On Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:12:20 GMT Gilmeh Serda via Python-list wrote:
>Subject explains it, or ask.
>This is a bloody mess:
s = "123456789" # arrives as str
f"{f'{int(s):,}': >20}"
>' 123,456,789'
On Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:12:20 GMT Gilmeh Serda via Python-list wrote:
>Subject explains it, or ask.
>This is a bloody mess:
s = "123456789" # arrives as str
f"{f'{int(s):,}': >20}"
>' 123,456,789'
Oops.. forgot comma
On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:00:32 +0200 Gisle Vanem via Python-list wrote:
>Pierre Fortin wrote:
>> Over the years, I've tried different mechanisms for applying colors until
>> I got my hands on f-stings; then I created a tiny module with all the
>> colors (cR, cG, et
ws, you'll need to add this *before* using the colors:
import os
if os.name == 'nt': # Only if we are running on Windows
from ctypes import windll
w = windll.kernel32
# enable ANSI VT100 colors on Windows.
w.SetConsoleMode(w.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
la', 98.9, 'Pass']
Like this:
students = [
['Example High', 'Mary', 89.6, 'Pass'],
['Example High','Matthew', 76.5, 'Fail'],
['Example High', 'Marie', 80.4, 'Fail'],
_ in rev )
print( 'after sum():', [ x for x in rev ] )
which produces:
$ python /tmp/rev
orig ['x', 'a', 'y', 'b', 'z', 'c'] 6
before iteration: ['c', 'z', 'b', 'y', 'a', 'x']
after iteration: []
after sum(): []
Thank you, Mr. Gollwitzer. I understand the problem. I'll see what I can do.
Le mer. 30 sept. 2020 à 17:02, Christian Gollwitzer a
écrit :
> Am 30.09.20 um 15:46 schrieb Pierre Bonville:
> > Hi everybody,
> > Interference tkinter and plot from m
Hi everybody,
I am running this little program below on Win 10 with Python 3.8 (just
typing prog.py after the prompt c:\Users ...>), and while it correctly
displays the window and does the first plt.plot(), it does not reach the
input command and remains waiting after I shut the plot. If I replace
Hello everybody,
I have a small problem with the method .quit() of tkinter. Below is a
sketch of a much larger program, which shows the problem. I would like to
run the main program but keeping the tk window on the screen until the end.
Presently, execution stops after the first "plot" instruction
he leftmost for clause cannot be evaluated in the
> enclosing scope as they may depend on the values obtained from the leftmost
> iterable. For example: (x*y for x in range(10) for y in range(x, x+10)).
> """
> So, it's simply because the iterable expression in the
Le 14/03/19 à 10:45, Peter Otten a écrit :
> Pierre Reinbold wrote:
>> Wow, thank you Ian for this very detailed answer, and thank you for taking
>> the time for that! Much appreciated!
>> If I get this right, I have to somehow fix the value of a_list during
he leftmost for clause cannot be evaluated in the
> enclosing scope as they may depend on the values obtained from the leftmost
> iterable. For example: (x*y for x in range(10) for y in range(x, x+10)).
> """
> So, it's simply because the iterable expression in the
Dear all,
I want to implement a function computing the Cartesian product if the elements
of a list of lists, but using generator expressions. I know that it is already
available in itertools but it is for the sake of understanding how things work.
I already have a working recursive version, and I
python to understand your new syntax, just write a small
interpreter to translate your new language to python.
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
m just an amateur developer.
But what confuse me, is that Python require "real live" interpratation
of the code to work properly (or perhaps i also confuse on that but
Python rely on interpretation of the code to conform to its own
standard, ie variables can change type during execution...)
trange the initial request.
And sure, i overinterpret or simplify thing (compiling)...
But it seems that all this talk do not interested the initial requester
(Mr Puneet) : at that time he has not answer to the thread.
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/&
interpretation, byte-code compilation, JIT
compilation, AOT compilation...
So yes Python compile (bytecode).
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
means it is most definitely
> meant to be able to be caught.
Using compile() function yes.
So yes there is a way to check "syntax error" before executing code
(using compile function and exceptions) but it was not standard, nor
widely used... It was still a hack for me, but perhaps
uested but that only a
hack and should not be used in real world.
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
ve the page, extract data,
extract last river level and mean the 24h last levels.
Note : it was probably not beautiful python code, but it works for the
purpose it was written.
