Re: Homework help requested (not what you think!)

2013-07-16 Thread David Hutto
e even up to the task of a simple algorithm like Bubble Sort -- at > least, not yet. > > Many thanks! > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: Understanding other people's code

2013-07-16 Thread David Hutto
Any program, to me, is just like speaking english. The class, or function name might not fully mesh with what your cognitive structure assumes it to through the imports first, and see the classes and functions come alive with experience comes intuition of what it does, and the instances tha

Re: tkinter redraw rates

2013-07-16 Thread David Hutto
; > > The other performance issue I've found is that when the logic is running, > the app doesn't redraw. Ordinarily this would be acceptable, but as part of > my program, it loads data from a website, and during the load, the window > completely freezes up and doesn't r

Re: tkinter redraw rates

2013-07-16 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:32 PM, David Hutto wrote: > I've had a similar problem with a tkinter/3D app. right now I'm looking > toward Blender, and the Python API, but there is also wxpython, and the > usual python's library gtk. > > There is also matplotl

Re: Understanding other people's code

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
I forgot to mention idle. It can step through another's code and show you a step-by-step insructional, of what the code does. On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 8:05 PM, David Hutto wrote: > Any program, to me, is just like speaking english. The class, or function > name might not full

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
a > fundamentally impossible goal. Your last sentence hints as to why; > there is no simple way to compare strings containing those characters, > because the correct treatment varies according to context. > > Your two best options are: Be case sensitive (and then you need only > worry about composition and combining characters and all those > nightmares - the ones you have to worry about either way), or use > casefold(). Of those, I prefer the first, because it's safer; the > second is also a good option. > > ChrisA > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
, '♞', DATA, flags=re.I); PTRNPRS = >> re.sub('', '♟', DATA, flags=re.I) >> >> For those of you making scripts to be run in a terminal, try this for a >> fancy terminal prompt: >> >> INPUTTEMP = input('User ≻≻≻') >> >> >> I may share more code later. Tell me what you think of my coding style >> and tips. >> >> >> Mahalo, >> >> Devyn Collier Johnson >> >> -- >>**mailman/listinfo/python-list<> >> > > I'm guessing you may be posting with html. So all your code runs together. > > -- > Joel Goldstick > > > -- > > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
And also don't forget special char, or that it can bbe var char, or char in the DB lookup in boolean with the username. On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 11:43 PM, David Hutto wrote: > Just use an explanatory user tip that states it should be case sensitive, > just like with most sites, or app

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
It seems, without utilizing this, or googling, that a case sensitive library is either developed, or could be implemented by utilizing case sensitive translation through a google translation page using an urlopener, and placing in the data to be processed back to the boolean value. Never attempted,

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
It seems that you could use import re, in my mind's pseudo code, to compile a translational usage of usernames/passwords that could remain case sensitive by using just the translational dictionaries, and refining with data input tests/unit tests. On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 12:15 AM, David

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
22 AM, David Hutto wrote: > It seems that you could use import re, in my mind's pseudo code, to > compile a translational usage of usernames/passwords that could remain case > sensitive by using just the translational dictionaries, and refining with > data input tests/unit tests

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
32 if you count black, and white. On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 12:26 AM, David Hutto wrote: > I didn't see that this was for a chess game. That seems more point and > click. Everyone can recognize a bishop from a queen, or a rook from a pawn. > So why would case sensitivity matter oth

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
; > Well, since you mentioned it already, have you actually looked at pygame? > It should be able to do what you want. There's also pyaudio, which is more > specialised to, well, audio. A web search for python and ogg might provide > more. > > Stefan > > > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
gt;> import subprocess >>>['espeak', 'word_spoken'], stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False) On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 12:39 AM, David Hutto wrote: > you could use , and I think its > > david@david:~$ python > Python 2.7.3 (d

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
Just get a good dictionary, and distutils I believe, someone a little bit more experienced in these should be along soon, or use the manual, and docs. On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 12:52 AM, David Hutto wrote: > This is using 3.2, which shouldn't be far off, the latest I could get on

