Am 03.02.2012 14:11, schrieb Jean Dupont:
As my request might have been too much asked, I have started doing
some coding myself.
I'm in doubt about the readline statement -which doesn't show anything
received- as the meter sends continuously streams of 11 bytes
Is there a way to just monitor with
Am 09.03.2012 18:18, schrieb John Nagle:
I want to enumerate the available USB devices. All I really
need is the serial number of the USB devices available to PySerial.
(When you plug in a USB device on Windows, it's assigned the next
available COM port number. On a reboot, the numbers are reassi
Am 08.06.2012 17:11, schrieb CM:
I'm curious about your point but I don't really understand it. Could
you try again without using any scare-quoted words? Maybe given an
example of creating a small text editor application with a GUI builder/
IDE in this Pythonic way you are hoping for.
Am 09.06.2012 17:34, schrieb CM:
You can do this for wxPython with Boa Constructor easily. You can
bind an event handler for a wx.EVT_BUTTON to, e.g., "Button1" with Boa
and it will add this code for you to the bottom of your code:
def OnButton1Button(self,evt):
And you can th
Am 10.06.2012 08:16, schrieb rusi:
This is worth a read in this context:
So which language would you suggest to use next? ;-)
I've read the article. It presents some nice ideas, but probably the
author has not used Python before.
Otherwise he would have
(Sorry for posting without references to the previous messages, but it
seems that many messages don't get through to the nntp server that I'm
Chris Angelico wrote (in two posts):
> There was a time when that was a highly advertisable feature - "build
> XYZ applications without writing a
Am 10.06.2012 21:36, schrieb Rick Johnson:
It is possible. Try Tkinter for the "get-you-from-a-to-b" solution,
or, wxPython if you like fog lamps, heated seats, and navigation
I prefer wx or Qt. The look and feel is one reason.
But the fact that Tkinter is still the standard GUI toolki
Am 11.06.2012 06:05, schrieb rusi:
If python is really a "language maven's" language then it does not do
very well:
- its not as object-oriented as Ruby (or other arcana like Eiffel)
- its not as functional as Haskell
- its not as integrable as Lua
- its not as close-to-bare-metal as C
- etc
Am 11.06.2012 14:01, schrieb Wolfgang Keller:
* Domain experts in fact who would need to implement loads of
software to help them get their work done but can't. And since there's
no budget for external developers, nothing get's ever done about this.
Well, typically or at least very often sooner
Am 11.06.2012 16:14, schrieb Anssi Saari:
Wolfgang Keller writes:
This whole cycle of "design GUI"->"generate code"->add own code to
generated code"->"run application with GUI" has always seemed very
un-pythonic to me. A dynamic, interpreted language should allow to work
in a more "lively", "d
Am 11.06.2012 16:09, schrieb Mark Roseman:
> On the Tkinter front, I just want to reiterate two important points that
> are not nearly as well known as they should be.
> First, it is possible and in fact easy to do decent looking GUI's in
> Tkinter, with the caveat that you do in fact have to do
Am 11.06.2012 01:15, schrieb Chris Angelico:
If you're a complete non-programmer, then of course that's an opaque
block of text. But to a programmer, it ought to be fairly readable -
Well, I can read the code.
But still I would not be able (or interested) to write C++/GTK code.
With my rusty C++
Am 14.06.2012 22:06, schrieb Colin Higwell:
On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 00:55:38 +0200, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
As long as there's no GUI
builder for Python, most people will stick to Excel / VBA / VB.
No GUI builder for Python? There are plenty.
Yes, sorry. I posted that too late in the
Am 14.06.2012 23:29, schrieb Grant Edwards:
On 2012-06-14, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
Yes, sorry. I posted that too late in the night. The point was that
there's no easy-to-use GUI builder which would allow the casual user
to create a GUI.
