Grant Edwards <> wrote:

> > For my part, i differenciate a strict compilation (ie. C) from a
> > translation into byte-code (ie. Python).
> FWIW I've seen C compilers that produced byte-code.  They allowed for
> a highly interactive developemnt environment.

I do not want to fight every word and every context.
As said before, in real world, all is possible and all situation is
possible : from pure interpreter to pure compiler (low level machine

I just want, at the beginning to point that, by principe Python was an
interpreted language, and i found strange the initial request. 
And sure, i overinterpret or simplify thing (compiling)...

But it seems that all this talk do not interested the initial requester
(Mr Puneet) : at that time he has not answer to the thread.

Pierre-Alain Dorange               Moof <>

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