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-20 Thread David Hutto
It was supposed to show you that you can use a command line function from windows or linux that will play an ogg/.wav file/ etc with an if windows: do this or if linux do this. espeak was just a suggestion, unless you want your own voice played for the chatbot, or a selection of a male or female v

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-20 Thread David Hutto
With linux you can have your package listed in synaptic, and can use with a sudo apt-get install whatever ogg player like ogg123, and windows I don't work with that much, but I'm pretty sure I've played .wav files from the command line before while working with cross platform just for practice, so

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-20 Thread David Hutto
Yeah, its like yum used in others(or the point and click gui package installers). The main point kind of is in cross platform it would seem that you would just use what's available with try/except, or if statements, and the question is what os's is he going for. Then a simple usage of what's avail

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-20 Thread David Hutto
Mainly I just use my apps for my own purposes. So it's usually on the debian/ubuntu distro I have, although I do have Windows XP SP3 in virtual box. I have been meaning to install some other linux distros in virtual box that are the main ones, percentage of utilization based, that are used, and pr

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-20 Thread David Hutto
can import from haven't had time to update them, as well as update for os's that might have changed, and everyone has a newer version. On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 2:42 AM, David Hutto wrote: > Mainly I just use my apps for my own purposes. So it's usually on the > debian/ubuntu di

Re: Play Ogg Files

2013-07-22 Thread David Hutto
t?q=1.**2alpha1<> > -- >**mailman/listinfo/python-list<> > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: Beginner - GUI devlopment in Tkinter - Any IDE with drag and drop feature like Visual Studio?

2013-07-22 Thread David Hutto
There is the matter of how much time you want to put into this. There is the standard gtk library for python, and in the future, as soon as I'm well enough to focus, having recent problems, I'll be using the blender game engine to enhance my software to a 3d graphical make my apps pop. S

Re: Beginner. 2d rotation gives unexpected results.

2013-07-23 Thread David Hutto
otate() > d.rotate() > > screen.fill(black) > > a.draw() #draw point > b.draw() > c.draw() > d.draw() > pygame.display.flip() > clock.tick(30) > > pygame.quit()[/code] > > P.S. Sorry for my english, bit rusty in that department. > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: RE Module Performance

2013-07-24 Thread David Hutto
m any level of experience at all? > > ChrisA > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* ** --

Re: RE Module Performance

2013-07-24 Thread David Hutto
learned a preferable gui kit. On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:17 AM, David Hutto wrote: > I've screwed up plenty of times in python, but can write code like a pro > when I'm feeling better(on SSI and medicaid). An editor can be built > simply, but it's preference that makes th

Re: Modeling life on Earth –- an object-oriented (Python?) challenge

2013-07-30 Thread David Hutto
further feedback on my idea and possibly reach other > interested developers. > > Kindly contact me if you have any interest in the idea and time to devote > it, as it is becoming a funded project. > > Kind regards, thanks for any hint, and apologies for the many inaccuracies, >

Re: python CAD libraries?

2012-09-10 Thread David Hutto
Might have posted that too many times, I don't use the google groups that much. > > Best Regards, > > David Hutto > > CEO: --

Re: Aggressive language on python-list

2012-10-17 Thread David Hutto
on defending > yourself against real or imagined slights. I'm not your dad and I'm not > sending you to your room, but sometimes a man has to know when it's best > to just walk away and let things cool off, regardless of who is right and > who is wrong

Re: Aggressive language on python-list

2012-10-17 Thread David Hutto > is as good for human networking as for computers. > > [BTW This was enunciated 2000 years ago by a clever chap: Love your > enemies; drive them crazy That only works if they're not already insane. Otherwise you're just prodding a cornered beast. ] -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
and back to a dict_one = {0 : [0.100], 1 : [1.99]} and the iterate through the loop, and call the first or second in the dict's var list for frontwards , or backwards calls. But there might be faster implementations, depending on other function's usage of certain lower level

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
file. Use: forward = ["%i = %s" % (i,chr(i)) for i in range(33,126)] backward = ["%i = %s" % (i,chr(i)) for i in range(126,32,-1)] print forward,backward -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
ed what i had, and accidentally wrote the wrong function. > > > > -- > Best Regards, > David Hutto > CEO: -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
t;\n\n", "********\n\n", backward, "\n" -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 17:50:55 -0400, David Hutto wrote: > >> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Virgil Stokes wrote: >>> I am working with some rather large data files (>100GB) > [...] >>> Finally,