Pierre-Alain Dorange
DFS wrote:
> 2 lines? Love it!
> But apparently eval==evil.
> http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201206/eval_really_is_dangerous.html
> I bet you get hammered about it here on clp.
It was a software to be deploy, it was just for educational purpose.
env["__builtins__"] = None
u=raw_input('Enter calculation:")
print eval(u,env)
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
> if op=='/':c=n1/n2
> print(ui+' = '+str(c))
> ---
More reduced :
u=raw_input('Enter calculation:")
print eval(u)
works and compute :
;something" that perhaps will fill
the list (word.append("hello").
Then after do your job, you perhaps need to print it.
But initializing and just print, will do nothing else than initialize
and print the result...
As state before this code more or less like :
print a
BartC wrote:
> But even with ordinary conditionals, False is False, but [False] is
> True. And [] is False, while [[]] is True. A class instance is always
> True, even when empty. And then "False" is True as well!
"Empty" is not "Nothing". To be empty,
Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Note that the "valid point of view for external observers" is the only
> valid scientific point of view.
For a scientific point of view, right. But tell this to the one that
will be close to a blackhole ;-)
Pierre-Alain Dorange Moof <
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > which infinity. There are many - some larger than others
> China has just announced a new supercomputer that is so fast it can run an
> infinite loop in 3.7 seconds.
Near a black hole 3.7 seconds can last an infinite time...
ncy is always atan2(y,x) tend to pi/4 if you looks at lot od y and
x that will be grater and greater each time : the final frontier would
always be pi/4, even if t take a long time to reach it.
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence C
not explore
this, i just thought NSEW was also CENTERED.
Many Thanks.
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
the tkinter code is in pmx.py
the canvas class was TMap
GUI was created in main_gui.__init__()
callback function was main_gui.resize()
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons &quo
been NaN too but
i'm not a math expert, but the limit of atan2 would be 45°, so pi/4
radians (0,7854).
As x,y are coordinates, the both infinite would tend toward 45°.
x only infinite would be 0° (0 radians)
y only infinite woudl be 180° (pi/2 radians)
Pierre-Alain Dorange&
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> py> math.atan2(NAN, 0)
> nan
> I think that the only way it will return a NAN is if passed a NAN.
yes of course if you pass an invalid argument (NAN is not a real value,
atan2 except coordinate x,y), the result would be invalid...
to see a different portion.
So i except the map to be resized to show a bigger portion of the whole
map : no streching.
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
quadrant (for angle answer).
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
he cell where the canvas widget is put).
I think i can resize the canvas, but i can't find a way to get the
available space after resize.
Perhaps using the grid manager is not the godd idea for that ?
I except it was more understandable.
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sour
at to do from that.
Any clue or advice or tutorial ?
Pierre-Alain Dorange<http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>
Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"
Le jeudi 28 avril 2016 10:36:27 UTC+2, Rahul Raghunath a écrit :
> 0
> down vote
> favorite
> I'm trying to create a simple http server with basic GET and POST
> functionality. The program is supposed to GET requests by printing out a
> simple webpage that greets a user and askes how
On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 11:17:32 AM UTC-4, Zachary Ware wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Pierre wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I installed Python(x,y) 64 bit version and ran it using a library that
> > requires Python 64 bit.
> >
I installed Python(x,y) 64 bit version and ran it using a library that requires
Python 64 bit.
I got an error which indicated that I am using Python 32 bit.
So, is the python used by Python(x,y) 64 bit, using Python 64 or 32 bit?
> > - - [15/Apr/2016 20:57:32] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
> Hi Pierre,
> When I type http://localhost:8000, I did not see anything in the console
> after the line "Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... I believe the way I ran
> was not correct as sh
Le jeudi 14 avril 2016 22:50:33 UTC+2, wrh...@gmail.com a écrit :
> On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 2:23:36 PM UTC-4, Andrew Farrell wrote:
> > What happens when you type
> >
> > http://localhost:8000
> >
> > Into the address bar of your browser as this is running?
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at
On a OS/X 101.10.5 (Yosemite) system, the system Python just got updated to
2.7.10 but it sys.path is partially invalid. How can I fix that? I don't want
to add something in PYTHONPATH. I know I can create a softlink at the invalid
location to where the real files are located.I just w
> The trap you're seeing here is that iterating over an iterator always
> consumes it, but mentally, you're expecting this to be iterating over
> a new instance of the same sequence.
