Harlin Seritt wrote:
> I have a file that a few different running scripts will need to access.
> This may seem nice on paper but I hate to run a while for an
> indeterminate amount of time. Is there anything else that can be done
> that would be better?
On posix systems, there is a fcntl mod
billiejoex wrote:
> Hi all. I'm searching for a portable (working on *nix and win32) function
> that executes a system command and encapsulate its output into a string.
> Searching for the web I found this:
> os.popen('command').read()
> It is perfect but when che command return an error the
Sébastien Boisgérault a écrit :
> The sys.stdout stream behaves strangely in my
> Python2.4 shell:
> >>> import sys
> >>> sys.stdout.write("")
> >>> sys.stdout.write("\n")
> >>> sys.stdout.write("\n")
> >>> sys.stdout.flush()
> [...not
Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a simple way of replacing a large number of substrings in a
> string? I was hoping that str.replace could take a dictionary and use it
> to replace the occurrences of the keys with the dict values, but that
> doesnt seem to be the case.
You can look at th
bill wrote:
>>From 3.2 in the Reference Manual "The Standard Type Hierarchy":
> "Integers
> These represent elements from the mathematical set of whole
> numbers."
> The generally recognized definition of a 'whole number' is zero and the
> positive integers.
This term is ambiguous as it
Michael Hoffman wrote:
> To the contrary, I agree with Larry Wall that laziness is one of the
> cardinal virtues of a programmer.
There's lazy and too lazy.
You don't want to be too lazy to even get out of bed to code in Python.
Of course, with Perl, that's entirely another mattress^Wmatter.
Michael Hoffman a écrit :
> MrJbQ7 wrote:
> > Besides, a better way is to use your ~/.pythonrc file for customizing
> > according to your needs.
> >
> > A simple:
> >
> > echo "import sys, os" >> ~./pythonrc
> >
> > will do the job.
> Until someone else tries to use your script or module.
> By default, randomm module uses the timestamp to generate the seed
> value. Is it possible to know what that seed value is?
From a (very) quick glance at the doc [1], I'm not sure you can get it.
But if you want to reuse it later (for a deterministic behaviour), you
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2005-08-13, yaffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>i have the following lines of python code:
>> couch = incident.findNextSibling('td')
>> price = couch.findNextSibling('td')
>> sdate = price.findNextSibling('td')
>> city = sdate.findNextSibling('td')
Richard Townsend wrote:
> I've been experimenting putting a reference to a function into a Queue
> object and was wondering what actually gets put in the Queue - is it the
> function's code object?
It would simply be the entire function object (unless you choose it
> If I read from t
Daniel Schüle wrote:
>> Okay. Write a patch. Personally, I would prefer that it be a
>> function in cmath rather than a method because then it could be made
>> to work on integers and regular floats, too.
> Ok, but what semantic should angle/arg have, say for 3 respectively
> for 3.0?
> the s
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> It was easy. I never once asked myself whether some complex number was
> greater or less than another, I just asked "which one comes first in a
> lexicographic sort?"
> The two questions are NOT the same, and it is an ugliness in an otherwise
> beautiful language that Py
Chris wrote:
> hello,
> I have a small module which only contains some utility functions. when
> running this standalone I would like to show the module docs and each
> function docs, as if doing
> import M
> help(M)
> I came up with the following but I reckon there is a much simple
anthonyberet wrote:
> I know this touches on immutability etc, but I can't find string methods
> to return the first 3 characters, and then the last 2 characters, which
> I could concatenate with newchar to make a new string.
> I know the string methods are there, but can't find it in any docs
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Playing around with comparisons of functions (don't ask), I discovered an
> interesting bit of unintuitive behaviour:
a = lambda y: y
b = lambda y: y
> at 0xf70598ec>
> at 0xf7059844>
a < b
> False
> So I'm puzzled about how Python compares t
Michael Hoffman wrote:
> Keith P. Boruff wrote:
>> Michael Hoffman wrote:
>>> Keith P. Boruff wrote:
Is there an FAQ available specific to this NG as I'm sure some of
the list slicing questions I have have been asked before.