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:35 PM, emile wrote: > On 10/23/2012 04:19 PM, David Hutto wrote: >> >> Whether this is fast enough, or not, I don't know: > > > well, the OP's original post started with > "I am working with some rather large data files (>

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
quot;\ import numpy numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 2.]]) """ u = """\ list_count = 0 an_array = [] for i in range(0,10): if list_count > 3: break if i % 3 != 0: an_array.append(i)

Re: Split single file into multiple files based on patterns

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
x27;A1980KK18700010 185 186 9.00', 'A1980KK18700010 25 30 3.493000'] #then split and open a file for writing to create the file count = 0 for file_data in turn_text_to_txt: print '/home/david/files/%s.txt' % (file_data.

Re: turn list of letters into an array of integers

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
ng to: x = seq.split('\n ') array_list = [ ] next_3_d_array = [] range_of_seq = len(seq) for num in range(0,range_of_seq): if num % 3 != 0: next_3_d_array.append(num) if num % 3 == 0: array_list.append(next_3_d_array) next_3_d_array = [ ] -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: The pty module, reading from a pty, and Python 2/3

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
) >>> print("Could not spawn") >>> sys.exit(1) >>> >>> child_pty = os.fdopen(fd) >>> return >>> >>> >>> if __name__ == "__main__": >>> print(get_text("")) >>> >>> >>> The read error I get is >>> >>> Traceback (most recent call last): >>> File "", line 28, in >>> print(get_text("")) >>> File "", line 24, in get_text >>> return >>> IOError: [Errno 5] Input/output error at first glance, you have the file open for writing('w'), not reading('r'), but may not be that. I'll check if I get a few minutes. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: The pty module, reading from a pty, and Python 2/3

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
it(1) child_pty = os.fdopen(fd) #you have to input into read, how many characters you want read in. if you place a random integer in, it will read to that integer within the file return if __name__ == "__main__": print(get_te

Re: The pty module, reading from a pty, and Python 2/3

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
n read below, where you return the value #you have to input into read, how many characters you want read in with statinfo.st_size statinfo = os.stat(filename) return if __name__ == "__main__": print(get_text("

Re: The pty module, reading from a pty, and Python 2/3

2012-10-23 Thread David Hutto
in other words, the last two lines of your function should be: statinfo = os.stat(filename) return -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-24 Thread David Hutto
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:05 AM, Virgil Stokes wrote: > On 24-Oct-2012 00:36, David Hutto wrote: >>> >>> Don't forget to use timeit for an average OS utilization. >>> >>> I'd suggest two list comprehensions for now, until I've reviewed it s

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-24 Thread David Hutto >> >> >> >> > Yes, I can still remember such quotes --- thanks for jogging my memory, > Demian :-) This is only on equipment designed by others, otherwise, you could engineer the hardware yourself to perfom just certain functions for you(RISC

Re: Split single file into multiple files based on patterns

2012-10-24 Thread David Hutto
work for you? > > If so, I see that your expectation was correct. > > > > -- > Steven Some learn better with a full example, better than any small challenge that can be thrown in at certain times. I think it should be a little of both, especially if you (an algorithmitist for the OP)only

Re: Listen for changes in variable (alsaaudio.Mixer(x, x).getvolume(x)

2012-10-24 Thread David Hutto
ess to certain CL apps. Once you've found a way to access the CL apps with python(I use usually, I think, but there's popen, etc.) then use man alsamixer, or man aplayer, or man arecorder. in the shell on your linux distro. Then throw in a little tkinter, or a windowing

Re: Listen for changes in variable (alsaaudio.Mixer(x, x).getvolume(x)

2012-10-24 Thread David Hutto
it has to be close to > instantaneous. > You might have to go to c++(ctypes function call), like I'm going to have to for a oscilloscope(using arecord probably, or other options), and use in line assembly to push straight from/to the register. I haven't had a good look at python&#