I'm not sure I'm in favor of casual
Am 13.06.2012 14:49, schrieb Wolfgang Keller:
No matter how cool it may seem to create simple GUIs manually or to
write business letters using LaTeX: just try to persuade people to
move from Word to LaTeX for business letters...
Good example.
I have done nearly exactly this* - but it was only
Am 15.06.2012 01:07, schrieb Dennis Lee Bieber:
Visual Basic was essentially developed as a unified whole (drop a
Sure. I prefer modular approaches. I don't see why this should not be
possible (e.g. an IDE like Wing integrates well with other tools and
frameworks; I'm sure it could also
Am 13.06.2012 18:30, schrieb
about Google's "Blockly" a drag and drop tool for building apps that
outputs Python or Javascript code (among others) and it might be
usable along these lines...I'm sure serious programmers would not use
it but maybe engineers looking to make web fron
Am 01.05.2011 02:47, schrieb Shawn Milochik:
Look at the big two sites for open-source repositories -- github and
bitbucket. One's git, the other Mercurial. I don't think you can go
wrong picking either one.
Can any of those be used from Python as a library, i.e. something like
import Hg
r = Hg
Am 02.05.2011 01:33, schrieb David Boddie:
After noting the warnings it contains, see the following page for a
description of the Python API for Mercurial:
Ah, yes, no need to use os.sytem(), but all in all not much difference
from doing so (and
On 1/11/2018 8:51 PM, bartc wrote:
I downloaded Python 3.7. It didn't work. I uninstalled and reinstalled
it, this time with the 'set environment variables' option (to allow
'pip' to be typed from anywhere).
You can't expect that people provide binary installers for Python
versions that are
On 2/28/2018 11:51 PM, wrote:
This PEP proposes that valid python interpreters *must* synchronously destroy
objects when the last reference to an object goes out of scope. This
interpreter behaviour is currently permitted and exhibited by the reference
implementation [CPython
On 3/4/2018 1:37 PM, Ooomzay wrote:
Not so:- CPython, the reference interpreter, already implements the
required behaviour, as mentioned in the PEP.
It does most of the time, but it's not guaranteed. See my previous post.
On 01.04.2023 19:30, Igor Korot wrote:
Look at wxGlade (a project designed for wxWidgets). You will design
you layout and then just save it as a py file.
wxGlade also includes a tutorial to get you started with wxPython
itself. You should be able create basic GUIs within a few hours.
See https
On 02.04.2023 01:13, Alan Gauld wrote:
I did a deep dive examination of GUI builders back around
v2.6 and came away less than enthused. Things may have
improved since then but I've seen no real evidence of
I also did evaluate all the GUI builder from time to time between
2000 and 2016 to f
On 02.04.2023 16:45, Michael Torrie wrote:
But any modern GUI toolkit has sizers and layout managers. If you're
manually placing elements you cannot deal with HiDPI or changing window
sizes. Rearranging happens automatically when using sizers and layout
I did not talk about pixel pla
On 02.04.2023 18:20, Michael Torrie wrote:
Well the thing is you don't need to generate Python code at all. Qt
provides a UI loader class that loads the UI file at run time, builds
the objects in memory, and connects all your signals for you.
I know, but having to load the .ui file is awkward.
On 02.04.2023 18:26, Michael Torrie wrote:
Been a long time. I was initially turned off by the event handling
system of wx compared to the signals and slots of Gtk and Qt.
When starting with Python GUIs in 1999, I evaluated both.
Qt event handling had an advantage for C++ where the wxWidgets
On 27.01.2021 01:52, Skip Montanaro wrote:
Agree with Grant on these points. I certainly use gdb to debug C code
(like the interpreter), but for Python code, tracebacks and print
statements pretty much take care of things.
I thought so for the first 12 year of using Python.
For the last 12 years
On 27.01.2021 20:07, C W wrote:
I'm not expert in Python, but I sure tried many IDEs to kick off Python
I started with PyCharm, but I had a problem with it constantly scanning the
background, even after I turned that feature off.
