Am 09.03.2012 18:18, schrieb John Nagle:
I want to enumerate the available USB devices. All I really
need is the serial number of the USB devices available to PySerial.
(When you plug in a USB device on Windows, it's assigned the next
available COM port number. On a reboot, the numbers are reassigned.
So if you have multiple USB serial ports, there's a problem.)
You can get the required information using Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).
See e.g. here for serial port information:
I'm using code like this to find my USB CDC devices from the device
import win32com.client
strComputer = "."
objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("SELECT Description,DeviceID FROM
COM_ports = []
for objItem in colItems:
print objItem.Description,objItem.DeviceID
if objItem.Description == "USB CDC Simple IO HC9S08JSxx":
COM_ports.append( objItem.DeviceID )
On some PCs the query took some seconds.