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
; for i in list_2: ... list_1.append(i) ... >>> list_1 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] or would another example help you out more? -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
will simply concatenate the list like >> > [1,2,3,4,5,6] .. I dont want this actaully... >> > >> >> >> >> No, it won't. Try it to see > > > Ok but it should be clist + = [alist, blist ] >> >> >> >> -- Also, t

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
list_0 = [] >>> list_1 = [i for i in range(0,5)] >>> list_2 = [i for i in range(5,11)] >>> list_0.append(list_1) >>> list_0.append(list_2) >>> list_0 [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] >>> -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
Also, >>> list_1 = [i for i in range(0,5)] >>> list_2 = [i for i in range(5,11)] >>> list_0 = [list_1,list_2] >>> list_0 [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:58 AM, inshu chauhan wrote: > Yes Dave ..You are right and my problem is solved now.. Thanx to all... > > > On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:55 AM, David Hutto > wrote: >> >> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:51 AM, inshu chauhan >> wrote: >&

Re: can we append a list with another list in Python ?

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 6:12 AM, inshu chauhan wrote: > > > On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:04 PM, David Hutto > wrote: >> >> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:58 AM, inshu chauhan >> wrote: >> > Yes Dave ..You are right and my problem is solved now.. Thanx to all...

Re: Question about long-running web scripts

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
impact on an average user's experience. > As long as too many of them don't try to do that at the same time. > Exactly where the line is drawn will depend on your particular hosting > solution, your assumed traffic, and your users' expectations as to > responsiveness. > > TJG > -- > -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-25 Thread David Hutto
function, and return the output from awk. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Fast forward-backward (write-read)

2012-10-28 Thread David Hutto
> Data files have some sort of parsing, unless it's one huge dict, or > list, so there has to be an average size to the parse. > Not meaning the dict, or list isn't parsed, but that the file should be have parsable areas. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: http://www.hi

Re: Migrate from Access 2010 / VBA

2012-11-22 Thread David Hutto
t; Keith Translate function for function to the new language(return values), then adapt the GUI to represent the new functions on event activity via widgets. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Exponential arrival distribution in Python

2012-11-28 Thread David Hutto
rithmic, scale where: for i in range(0,4) print "%i = %i" % (i * 10 **i) -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Exponential arrival distribution in Python

2012-11-28 Thread David Hutto
I mean this one: for i in range(0,4): print "%i = %i" % (i * 10 **i) -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: mini browser with python

2012-12-05 Thread David Hutto
url_to_read = urllib.urlopen('') >>> for line in url_to_read: ... print line -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
re is any DJ app that could be driven by pygame.midi? > > Any idea appreciated. > Sorry to fail to be more specific. I'd just go with a command line app that triggered a .wav file at certain points using time.sleep(x) Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:06 AM, David Hutto wrote: > On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:10 AM, wrote: >> >> Hi guys, >> >> I am thinking of driving a DJ application from Python. >> I am running Linux and I found the Mixxx app. >> Does anyone know if there are

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
bout to do is take the mic, get the soundtrack/beat to the song going, and then plug it into audacity for further modification, or you can roll your own. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:16 AM, David Hutto wrote: >>>> Does anyone know if there are python bindings, or if this is possible at >>>> all? >>>> or does anyone have experience with another software that does the same DJ >>>> thing? >>

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:18 AM, wrote: > On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:13:09 PM UTC, David Hutto wrote: > [..] >> >> >> or does anyone have experience with another software that does the same >> >> DJ thing? >> >> >> >> >&

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
ard computer that ran a python client. > > So you used a digital buffer region for your wave forms? How did you handle the rest of the data; allocate memory, or delete if the data became too lengthy? -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: -- http://mail.python.or

Re: Mixxx DJ app and Python

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
tle practice, that makes every programmer listening scramble. -- Best Regards, David Hutto CEO: --

Re: Ways to apply while learning....