My favorite (I'm using now) is VS Code with Python e
On 18.10.2016 00:58, pozz wrote:
So I'm thinking to evaluate other solutions. wxWidgets is attractive
for it's native look&feel, but python implementation Phoenix for
Python3 is in alpha stage. Moreover wxGlade (the GUI builder
application) needs Python2, but I couldn't understand if the genera
On 02.01.2017 12:38, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
The thing with the from-the-scratch full featured IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ,
Pycharm) is that they look like a space craft dashboard and that unwarranted
resources consumption and the unnecessary icons.
You did not try Wing IDE? It looks less li
On 04.01.2017 07:54, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
Unfortunately most of the time I am still using print and input functions. I
know that sucks, I did not use the pdb module, I guess that IDE debuggers
leverage such module.
pdb is actually quite useful. On my Windows PCs I can invoke python on
On 04.01.2017 15:41, William Ray Wing wrote:
I use Wing, and I think you will like it. It *is* pythonic, and for what it is
worth, offers remote debugging as one of its more recently added features.
Obviously, you had no other choice than using Wing ;-)
The remote debugging has been around fo
On 02.01.2017 12:38, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
> The thing with the from-the-scratch full featured IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ,
Pycharm) is that they look like a space craft dashboard and that unwarranted
resources consumption and the unnecessary icons. You did not try Wing IDE? It
looks less li
On 04.01.2017 15:41, William Ray Wing wrote:
> I use Wing, and I think you will like it. It *is* pythonic, and for what it
is worth, offers remote debugging as one of its more recently added features.
Obviously, you had no other choice than using Wing ;-)
The remote debugging has been around for
On 04.01.2017 07:54, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
> Unfortunately most of the time I am still using print and input functions. I
know that sucks, I did not use the pdb module, I guess that IDE debuggers
leverage such module.
pdb is actually quite useful. On my Windows PCs I can invoke python on
On 06.01.2017 09:40, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
So why not use the debugger interactively to develop
applications. As long as one sets the breakpoints in a meaningful way so you
can trace your code in a very productive way. Is that what you mean by
interactive environment?
Well, not exactly
On 5/31/2018 10:26 PM, beliavsky--- via Python-list wrote:
Is there a Python library that uses intelligent guesses to break sequences of characters
into words? The general strategy would be to break strings into the longest words
possible. The library would need to "know" a sizable subset of wo
On 02.06.2016 12:35, John Pote wrote:
I've used wxPython ( for a few GUI projects and found
it ok. It's a wrapper for the wxWidgets C++ library. There's even a
reasonable free GUI builder, wxGlade, which I use as I prefer
constructing GUI's that way rather than writing raw wxPy
On 05.06.2016 01:08, John Pote wrote:
Qt and Qt Creator often come up in searches for Python GUI libraries.
I need to decide weather to upgrade to wxPython.Phoenix and Python 3.5
(as soon as I upgrade to win 7!) or switch to Qt which I don't know at
all. It would be interesting to hear your exp
On 07.06.2016 09:22, Nick Sarbicki wrote:
I think that's a bit of an unfair statement. Sure conversion can be a
bit of a pain and there is some setup for getting the classes working.
But that is generally a small static piece of code you can find all
over the net, which is then usable for most
On 07.06.2016 23:45, Roland Koebler via Python-list wrote:
Both are free, have Python bindings and a graphical GUI designer, and both
have ports for Windows and Mac OS X. Qt does have a better cross-platform-
support and supports more platforms, but GTK+3 also works for Linux, Mac
OS X and Window
On 11.07.2016 19:21, Jahn wrote:
Does anyone use Python for developping applications that work with a touch
You should probably specify the platform and the type of applications
that you're interested in.
Mobiles (Android, iOS, Sailfish OS)? Windows 10 Tablets? Ubuntu Touc
On 12.07.2016 21:10, Jahn wrote:
I was thinking about Python touch screen applications for industrial boards(
If I have a touch screen with that industrial board, what I must have
installed to be able to
write touch screen applications in Python?