No, I just tried to apply what I read in the docs :
1. I have y = A(10) which is an instance of a class which doe
Le dimanche 9 août 2015 11:25:17 UTC+2, Chris Angelico a écrit :
> On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Pierre Quentel
> wrote:
> > "For user-defined classes which do not define __contains__() but do define
> > __iter__(), x in y is true if some value z with x == z is produ
The documentation at
https://docs.python.org/3.5/reference/expressions.html#not-in says :
"For user-defined classes which do not define __contains__() but do define
__iter__(), x in y is true if some value z with x == z is produced while
iterating over y. If an exception is raised during the it
Version 3.0.0 of Brython has been released recently
Brython is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser, with an
interface to DOM elements and events. It allows writing web client applications
with Python instead of Javascript.
Python programs are inserted in the HTML page insi
Le lundi 24 février 2014 14:19:12 UTC+1, Jean-Michel Pichavant a écrit :
> - Original Message -
> > On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 10:20:15 -0800, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> >
> > > The new home page of python.org is very nice, congratulations !
> >
> > The
The new home page of python.org is very nice, congratulations !
But there is a problem with the online console provided by PythonAnywhere :
with my azerty keyboard, I can't enter characters such as ) or ] - very
annoying !
It this going to be fixed soon ?
- Pierre
Le vendredi 27 décembre 2013 17:12:09 UTC+1, Johannes Schneider a écrit :
> On 27.12.2013 07:14, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Ever wanted to use Python instead of Javascript for web client programming
> > ? Take a look at Brython, an imple
Le vendredi 27 décembre 2013 15:56:33 UTC+1, jonas.t...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Den fredagen den 27:e december 2013 kl. 07:14:35 UTC+1 skrev Pierre Quentel:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > Ever wanted to use Python instead of Javascript
Ever wanted to use Python instead of Javascript for web client programming ?
Take a look at Brython, an implementation of Python 3 in the browser, with an
interface with DOM elements and events
Its use is very simple :
- load the Javascript library brython.js :
Jaiky writes:
> want to run a python script which contains simple form of html on firefox
> browser , but dont know what should be the configuration on ubuntu 12.04 to
> run this script i.e cgi configuration
> My code is
> ubder
> in /var/www/cgi-bin/forms__.py
> #!/usr/bin/en
that Mr. Johnson will be attempting to
revive and steer the now defunct Python language -- which
elicited further concerns amongst the somewhat bewildered Python
All newsgroups mentioning Python -- the full Monty -- will be
closed today.
--Pierre O'Dee, self-appointed spokesman for the PSF
I forgot to mention : list comprehensions and the ternary operator (r1 if cond
else r2) are now supported !
- Pierre
> Still, it tends to be a lot harder to explain, document, and read
> documentation for, something that uses operators weirdly, rather than
> keyword-searchable method names.
You don't explain how to use the Python syntax (for instance the operator %,
which behaves very differently between intege
<= $TagClass : adds child y.elt to parent x.elt
($TagClass | doc) <= $AbstractTag : adds DOM elements in y.children to x.elt
$AbstractClass <= (any type) : unsupported
- Pierre
> Oh, and repr is just a synonym of str, which makes it useless.
3 days ago repr was not even implemented at all, so it's a step forward...
> The interpreter, though, will be more than happy to treat that as a
> comparison if the LHS is not the type that you think it is. For
> example, maybe you've added it to a string at some point, and now it's
> a string instead of an element. I guess that since doc is made a
> keyword, that proba
> Hmm. So when that gets added into a DIV, it has to get parsed for
> tags? How does this work? This seems very odd. I would have expected
> it to remain as DOM objects.
In DIV(child) :
- if child is a string, integer or float, a text node is added (addChild) to
the DIV element, with the string
> <= is a comparison expression operator, which is completely different.
> It is just wrong for this usage. I am 99.9% sure you will come to regret
> it eventually. Better to make the change now than in Brython2 or Brython3.
I am 99.99% sure of the contrary, having used this syntax for more than
> Pythonic also means:
> If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
> What, exactly, does the sum of a string and a bolded string produce? Can you
> explain that easily and clearly?
Yes : a+b returns the string a+str(b)
It is exactly what you get in CPython with
>>> class B:
> If that's your intention, then instead of coming up with something totally
> new, unpythonic and ugly, why not take the normal Python route and
> implement a subset of the ElementTree API?
