I downloaded the 3.1.1 dmg from http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.1.1/
but when I run it I get the error "The folowing install step failed:
run postflight script for python documentation." The bugs list has
this bug at http://bugs.python.org/issue6934 but it's described as
fixed. Is it on
> > > On Sep 5, 8:58 pm, planetmatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I am a Python beginner. I am trying to loop through a CSV file which
> > > > I can do. What I want to change though is for the loop to start at
> > > > row 2 in the file thus excluding column headers.
The DictReader object
On Aug 15, 8:39 am, "Sebastian Bassi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That was easy :)
> What about extending it for N elements inside the dictionary? Sounds
> like a work for a recursive function.
Here's my attempt:
def backtrack(groups,position=0, answer=''):
if position==len(groups)
Does anyone know where I could find help on condor_compiling a python
interpreter? My own attempts have failed, and I can't find anything
on google.
Here's the condor page:
On Jun 2, 11:43 am, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thomas Nelson wrote:
> > from subprocess import Popen
> > from time import sleep
> > import win32api
> > war3game = Popen(["C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe"])
Hi, I'd like to start a program, run it for a while, then terminate
it. I can do this on linux, but I'm new to working with windows.
Here's my script:
from subprocess import Popen
from time import sleep
import win32api
war3game = Popen(["C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe"])
On May 14, 11:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have the following implementations of quicksort and insertion sort:
> def qSort(List):
> if List == []: return []
> return qSort([x for x in List[1:] if x< List[0]]) + List[0:1] + \
>qSort([x for x in List[1:] if x>=List[0]])
On May 4, 7:59 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 4 ÍÁÊ, 09:08, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > En Fri, 04 May 2007 01:34:20 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribio:
> > > I'm not against 'dir(MyClass)'; the question is, what should I 'dir()'
> > > to get methods of 'pyuno' type ins
I want to generate all the fractions between 1 and limit (with
limit>1) in an orderly fashion, without duplicates.
def all_ratios(limit):
s = set()
hi = 1.0
lo = 1.0
while True:
if hi/lo not in s:
yield (hi,lo)
hi += 1
On Apr 27, 11:37 am, Tommy Grav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > him> I do not have a text editor, but here are the answers to
> > him> questions 1-5.
> > Now, frankly, I don't think this answer is correct, since I know OS
> > X is
> > a UNIX derivative, but I am loathe to involve a programming n
On Apr 23, 10:38 pm, Mel Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Cerutti wrote:
> > The interpreter explains it: "A list is not a hashable object."
> > Choosing a hash table instead of some kind of balanced tree seems
> > to be just an optimization. ;)
> Even with a balanced tree, if a key in a
Occasionally people post complaining about the lack of a
"repeat...until" structure in python. I thought about it and came up
with this recipe that I like. The only ugly thing is having to use
lambdas, otherwise it's very terse and readable. Tell me what you
think, and if anyone besides me think
Occasionally someone posts to this group complaining about the lack of
"repeat ... until" in python. I too have occasionally wished for such
a construct, and after some thinking, I came up with the class below.
I'm hoping to get some feedback here, and if people besides me think
they might use it
On Apr 3, 1:49 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Apr 3, 1:31 pm, "Matimus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It depends on your application, but a 'set' might really be what you
> > want, as opposed to a list.
> > >>> s = set(["0024","haha","0024"])
> > >>> s
> > set(["0024","haha"])>>> s.remove
bahoo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a list like ['0024', 'haha', '0024']
> and as output I want ['haha']
> If I
> myList.remove('0024')
> then only the first instance of '0024' is removed.
> It seems like regular expressions is the rescue, but I couldn't find
> the right tool.
> Thanks!
> bahoo
Check out the dir() function. It does what you want, I think.
On Feb 22, 9:27 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry guys for this newbie questions. But I wonder if there is a
> standard or build-in method to know the methods of a class?
> I'm not originally a progrommer and I have
On Feb 12, 1:35 pm, andrew clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thomas, I sent you a message off-list but it bounced due to your mailbox
> being full.
> Short answer: Subscribe to the c-prog@yahoogroups.com mailing list and
> ask your C/C++ questions there.
> Regards
> Andrew
I have to edit a
I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
python programmers?
On Jan 30, 5:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I can't seem to get this nailed down and I thought I'd toss it out
> there as, by gosh, its got to be something simple I'm missing.
> I have two different database tables of events that use different
> schemas. I am using python to collate these reco
On Jan 28, 3:13 pm, Wojciech Muła
>Define method __gt__.
This works, thanks. I was a little surprised though. is __cmp__ used
by any builtin functions?
My code:
class Policy(list):
def __cmp__(self,other):
return cmp(self.fitness,other.fitness)
j = Policy()
j.fitness = 3
k = Policy()
k.fitness = 1
l = Policy()
l.fitness = 5
print max([j,k,l]).fitness
prints 3, when I was expecting it to print 5. What have I done wrong?
Thanks for
lee wrote:
> I getting familiarised with python...can any one suggest me a good
> editor available for python which runs on windows xpone more
> request guys...can nyone tell me a good reference manual for python..
I think vim is a very good editor for python, and it's certainly
available for
There's an optional count argument that will give what you want. Try
Carsten Haese wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 06:45 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Can someone please explain why these expressions both produce the same
> > result? Surely this means that
How hard would it be to have numpy/ scipy part of the python standard
mattf wrote:
> I've discovered Python and have been trying it out lately as a possible
> replacement for computations that would ordinarily be done with a
> commercial package like Matlab or IDL. I'd like to mentio
alf wrote:
> Hi,
> wonder if in the python I could treat modules imorts like classes
> instances. It means I could import it twice or more times under
> different names.
