On Sunday, February 2, 2014 12:43:01 PM UTC-5, Denis McMahon wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 08:57:03 -0800, David Hutto wrote:
> > Revised:
> > discounted_price = price_per_book - (price_per_book * percent_discount)
> by applying some simple algebra to the right hand side
> price_per_book - (price_per_book * percent_discount)
> "x = (x * 1)" so "price_per_book == (price_per_book * 1)" so rhs becomes
> (price_per_book * 1) - (price_per_book * percent_discount)
> and "(a * x) - (a * y)" == "a * (x - y)" so rhs becomes
> price_per_book * (1 - percent_discount)
> hence:
> discounted_price = price_per_book * (1 - percent_discount)
> -- 
> Denis McMahon

The one just looks out of place compare to using properly defined 
names,(algebra aside) like this:

def order_total():
        price_per_book = float(raw_input("Enter price per book: $"))
        percent_discount_amount = float(raw_input("Enter percent discount 
amount(in format example .40): "))
        quantity = float(raw_input("Enter quantity of books: "))
        first_book_shipping = float(raw_input("Enter first book's shipping: $"))
        extra_book_shipping = float(raw_input("Enter extra book's shipping 
costs: $"))
        percent_discount = price_per_book * percent_discount_amount
        amount_of_first_books = 1 # of course it would equal 1
        discounted_price = price_per_book - percent_discount
        shipping = first_book_shipping + ((quantity - amount_of_first_books) * 
        total_price = (quantity * discounted_price) + shipping
        print 'Total price: $%d' % (total_price) 


************Or Use with params for iterating through larger amounts of books to 
be calculated*****************

        percent_discount = price_per_book * percent_discount_amount
        amount_of_first_book = 1 # of course it would equal 1
        discounted_price = price_per_book - percent_discount
        shipping = first_book_shipping + ((quantity - amount_of_first_book) * 
        total_price = (quantity * discounted_price) + shipping
        print 'Total price: $%d' % (total_price) 

price_per_book = float(raw_input("Enter price per book: $"))
percent_discount_amount = float(raw_input("Enter percent discount amount(in 
format example .40): "))
quantity = float(raw_input("Enter quantity of books: "))
first_book_shipping = float(raw_input("Enter first book's shipping: $"))
extra_book_shipping = float(raw_input("Enter extra book's shipping costs: $"))


The numbers just seem out of place when a var can be used that properly defines 
it, or another way to arrive at the same solution.

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