This could be any platform: QNX,
On 27.02.2019 16:10, Dave wrote:
I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment
very soon. I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be
where you/your book can help. Seems this is not a trivial effort
(wishing that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).
IMHO what
On 27.02.2019 20:34, Dan Sommers wrote:
What is a "network widget" in this context? Application
users don't usually interact with "the network" directly,
and networks are usually on the opposite end of applications
from the GUI. What would your hypothetical network widget
do? What cross-platfo
On 12.05.2019 16:38, GerritM wrote:
Any suggestions how to port to Python 3, when using Python 2 only packages?
You need to decide for each package whether to port it or to replace it.
HTMLgen is probably a pure Python package. It should not be too hard to
port it to Python 3 yourself.
At t
On 13.11.2019 19:21, R.Wieser wrote:
Yup. But the cost of using that command is generating threads - which
search results warned against (not sure why though).
I'm currently looking for a way to have short breaks (in the range of
10us to some ms) on Windows and time.sleep() always seems
On 13.11.2019 23:20, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
For Windows it may require coding a busy-wait sleep function using the
high-performance counter and computing a counter value (modulo?) on which
to exit the loop.
time.perf_counter() is using this on Windows. I'm just worried about
floating point lim
On 13.11.2019 21:20, R.Wieser wrote:
300us is getting on towards realtime.
Not really. Translated to a frequency (toggeling the pin) it would be just
1.6 KHz. Thats rather slow for an ARM machine running on 1.4 Ghz (about a
million times as fast).
It *is* real-time...
Real-time is not about
On 14.11.2019 21:00, R.Wieser wrote:
There is a small 433 MHz rf transmitter connected to the pin, and when I
send the right pattern a wireless wall-wart will respond and switch a lamp
on or off. Its just ment as an example of a real-world application of
Python, nothing serious.
I would ass
On 23.10.2020 18:52, John Pote wrote:
I've used tkinter and wxPython occasionally in the past for 1 off test
tasks (and interest). What's the advantage of Qt?
Qt does support mobile and touch oriented user interfaces. Also, it does
support GUI programs on microcontrollers now on bare-metal.
On 29.10.2020 16:54, flaskee via Python-list wrote:
Thank you for your help in advance!
Maybe, you should outline what you actually want to accomplish on each
platform group (desktop / mobile).
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, whoopsi
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I thought I would simply be able to open a port, and send SCPI
> commands to configure and aquire values. But when I tried to run GPIB
> .py files from gpib-device-0.0.4 I got an error: "symbol 'ibsta' not
> found". Doing
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Madhusudan Singh
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> python-gpib provides (see end of post) for Linux.
> I am trying to use the method called read. I usually use it without
> arguments (the default length being 512). However, I am trying to read in a
> stri
On 15.01.2016 18:05, Shiva Upreti wrote:
Please help me solve these issues.
Please decide first on which list or forum you want your questions to be
answered. Once people find out that you are asking the same questions
all over, the support will soon end.
On 07.02.2016 12:19, wrote:
However my database has quite a lot of Unicode data as there are
French (and other) names with accents etc. What's the right way to
handle this reasonably neatly? At the moment it traps an error at
line 37:-
self.SetCellValue(row_num, i, str(cells[
On 18.02.2016 18:49, wrote:
What do I lose by using an external library?
With using matplotlib for your plots, you can easily create many kinds
of plots.
On the other hand, if integration with MS Office is a concern, other
options may be more suitable for you as matplo
On 27.02.2016 12:18, wrote:
Isn't there any good GUI IDE like Visual Basic? I hope there are some less well
known GUI IDEs which I did not come across. Thanks.
As of today, there's no Python GUI builder comparable to VB 6.
