This was my point though: I found the *description* - but no wordon WHICH implementation to get WHERE ? Don't get me wrong - I like Python and I will stick to it for some time to come ... but WHY are the places to get those SQL implementations not better marked: Just try to google for "python sql" and you get here: (then this like to home page ( is COMPLETELY EMPTY !!!!) the next number of hits seem to be completely random.
Even if you google for: python mysql you get to where the linked "home page" says: ** OBSOLETE Python Interface to MySQL ** Please try to understand what I'm saying here: This is essentially a proof the there is no (one) good place to go for SQL & Python. Instead it looked really scary to me! How could I have known that "MySQLdb" is the keyword to google for !? It would be nice, if those projects would reference back to "" just to give some assurance that one is not totally off ... Thanks, Sebastian --