> Therefore I asked a question on why you want a *
Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
> as you have been told, there is no way to get a variable's name
Well, if you really want to, you can get all the names bound to a given
def get_names(obj):
g = globals()
names = []
for name in g:
if g[name] is obj:
Josiah Manson wrote:
> Hello. I am very new to Python, and have been unable to figure out how
> to check if a variable exists or not. In the following code I have made
> a kludge that works, but I think that it would be clearer to check if
> closest exists and not have to initialize it in the first
Xinyue Ye wrote:
> when I type sys.ps2 after import sys,
> I got the message like:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
> sys.ps2
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
> why does it happen?
sys.ps2 is defined in an interactive session only as
Kalle Anke wrote:
> I'm coming to Python from other programming languages. I like to
> hide all attributes of a class and to only provide access to them
> via methods. Some of these languages allows me to write something
> similar to this
> int age( )
> {
> return theAge
> }
> void age( x :
Lorn wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out a way to create dynamic lists or possibly
> antother solution for the following problem. I have multiple lines in a
> text file (every line is the same format) that are iterated over and
> which need to be compared to previous lines in the file in order to
> p
Patrick Down wrote:
> What about:
> if True in [thefile.endswith(x) for x in
> ('mp3','mp4','ogg','aac','wma')]:
That will catch (widely used) file names such as 'tmp3' or
'i_cant_spell_frogg'. ;)
Ognjen Bezanov wrote:
> ext = thefile.split('.') #get the file extension
> ext[1] = ext[1].lower() #convert to lowercase
As a side note, ext[1] will be the first extension:
>>> 'foo.bar.ogg'.split('.')[1]
I'd advise ext[-1], the last element of the spli
Peter Otten wrote:
> I think no amount of testing will give these strange people confidence.
> "Proof" is the magic word here.
Some would maybe be satisfied if your tests cover the whole set of input.
When that's possible, that may be useless. But that's not a matter to
bother them with. ;)
Peter Otten wrote:
> tiissa wrote:
>>Disclaimer: not tested further than example above (but confident).
> Not tested but confident should be an oxymoron for a programmer.
Not tested but confident is an oxymoron for mathemtaticians.
Programmers know better than that, they leav
Steven Bethard wrote:
> (2) Does anyone see an easier/clearer/simpler[1] way of doing this?
I'd personnally extract the parenthesis then zip the lists of indices.
In short:
>>> def indices(mylist):
... lopen=reduce(list.__add__, [[i]*s.count('(') for i,s in
cheng wrote:
> im sorry, my engilsh is not vell well,
That's alright, you could have been french. ;)
> the string not only contain '&' and '|' and it can be anyting
> i just want to split out the "whole word" inside the string
Look at the example for split function of re module in the doc [1]
TK wrote:
> Sorry but it does not work.
It _does_ work. It just don't do what you expect. That's different till
you know how to do it.
Let's see:
> >>> class Test(object):
> ... def __call__(self):
> ... print 'Hi'
> ...
You first define a class whose members can be called.
> I tried something like this and it has not worked.
Oh! What did you ask of it, what did you expect and what did you get?
> if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab1")) != NULL )
> PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab1 );
This code expects a dictionary
> I want to use it for music. So given list 1 (melody), list 2 (chords)
> could be generated by a Markov chain. Also, given the chords the melody
> could be generated again by a chain.
So, at each time step you want:
- chord(t) given melody(t-1), chord(t-1) and chord(t-2
> I think is more easy explained as two linked markov chains. So given
> one list the other can be generated.
'Given one list sounds' like an observation (and this sound like an
order 2 hmm).
But I'm not sure what exactly you want to do with your markov chain. Do
you wan
Steffen Glückselig wrote:
1.0 + 3.0 + 4.6
> 8.5996
> Ehm, how could I get the intuitively 'correct' result of - say - 8.6?
> ;-)
You may find annex B of the python tutorial an interesting read:
Xah Lee wrote:
> on a related topic,
> I think it would be a improvement for the built-in range() so that step
> needs not be an integer.
There are easy workarounds but I'd find it useful as well.
> Further, it'd be better to support decreasing range. e.g.
> Range( 5, 7, 0.3); # returns [5, 5.
Cameron Laird wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
tiissa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So far, the OP is proposed the choice to either use the event/bind
mecanism or use different callbacks for his different buttons (either
with the method I proposed or not).
Is there general unders
Cameron Laird wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Eric Brunel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unfortunately, making a binding to on Button widgets does not
have the same behavior as setting their 'command' option.
Without unraveling my own confusion about who has said what to whom, does
everyone rea
Harlin Seritt wrote:
I have the following script. Two widgets call the same function. How
can I tell inside of the called function which button called it?:
As far as I know you can't (but I can be proven wrong).
You may try to define a class to solve this (not tested):
class say_hello:
i wonder if there is an automatic way to make that without calling a
You mean without _explicitely_ calling a function.