There are some like QtDesigner or wxGlade, b
On 27.02.2016 19:13, wrote:
I am starting to wonder if would be a better solution for the time
being. I have learnt enough to manage my work but it is bloated and
Microsoft dependent.
I would recommend the Python option...
I will check it. I got the im
On 27.02.2016 19:51, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
You will find many "Getting started with..." for both PyQt and wxPython.
P.S.: I forgot to mention that both toolkits have very helpful mailing
The toolkits have different licenses. With wxPython you don't need to
On 28.02.2016 13:23, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
I recently introduced LaTeX to my girlfriend. LaTeX is quite ugly and
it has this "distinct compile/execute step", so initially I hesitated
to show it to her. But her MS Word experience got worse and worse the
more complex (and especially larger) her wo
On 28.02.2016 13:52, wrote:
Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
There were and probably still are better word processors, especially for
scientific use.
E.g. Latex or reStructuredText, not GUI.
I was more thinking of TechWriter on RISC OS. For Windows there are
probably similar
On 28.02.2016 18:03, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
Office 2002 (or was it 2003... Whatever I had on my WinXP box) was, I
thought, rather easy to work styles in... Automatically shifting from
header to body text style on ; Having first body paragraph after a
header use block format while subseq
On 28.02.2016 19:47, mm0fmf wrote:
I'm no C# expert but I inherited the support of some C# projects. One
uses a form to hold the UI objects. When the program is loaded in VS,
you see the form and you can drag and drop objects to the form and
edit the object properties (text, font, colours etc.)
Am 19.11.2015 um 22:53 schrieb bSneddon:
I know there are a plethora of web frameworks out there for Python and to be
serious about website developement I should learn on like Django. Really
thought, I just want to dabble and do some easy stuff. Does anyone have any
suggestons? I have a
Am 25.07.2014 16:55, schrieb Orochi:
So,Is there any Gui App builder like Visual Studio or having features like
Visual Studio for Python.
Unfortunately there's nothing like that.
IMHO the lack of such a tool is a major blocking point in many
(corporate) environments...
From the GUI builders
Am 26.07.2014 11:05, schrieb Chris Angelico:
IMO it's an attractive nuisance at best. Make it easy to build
something simple and flawed, and people will build things that aren't
simple but are still flawed. Microsoft has done this to the world a
For most software/tools that's good enough. It's be
Am 26.07.2014 12:25, schrieb Chris Angelico:
The only difference is that you outgrow paper sooner than VB, which
means porting is done on a much smaller "code"-base and is less of a
Most Excel or VB based tools are never replaced. They are the
replacement and final
implementation of th
Am 01.08.2014 13:10, schrieb Wolfgang Keller:
Because on such operating systems, each and every application is an
entirely self-contained package that doesn't need any "packages" or
"installers" to use it.
For people who have never used such a system it's probably difficult to see
the advantage
Am 03.08.2014 02:04, schrieb Gregory Ewing:
MRAB wrote:
RISC OS didn't have a menu bar at the top of each window either; its
menus were all pop-up. You didn't have to keep flicking the mouse at
The main reason for having a menu bar is discoverability. The
idea is that you can browse throug
Am 25.10.2011 19:22, schrieb spintronic:
On Oct 25, 6:29 pm, Nick Dokos wrote:
Shot in the dark: could it be that you have to add delays to give the
instrument time to adjust? When you do it from the python shell, line by
line, there is a long delay between one line and the next.
Thanks! You a
Am 26.10.2011 17:58, schrieb spintronic:
Thank you for the discussion. It was really helpful. As mentioned, it
was necessary to have a longer delay. Previously I have used a delay
of 5 and 10 s but it was not long enough. Now it is 25 s and
everything works fine.
If you use the correct sequence
Am 19.02.2013 23:19, schrieb Rex Macey:
I'm new to Python and only a hobbyist programmer.
A long time ago I used Microsoft's Visual Basic which had a nice (graphical)
facility for creating GUIs which was part of the development environment.