> --
> alfz1
You can always give any object as many names as you want:
>>> import sys
>>> s1 = sys
>>> s2 = sys
>>> s1.path
Yi Xing wrote:
> On a related question: how do I initialize a list or an array with a
> pre-specified number of elements, something like
> int p[100] in C? I can do append() for 100 times but this looks silly...
> Thanks.
> Yi Xing
Use [0]*100 for a list.
Perhaps __init__.py has what you're looking for?
> I just started working with Python and ran into an annoyance. Is there
> a way to avoid having to use the "from xxx import yyy" syntax from
> files in the same directory? I'm sure it's been asked a million times,
> b
I strongly recommend trying to come up with your own projects. Just
pick small things that reflect something you actually want to do: maybe
make a simple board game, or a few scripts to help you keep all your
files organized, etc. Generally speaking I think it's easier to teach
yourself a languag
How about
my_string = "We the people of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
print (x for x in my_string.split(",") if "justice" in x).next()
This isn't a regular expression, but it gives what you're looking for.
Actually, after a little looking, the simple stats.py module at
is exactly what I needed. It may not be as fast or as comprehensive as
scipy or R, but installation simply involves downloading the module and
importing into the cod
As described in the docs I pointed to before:
Is the way to do it without args. I think it is simplest to learn the
subprocess module because (quoting from the docs) this module intends
to replace several other, older modules and functions, such as:
If your script is foo.sh and takes args:
import subprocess
Should work fine. check out
spec wrote:
> Hi all, I know nothing about Python. What I need to do is to get a
> Pyth
Sorry if this is a FAQ, but I couldn't find a good summary through
google. What kinds of statistical analysis tools exist in python? I
really just need t-tests, chi-squared test, and other such tests of
statistical significance. A few things point to numpy and scipy, but I
was surprised to find
Yes, I highly recommend the subprocess module. subprocess.call() can
do almost anything you want to do, and the options are all pretty
intuitive Whenever I need to write quick scripts for myself, it's what
I use.
Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Donald Duck <[EMAIL PRO
Thanks to everyone who posted. First, I don't think my question was
clear enough: Rob Cowie, Ant, Simon Forman, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and Jon
Ribbens offered solutions that don't quite work as-is, because I need
multiple values to map to a single type. Tim Chase and Bruno
Destuilliers both offer ver
I have this code:
type1 = [0]
type2 = [0]
type3 = [0]
map = {0:type1, 1:type1, 2:type3, 3:type1, 4:type2} # the real map is
longer than this
def increment(value):
map[value][0] += 1
#increment will actually be called many times through
The difference becomes clear when you import your program into another
program (or the command line python editor). __name__!='__main__' when
you import, so the functions will not be called if they're inside the
block. This is why you see this block so often at the end of scripts;
so that the scr
I meant something like
def printdict(dictionaries=[(apps,'apps'), (dirs,'dirs'),
for dictionary,name in dictionaries:
print name
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
print key, ":
Here's an OO way that may do what you want:
>>> class MyD(dict):
... def __init__(self,dic,rep):
... dict.__init__(self,dic)
... self.rep = rep
... def __repr__(self):
... return self.rep
>>> apps = MyD({'alpha':1,'beta':2},'apps')
>>> apps
>>> a
My usual way of emulating do-while is:
started = False
while (someBoolean or not started):
started = True
#whatever else
This simply assures "whatever else" happens at least once. Is this
Here's an OO way that may do what you want:
>>> class MyD(dict):
... def __init__(self,dic,rep):
... dict.__init__(self,dic)
... self.rep = rep
... def __repr__(self):
... return self.rep
>>> apps = MyD({'alpha':1,'beta':2},'apps')
>>> apps
>>> a
There is also this way:
for index in range(len(someList)):
someList[index] = 1
This is not as pretty or concise as enumerate(), but if you've never
seen that function before this may be more clear. I assume you're
familiar with the way range and len work.
What is a mobile game? Is it a game that can be played on a mobile
I thought the paragraph about provability was interesting. Presumably
the author refers to proofs in the spirit of "A Discipline of
Programming" from Djikstra, 1976. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone
has writting much about this since the 70s. I'd be interested to learn
if anyone's tried to wr
Ok, I fixed my /usr/bin/python and added /usr/public/bin/ to my PATH in
.profile. Everything seems ok now.
Thanks again to everyone for their help.
Well, as I stated in post, I've already replaced the link at
/usr/bin/python. I'm not clear why that's unhealthy. Should I change
it back to whatever it was before? I guess maybe it was
Thanks to you both. I downloaded the dmg suggested, and trustingly
sudo rm /usr/bin/python
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.4 /usr/bin/python
And now my command line and scripts behave the way I expect. Thanks
There is no 2.4 in my Versions folder, only 2.3 and current. Should
one of the installers have created this directory? Which one?
I just purchased a new macbook (os 10.4.6), and I'm trying to install
python 2.4 on it. I downloaded and ran the two installers recommended
at http://www.python.org/download/mac/. Now I have IDLE, which runs
2.4.1, but typing "python" at a terminal still opens 2.3.5, because it
points to /usr/bin
The main thing I would like is to be able to use tkinter with python on
my mac. will the command-line-style source allow this? Does it come
with IDLE? How is the fink version different from the source i can
download at python.org? Here's the result of the requested commands on
my Terminal.
Maurice LING wrote:
I'm using OSX 10.3.8 as well. Just wondering, how did you "destroy" it?
What I am thinking is, it may not be as destroyed as you think it might
I was actually trying to update to the newest python version, and I had
read something saying it would confl
I'm on a mac OS X (10.3.8), and I seem to have accidentally destroyed
the default python installation. How should I put it on? Do I need to
use the unix version? any help would be greatly appreciated.
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