where is pkg_resources (setuptools) looking for entry_points.txt

2007-10-01 Thread seb . haase
Hi, I'm trying to use an egg packages (pyOpenGL) as a "normal package" (by unzipping the egg into a directory). Generally this seems to work fine, except one init-step is missing. >From setuptools I got the pkg_resources.py file. But now the package is not properly initialized, because iter_entry

How popular is Django ?

2007-10-01 Thread seb . haase
Hi! I was surprised when I did a google-groups search for python, ( http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=python&qt_s=Search+Groups ) it shows these groups: comp.lang.python with about 11000 users, and second, Django users Discussion group for Django users. Django is a high-level Python Web ..

Re: PyOpenGL without SetupTools

2007-10-01 Thread seb . haase
Are there PyOpenGL 2.0 (I guess is goood) binaries available for Python 2.5 ? Anywhere ? Thanks for the reply -Sebastian Haase On Oct 1, 11:49 am, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Oct 1, 4:04 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > > Hi, > > I am distributing a package with a

PyOpenGL without SetupTools

2007-10-01 Thread seb . haase
Hi, I am distributing a package with a precompiled collection of modules and packages useful for Python based medical/biological/astronomical image analysis and algorithm development. (Codename: Priithon). For Priithon I put all modules/packages in a simple / single directory (tree) including one s

pickle: 32bit vs 64bit

2006-03-28 Thread seb . haase
Hi, I have ordered a new Athlon64 PC running linux x86_64. I'm using Pyro to communicate between python programs running on different machines. I know that, because Pyro's communication is based on pickle, that the different machines have to run the same Python (major) version: that is, it did not

Re: Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

2006-02-17 Thread seb . haase
Thank you very much, Magnus ! This is the answer I had been waiting for: > A problem as I see it today, is that this behaviour is > not actively encouraged. The tutorial, which is maintained > and updated, still describes old style classes, and the > old division behaviour. My main point was/is:

Re: Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

2006-02-17 Thread seb . haase
Thanks for the replies, But to point out what the subject of this thread is (sorry for the typo ;-) : There is a PEP (proposal 238) to change Python so that 5/2 WOULD do the true division -- and obviously break lots of code. Just type this in your python interpeter: >>> from __future__ import

Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

2006-02-12 Thread seb . haase
Hi, Is it true that that "Python 3000" is dead ? Honestly I think that e.g. changing 5/2 to be 2.5 (instead of 2) would just break to much code :-( On the otherhand I'm using Python as "Matlab replacement" and would generally like 5/2 ==2.5 So, I was contemplating to default all my modules/script

how to create a movie ?

2006-02-12 Thread seb . haase
Hi, I have a series of images (either from numarray or from PIL) After googling if read something about pyMedia... Can I create an AVI movie from my images with that ? How about quicktime ? Thanks, Sebastian Haase -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: OpenGL

2006-01-22 Thread seb . haase
Does that mean PyOpenGL is based on ctypes ? I thought is was using SWIG ? And on that note: I have some (old) SWIG typemaps for numarray arrays that I'm using for many years. I was always wondering how difficult it would be for me to add them into PyOpenGL ? So far I'm just using my own (one !)

Re: why does php have a standard SQL module and Python doesn't !?

2005-12-16 Thread seb . haase
OK, point taken - maybe what threw me off was the simple fact that there CAN be NO "ONE standard/default SQL package". As a newbie in sql I was hoping to find something like e.g. the socket module (one size fits all) So: Maybe this could be explained on the "Database Modules" page. (and again: jus

Re: why does php have a standard SQL module and Python doesn't !?

2005-12-15 Thread seb . haase
This was my point though: I found the *description* - but no wordon WHICH implementation to get WHERE ? Don't get me wrong - I like Python and I will stick to it for some time to come ... but WHY are the places to get those SQL implementations not better marked: Just try to google for "python sql"

why does php have a standard SQL module and Python doesn't !?

2005-12-15 Thread seb . haase
Hi, I thought I would quickly write a "SELECT * FROM ... " line in python ... ... but then I was suprised to find that the only "official" web page I found was mainly linking to the PEP on HOW the DB API2.0 should look like. Then there is a choice of maybe ten modules which more or less all claim t