There are GUI builders, but unfortunately there's none
Am 18.03.2013 16:28, schrieb Ana Dionísio:
Is there some way to go around this limit? I need to import data from python to
excel and I need 1440 columns for that.
There are many versions of Excel. The recent ones can handle more than
256 columns. If your version doesn't, then Python won't help
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Haha, no Troll, just a shameless plug for my life's one true love ;-)
Strange enough to live that love on the wrong newsgroup...
Until now all indications are: Troll
Anyway, given the original poster'
someone wrote:
does anyone know how to install pyPgSQL on Windows? There is no
package for Python 2.5 on Homepage:
I've installed newest Visual C++ Studio 2008 from Microsoft, but still
no luck
Hello Pet,
you need Visual Studio 2003 to compile extensions for Python 2.5
If you want, I c
MRAB schrieb:
Jorge wrote:
I need to know how to get the hardware serial number of a hard disk in
For Windows, see
This recipe uses the function GetVolumeInformation(), which does not
return the hardware serial number.
From the micros
On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 00:20 -0800, madhura vadvalkar wrote:
def InitBuffer(self):
Michael Mossey schrieb:
View can be fine-grained. Often the View consists of a number of GUI
objects. Some people write this in a democratic arrangement---they all
talk to each other. This can make analyzing system behavior
complicated. Hence my proposal for a hierarchy.
Yes, the democratic arra
sturlamolden schrieb:
I personally feel the wxPython support in the 3.1 beta of
wxFormBuilder makes the choise rather simple. It generates a Python
file with classes for all WYSIWYG GUI forms/windows/dialogs. Then in
our Python code, we just import and inherit the form, and implement
the event ha
sturlamolden schrieb:
On 14 Nov, 15:35, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
self.m_toolBar1 = self.CreateToolBar( wx.TB_HORIZONTAL, wx.ID_ANY )
self.m_button1 = wx.Button( self.m_toolBar1, wx.ID_ANY, u"MyButton",
wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 )
sturlamolden schrieb:
On 14 Nov, 19:02, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
I tried 3.01.63.
I can see in the Python window already that the code is not correct.
Did you remember to install the wxAdditions?
No. I think that they should not be required (a minimal version seems
to be
sturlamolden schrieb:
On 15 Nov, 18:09, Peng Yu wrote:
There had been some discussion on IDE. But I'm not sure what pros and
cons of each choice. Current, I'm using vim and ctags.
Could somebody give some advices on choosing the best IDE for me?
There is a plug-in to develop (amd debug) Pyth
sturlamolden schrieb:
On 14 Nov, 15:35, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
self.m_toolBar1 = self.CreateToolBar( wx.TB_HORIZONTAL, wx.ID_ANY )
self.m_button1 = wx.Button( self.m_toolBar1, wx.ID_ANY, u"MyButton",
wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 )
m_toolBar1.AddControl( m_but
pepe schrieb:
is there any python package which potentially can support JTAG (BDM or
others) debugging interface for embedded system development?
Is there any other packages supporting debugging, monitoring, data
logging, flash programming of embedded systems?
Don't know about JTAG, but I've su
Dietmar Schwertberger schrieb:
pepe schrieb:
is there any python package which potentially can support JTAG (BDM or
others) debugging interface for embedded system development?
Is there any other packages supporting debugging, monitoring, data
logging, flash programming of embedded systems
On 8/5/2017 1:45 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
Any kind of installer is not acceptable.
Is the requirement "no installer" or "single file" or both?
You can satisfy the "no installer" requirement also by just distributing
the .py file, the interpreter and a .bat file that e.g. contains
To be sure, you can always go the the directory of the Python
interpreter and open a cmd window there.
(By entering 'cmd' into the explorer address bar.)
Then enter 'python.exe -mpip install paramiko'.
This way you can be sure that you're not running a pip.exe that belongs
to another Python inte
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