> Stefan
Because the tree implementation in ElementTree or other tree modules in Python
require a lot of
Le jeudi 20 décembre 2012 01:54:44 UTC+1, Ian a écrit :
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> > That says that my browser, Firefox 17, does not support HTML5. Golly gee. I
> > don't think any browser support5 all of that moving target, and Gecko
> > apparently supports a
Le jeudi 20 décembre 2012 01:07:15 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :
> On 12/19/2012 1:19 PM, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> > The objective of Brython is to replace Javascript by Python as the
> > scripting language for web browsers, making it usable on all
The objective of Brython is to replace Javascript by Python as the scripting
language for web browsers, making it usable on all terminals including
smartphones, tablets, connected TVs, etc. Please forgive the lack of ambition
The best introduction is to visit the Brython site (http://w
I will try rl.
Have a nice day
Le 7 nov. 2012 à 14:14, Stefan H. Holek a écrit :
> On 07.11.2012, at 11:36, Jean-Pierre Miceli wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working on a tool which enable support of tab completion using the
>> readline
Hi all,
I'm working on a tool which enable support of tab completion using the
readline modul.
And I have a problem with set_completion_display_matches_hook function
I've created a display hook function and registered it. It is called
and it prints the desire messages. But once it has completed,
> This has been proposed and discussed and even implemented many
> times on this list and others.
I can find this question on SO
which is basically answered with this solution
class AttributeDict(dict):
n a pure native dict access.
Each implementation have bench results in commit comment. All of them are 20+x
slower than plain dict!
I would like to have python guys advices on how one could optimize this.
I'd like to eventually post this to python-dev, please tell if this is really
not a go
Hi. Started using python a few months back, still settling on my style.
I write docstrings and I use "pydoc mymodule" to refresh my memory.
Problem: if I just docstring my classes/methods/functions the
output of pydoc more or less works as a reference manual, but if
I get sidetracked for even a
or almost 1 year now and current LTS
(Lucid) ship 2.6.
If you don't plan to support 2.4, supporting 2.5 does not seems a priority.
Pierre-Yves David
Description: Digital signature
has built-in support for usual features such as
cookie and session management, localization, user login/logout/role
management. It also includes a complete documentation, with a tutorial
and a set of how-to's
A helpful and friendly community welcomes users at
Enjoy !
if whence==2:
# read till EOF
while True:
buf = self.file_obj.read()
if not buf:
fobj = _file
Is there any reason why relative seeks on string IO are not allowed in
Python3.2, or is it a bug that could be fixed in a next version ?
- Pierre
ad of
(2) do_something(X,a,b,c)
I agree that the first one is more readable than the second, because
in the arguments list in (2) you mix the object you are working on and
the parameters used. But there is another option :
(3) X.do_something_with_arguments(a,b,c)
which would be in your examples : "item.place_at(x,
I want to enter Comments of a picture in a JPeg file.
Is there a library in Python which allow me to do that without having to
reinvent the wheel?
The target is to read those comments in my private webSite using the php
exif_read_data function (http://php.net/manual/fr/book.exif.php)
*Page de codes active : 1252*
*encodage systeme:ascii*
*encodage systeme:ascii*
And the Generated Log file showsnow the expected result:
*11/04/11-10:53:44 : premier message de Log à accents *
*11/04/11-10:53:44 : second message de Log*
If you have other li
I created a simple program which writes in a unicode files some french text
with accents!
*# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-*
*Created on 27 déc. 2010*
*@author: jpmena*
*from datetime import datetime*
*import locale*
*import codecs*
*import os,sys*
*class Log(object)
On Apr 7, 5:12 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 4/6/2011 7:58 PM, Nobody wrote:
> > On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 02:20:22 -0700, Pierre GM wrote:
> >> I need to run a third-party binary from a python script and retrieve
> >> its output (and its error messages). I u
On Apr 7, 1:58 am, Nobody wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 02:20:22 -0700, Pierre GM wrote:
> > I need to run a third-party binary from a python script and retrieve
> > its output (and its error messages). I use something like
> >>>> process = subprocess.Popen(o
I need to run a third-party binary from a python script and retrieve
its output (and its error messages). I use something like
>>> process = subprocess.Popen(options, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
>>> stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> (info_out, info_err) = process.communicate()
That works fine, except
terface I am using.