May I inquire why you need to write f instead of f(x)?
an automatic way that depends on changing the value of x. as each time
x=something used t
Your problem can be simplified :
class A:
pop = 11
def __del__(self):
print A.pop
if __name__ == '__main__':
objA = A()
I got the same error message, and I don't know why ? it looks like the
class variable can't be accessed from __del__?
It's interesting to note t
Bernard A. wrote:
> maybe have you some better / faster ideas / implementations ? or even
> a more pythonic to help me learning that
You may want to look at string matches algorithm (a good review: [1]).
In particular there are classics like Boyer-Moore and some involving
minimal automatons simila
def __init__(self):
xml = gtk.glade.XML("/home/domenique/project1.glade")
self.window = xml.get_widget("window1")
self.img = xml.get_widget("image1")
def __init__(self):
xml = gtk.glade.XML("/home/domenique/project1.glade")
self.window = xml.get_widget("window1")
self.img = xml.get_widget("image1")
Peter Otten wrote:
Still, for practical purposes you have to test for slicelen >= stringlen, so
whether you choose None, -len(s)-1, or -sys.maxint as the second slice
parameter doesn't matter much.
Sure, for practical purposes you don't bother to write extra characters
and leave it void.
But we kn
if i add a motion_notify or even a butten_press event to an image
object it does absolutly nothing :s
I have tried coding a simple application in pyGTK and I remember I had
trouble getting button_press event in a DrawingArea.
I was using glade and despite having declared a
Peter Otten wrote:
so if I want to reverse it fully using s[len(s)-1:x:-1] what would x be
or is it impossible to express it in this way ?
This does not work for integers, because the theoretically correct value
x = -1 already has another interpretation as the gap betwee
I'm sorry, I'm not really following your logic. Can you supply the
statement with the three parameters ?
so if I want to reverse it fully using s[len(s)-1:x:-1] what would x be
or is it impossible to express it in this way ?
Contrary to what I said above x should be _strict
Is there an event simular to the java event onMouseOver ?
I want to get the coordinates of the mouse pointer when it is over an
image ( GTKImage widget)
I've tried using the EventBox with the motion_notify but that only
seems to work when the mouse is pressed ?
Why d
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
ATSkyWalker wrote:
What's the difference between these 2 statements?
If you have a String s="12345"
s[len(s)::-1] = "54321"
s[len(s):0:-1] = "5432"
Why? What's the difference? What number then can I use as the end of
the slice if I were to supply all 3 parameters?
Clara wrote:
self.loginButton = Button(self, text='Login', command =
VerifyProcessor(self.x.get(), self.y.get()) )
class VerifyProcessor:
def __init__(self, thename, thepass):
self.username = thename
self.password = thepass
def __cal
codecraig wrote:
When I do something like.
s = Scale(master)
s.bind("", callback)
def callback(self, event):
print event.type
I see "7" printed out. Where are these constants defined for various
event types? Basically i want to do something like...
7 must be for KeyPressed.
That's the t
codecraig wrote:
from Tkinter import *
you have access to the constants in Tkconstants, since Tkinter imports
it automatically.
However, in the shell if I do..
from Tkinter import *
print Tkinter.HORIZONTAL
I get an error..NameError: Tkinter is not defined
Sure, you ask for Tkinter.HORIZONTAL.
Matt wrote:
Sébastien Boisgérault wrote:
My platform is Linux (Mandrake 10.x)
I'm assuming that means you can't use it on a Windows platform
It's harsh to say Mandrake is a Windows platform. ;o)
Jaime Wyant wrote:
What I *dont* like about the example is the PascalStyleCasing used for
the package names. Is their not some *suggested* standard on naming
There is: see PEP 8.
However, I understood there was no definitive convention hence va
Synonymous wrote:
tiissa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
tiissa wrote:
If you know the number of characters to match can't you just compare
If you don't, you can still do it by hand:
In [7]: def cmp(s1,s2):
: diff_map=[chr(
tiissa wrote:
If you know the number of characters to match can't you just compare
If you don't, you can still do it by hand:
In [7]: def cmp(s1,s2):
: diff_map=[chr(s1[i]!=s2[i]) for i in range(min(len(s1),
: diff_index=''.join(dif
Synonymous wrote:
Can regular expressions compare file names to one another. It seems RE
can only compare with input i give it, while I want it to compare
amongst itself and give me matches if the first x characters are
Do you have to use regular expressions?
If you know the number of cha
I have been going through the manuals and not having much luck with the
following code. This is basically an issue of giving 'split' multiple
patterns to split a string. If it had an ignore case switch, the problem
would be solved. Instead, I have to code the following,
56 matches
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