2013-01-29 Thread David Hutto
subrocess, but many ahve their preference. (I know there is a long way to develop something for the desktop) Do you mean command line app, or with a GUI? > > Thank you. > ps: I am coming from vb6 paradigm. > -- > -- Best Regards, Davi

Re: Trouble with Multi-threading

2013-12-11 Thread David Hutto
a bunch of people -- especially so-called techies -- > unable to distinguish the following 3 is a much bigger degradation. > > 1 Problems caused by conscious malefic intent > 2 Kids/noobs/ignoramuses/immature just being themselves > 3 Problems of communication technology > > Conf

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
> -- > > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* * <>* --

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
ust about python, but what you can accomplish with it, and distinguish yourself from others. On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Chris Angelico wrote: > On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:48 PM, David Hutto > wrote: > > In my opinion, a novice always tries to reinvent the wheel. Take for &

Re: The increasing disempowerment of the computer user

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
d no recourse. > > Now Ben, you know that's not true. Everybody has the only recourse that > matters: buy the company and make them do what you want them to do. How > hard could that possibly be? > > > > -- > Steven > -- >

Re: About some problem

2014-01-02 Thread David Hutto
l/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', > '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', > '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PILcompat', > '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gst-0.10', > '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0', > '/usr/lib/pymodules

Re: About some problem

2014-01-02 Thread David Hutto
and as I usually do, keep with the older stable version in order to keep up with other packages compatibiity. On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:07 PM, David Hutto wrote: > I think, but haven't tried, and this would be 2-3 from __future__ import > > > On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:46 PM,

Re: About some problem

2014-01-02 Thread David Hutto
Looks like you have a a list of 2.7 dependencies in the path args. The first you seem to have 3.3 args, and the second a longer list of 2.7 argsI would assume the second is the full list...correct? On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:07 PM, David Hutto wrote: > I think, but haven't tried,

Re: Blog "about python 3"

2014-01-02 Thread David Hutto
#x27; that will help. > Perhaps 'yield from' or 'raise from None' or ... > > In any case I think we will be maintaining python 2.x code for at least > another 5 years; the version gap is then a real hindrance. > -- > Robin Becker > > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* * <>* --

Re: Flip a graph

2014-01-04 Thread David Hutto
I would definitely utilize y axis as an altitudinal derivative of time,x. I'd go with more of a dart type of graphic, so you might be able to show a peak in altitude from take off, and the rotate the graphic in relation to the deceleration . But, you could also depict the velocity, fuel rate, etc

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
price_per_book = 24.95 discount = .40 quantity = 60 Here: discounted_price = (1-discount) * price_per_book The discounted price should be price_per_book - discount shipping = 3.0 + (60 - 1) * .75 shipping should be, I think, should be 3.0 + (quantity * .75) total_price = 60 * discounted_price

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
On Sunday, February 2, 2014 11:11:07 AM UTC-5, David Hutto wrote: > price_per_book = 24.95 > > discount = .40 > > quantity = 60 > > > > Here: > > discounted_price = (1-discount) * price_per_book > > > > The discounted price should be price_

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
On Sunday, February 2, 2014 11:38:57 AM UTC-5, MRAB wrote: > On 2014-02-02 16:11, David Hutto wrote: > > > price_per_book = 24.95 > > > discount = .40 > > > quantity = 60 > > > > > The original problem says: > > > > Suppose the

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
On Sunday, February 2, 2014 12:43:01 PM UTC-5, Denis McMahon wrote: > On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 08:57:03 -0800, David Hutto wrote: > > > > > Revised: > > > > > discounted_price = price_per_book - (price_per_book * percent_discount) > > > > by applyi

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
Or a better iterating example for a database of shipping, or ordering books would be: import random as r def order_total(price_per_book,percent_discount_amount,quantity,first_book_shipping,extra_book_shipping): percent_discount = price_per_book * percent_discount_amount amount_o

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
Should have been the following, which just shows the books price as a float as well, but you get the point by now, I'm sure: import random as r def order_total(price_per_book,percent_discount_amount,quantity,first_book_shipping,extra_book_shipping): percent_discount = price_per_book * pe

Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 2:32:22 PM UTC-5, Denis McMahon wrote: > On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:14:31 -0700, Scott W Dunning wrote: > > > > > little different from a few things you guys had mentioned. For one, I > > > got the correct time by calculating the number of time run and > > > converti

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-02 Thread David Hutto
Feb 2, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Lewis Wood wrote: > Thanks all who replied, will look further into megawidgets and the > Toplevel() function. Is there a way to get a separate window to return > something when closed? > -- > >

Re: Calculator Problem

2014-02-04 Thread David Hutto
On Sunday, February 2, 2014 4:16:44 PM UTC-5, Charlie Winn wrote: > Hey Guys i Need Help , When i run this program i get the 'None' Under the > program, see what i mean by just running it , can someone help me fix this > > > > def Addition(): > > print('Addition: What are two your numbers?

