Python syntax
coloring and indentat
>- I'm a newbie at freeBSD so I think there is , but I don't know where.
I just complained when someone included the entire message thread in their
replies, but not including anything at all is pretty annoying too.
> And i'm using putty on a windows OS what don't understa
Mohammed Smadi wrote:
> if am using s.bind for a tcp socket. On the client side i dont really
> care which socket i use as long as i get an available socket. Is there a
> funciton or a way to get an available socket?
why are you using bind if you're on the client side?
"len" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have the following statement and it works fine;
>list1 = glob.glob('*.dat')
that's a glob pattern, not a regular expression.
> however I now have an additional requirement the the string must begin
> with any form of "UNQ,Unq,unq,..."
list1 = glob.g
Mohammed Smadi wrote:
> what else would you do? I am using examples from the web and they all
> bind to a port at the localhost before connecting to the remote host.
pointers, please.
> my code is like this
> #transmission socket
> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Grant Edwards wrote:
> IIRC, you just call bind() with a port number of zero, and then
> use some method-or-other on the bound socket to find out what
> port it's bound to.
>>> s = socket.socket()
>>> s.bind(("", 0))
>>> s.getsockaddr()
("", 4711)
Gregory Piñero wrote:
>That's how Python works. You read in the whole file, edit it, and write it
> back out.
that's how file systems work. if file systems generally supported insert
operations, Python would of course support that feature.
Toufeeq Hussain wrote:
> I have 3 modules which have class declarations in them and which implement
> multiple inheritance.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "E:\PyPBM\PyPBM\", line 7, in ?
>TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()
there's no line that says "TH = constraint.Option1_
"CJ" wrote:
>What does worry me, is that I can't seem to get the program by a
> certain spot. It keeps giving me the same error, and I don't know why.
quite often, exception messages means exactly what they say; if
you get an index error, it's because you're trying to fetch an item
that doesn
Toufeeq Hussain wrote:
> My coding is really really bad,that's why I changed the names to more human
> readable form(Module1,2.. etc).
the problem is that when you do that (and post using a tool that's not
smart enough to preserve leading whitespace), anyone who wants to help
will basically have
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