Access to www.python.org went slow for Firefox and Safari running
directly under OS/X. However, access for Firefox running inside
VMWare-based Linux Ubuntu 9.04 was fine! I tried pages from Ubuntu
first, got them right away, then tried the same page under OS/X and
was waiting for
> Antoine.
Merci Antoine!
I did disable IPv6 on my computer at home and it did speed it up. I'll
check the other computers where I experienced the same slowness.
Thanks again!
-- Pierre
I have been finding python.org site very slow for the last year and
probably before. Is there any known reason why the site is slow? I
tried accessing it from several locations and I always get to wait
several seconds for a page to load (in any browser/OS).
-- Pierre
On 6 juil, 17:37, Thomas Jollans wrote:
> Before filing a bug, best test it with Python 2.7 (just released), 3.1,
> and, if possible, py3k trunk.
> I just tried to reproduce this with a current py3k checkout, where it
> worked. Probably not an issue in Python 3.x due to the changed unicode
> han
I am building from the source and installing Python on my machine.
I added these tests failed:
But I moved the Python installation folder on another directory and
the failed tests vanished when I tried again. The difference? The new
directory does not h
Hash: SHA1
On 06/18/2010 11:48 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 6/18/2010 3:57 PM, Pierre Reinbold wrote:
>> def genexp_product(*args):
>> pools = map(tuple, args)
>> result = [[]]
>> for pool in pools:
Hi all,
This is my first post on the list. I'm mainly a sysadmin and no expert
in programming languages, so this may be a stupid question but it
puzzles me.
I was pondering on the documentation of the function product(*args,
**kwds) in the itertools module. It is said that:
This function is equi
On 4 juin, 07:11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 03:16:03 -0700, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> > So the OP's initiative should be an incentive to think on the format of
> > the interaction between all the range of Python users, from newbees to
> > gurus. We
cussions, and even an unintuitive
way of entering links...
I'm not saying that pythonforum.org is the best solution but it
certainly looks more attractive than c.l.p. to the new generation of
Python users
- Pierre
AF83 will be holding a barcamp event on Saturday afternoon, July 3rd
in Paris (in La Cantine, a famous Parisian tech place). We wanted to
let you know about this event and tell you that you would be most
welcome if you could join us on that day.
In the ever-growing context of real-time web
E' in os.environ:
cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'])
if cookie.has_key('SESSIONID'):
# web client has been here before : increment number of
set_cookie['SESSIONID'] = int(cookie['SESSIONID'].value)
code = "You have been here %s times." %
code = "I Have a cookie, but SESSIONID does not exist"
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print set_cookie.output() # send cookie to web client
print HTML_template % code
- Pierre
suggested by the fact that your first script "runs", i.e. probably
prints "Hello World"). In this case the "not found" error in the
second script would mean that the framework requires a function in the
- Pierre
> --
> John Bokma j3b
> Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - http://johnbokma.com/http://castleamber.com/-
> Perl & Python Development
I'm surprised nobody proposed a solution with itertools ;-)
- Pierre
I would like to draw on the same axes several patches (rectangle) with
different alpha-face (transparency)...
Anyone has an idea ?
In particular, I would like to use the class PatchCollection but it
seems that the alpha property is common to all the patches...
Thanks for your help.
On 27 fév, 08:57, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> Hi,
> A new version of the web framework Karrigell is on line
> The main changes are :
> - more robust session management in multi-threaded and multi-process
> environments
> - Unicode management in the HTMLTags module (HTM
flexible url
- bug fix for default host configuration and for cookie expiry date
Home page : http://karrigell.sourceforge.net
Download : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=67940
Google Group : http://groups.google.com/group/karrigell
That was it ! What a stupid error...
Thank you !
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 20:13, Jerry Hill wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Cpa wrote:
>> Sure.
>> import sys,re,os
>> files2create = sys.argv[1:]
>> os.system('mkdir tmp')
>> # Some code to create the .tex
>> # Compile t
* integrated file/directories explorer
* MATLAB-like path management
...and more!
Spyder is part of spyderlib, a Python module based on PyQt4 and
QScintilla2 which provides powerful console-related PyQt4 widgets.
- Pierre
der in col_headers]))
for result in data_list:
table <= TR(Sum([TD(value) for value in result]))
print table
The operator <= means "add child" in the DOM tree structure, it avoids
having to nest tags with brackets
- Pierre
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