> I tried something like this and it has not worked.

Oh! What did you ask of it, what did you expect and what did you get?

>     if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab1")) != NULL )   
> PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab1   );

This code expects a dictionary in which keys 'atab1' and 'atab2' are 
singletons of integer. If that's what you want, I'd say it should work.

>     //  ndict = Py_BuildValue( ........create dictionary here ..........)
>     return ndict ;
> }

I personnally prefer 'return Py_BuildValue("");' than returning NULL 
pointers (but I don't like to check the doc just to make sure NULL can 
be interpreted as None).

In order to build a dictionary you could try:

     return Py_BuildValue("{s:i,s:i}", "key1", atab1, "key2", atab2);

Or even "{s:(i),s:(i)}" to have singletons for values.


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