Re: Calculator Problem

2014-02-04 Thread David Hutto
Missed that it's already pointed out, was looking at the google groups combined email. On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:43 AM, David Hutto wrote: > On Sunday, February 2, 2014 4:16:44 PM UTC-5, Charlie Winn wrote: > > Hey Guys i Need Help , When i run this program i get the 

Re: Finding size of Variable

2014-02-08 Thread David Hutto
have chosen to make, and I >> agree with them. >> >> >> >> > This is a C +1 to save memory when compared against this Python +1 :) > > -- > My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what > you can do for our language. > > Mark Lawrence > > --- > This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus > protection is active. > > > > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* * <>* --

Re: Finding size of Variable

2014-02-08 Thread David Hutto
On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Rustom Mody wrote: > On Sunday, February 9, 2014 4:15:50 AM UTC+5:30, David Hutto wrote: > > One could argue that if you're parsing a particular file, a very large > one, that those 9 bytes can go into the optimization of parsing > aforementio

Re: Finding size of Variable

2014-02-08 Thread David Hutto
On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Chris Angelico wrote: > On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:56 PM, David Hutto > wrote: > >> > >> Yes... There are cases when python is an inappropriate language to > use... > >> So??? > > > > > > I didn't s

Re: Finding size of Variable

2014-02-08 Thread David Hutto
Maybe I'll just roll my fat, bald, troll arse out from under the bridge, and comment back, off list, next time. --

Tanglin With Alpha

2014-02-19 Thread David Hutto
Just as a quick survey...Are individual programmers happier with tangling with the alpha code, or more comfortable with beta versions, or does it matter, dependant on the circumstances? --

Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
eing intentionally obfuscatory, if the rest of > the identifier is Cyrillic then the character is probably also > Cyrillic. If it's a one-character identifier, then hopefully the rest > of the module is consistent and you can guess from that. If the > identifier in qu

Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
This brings us into a juxtaposition between how cultures have tried to hybridize their mentalities, into more of an empathic means of communication via a formulatic set of coding, and the philosophy thereof, and, 3D renderings of what we visualize, and how we come to the conclusions of these philos

Re: Examples of modern GUI python programms

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
Caveat emptor(I have a copy of Latin For Idiots). When you get through with refining, in whatever language, the open source/proprietary app you're developing, is there anyway you can say for sure how many people's work went into things under different licenses accompanying what you may have copy a

Re: Python IM server

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
> > Thus I can download and have a look. > You can take a look at Twisted Words ( > > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* *http://www.hitwebdevelopment.c

Re: Code style query: multiple assignments in if/elif tree

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
return breaking[state] > > > In using Haskell, I often wish for dicts especially python's nifty > dict-literals > > > This still omits the viscosity(+-) of the enclosed, or exposed track/environmental variables of the system in which the objects traveling. http://www

Re: Code style query: multiple assignments in if/elif tree

2014-03-31 Thread David Hutto
e velocity after accelerating at a for > time t. > This assumes that the viscosity is in a state of superfluidity, and in a perfect state between itself, and it's traveling environment. > -- > > -- Best Regards, David Hutto --

Re: Code style query: multiple assignments in if/elif tree

2014-04-01 Thread David Hutto
er. On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Ian Kelly wrote: > On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:24 AM, David Hutto > wrote: > >> > >> >> (1) v = u + at > >> >> (2) s = 1/2(u + v)t > >> >> (3) s = ut + 1/2(at^2) > >> >> (4) v^2 = u^2 +

Re: Code style query: multiple assignments in if/elif tree

2014-04-01 Thread David Hutto
rom a resting position, to a velocity, and then regain orbit: On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:21 AM, David Hutto wrote: > u is the initial velocity from a starting/resting point, not a static > speed at that point, and begins to accelerate,

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