Yes, I highly recommend the subprocess module. can
do almost anything you want to do, and the options are all pretty
intuitive  Whenever I need to write quick scripts for myself, it's what
I use.


Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Donald Duck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm a little bit confused about what is the best way to run a shell command,
> > if I want to run a command like
> >
> >                     xxxxxx -a -b > yyyyyy
> >
> > where I'm not interested in the output, I only want to make sure that the
> > command was executed OK. How should I invoke this (in a Unix/linux
> > environment)?
> The most straight-forward way would be:
> import os
> status = os.system ("xxxxxx -a -b > yyyyyy")
> if status == 0:
>    print "it worked"
> else:
>    print "it failed"
> You might also want to look at the new (in 2.4) subprocess module.


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